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Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:48 pm

Knowing what was going on just a bit, Kratos had very many paranoia urges. He couldnt sleep at night. He couldnt stop thinking about it. He could hardly eat. Much less, He couldnt stop training. His knuckles had scars on them, as he wore an eye patch over the right eye. He over used his Satan's eye in the process. Kratos had informed little about the situation with his two students, and today, they will get up close and personal with the opponents. Wearing his heaviest armour, sharpening his blade, and equipting himself with extra Kunai and Shuriken, he was definantly ready.. But was his students?

It was morning, and Kratos had left notes on Klano, and Hoshimaru's doors. It held as much information as they needed to know, and the location to where he wanted them to meet him, and when. He leaned against the entrance gate of Konoha, yawning and looking up into the sky. Sighing, he continued to wait for both of them.

OOC: If you read this first, post.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Lee Thu Jun 11, 2009 8:16 pm

Klano thought this to be another average day. His sensai and teamate, Hoshimaru, hadn't been on the next mission lately. He supposed that his spiritual uncle was thinking of a good 3rd reunition, for maybe this time it would be more serious. Upon waking up, he slipped on his battle clothes, just in case, like he did every morning. Then he went to the cupboard and got down some cerial. He was so tired, that when he poured his milk into the cerial, he began dazing off again. He woke up, startle a bit when the cold milk began dripping onto his lap. He shook his head furiosly, then went outside to get the towels he was drying out in the sun. Living on his own was harder then Klano thought it would be.

As he opened his door and jumped over his porch wall, he felt his hand ruffle over some paper. He was about to just let it go, and then continue trying to clean up his mess, but he descided to see what it was. He straightened the ruffled papaer, then took a look at it. He could already recognize the hand writing, and when he realized it was his uncle's, he was overwhelmed with excitement.

Dear Klano, I have another mission for you. Meet me by the Konaha gates, and don't bother to go get Hoshimaru. I gave him a note as well. Sincerely, your sensai, Kratos.

Klano jumped with excitement, an overly excited smile on his face. He had been waiting for this for a few weeks now, and it was finally here. His next mission. He slammed the note down on the porch wall and ran inside. He picked up his cereal bowl, no longer caring about the state of his clothes, or his messy table. He drank the entire bowl of cereal in one go, then wiped off his milk moustache and grabbed his items. He ran outside and slammed his door, still keeping a mental note of things he may have forgot. Nothing. He had locked the door and everything. Klano jumped down the stairs and into the streets of Konaha.

He didn't run, but merely walked very fast. If the other civilians and shinobi of Konaha saw a grown shinobi running, they would think something was wrong. Or maybe they would think he was crazy. After a while of walking, and at some points jogging, he reached the village gates. He could recognize the long red hair anywhere. It was his sensai, Kratos. Klano ran up to his uncle and was about to open his arms for a hug. Then he remembered that he was sixteen years old. He put his hands in his pocket and walked closer to his sensai.

"Hello uncle... have an interesting mission for us?"


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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Darkjagwar Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:26 am

Hoshimaru had decided to be better about his training now that he was living on his own because his father was constantly doing missions. At five o'clock in the morning, he woke up and made himself a breakfast of bacon, edemamae, and an apple. He rushed over to the training field in his newly made weighted training clothes in order to work on his speed and strength.

He started out simple. He went over to a tree and began punching and kicking it. He worked on some of his Taijutsu attacks and kept them up to par. Then he worked on Kenjutsu. He first used his Energy Blade to slice a few branches off a tree, then cut them into logs. He then practied his Kenjutsu by kicking the logs into the air and then cutting them with his katana. He would soon try to get a ninjuto as they are a quicker draw and stronger cut than a katana.

