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Mission No. 1: The Spar

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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:06 pm

As the sun arose early in the morning, Kratos just had taken a few naps to settle his stressing mind of many many things. He got out of bed and dressed himself in his usual heavy-weight clothing. In a matter of minutes, he was ready. He remembered that he was going to do something special with his new student, as he grabbed some gauge pads and medical wrap from his drawers in a closet. He also grabbed some anti-burn just in case he hurt him too badly. He was infact ready now to go. Kratos left his house and locked the door, looking back at the sign that said "Kangai Yoshimaru Residence" as he chuckled softly and walked away. He was going to Klano's house now.

Kratos smiled as the civillians said their goodmornings to him as they all passed by, getting out of the marketplace part of the village. He started to go past the numbered houses, remembering Klano's by heart. "542" He whispered as he went past 541, looking at Klano's house now. Kratos walked up to Klano's door and knocked silently. He waited a few minutes and no answer. He knocked again, but harder to make it louder. He waited again.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:17 pm

Klano woke up to a loud knock. He had fallen asleep late last night thinking about his training the next morning, and what kind of techniques that his uncle Kratos was able to use. "Shit, it's already time?!" Klano said with a start, throwing his covers off of himas fast as he could. He hopped out of bed and went to his drawer. He heard another knock, a louder one.

Klano opened the drawer and picked out his clothes for today, quite meracoulously. He rushed to put them on, and then hopped on one foot to the door, as he was putting his other shoe on. He opened the door, and greeted his uncle. His hair was pretty messed up today, but he didn't care. He was eager to train.


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:26 pm

Kratos chuckled softly as he heared Klano mess around upstairs, hearing the child hop downstairs. As the door opened, he examined the one footed shinobi. His hair was messed up but he was decently dressed for this. He put his hand on the boy's head and began to experiment with his hair, making it smoother and fixed to where it would normally look. "Alright, well, you ready now?"He asked as he looked down at the boy. He was going to have to spar against his sensei. Kratos wanted to know what this boy could do and his skill, intelligence, and stamina levels were. "If you're wondering what we are doing today, lets just say Uncle Kratos is going to take you to the park."He chuckled and turned around, and began walking off the boy's houses footsteps and into the pavemented street of the section in Konoha.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:35 pm

Klano felt a bit embarresed, having to have his hair fixed for him. He quickly put on his other shoe, then rushed down the porch stairs. The nice village of Konaha had provided him with his own house, and a nice one at that. Upon climbing down the steps, he wondered what he meant by "Lets just say Uncle Kratos is going to take you to the park." Klano thought they would do something a little more.. I don't know.. Ninja-ish. Sparring, missions, spying? Going to the park seemed like childs play. But maybe Klano was taking things a bit to literally. Klano pushed his hand through his hair, then looked at Kratos, who seemed to be walking ahead and looking straight. "So.." Klano began to ask. "What will we be doing at the park?"


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:46 pm

Kratos walked slowly until Klano caught up with him, but then turned down the street to where the sparring grounds would be, just outside the gates. He hummed a tune as if he were ignoring the boy, seeing as Klano was walking beside him. He finally decided to answer the boy as he turned his head to him, "Your first mission."He simply said, no details in it. He wanted it to become a secret and for Klano to find out for himself. Kratos pointed ahead at a sign that said "Open field", which that is where they will be sparring against eachother. "I really hope you came prepared."He said and winked at Klano, walking a bit faster as he wanted to get there as soon as possible. The sun was just now raising.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:52 pm

First mission? In the park? Sounded a bit odd to Klano, but he would have to trust his uncle's sanity. He had to run to cath up with his sensei now, wondering why he was walking so fast. He slowed down once he entered the open fields, looking around in every direction. Klano knew what was going on now, or so he thought. "Do you wish to spar me uncle?" Klano asked curiosly. He was pretty sure it was, he had heard this to be the training fields. Klano put a hand on his sword, that his "disceased" uncle had given him. He was ready to battle, like always, but he was unsure if he could match his sensai's ability.


