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Akuma's double mission

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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:01 pm

Kratos awoke and rolled over, standing gently on his two feet. He could sense the chakra from far away. It seemed powerful. Maybe because there were two chakra systems that he could feel. He shook Mr.Won's shoulder and he woke up, as he whispered in his ear, "Stay quiet, and stay with me."He then helped the man up and made a signal to tell him to stay where he is. Kratos then lurched behind some bushes, sinking down as he watched the men fight with Akuma. He was going to give her a chance to fight before Kratos had to step in, or if he did. He believed in her, as he knew she was stronger than anyone thought. Her chakra level was strong, so she could really last for quite a while if she was in a battle. Kratos slowly took out a kunai, as he threw it to the man, whispering to him from afar to use it to defend himself if anymore tries to sneak up on them. Kratos took out a kunai as well.
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:07 pm

Akuma growled and stood up quicker than her attacker anticipated and used her demon claw and struck him in the chest, trickles of blood stained his shirt before it became totaly saturated. She raised her fist and punched him full force in the face, sending him over the bushes she was hiding in and halfway over a sand dune. Turning around quickly she saw a shadowy figure behind Kratos, holding a long katana over his head. Reacting quickly she threw her own kunai at it and shouted. "KRATOS BEHIND YOU!"
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:04 pm

Kratos turned his head as he felt the presence of something else behind him. He swiftly moved his kunai above him, as the Katana went down to slash Kratos' body. He then forced his arm to move in the opposite direction, knocking the Katana's blade away and for the man's arm to force backwards. He stood up and jabbed the man in the face, as the man fell down. It seemed that the emence chakra that Kratos used just then had enough to knock the man down, and out. He turned around to Akuma, seeing if she was alright or not. He didnt see a man around her, as he thought that she might have taken him down. "You alright?"He shouted with his hands cupped around his mouth, trying to get a responce to see where she is, and if she was hurt or not.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:14 pm

Akuma shouted back. "Were is Mr. Won?!" She kept her face hidden from veiw, so Kratos wouldn't worry, but she was sure he might be able to smell the blood soon.
Mr. Won was nervous and jumped at every sound, not noticing another guy comeing towards him, when he heared Kratos shout he jumped back and swung the kunai, slicing the guy's throat and drop dead. "Oh Dear..."
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:29 pm

It seemed that both the rogue ninja were dead, as Kratos looked back at Mr.Won. He seemed to be fine, but alittle shooken up. Kratos then moved alittle to the right and left, trying to find Akuma. He sniffed a bit, as he smelt blood. His spirit like sences were activated, as he was finally lead to her. "Hey, come on back to the site."He told her, but then looked at the scar on her face. It looked pretty deep, so he walked over to her and put his hand on her cheek, "Let me heal that for you."He said with a gentle smile, reaching into his pocket to bring out a gauge pad. He then softly placed it on the cut, then taped it to her cheek, making sure it didnt fall off. It would heal the wound in a matter of hours, as some medical chakra was surging through it already. He smiled and kissed his finger, putting it on the taped up wound, "All better."He grinned and waited for her responce.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:33 pm

Akuma started to blush and thanked whoever it was up there that is was dark or she would have died of embarrasment. "Thanks Kratos...Is Mr. Won ok?"
Mr. Won staggered over to them and muttered. "I'm fine, but I'd rather not stay here." He held onto a tree for support and groaned.
She looked up at him and frowned. "I agree, more will come as soon as they find them missing, lets get the stuff and continue, it should be easier at night, since it is cooler..." She made her way past them and packed up the stuff, ready to move on, putting Mr. Won's arm over her shoulders to help him walk.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:45 pm

Kratos smiled and nodded his head, "No problem."He then grabbed Mr.Won's other arm, putting it over his own shoulder. He didnt even know why the man needed help walking. He did nothing but slit a man's throat. It seemed quite odd that he would be shooken up as if he lost so much energy. It didnt matter, Kratos just wanted to get out of this desert, and that was his main goal. He reached into his pocket and took out a map, opening it up with one hand and then letting go to the man's hand from the supporting. He pointed to where they were, "We are here... And Mist is over there."He then pointed to Mist, which was an island. "We need to go to a harbour and take a boat to the Water country."He suggested, as he put the map in his pocket, and took out a more political one, that had almost everything on it, as he opened it and pointed to where they were again, "If we travel a few miles to the East, and we will be to the closest one."He smiled as he put it away, beginning to direct them there.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:59 pm

Akuma made a small noise showing she heared him and directed them to follow his directions. "You holding up ok Mr. Won?" She looked up at him and he was as white as a sheet.
"I'm...ok, just, have." He swallowed hard and took a few shaky breaths. "Small phobea of blood..." He finished, starting to walk a little with them.
"That would explain your condition then, you did very well, sorry we couldn't come back to you as quickly as we should have, we are two people short of a team." She smiled appologeticly and kept going.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:12 pm