The sun had risen quickly and Hoshimaru was tired from taijutsu training, so he decided to take a break and go wash up, change into his other clothing, and rest. When he arrived at his door, he noticed a slip had been stuck to it while he was gone. It was from his sensei Kratos. It read:

Dear Hoshimaru, I have another mission for you. Meet me by the Konaha gates, and don't bother to go get Klano. I gave him a note as well. Sincerely, your sensai, Kratos.

A mission, huh? Hoshimaru thought. Damn, I'm already tired from training...oh well, I'll just grab another apple. He went into the house, changed out of his weighted training clothing into his regular ninja wear. He grabbed an apple and headed for the village gates. When he arrived there, he saw Klano and Kratos standing by the gate and walked briskly towards them.

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:41 pm

Kratos closed his eyes as he waited, becoming tired. Flashes of wars began to cross his mind, shaking his head and waking back up. He sighed and began to tap with his foot, his restless leg syndrome kicking in after not having any sleep. Finally, Klano showed up as he smiled at him. Noticing he was about to give Kratos a hug, he chuckled at his quick movement as to act like his age. "Konnichi wa, Klano-San desu."He said greetingly, trying to keep calm.

So many things were running through Kratos's mind as he thought about his students. He was hoping that Klano didnt notice it as much. The slight shaking movements he made reflected his nervousness and restless emotions.

Looking over at the late Hoshimaru, he sighed and stood up straight, getting off the wall. "Alright, well, since we're both here now, I guess I should explain to you both what's going on. As you might have been informed..."He paused and got closer to them, not wanting to mention it around anyone that might hear. "The Order is coming closer and closer to Konoha. We must find them and track them down. If we get back alive, we must inform the Hokage about their location and where-abouts. Got it?"He had the most serious look on his face as he spoke to them.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Lee Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:02 pm

This was definetely exciting enough for Klano. He had never par-took in anything so dangerous, so exciting, or so important. Or atleast, to him, it was important. He hadn't yet heard of the order, or their group antiques. they sounded powerful, and important however, so Klano figured that it was of the upmost importance that they do find them. He didn't have any fear about this mission, for he knew his sensai would protect him. This was a chance for Klano and his teamate Hoshimaru to show their hunting skills, and quite possibly their skills in combat as well. Klano straightened his head band and kept a calm front. "So, that's why you wanted to meet us at the Konaha gates. We're going hunting, I presume. Out of this village. Well, bring it on! I'm ready to find this 'Order', although they sound strong, so we should try to avoid fights." Klano said, realizing that he may have sounded cowardly. He probably did sound very cowardly, yet he knew it was a voice of reason. Klano never tried to give up reasoning in order to sound brave. he would sound brave when he was actually confident about something.


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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Darkjagwar Fri Jun 12, 2009 9:49 pm

"The Order, huh?" asked Hoshimaru nonchalantly while stretching. The nonchalance was just a side effect from his still being a bit tired from training. He'd be more enthusiastic after he finished his apple and digested it, and also after eating a chakra pill he had brought along just in case. "So are they like an Akatsuki kind of group or something..." he asked with more intensity.

He had heard stories about Akatsuki. How they had control of the power of seven and a half of the nine powerful Bijuu at their control, how their leaders possessed two of the all-powerful Doujutsu: The Rinnegan and the Sharingan. How each member of the Akatsuki had a special power of their own that made them of the highest rank and thus, most dangerous. The mere thought of having to take on an entire group like that sent a shiver down Hoshimaru's spine instantly waking him up. "Are you sure we're ready for this?!" Hoshimaru yelped in fear. "Shouldn't we have at least a four-man team to even consider going on a mission like this?!"

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:38 pm

Kratos shot a look to Hoshimaru as he shouted, wanting him to calm down and be quiet. "Calm the hell down, Hoshimaru."He said in a demanding voice, quite cranky and short-temptered. "The Order are a large group of chakra-weilding people, yes. They use their chakra for Magics. They hate people who use Chakra for Ninjutsu.. Which are Shinobi's."He spoke quietly amongst the two ninja. "They want to put an end to us ninja. Big. F*cking. War."He said with a serious tone.