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:02 pm

Kratos grinned as he and his student stood in the field, feeling the breeze of fresh, morning air hit them. The wind blew his long, red hair, as he kept it from going everywhere by putting his hand on his head. He turned around and faced his nephew, nodding to him. "You're right."He said and smirked. Kratos leaped backwards and continued to stay infront of him. He took out three kunai from his leg pouch, then threw them directly towars Klano. He wanted to test his reflecting abilities and how long it would take him to dodge them all. Kratos wondered about his defence skills, so he knew he would be able to form the Kangai sword into some sort of shield.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:21 pm

That was an unexpected move, but Klano had gained superior reflexes over years of training. He had also grown quite a custom to his sword, which was able to transform into other weapons. Klano swung his sword out in front of him, transforming it at the same time. Directly in front of him now, blocking his uncles attack, was a shield made of dense wood. With a forward swing of the shield, Klano was able to push the kunai out of his way, not harming him or his weapon. Klano then began transforming his weapon again, this time, to something else. It was a bow, with a sharp wooden tipped arrow inside the quiver. He shot it at Kratos, knowing that he could block it. It was more of a distraction.

Klano ran back behind a tree, and began to use his jutsu. He kneeled down, and performed some hand-signs. "Moku Bunshin" Klano whispered from behind the tree. Slowly, wooden roots formed from the left side of Klano's body. After a few seconds, he was able to create a spitting image of himself. Not only did it look exactly like him, it was powerful. Unlike normal bunshin, it would take a few hard hits to kill this moku bunshin. A strong hit would destory a part of his body, revealing the wooden inside. The bunshin could use all the same Mokuton techniques as Klano could. Klano sent his bunshin out from behind the tree, trying to make it seem like the bunshin was the real Klano. The Moku bunshin had one hand behind his back in a sign state.


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:31 pm

Kratos watched as he had mastered the art of transforming his sword into different objects. He was quite impressed by this move much. He then crouched down, dodging the incoming wood arrow. The arrow was not cut out perfectly, so it curved a bit to the side as he dodged, which was a good avantidge for Kratos. He sprung upwards, seeing as Klano left. He waited a few minutes and watched as what it seemed to be, Klano coming from behind a tree. In his own past experiances, he knew that if you came from hiding behind a tree, it was a clone itself, trying to trick you. "You cant fool me, Klano!"He shouted and made a few handsigns, as a clone poofed from the side of him. The clone was a fire clone, which would dominate over wood. The clone had atleast 25% of his own chakra put into it, but Kratos began to slowly regenerate his own chakra.

The clone ran towards the wood clone, as the fire clone expelled fire from his palm, putting it near the wood clone. If this would work, the wood clone would start to burn very slowly.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:45 am

Klano could see everything going on behind his tree. He peered from the left side, watching a flame type clone go in for an attack against his wooden clone. Klano knew his Moku Bunshin was not flame resistant. As a matter of fact, he was about the most vulnerable thing in the world, besides gasoline, when it came to fire. Klano also knew that he wouldn't be able to stop the oncoming attack. It was destined to hit his bunshin. And it did, leaving a large burn mark on the clone, and a small starting fire. But their was a way to stop his clone from burning to a crisp.

Klano once again performed a couple of hand-signs, then proceeded stuck his hand straight up into the air. Water began forming in a sphere like shape over his hand. After only a few seconds, the water sphere was large, and forming whisps of small water. This was Klano's Suiryuuben technique. It could seek and impale his targets with medium sized whisps of water, and that would be extremely effective in this situation.

Klano was becoming extremely skilled with this technique as he used it through the years. It was good for many things, including seeking out his target. But for this situation, it would serve as an extinguisher, and an elemental advantage. Klano made sure to divide the shisps of water he sent from the sphere. Some would be gentle and massy, as to quickly extinguish the fire on Klano's bunshin, while the others would be dense and quick. Klano's bunshin was cooled down, and he jumped away from the clone, releasing his technique that he was originally about to perform.

"Wooden pillars jutsu." the bunshin said quietly. In front of the real Kratos Aurion, you could hear the ground rumbling. Suddenly, a pillar flew from the ground at high speeds, angled to hit his uncle's torso.


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 08, 2009 9:44 am

Kratos watched as water whips came from behind a certain tree, knowing the real Klano was behind that exact one. He smiled, but then felt that the ground was shaking just slightly underneath him, which just gave away the jutsu that the clone had casted apon him. Kratos lept up, as a pillar of wood came after him. He put one foot ontop of that pillar, going with it as it kept going up. Kratos's clone took out its Flamberge, as Kratos did the same. It was time to get upclose and personal with his student now.

