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Akuma's double mission

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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:31 pm

Kratos watched as Akuma pounced on the hidden stranger, as he fell out of the bushes. He sighed, seeing as it was just a silly teenager. He looked as if he were carrying all sorts of junk. He assumed he was a scout of some sort. He was wearing the same type of clothing as the rogues were. Kratos released his fire, making it disperse from a gust of wind. He walked over to Akuma and the boy, kneeling down beside him. "Well, what do we have here?"He asked and smirked, "So, what might be your name, kiddo?"He teased and stuck his tongue out. Kratos himself was accually around 120 years old, but he was known to be only 26. He waited for the kid to answer him.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:35 pm

"I c..can't..t..tell you...hey!" He glared at Kratos when he stuck out his tounge and stuck out his own back at him.
Akuma was getting rather annoyed and took on a darker approach and lifted a claw to his throat. "Let me make things clear boy, you get one chance, tell us your name and were your boss is hiding and you live, refuse and this claw will be the last thing you will see and feel. Got it?" She kept her expresion blank and voice level, this seemed possativly evil, not having done anything like this before she assumed it was just in her blood. Her tail waved mennicingly behind her and Valkon sat down to the side watching the three.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:47 pm

Kratos laughed and started to make funny faces at the boy, provoking him. He stopped once he saw the weird look Akuma gave him, but chuckled silently to himself. He stood up, looking down at the boy. "I'd do what she says, if I were you."He told him in a cold, harsh voice. He cracked his fingers and popped his neck, getting rid of those tight muscles. He took out a kunai, as he put his finger through the hole and began to spin it around his finger, waiting patiently for the boy to answer her.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:49 pm

The boy yelped and passed out under her and she picked him up, leaning him against a tree and taking out a length of rope and tied him to it. "When he wakes up we'll get the answers out of him.." Her expression softened. "Think I over did it a little?" She asked Kratos. Valkon sat next to the boy and gave a very wolfish grin and lay down.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:05 am

Kratos watched the boy pass out and shook his head. He sighed softly and looked down at Akuma. He looked up at the sky, as it was getting darker as the sun was setting. He sat down and shook his head, "He was just scared shitless."He laughed and crossed his legs, "He will wake up soon, dont worry."He told Akuma and watched the sun set down slowly, making colorful waves in the air of red and gold, some pink in there as well. He laid on his back, still able to see the beautiful sunset. He looked into the sky and began to think. He thought deeply. He thought about the Chuunin exams, wondering what had happened during them. He was getting slightly homesick, but had to do this mission with her or else she would be totally lost and helpless.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:13 am

The boy woke up and Akuma turned to face him and he went white as a sheet and started blabbing as quick as possable. "I don't know anything the gaurds at the boss's tower wont tell anyone anything and we never actually get to see the boss, he just sends a messanger out and tells us what to do otherwise we get put in cells and forgotten about." He paused for breath and looked away.
Akuma cut the rope and looked at him with a hard expression. "Think about running back down there and i'll throw you down there myself are we clear?" The boy nodded and ran in the opposite direction, heading back to mist. "Ready to go Kratos?" Valkon stood up and barked at him too and stood on the cliff's edge.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:15 pm

Kratos turned his head to the boy while he was talking, listening very closely and taking in as much information as he could. It wasnt enough, but it will have to do. He sat up and looked at Akuma, then Valkon. He nodded his head and stood up, stretching his arms as he yawned. The sky had been dark now, as stars began to show up. He spoke out softly, "Where should we make our entrace?"He asked, as he wanted to know what they were going to barge into, or sneek over and into the village. He cracked his neck, looking down at Valkon as he patted his head with a grin.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:40 pm

"From here we can take the southern gate, there are only three gaurds there and it isnt far from the building we need to target, we don't want to cause an uproar otherwise it will be pointless." She smiled at him and prepared to jump down the slope, her tail flickered in anticipation.
Valkon crouched down too planning his course down the steep slope as best he could.
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:47 pm

Kratos nodded to her. "We need to make it short and sweet. Knock out the guards before they call for back up."He told her, focusing chakra to his feet, getting in position. "Remember... Stay in the shadows."He winked at her with a chuckle, "Race you down!"He said playfully, as he slid down wards, making sure he didnt hit any large rocks while the chakra focused to his feet made it to where he would stay on the ground. He bent down his body, putting his right hand out and his left hand in back of him, making it look as if he were skating down the slope. He was sure to be quiet and not make as much noise as he slid, not wanting to catch the attention of the guards.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:59 pm

Akuma laughed quietly and lept forward, not touching the slope untill she was at least halfway down, even then her feet and hands only touched the ground breiflt before she propelled herself forwards again, not making a single sound. Her tail kept her on balance as she sped down, Valkon close at her heels, hit three paws barely making contact with the ground as he ran beside her and Kratos.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:09 pm