He sighed, calming down and being more gentle with his group. "Hopefully, we can get along-side the Oz Council. They're one of the most powerful organizations out there; other than Akatsuki. If we get on their good side, we're safe."He felt as if he told them enough.

Turning his back to them, he began walking forwards. "Lets move out."He ordered...
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:57 pm

"Magics..." Hoshimaru repeated quietly. He had no idea how these 'Magics' would manifest themselves or how powerful The Order really was. Based on Kratos's tone, Hoshimaru inferred that this was quite a big deal based on how tired and unnerved Kratos appeared. He had scars on his body and was wearing an eye patch, for starters. Hoshimaru wondered what the eye patch was for, but didn't bother asking in case it was a sensitive issue. He also noticed a graver pattern in Kratos's speech, such as the increased use of profanities, something Hoshimaru would have said himself. This was a completely different side of Kratos he had seen since their earlier training session where he seemed like a good-hearted young man, rather than a war-scarred commander. Hoshimaru just nodded and began to follow Kratos. "So where exactly are we headed, sensei?" he asked.

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Jun 21, 2009 11:05 pm

OOC: Post, lee.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Lee Mon Jun 22, 2009 12:35 am

(ooc: Call me dumb, but I seriously dont know what to post here. I mean, none of us know where the base is, and it would probably take like, a million posts to get there. Do you guys perhaps know where the base is, so we can rp like we're finding it? I don't mean to be lame, but you do know what I'm saying right?


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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:28 am

OOC: I know exactly what we're doing.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:48 pm

OOC: Lee, I posted before, so could you take your turn please? Just ask who the Oz council is or something.

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Lee Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:35 pm

Klano began walking forward behind his sensai, enjoying the small silence. Their was no wind as he stepped, only the sound of their footsteps. He wasn't scared or nervous, only excited. He kept his hands in his back pockets as he walked fourth, then turned his head to see Hoshimaru ask something, that he had been wondering for quite some time. "So where exactly are we headed, sensei?" Hoshimaru asked. Klano walked forward and began listenting for a responce. If this was really a hunting mission, it could day weeks, monthes, maybe even a year. Klano didn't wake up this morning prepared for all that. But then again, shinobi had to be prepared for just about anything. He continued walking into the forest behind his uncle.


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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:50 pm

Kratos sighed as he heard Hoshimaru's question. He couldnt exactly answer it truthfully, so he replied with, "Somewhere. Im sure The Order will be hiding out anywhere. Who knows? they could be anywhere." He chuckled softly, but then, heard a bit of a ruffle on the right side of them. "Stay back.."He whispered to the team, walking up closer to the sound.

A man appeared out from behind a large tree. "Well... Hello there."the man said, smirking. His hair was black, and spikey. His eyes... It had the sharingan in them. It was one of the remaining Uchiha.

"What do you want, Uchiha?"Kratos demanded. The Uchiha smirked and responded sarcastically, "What you want." As he as well, was looking for The Order. "Now, I know that The Order is wanting to destroy all us shinobi. You dont expect me to be worried?"The Uchiha spoke, looking down at his feet. "Im willing to join your two man team... For the sake of us ninja."He added.

Kratos was unsure about this man, but he new that he was only wanting what was best for the villages at the moment. "Agreed."He said, backing up and getting out of his defencive stance. "My name is Kratos Aurion. This is Hoshimaru, and Klano."He introduced himself and his team. "My name is Shin Uchiha."Shin said, and that was all that he said.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Darkjagwar Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:53 pm

"Wait a minute..." Hoshimaru started to say. "I remember you," he directed at the Uchiha. "Yeah, we took the Chuunin exams together a year or two ago. You were in the same group as me and Klano." He remembered watching Shin's fight against Dageki Hyuuga. By far one of the most intense matches in the exams that year. Two of the most powerful doujutsu pitted against each other.

