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Akuma's double mission

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Akuma's double mission Empty Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:50 pm

Akuma wandered through the corridors of the kazekage's building and found a middle aged man sitting on the bench opposite the reception area. He was balding, and the remaining hair on his head was pure iron grey, he wore a patch over one eye and dressed in dark pants and long sleeved shirt. On his feet were heavy black boots, work shoes she guessed.
Akuma looked back down at the peice of paper in her hand, it was her mission breif, it said to meet the head of a well respected mineing company in the building and escort him to the village hidden in the mist. He matched the description she had heared and he stood up as she entered his vision. She was taken off gaurd by his greeting.

"Of all the ninjas here I had to get the demon girl, I thought I was breing escorted not exicuted!" He ranted on until he cought the glare she gave him.
"I'm sorry to dissapoint you sir. But the other Jounnin are busy with examinations, and other things, Plus this is not what I expected either. We will both have to grin and bear it, and I don't think you will survive long out there on your lonesom."
The man grumbled and picked up a large backpack and slung it over his broad shoulders. He walkwed past her and gave her a look that just oozed loathing.
Shrugging it off Akuma turned tail and walked alongside the man, har tail curling in frustration. 'What was The Kazekage thinking? He knows I don't get along with people too well, especially the older ones..well I hope this is over soon.' She thought to herself as they made their way to the edge of the village, the gates in plain sight.
Akuma stopped and the man turned around. "What are you stopping for devil?!" He sneered at her.
She cleared her throat and ignored his comment. "I am Expecting someone for your information sir."
"He'd Better get here quick, them diamonds aint gonna mine themselves." He looked away and kicked the sand.
Akuma hissed and pulled him down so she could whisper harshly into his ear. "Unless you want the wrong kind off attention and publicity, I'd keep your mouth shut about you're job, eswise I'm gonna have to carry you back to mist in a coffin." She glared as he straightened up and nobbed reluctantly.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by narutah lucahrio Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:52 pm

narutah hade a bag on his back adn he was excited as ever to go on a mission with his best friend riaku was also excited as well but they were also mad that they got lost then as narutah turned cornes adn walked down streets he finaly saw akuma he ran over to her adn saw her about to jack a man up naruath tehn leaned by akuam adn a ? appearedabove his head as he asked "akuma what are you doing"
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:31 pm

Akuma hugs Narutah and looks at the man next to them. He snorted and looked at his watch. "Well I'd love to watch you two lovebirds but don't you have a mission to complete demon?"
Akuma glared at him and turned to Narutah. "Sorry, this is Mr. Won, we need to escort him back to mist, then we have another mission there, I'll explain that one when we get there, kay?" She smiled at him and walked towards the man. "I have a name sir, it is Akuma, and you'd do well to call me that." She turned away and headed towards the gates, bekoning them to follow.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by narutah lucahrio Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:18 pm

naruath said nothing to the old man just smiled at him then took off his shoes and put them in his back adn walked barefoot with his toenails very sharp he blushed at the thought of him adn akuma going out then looked at the old man agin and thought he was a bum riaku didnt likehim either naruath then walked dup to akuma wiht his tail waging left to right with his hands behind his head adn sadi to akuma "so who is this guy akuma is hie rolity or a bum or what he sdai wiht a confused face
narutah lucahrio
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:32 pm

The old man snorted and ignored Narutah as Akuma replied. " an important worker for mist...I can't say more than that." She smiled at him and ruffled his hair playfully, they were now in the middle of the sand's dessert and the sun was high in the sky beating heavily on the travellers. Akuma's tail waved back and forth and her ears were tucked under a bandanna out of the sun.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by narutah lucahrio Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:02 pm

narutah riaku was now in the bag with his head sticking out hewas sitting on ice narutah hade a hat on itkeep out he sun narutah was tired tehn brung out this blade Akuma's double mission Two_ac10 then put it in the ground adn bit his finger adn did some hadnsighns adn sdi summoning justu smoke appeard when the smoke disseaperd naruhtah was on a beast Akuma's double mission Fire_w10 narutah sat on it adn sadi op on the wolf can gro in size also can control teh temputure of teh heat
narutah lucahrio
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:27 pm