Kratos chuckled a bit and looked over to Mr.Won, "You're scared of blood, when its running through you?"He shook his head as he chuckled again, and then looked forward, "Well, Mr.Won, we are things you call a Shinobi. Either you get used to seeing blood spill everywhere around you by us, or you just get over it. We arent going to be held back by a man scared of blood."He smirked as he told off the man. He wasnt going to be held back fighting for this guy if he cant even stand the sight of his own liquids running through him. He then cracked his neck and continued to walk towards the harbour, still not being able to see it, but they would soon if they walked for about an hour or so.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:14 pm

After a few minutes Mr. Won was walking on his own and keeping up with Akuma and Kratos. He was muttering to himself about business and whatnot and yawned heavily.
Akuma kept touching the pad on her nose and cheek, mostly out of habbit now. The sun was peeking over the horizon and the harbour came into veiw and the water looked like liquid saphire. She yawned too, not having had any sleep since they started this mission, her tail was stained red were she had counter attacked the rouge last night, it dragged along the sand in a lazy sweeping pattern. "Almost there, once we are on the boat we should be safe for a while..." She gave the water a skeptic look as they neared the harbor.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:32 pm

Kratos had been walking beside now, that Mr.Won could walk on his own. It seemed his words really woke him up and made him come to his sences. He cracked his neck and began to see a little light. The little light shined down on a house, it seemed to look like. "I see the harbour!"He accounced softly to them, not wanting to wake up any animals who would attack them out of no where. He then ran up to the small house, seeing that a man who worked with some of the boats, asleep. He tapped on the desk, making the man wake up. Kratos had told the man they needed a boat to sail off to the water country. The man told them it was boat 342. Kratos thanked the man and walked on the dock, as he looked for the boar number, "Found it guys!"He annouced and leaped into the boat. It seemed to be big enough to hold about 10 people in it. He then held his arms out, attempting to help Akuma in it.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Mar 07, 2009 2:53 pm

Akuma had to close her eyes and jump in to the boat, holding onto Kratos as she did so, still not having gotten over her fear of water. Mr. Won stepped in and sat down, looking tired and groggy. "Right so we're off now then I take it?" He asked to no one in particular.
Akuma grabbes the oars and looked at Kratos. "I can keep going for a while, you can relax for a while." She smiled and unhooked the rope, holding them to the harbor and began rowing.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:12 pm

Kratos smiled as he let her jump into his arms, as he knew she was probably alittle scared of water. She acted like a cat, so he figured she had the fear of water. He then sat down and yawned a bit, as he looked at her, putting his backpack down on the boat's bottom. He watched her row the boat, as he handed her a map to show where they were and how far away it was. "If you get tired, I'll take the rowing for you."He told her with a smile, as he looked around, then over the boat as the fish swam by them.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:33 pm

akuma smled back and looked at the map and adjusted their direction a little, picking up the spead a little. Mr. Won just slid his hat over his eyes and fell asleep at the back of the boat.
After a few hours Akuma could feel herself getting fatigued and tapped Kratos gently on the shoulder. "Do you mind rowing for a little while?" She looked embarrased to ask him, her bandanna was around her neck now so her ears could prop up like they normally did.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:43 pm

Kratos was still wide awake as he watched the sky turn a light blue with yellow waves. It seemed the sun was coming up. They had spent about 4 or 5 hours on sea, that time just flew by. Kratos turned his head to Mr.Won and watched him fall asleep, but he didnt feel tired at all. He suddenly felt a light tapping on his shoulder and looked towards Akuma with a grin, "Sure."He told her, as he sat behind her and put his legs on either side of hers. He smiled as he looked over her shoulder, "Comfortable?"He asked in a soft whisper. He took the oars and began to row, taking his time so he wouldnt run out of evergy so quickly.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:00 pm

Akuma froze as he sat behind her, she could feel his body heat and was desperatly telling hers to move, but she was too tired to do so. Feeling so very comfortable with him her eyes closed and she lay her head back on his chest, a blush creeping over her face and her ears drooping as she relaxed. Her tail flicked at the tip as she fel into a deep sleep. Mr. Won lifted his hat a little and smiled at them, winking at Kratos before replacing his hat and saying nothing to them.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:10 pm

Kratos smiled down at her as he began to rock his body forwards and backwards, rowing the boat. Although she felt very light on him for some reason, as he pushed the oars forward, then dipped them back in while pushing them backwards, moving his body with him so he could both soothe Akuma and row the boat. He began to hum a soft song to keep him more occupied and not falling asleep. He looked to the side and down, taking a glance at the map. He was going the right way as he smiled, knowing a short cut. It was just a short amount of time before they ended up near Kirigakure, and near the great Naruto Bridge. The bridge would be big and colorful enough for them to spot it when they get close enough.
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:21 pm

ooc: This is gonna be a dream sequence so none of this is happening. And as she dreams she moves a little, her expressions in the dream show on her face in reality too.