Surely with Shin included the team was much stronger. The three Chuunin each with a Kekkei Genkai, Shin Uchiha with his Sharingan and all the abilities that came with it, Klano Kangai and his Wood manipulation, and Hoshimaru Yajin and his Light Energy manipulation. Hoshimaru himself had not even come close to mastery of his ability yet, but had some experience with it. He did not know or did not remember the extent to which Shin and Klano had mastery with their Kekkei Genkai, but Hoshimaru knew he had something the other two didn't: The Thunderbolt Seal. Feeling a little bit of competition between himself and his teammates, he knew that his extra power would either bring him up to par with the other two if he was behind, or would push him ahead if the three already were at the same level, but he tried not to dwell on this issue as much, for he knew the mission at hand would have to come before anything else.

He snapped himself out of his deep thought and reacted to what Kratos had said earlier. "'Somewhere', huh? Whatever you say, sensei. But is there anything we need to know about Magic or The Order? And what about this Oz council you mentioned before?"

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Lee Wed Jun 24, 2009 2:36 pm

Klano remembered Shin all to well. He was the only Uchiha he had ever seen, after hearing a lot about their bloodline, the sharingan. He remembered finishing his fight with Ookami, then going up to watch the rest of the preleminaries. He had lost against the Hyuuga, Dageki. Klano had also learned some other things about them, like how the infamous, Itachi Uchiha had killed off most of the Uchiha clan. Even so, this man, Shin, was now standing before him, so he must have been the descent of a surviving member of the Uchiha's. Klano figured how he would be able to help us, having an eye based bloodline. With him going on the mission, there was no doubt that the three would be safe. Shin, Klano himself, Hoshimaru, and Kratos, all had special abilities.

Klano opened his mouth to ask something as they walked out of the village, diverting his eyes from Shin Uchiha, but Hoshimaru asked it first. He really wanted to know about the OZ council. They seemed like an interesting group, which had a lot of say in certain matters.


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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Jun 24, 2009 10:08 pm

Kratos made a hand motion to forward the group to keep going, as he looked ahead and began to move forward. He could feel that they werent alone, as if there were other people here as well. The feeling made him paranoid, but he didnt let it get in the way. "The OZ Council, huh?"He chuckled and looked at Hoshimaru. "One of the most powerful organizations out there. Jin Chisoku, is the leader himself. They are a group of very strong shinobi, which I do believe, are missing ninja. From what I heard, their main purpose is to maintain the balance of spiritual beings."He explained, looking at Shin. He remembered watching their fight and all with Sannam, the Hokage. He had grown much.

Shin looked at Hoshimaru as well, responding to his recodnision on himself. "Yep.. That was me."He smirked and smiled as well, proud to be known. Although, he was a missing ninja as well, and worked for the Akatsuki. He didnt want to give out too much information about himself, so he kept a low profile with this team. "... The Magic is far beyond shinobi capabilities."He said in a worried, but low tone to the boy as he questioned the leader. "These people... Can open portals to different locations, dementions I heard even."He added, sighing.

OOC: We might need someone from The Order to come into our topic soon.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

Post by Darkjagwar Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:56 pm

Hoshimaru thought about what had been said. Magic was similar to Ninjutsu in that both were ways of manipulating chakra, but those who were among the most powerful users of Magic were far more powerful than any shinobi. If among their arsenal of spells were spells to make portals to travel across dimensions or possibly even to any location on the planet, this would turn any fight in their favor because of their ability to either advance or retreat indefinitely. If The Order was as powerful as they seemed, an all-out assault on Konoha or any of the shinobi villages would be a simple task for them. Hoshimaru spoke up, "So if they can open portals...they could possibly travel to any location right? So why are we going out of our way to find these people when for all we know they could be simply hopping from village to village attacking all the shinobi?"

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Mission No. 3: The Hunt. Empty Re: Mission No. 3: The Hunt.

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