Akuma smiled as she watched her friend summon the wolf and carried on walking. The man beside her just huffed in a dissaproving way and waddled on.
The heat was affecting her as well, she had been used to being indoors in suna during the worst heat of the day so had never really been exposed this much. She tied her bandanna a little tighter and took off her t-shirt, leaving her in a vest top to let out some heat. "We can stop for lunch in about half an hour, I know there is an oasis near by, I can smell the water and plants.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Guest Wed Mar 04, 2009 5:58 pm

OOC: Narutah, quit fucking adding pictures to your posts to help you describe things. We use words to describe, not images. It is even a rule, so your breaking a decree set forth by Yoshimo. Do it again and there will be consequences. Consider this a friendly warning and an order from the Kazekage.


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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:48 pm

OOC: Also those two things he used werent even approved <.< Its against the rules to go and use something that has not been approved
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:59 pm

ooc: i wan't aware...ok, um this is gonna screw with my mission, so something needs to happen now, either one of you needs to take narutah back to konoha or he needs to change his rping from here on..sorry naru but rules are rules
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:11 pm

OOC: I'll take him back to Konoha, if that is the option that has been chosen. If you want, I'll do the mission with you in replacement of Narutah.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:22 am

ooc: cool stuff, ok thanks
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by narutah lucahrio Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:33 pm

no ill fix it i just havent ben on the cpu soory ill get it when i get the chance
narutah lucahrio
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:17 pm

OOC: Sorry Narutah, we gave you so many chances. You still suck at your grammer, and we tried to help you, but you just wont learn. Im taking you back.


Kratos was watching the battle between Shin and Dageki, until he heared a faint beeping in his ear. It was his radio trying to contact him from other ANBU officers. He put his two fingers on the plug and pressed on it, trying to hear what they were saying. "Two genin in the Sand village?"He repeated, as he then nodded his head. One of the genin needed to be escorted back to Konoha immediantly, as he heared that he was too unexperianced and never had been on a mission before unlike the other one.

He turned his head to Sannam and appologized, as he bowed. He made a series of handsigns, as a flash of red light shined for a few seconds, and then dissappeared. Where Kratos once stood, now stood a crimson, eagle like wolf. It had a beautiful, red mane. It was accually Kratos' spirit form. He would be faster in this mode, as he turned around and shot off into the sky like a bullet. He flapped his wings as hard and as fast as he could.

--Arrival in Suna--

The spirit was high in the air, as it looked like a flying wolf right above the two Genin. The sun made a shadow appear below them both. It got bigger and bigger, until it landed right next to them. It folded its wings and stood infront of Akuma and Narutah. A flash of red light shined once again, and appeared Kratos. He coughed and smiled at the two, as he saw a man with them. He figured that the two were escorting the man to another village or country. "Alright... Narutah, im sorry, but you are too unexperianced to participate in this mission. I was given permission by the ANBU officers to be your replacement."He told them and made a handsign, making a fire clone appear next to him. "My clone shall escort you back to Konoha saftly."He told him with a grin.

The clone nodded his head. This was no ordinary clone. It was like an accual blood clone of Kratos. He knew every single attack that Kratos did. Kratos had to cut his chakra in half, and give the half to the clone, just in case the clone needed it for attacks. The clone put his hand on Narutah's back and pressed him forward, begining to walk back to Konoha.