Running down the pillar, Kratos made sure that no more pillars were going to keep coming up, skipping a bit in his movement to avoid any of them. The fire clone came from Klano's right, as the real Kratos came from Klano's left. There wasnt much that the boy could do not but run forwards. Kratos pulled back his Flamberge, his clone shadowing him and doing the same. Once close enough, Kratos swung his sword to the right, as his clone did the same. "Scissoring Impulse!"They both shouted, but their attack was much slower than the usual attack; He didnt want to cut off Klano's head.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:39 pm

Upon witnessing the events from beyond the tree, Klano knew that his position was revealed. He heard the footsteps of his sensei, and another set of footsteps, which he assumed to be the fire clone. He prepared his move with some hand-signs. As his two opponents came on both sides of him, he stomped his left foot strongly into the ground. Then quickly, a wooden sphere came from the ground, and flew Klano up into the air, just as the swords would cut his head clean off. The two swords chopped the end off of Klano's wooden orb, making it a bit unbalanced.

While this was happening, Klano's wooden clone sped behind his uncles clone, tracing his steps. As the two swords swung at Klano, the wooden bunshin utilized the same attack as before. The Wooden pillars technique. Now, it came a bit more unexpected, and at the clone this time. First, the fire clone didn't have eyes in the back of his head. Secondly, he was swinging his sword at the moment, he couldn't have stopped on a dime to somehow block the attack. The wooden pillar flew at the clones back, and if penetrating it, would carry on to impale Kratos himself.


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 08, 2009 2:13 pm

In the blink of an eye, Kratos and his clone's sword collided with his own clones. This was an akward and confusing moment for them both, as Kratos looked upwards to see Klano in the sky; he had escaped the attack. Although, suddenly, his clone was struck in the back by another wooden pillar that came from the wood clone of Klano's. The clone fell to the ground, as Kratos moved himself to position sideways, letting the pillar go straight past him. He then grabbed his clone and helped him up, dragging him behind the tree. The clone had much endurance, but it couldnt take alot of attacks. This is where Kratos got serious, he needed to eliminate the clone.

Kratos made a few handsigns quickly, as he jumped out from the side of the tree and infront of the clone. He exhailed a long jet of fire from his mouth, as his clone stood up and ran behind Kratos. The clone ran at Kratos, then jumped on his back and into the air. The fire clone jumped high enough to where he grabbed onto Klano's wooden orb in which he was standing on, and forced fire out from his hands, slowly burning its way through the wooden shell. The clone dropped down and hit the ground, waiting for their next attacks.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:05 pm

Klano watched, from 15 feet high, as his wooden clone was attacked. There was no hope for the clone. He couldn't ever survive a direct blast of fire like that, and still live. He was made of wood. As Klano watched his bunshin burn to a crisp, he barely noticed the ball of flaming wood directly under his feet. He instantly took action, jumping high up into the air. He then proceeded to come down with a kick to the wooden sphere with both feet. The ball was sent hurling down at Kratos like a meteor, and Klano now began to descend onto the ground.

As Klano fell, he performed more hand-signs, the proceeded to stick his arm straight down at the fire clone. The tip of a see-through missile could be seen coming from the palm of Klano's hand. This was his water missile technique. The missile began forming slowly from his hand, but once fully formed, it sped at extremely high speeds down toward the clone. The missile would only have a small impact, but the water would be super effective against the fire clone. Also considering that the fire clone was already weakened. Klano landed on his feet now, and drew his sword. He looked up to see how his uncle and his clone would deal with the attacks.


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Apr 09, 2009 3:21 pm

Once the embers cleared, all there was left of the wood clone was just ashes, as it dissappeared in a gust of wind. The real Kratos looked upwards to see what Klano was planning, as the wooden orb came pummeling down from the sky. Kratos crouched down, getting into position as he lept upwards towards the flaming orb of wood. Once he came into almost contact with it, head to it, he flipped in mid air and kicked the orb as if it were a ball. A full 360 flip he did, as he landed on his feet once he was done. The fire clone looked upwards as he watched Klano fall down, water bullets coming down from his hands. They were coming surprisingly fast towards him, as the clone was hit in the arm by a few, but using his agility to dodge the rest. The clone slowly began to smoke; it was melting ever so slowly as if you poured water all over a fire.