Kratos smiled as he looked over at Akuma, as he came to a stop, a cloud of dust behind him. He looked at the large entrance, as he looked upwards. He saw that there was atleast three or four guards dazing off, up on the top of the wall, walking back and forth. He looked at her, as he raised his hand, telling her to stay where she is. He was going to handle the first two, leaving two for her. He smirked and climped up the door, in the shadow. He used his chakra to his hands and feet to stay on the wall. Kratos leaped ontop of one of the guards, once he came in range. He launched his foot out to where it hit his neck, causing a knock out from the damaged jugular vein. As he was still in air, he kicked off from the falling guard, and roundhouse kicked the second guard in the back of the head, causing him to go flying downwards and off the wall. This was all in one, silent, fluint move.
He smiled and stuck on the side of the wall, using his feet. He waited for Akuma to do her part.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Mar 12, 2009 8:15 pm

Akuma lept up from behind Kratos and used her demon claw jutsu to cut off the other two gaurd's chakra in their heads, causing them to pass out, they would be fine but out of it for at least three hours. She landed on top of the wall and waited for Valkon to jump up next to her and lept down the other side, staying in the shadows to reach their goal. She used her tail to beckon Kratos to follow and peeked around the corner of the closest building to the tower, seeing two gaurds at the door and two archers on the balconny above them.
Valkon looked up and nosed her hand and sat down next to her, enjoying a quick scratch from her then facing the gaurds again.
Whispering Akuma turned to Kratos. "Any good with long range weapons?"
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:19 am

Kratos watched closely at Akuma's successful attack. She seemed to have the courage to knock them both out without any help. That was a true skill to kill two guards in one hit. He followed behind Akuma, Valkon at their side, as they made way to the large building. It seemed that the tower was guarded as well, not a surprise. Kratos heared Akuma's question as he chuckled softly, staying in the shadows of a house. "I can do long range.."He told her. He didnt have any specific weapons that were long ranged, but he could certainly throw a kunai just as straight as a pole. He took out 3 Kunai, seeing as there were 3 guards. Placing two between his right hand in his fingers, and one on his left, he began to wait until they stood still. 'Now!'He thought as he threw the kunai all at once. They all hit directly into their necks. Percise accuracy.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:47 pm

Akuma smirked and bolted forward, whispering before she did. "Quick before someone notices." Valkon dashed in through the doors at her side and she waited against the wall for Kratos, She steadied her breathing and pulled out a kunai, regretting slightly that she forgot to bring her warhammer, although it might have hindered the speed of the mission.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:57 pm

Kratos watched as Akuma and Valkon dashed off inside of the building, following them from behind. He focused chakra to his feet in an instant, as he ran up the wall and to the roof. He looke down at them, as she stayed against the wall with a kunai for protection. He didnt hear any rumble whatsoever. It seemed that the kill was a silent, unknown one to the guards that were slacking off inside of the rooms of the buildings. He heared clacking of feet, knowing it was someone coming their way. His hair made it to where it was very noticable, as he pulled it upwards and held it to his back, waiting for the guard to pass by, trying to be unnoticed.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Mar 14, 2009 7:14 pm

Akuma nodded up at Kratos once the coast was clear and made her wai inside and took the stairs two at a time, Valkon close at her heels. Dodging a couple of gaurds as they passed she ducked inside an empty room, or she thought it was empty. Against the backwall was another gaurd, taller and more muscular than the rest had been. Valkon growled and Akuma turned to see what at.
Following the wolf's gaze she met the eyes of the gaurd and had to bite her lip to avoid making a sound of surprise. He lunged forward with a pike and narrowly missed her as she jumped and dug her claws into the ceiling to avoid the sharp weapon. As he looked up she thrust both legs down at his face and he stumbled backwards, yowling in pain. Cursing herself silently she jumped down and dug her claws into his throat, clenching tightly. His face paled and his eyes began to roll back into his head. Feeling a wave of guilt she let him go and he fell to his knees. As he gasped for air and looked up at her and Valkon he didn't know what to make of the situation and fainted.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:26 pm

Kratos watched as Akuma darted into a room, which had about 1 or 2 guards in it. He decided to await outside of the room just in case anymore guards came in there. All he saw were the shadows of the wolf, Akuma, and the guards. It seemed that Akuma's inner anger played into the game and gave the man hardly any mercy. Blood slipped out of the room, as he saw a trail of it lead to the hallways. Kratos watched as she exited the room, falling down and landing on his feet as a cat would. He walked up to Akuma and nodded his head to her, "Goodjob."He told her and followed her out of the room. "The more you use your anger and rage... The more powerful your attacks and intents will be."He told her and walked up to a large door with some locks on it. He looked up, reading the sign above the door. "リーダー" it said, translating to "Leader".