Kratos looked at Akuma and bowed, then bowed to the man. "Sorry about the inconvieniance that occured. So, what are we doin' here?"He asked and chuckled softly.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:27 pm

The man huffed and watched Narutah being led away. "Good riddence, I wouldn't want my life in the hands of that kid." He flinched however when Akuma sent a growl in his direction and immedietly silenced himsef.
Akuma turned back to Narutah and gave him an appologetic look as he was led away by the fire clone.
"Thanks Kratos, I was half hoping he wouldn't turn up, it was careless and probably too much for him to handle for the moment..." She lowered her head in a half bow to him in respect and stood back up. "We were actually about to break for lunch over there." She pointed out a shaded oasis. "Would you like to join us?" She smiled up at him.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:37 pm

Kratos smiled softly at Akuma and cracked his fingers, as he then shot a look to the man as he heared his disrespecting and unessesary comment towards the child. He had a backpack on, which held the nessasary requirments for the hot weather out here in the desert. He then adjusted his bag and nodded, "No problem. They suggested a Jounin to come with you. Since I dont see your sensei around, they hired me to help you."He chuckled softly and looked over to where Akuma pointed. It seemed about lunch time, and Kratos didnt eat anything for breakfast. It seemed they needed the energy to walk this dry, empty, vast desert. "Sounds good to me. I brang food myself, if you guys want any of it, I'd be glad to share."He smiled and turned around, beginning to walk to the shady oasis, hoping it wasnt some mirage. It seemed real though.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:43 pm

Akuma sensed his doubt and smiled again. "It is real, I can smell the water." She headed towards the oasis and beckoned the two men to follow her, her tail dragged along the floor, leaving a trail in the sand. Once they got there she splached some water on her face and on the back of her neck to cool off. She took off her backpack and tossed a foil coverd lunch towards her escortee.
ooc: not sure if that is the term, but it is now.

ic: She pulled one out for herself but left it for a moment and climbed a large palm tree that was nearby. She looked around the area for anyone, once she was happy no one was there she slid down and brought 3 coconuts with her, tossing Kratos and the man one each. "Here, these will be tasty." She smiled and sat on the sand and began to eat.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:53 pm

Kratos followed Akuma as he sat down under a shady tree, finding it to be very refreshing. He dipped his hand into a puddle next to him, and wiped it on his face. He sighed in relief and took off his backpack, laying down lazidly. He put his arm up and caught the coconut, "Thanks."He told her with a grin and took out a kunai, beginning to puncture it in weak places to get to the coconut part. Once he did, he threw the shell to a random direction and sliced the coconut in one part, letting the water drip into his mouth as he placed it over his head as he laid on the ground. Some of it carelessly got on his shirt and whatnot, but paid no attention. He jabbed the coconut again with his kunai, taking off chunks and chunks, as he skinned it and ate the chunks. It was tastey to him, as the coconuts seemed ripe.

He then sat up, continuing to eat the chunks of the delicious nut. He looked up at Akuma and asked, "Is yours good?"He chuckled and crossed his legs.
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:01 pm

She smiled and wiped some coconut milk off her cheek. "Sure is." Her tail wriggled behind her as she bit into the fleash of it and swallowed. "And yours Mr. Won?" She looked over at him, knowing she wouldn't get a very possative reply she took another bite.
He shifted and tossed a peice of shell from it aside. "It's not exactly what I'm used to...but it's not too bad I guess." He moved back a bit and wrote something down in a note book.
She sighed and took her bandanna off,, letting her ears get some of the cool breeze that was wafting past them, she shook the bandanna and dipped it in the water, wrung it out and tied it back on her head.
stone hearted shedemon
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:13 pm

Kratos felt the breeze of wind gust past the group, as he put his hand on the side of his head to keep his hair from messing up. Once the wind calmed down, he fixed his hair, whisking away the bangs that fell on his right eye. He was hoping that Mr.Won wouldnt ask him about his different eyes. They were easly noticable, as one was red, and the other was a darker red. Kratos was always given the question, but never seemed to really answer them truthfully. He stood up and stretched, taking out his water container and filling it up with the water from the oasis. He slung the container over his shoulder and neck, letting it rest by his side.