Akuma awoke to find the boat had hit land but no one was around, no footprints were in the sand as she looked over the side of the boat, and she couldn't catch the scent of Kratos or Mr. Won. Worried she jumped out of the boat and looked around the beach, but finding nothing and no one there. After an hour or so's walk she noticed she had come back to the boat. "So its a small island..oh no, we went the wrong way!" Frowning at the unfortunate incident she headed inland through the tropical looking trees. There wasn't any wind wich was unusual, one would think a small island would get plenty of sea breezes.
All of a sudden it went very dark and she couldn't see anything except for her immediate vision. Trying to smell the air for anyone other than herself she stood up. Nothing. No other living creature was here, not a bird, or even a crab was nearby.
Suddenly her legs felt very cold, looking down she saw water rising past her knees. Panicking she struggled to find a tree, but none were there anymore, just water, no boat no sand. Struggling to keep her head out of the water she flailed around madly, closing her eyes tight shut and breathing irraticly. She gritted her teeth and growled with fear, something warm was pulling her down, she didn't like it and tried to kick it, but hit nothing.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:26 pm

Kratos suddenly felt Akuma begin to kick and move a bit, as he looked down at her immediantly, stopping his actions. He put his arms around her and whispered in her ear, "Akuma! Akuma! Wake up!"He knew she was dreaming, as she was probably having a nightmare or just a bad dream. She was sweating a bit, but it was a cold sweat. Kratos was very concerned, as he cupped his hand, dipping it in the water, and then splashed it on her face. He did this a few times, as the water was cold enough to wake her up. He held her close in his arms, shaking her a bit. He kept her close to his secure body, as he waited for her to responde to his actions. He kept repeating to her, "Wake up, its just a dream." to her until she woke up.
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:41 pm

Akuma's eyes flew open and seeing Kratos's face she closed them again and clung to him tightly, digging her head into the crook of his arm, shivering slightly. "I..I'm so sorry. I shouldn't let this happen...its not what shinobi do..." Suddenly feeling very vulnerable she wrapped her tail around his leg, just to make sure he didn't dissapear like he did in her dream.
Mr. Won was looking over at her concerned. "Everything orite there lass?" He said a bit thickly.
Akuma nodded but didn't look at him, just tried not to cry, but without succssess, tears rolled down her cheeks silently and onto Kratos's shirt. "I'm so sorry..."
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:47 pm

Kratos chuckled softly as he patted her back and moved his hand up and down, soothing and comfortably. "No need to be sorry. Nothing happened, we are still here, im not going anywhere."He smiled down at her, wrapping his arms more securely and warmingly, trying to make her feel safe. He didnt know what her dream was about, but he knew something bad must have happened to him. He wiped her tears away with his thumb, as he kissed her forehead, "Shhhhh..."He whispered to her and smiled softly, "Dont be sad, im here."He repeated to her, showing her that everything would be alright no matter what happened. They were almost to Kirigakure as it was, just about a mile away, but still stopped in the sea.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:53 pm

Akuma sniffed and sat back away from Kratos, not letting him see her eyes. Saying nothing she stayed there untill they hit the shores of Mist. She jumped onto the sand happily and waited for Kratos and Mr. Won to get off the boat. She had pulle dherself back together and put on a fake smile. Her dream had shaken her up more than she was willing to admit, waving her tail franticly.
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stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:34 pm

Kratos watched Akuma slowly scoot away from his comfort, knowing she probably just needed the space. He kept rowing the boat until they reached Kirigakure. He docked off, landing on the sandy doom in the area of the Kiri harbour. Kratos stepped off the boat and helped Mr.Won off, then tying the rope from the front of the boat to a wooden post. He tied it securely so the boat wouldnt go anywhere while they were gone. He then walked up to Akuma with a soft smile, putting his arm around her shoulder, leaning down and whispering, "You'll be aright?"He smiled, wanting to know she would be alright. He didnt want to ask about her dream, not wanting to upset her.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:42 pm

Akuma smiled back up at him and motioned for Mr. Won to catch up, they headed for town were they would drop Mr. Won off at his office building and then complete her second mission whilst she was there.
Mr. Won more or less lead them around, seeing as he lived here and knew the place well, he was whistling some tune or another, not able to keep to one for very long.
They stopped outside an impressive building and Akuma waved goodbye to Mr. Won, he waved back and shook her hand, and offered it to Kratos. "You take care of yourselves now you hear?"
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stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission - Page 2 Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:55 pm

Kratos looked at the enormous house; it was very impressive. He stared at it for a few moments, until he snapped out of the daze and looked down at Mr.Won's hand. He smiled and gratefully shook his hand, a respectful emotion in his eyes. "Take care, as well."He told the man, as he closed the door and went on with his own business. Kratos looked down at Akuma and asked, "So, now what?"He was curious if she needed to take on another mission, or if it was the only one she had to do. He looked around at Kirigakure, taking a whif of the fresh, misty like air. He didnt know how people could live with such thick air, but he guessed it was just becuase they were born here.
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