"I'll attack the leader directly.. Follow behind and attack whomever attacks me."He whispered, putting his hand on the chains of the door, and focusing Katon chakra to his hand. His hand became inflammed and it melted the chain. He smirked and took off the chains, and kicked open the door. He charged into the room and turned his head to a large man, who was suited in armour. A hat he had said a few things in Kanji, but didnt have the time to read it. He made a series of handsigns and ended them, blowing out a large jet of fire which had bursted the window on the other side of the room. This was all in one fluint move, which had caught the weak leader in the flames. A few seconds later, the embers were gusted away by wind that came through the window and burning hole in the tower.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Mar 14, 2009 8:36 pm

Akuma breathed out heavily as Kratos came to her side, then snapped harshly. "I don't want my anger and rage to be my strength!" She quickly changed her expression and remained silent up the stairs and into the leader's room. She watched Kratos pull off his technique without a hitch or any change in his expresion or heartbeat and sighed. She saw two gaurds running up the stairs and threw the kunai she had been holding at one, while Valkon lept up and bit into the throat of the other, all three bodies tumbled back down the stairs. Valkon came running back up, blood all over his face and panting slightly. She smiled at him and ran into the room to help Kratos, taking a flying kick at the leader who had tried to run for the door on the right. "OH NO YOU DON'T!"
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:55 pm

Kratos turned his head to Akuma as he watched her take down the guards. He thought he had killed the leader, until he watched the man escape away. 'Dammit..'He thought and ran to catch him, as he unexpectedly saw Akuma kick him away from the door. He smirked and jumped ontop of the leader, pinning him down. "This ends now.."He said deeply and laughed deeply. He then pulled out a kunai and slashed his throat. He smiled and got off the man, leaving his body in a puddle of crimson blood. "Lets go."He smiled and looked over to her. Kratos walked out of the room and slowly walked down the hallway.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 15, 2009 6:38 pm

Akuma nodded, wanting to get out of here as quickly as possable and followed, alowing Valkon to sniff around quickly and catch up with them. As they ran down the stairs they knocked gaurds out of the way and quickly got out of the building, many other men swarming towards them, only the southern path they came from remained clear. "South road, now." She commanded and bolted for the allyway as quick as possable, Valkon at her heels once again.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:19 pm

Kratos knocked down any guards that had been trying to stop them as they bashed through the hallways in a sprint. The guards hit the wall and either got up and ran after them, or passed out. Kratos smirked as they ran out the building door that they had entered from. He looked at the southern gate; it was clear. He nodded his head to Akuma's command and whispered, "We will be out on sea by sunrise."He said and ran towards the gate, taking a leap over it as he landed on his feet, waiting for Akuma and Valkon to do the same.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 15, 2009 8:46 pm

Akuma smirked and lept at the gate, using her blades to drive into the wood and pull herself up. Valkon could not climb and whimpered at the bottom, turning to see men running after him and throwing kunai at him. Looking down at him Akuma jumped and deflected the kunai, one hitting her in the shoulder. She winced at the blade peirced her skin and pulled it out with a growl and flung it back at the one who threw it. She quickly used a series of handsigns to summon her jutsu and sent a shockwave of a roar at the onslought of men rushing at her, sending them back. Satisfied she scooped up Valkon and again jumped up the gate, pulling herself up using the claws on her feet and the blades on her wrists. "Kratos! Catch!" With a grunt she threw Valkon up at him, a look of total surprise and confusion on his wolfish face.
Akuma jumped the rest of the way to the top.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:13 pm

Kratos waited on the other side of the gate until the earth shook for a few seconds, knowing it was probably one of Akuma's jutsu. He suddenly watched the wolf be flung over the wall, as Kratos snapped out of shock and put his arms out, catching the wolf. He fell over and down, knocking the wind out of himself. He gasped for breath and pushed the wolf off of him, as he took a few deep breaths. "You're welcome."Kratos said with a laugh as he stood up and brushed himself off. He looked up at Akuma as she stood at the top of the gate. "Meet you to the boat!"He shouted and dashed off into the woods, getting back to the boat in which they came in.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:19 pm

Valkon had followed Kratos and kept an eye behind them, waiting for Akuma to arrive.
She looked back and threw several kunai with explosive tags on them. They bit into the foundations of nearby buildings and sent them crubling down, barracading the path. As the explosion blasted past her she jumped and sprinted towards the boat, going down to all fours to push her speed to double that of her two legged sprint. Skidding on the sand and forgetting about the water for a moment she lept into the boat next to Kratos and helped Valkon get in too. "Ok go." She panted and heaved a great sigh. She did it, she completed her mission, with help of course and she smiled to herself.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission - Page 4 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 9:27 pm

Kratos smiled as he saw Akuma leap into the boat with him, as he cut the rope that attached the front of the boat to the pole. He took the oars and began to push and pull them, leaving the bay and going out into the ocean in a matter of seconds. He smiled at Akuma and Valkon. "You guys did good."He praised them as he worked the oars. He looked at the map that was open and on the bottom of the boat, making sure he was going the right way out. "Estimating... About 3 hours to get from Mist to Suna."He told her and looked to see what she was doing.
Shin Uchiha
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