Kratos let his fire clone alone, knowing it would last just as much longer. He turned around, watching Klano draw his sword. He chuckled and drew his own sword once again, having to shealth it everytime he did a ninjutsu. He then came charging at Klano, his Flamberge beggining to heat up with fire chakra in the blade. He swung his blade at Klano once close enough, fire emitting from it.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:13 pm

Klano had to let his intelligence reign all over his instinct. Instinctively, he would have collided with his uncles sword, and parried it, but this was not the time. His wooden sword would have been burned by the fire of Kratos' Aurions fire sword. Klano found it quite ironic that his uncles spirit used the exact opposite of what Yoshimaru himself used. Klano leaned back, bending his only his knees, and performing a "matrix" type move. The flaming sword passed over him, and Klano could feel the intense heat as he stood in a bent position. Then, as the sword passed overhead, Klano sprung up, sword stuck out in front of him. If he were quick enough, he would pierce his uncles shoulder, while making sure for it to not be a fatal wound of course.


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Apr 13, 2009 8:44 pm

As Kratos stepped forward, swinging his flame-embled sword, it went right past Klano. He had bent over to avoid the sword attack, which was a very smart and smooth move for him. Kratos knew that he would have to react quickly, or get jabbed in the arm by a "Surprise" attack. He had secretly watched over Klano for years over time, as he knew his general fighting style thuroughly. He had closed his eyes, then opening them in a quick blink. He was in his "Deer mode" now. All he could hear, and see, were Klano's body moving against gravity as he sprung up, and his sword cutting air itself. Kratos was in slow motion, along with Klano. This was a mode he had worked on when he was in a serious and dangerous situation. He was not stopping time itself, his mind was just moving in a quicker, harder pace.

Kratos knew what to do as he saw himself in his own situation. He 'unstopped' time and turned his right foot, in a right circular motion, going along with his body. His free hand caught onto the blade of the Kangai sword. He smirked, knowing he had caught Klano in place. Before Klano could even react to this quick move and fluent move of his own, Kratos swiftly flung his sword near Klano's neck, then stopping it when the blade edge touched his skin. "I think we have done enough, Klano-oi."He said and chuckled, letting go of the boys sword.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:02 pm

Klano's neck had been singed a bit from the attack, although the sword had never even touched him. Like always, Klano showed no pain, and bowed to his uncle. "Good fight uncle," Klano muttered, brushing off his shirt. He was a little bit dirty, especially his knees. They were covered in dirt. He leaned over to brush his knees off, then proceeded to flow questions at his uncle once again. "I was surprised when you began using the fire element. I thought you would use wood, like my uncl- or, you.. or my uncle and y-- I meen, ugh. Like Yoshimaru would. He used mokuton. Anyways, what's next on the agenda?" Klano said, still excited to get more shinobi matters done. The sun was setting, and it was getting late.


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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:14 pm

Kratos chuckled as he put his two fingers up to himself, dispersing his fire clone. He shealthed his flamberge and waited for Klano to get done with brushing himself off. He bowed back while Klano was bowing, showing the same respect for him. Kratos fixed his hair and walked with Klano to enter the village once again. "Well, not all spirits of Shinobi are alike. I am from the Aurion clan, and bloodline. We are able to fuse our elements, Fire and Lightning, together to make Plasma. Now, Plasma is a very acidic substance, which is NOT to be played with."He started and grinned, he was going to explain as much as he can about himself. "I was accually "Made" In Kumogakure, which is where I get my lightning ability from."He stopped and turned his head to his nephew, smiling at him brightly. "Right now, we go and get some rest, and our next subject to complete will be to find ourselves another student."He told him and continued to stride around the streets of Konoha, "Got any questions?"
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 1: The Spar Empty Re: Mission No. 1: The Spar

Post by Lee Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:08 am

"Nope, none at all." Klano said, quite excited about the small mission tommorow. Klano had only been assigned to one team before, and that was during the chuunin exams. Shortly after the chuunin exams ended, he never saw them again. Shiko and Taichi Draw both went there seperate ways, as did Klano. Klano and his uncle took a walk home, with a beatiful scenery as the sun rose down below the mountains. Klano stopped when he reached the porch of his house. He waved good-bye to his uncle, saluting his uncle.

"See you tommorow, uncle Kratos!" said Klano, running up his steps then closing his door. He then ran to his dresser and slipped into his pajamas. He jumped into his bed and slipped under the covers like an excited boy on christmas eve. He couldn't wait for tommorow.


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