"Ready to head out?"He asked the two as he cracked his neck. He wanted to get the mission over with, as he wondered what it even was.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:17 pm

Mr. Won heaved a sigh and stood up, stratching and rolling his broad shoulders. "C'mon demon, the sooner we part the sooner we won't have to talk to each other again." He turned away from Akuma and started walking.
Akuma rolled her eyes and stood up, she filled her own canteen quickly and hurried to walk beside Kratos and Mr. Won. She Leaned up to whisper to Kratos. "If he calls me demon one more time, I will carry him to Mist Unconcious." She smirked devilishly as he turned around and glared at them.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:24 pm

Kratos stood up as well as he walked with the man and Akuma. He heared the man's comment and smirked, as he chuckled softly at Akuma's whisper. He looked at the man and told him, "You better watch out. It was said that even half-demon's themselves could kill a human man, without even breaking a sweat."He attempted to scare the man, so he would stop calling Akuma a demon, and maybe think about his actions and words. "In other words, If I were you, I'd think before I spoke."He chuckled and glared his right eye to the man, as if it were the evil eye stare. He smiled and scratched behind Akuma's ears, playing with her hair lightly as he continued to stare forward in the empty desert. He had a map in his pocket, but because of his travels from world to world, country to country, he almost knew every square inch by heart.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:29 pm

Akuma had to bite her toung to stop herself from purring, but nothing in the world, or any world, could stop her smiling. Her tail gently patted Kratos's legs as they walked. Mr. Wan had remained silent for about four hours, and the sky was darkening, throwing everything into shades of gold and red. They were entering a small copse of trees and by the time the first stars came out had opted for making camp here, under the sheltered canopy.
"I'll take the first watch." she announced as she rolled out Mr. Won's sleeping bag, she rarely slept in one, prefering grass or tree branches. She jumped onto one nearby so she could see further, looking back at Kratos and smiling.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:40 pm

Kratos watched the sky turn a dark blue color, as the horizon began to get redder and gold. He knew that the sun was setting, and they needed to get shelter soon before the pitch-black darkness arose. Akuma had pointed out a small forest of tree's. It would have to do for the night. Kratos was used to sleeping in branches, twigs, tree's, and bushes. His former spirit form has been through many of those stages before sealed inside Yoshimaru. As they arrived, Kratos heared her announcement and nodded his head, "I'll take over when you get tired."He told her and smiled back, as he looked up at her in the tree.

He then walked over to a tree with large leaves on it, breaking off the stems and gathering them one by one. He had no problem at all making his own little house or bed to sleep on. As long as he didnt have to sleep on the hot sand, or dirt, he was fine. He set the leaves in a pattern, then laid his body down. It wasnt as cold as he thought it would be. He was guessing that the Suna desert doesnt get as cold as it does during the night in some deserts.
Shin Uchiha
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Akuma's double mission Empty Re: Akuma's double mission

Post by stone hearted shedemon Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:52 pm

Akuma watched Kratos do his own thing and fall asleep befor returning her attention to the horizons, watching for any sign of movement.
It was well past midnight before she moved again, she saw something reflect light a little distance away and decided to see what it was. She lept down from her tree and gently roused Kratos from his sleep, whispering in his ear. "Stay quiet, wake Mr. Won and tell him the same, stay here with him." She stalked off towards the object before she got a reply off him and came across it again. Amongst the bushes were two men, they looked to be around late thirties, and armed, what she had seen turned out to be daggers, they didn't wear headbnds so she assumed they either werent ninjas or they were rouges. Slinking up silently to them as close as she could get she over heared their conversation in harsh whispers.
"Seriously, there is people nearby, mayby they have something of value."
"Fine, but you better be right or the boss will behead us both..shh!"
Akuma held her breath, she had stepped on a twig and the snap echoed unrealisticly in her ears.
"We have company." She saw the malicious smile on the apparant older of the two as he strided over to her, before she could move she saw a flash of silver and hot pain across the bridge of her nose and cheek. She rolled backwards and growled in pain, feeling the hot blood trickle down her face.
The man laughed and his partner came dashing forward, but this time she was ready and slammed her tail into his stomach, the sound made her cringe as he fell to the floor in a heap.
"OH NO YOU DIDN'T! YOU'RE MINE!" The second man lunged at her again.
stone hearted shedemon
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