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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Takuma Fri Mar 20, 2009 11:03 pm

A cold crisp wind blew over the Gates where a man wearing a black hooded robe and mask covering the bottom half of his face stood.The man was actually Takuma Tojiro, a Jounin of Kumogakure, and was about to head out on a mission. Takuma stood patiently at the gates of Kumogakure waiting for his Team of Genin, Tontori and Jun, to arrive so they could leave on a mission he was assigned to do with them. The Mission was supposedly going to be somewhat hard due to the fact of Takuma trying to get the Raikage to give his Team a harder mission than what most Genin would recieve. He saw much talent in his Team and finally was able to get a Chuunin Ranked Mission for his Team. He and the Team were going to be transporting an ancient artifact to the Hidden Rain Village that was highly wanted by the other countries. If anything were to happen during the mission, it would be Takuma's tail, so he didn't plan on messing up. As another crisp wind blew around the Gates, Takuma could only pull out a cigarette and light it while continually waiting.

"Where could they be?", Takuma said softly after taking a puff of his cigarette.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Rain Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:30 am

It had been a year in a half, she hadn't been on a mission yet it was her first. Tontori had become very strong in the past year, she had completely changed. She wa smuch taller, her clothes were different, and her hair was longer. She hadn't seen her team in a while, it has been a while. She would have forgotten about her team if it wasn't for Jun's frequent visits. Jun had grown to be a good a friend, she still knew little about her Sensei he never told them anything about himself. She looked at the clock she was severaly late for her first mission. she was supposed to arrive ten minutes ago. Tontori quickly picked up all of her scrolls, putting them in the proper slot in her jacket.

"Where are you going Tontori!?" Her mother said in the middle of tune, carrying it on as she talked to her.

"My first mission with my team!" She said running out of the door.

If she didn't want to be late she would have to go fast, very fast. She started running slow, then faster until she was almost invisible. All that could be seen as she ran was the treat of colours, mostly black, blue, and her peachy skin. It was pretty awful, she lived on the other side of the village, it would take her atleast two minutes to get there at the rate she was going. She had to be faster, much faster. She tried running faster, but ti wasn't much. It would knock of ten seconds, but those ten seconds counted. She saw her sensei waiting, she saw no trace of Jun, she most also be late, or busy somewhere in the woods. She stopped on rock nearby Takuma. She sat down for a little bit catching her breath, she wasn't good at running for a long time at high speeds like that, two minutes would easily wear her down. While she caught her breath she pulled out some senbon from her jacket, she took about half of them, there was a lot. She dropped them on her arm, they slowly sank into her skin. She decided to let them sink in slowly she had lots of time, and it didn't use as much chakra.

((I edited to go with the time change))

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Desert Coyote Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:54 pm

Jun closed her front door and straightened the backpack which held her over night supplies. Takuma had mentioned their new mission would involve going to the hidden rain village and Jun wanted to have supplies ready in case they spent more then a day or two traveling. Turning she scratched her arm roughly, ever since she had begun changing her form and holding it odd itches had began to annoy her through the day and night. Something to do with her nerve endings being in the wrong places and rubbing together to cause phantom itches.

Shrugging Jun headed towards the gates at a quick walk. She should have been more concerned with getting on the road and heading out to their first mission, but honestly it was something of a secondary concern for her. The modifications she had done to her body where extensive and had been very painful, the fear that at any moment she would loose control and rip her own body apart kept her at a decent speed that didn’t push her to hard. For all the modding though Jun looked exactly the same. She had purposefully kept her looks youthful and harmless, though as she grew it would be harder and harder to hide her increased mass. With a sigh Jun looked ahead to where her team waited for her and gave them a smile and a wave. In the past year she had come to trust them with her life, they where her family now.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Takuma Mon Mar 23, 2009 5:03 pm

Takuma simply stared at both of his students when they had arrived at the gates. He took another puff of smoke before pulling out a package from the backpack he wore on his back. The package was wrapped in a velvet cloth with an ancient seal and tie around it. He held it before the two girls in his left hand while he took another puff of his cigarette with his right. After exhaling, he coughed and said to them;

"Well thanks for showing up for the mission and now I will breif you two on our mission", Takuma said while waving the package before them, ".... now this is what we have been assigned to transport to my ex Village, The Hidden Rain Village. We are supposed to deliever this package even at the cost of our life since it will possibly get the Hidden Rain Village to become allies of the Cloud Village. Now any questions?"

Takuma stood as another cold wind blew over the Gates, this one being a bit colder than the previous one that had hit him. He sighed heavily before taking another puff. Before exhaling, he held the cigarette in front of him and stared at it while asking himself;

"Why do I smoke so much....probably cause I'm stressed. Yeah thats it... I'm stressed."

While he answered his own mental question he blew an "O" into the air and watched it disappear.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Rain Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:27 pm

It tingled as the senbon sinked into her skin, given Tontori almost a little sensation of pleasure. She looked over at Takuma to see him smoking. She glared although it couldn't be seen past her hood. She quickly re-tied her shoes making sure they were tight. Takuma was stilling smoking. She put her hand up pointing her finger at Takuma's cigarette, a senbon came out of her finger. All of her Senbon had small wire inside of it. The senbon was sent right through the cigarette, moving with the senbon. The ashes from it flew everywhere as it was shot. It landed on the ground. It started to make it's way to to Tontori.

She looked at him and smiled. The senbon was in her finger and the cigarette had fallen off. She stood up and stepped on the cigerette puting it out. She still had the grin, but it was a smile of disapointment. She looked at him with a slight bit of concern.

"Smoking kills" She said with no emotion. She looked down for a few saeconds regaining her happieness. Her head lifted and joy could be seen on her face. "Well I'm ready! Lets go!" she was excited fro her first mission.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Desert Coyote Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:34 pm

Jun walked up and leaned on Tontori. “You know he’ll just start another one once we turn around.” With a slight giggle she turned to begin walking away from the village. “Besides, if he keeps smoking like that we might get promoted into his spot once he can’t keep up anymore.” She gave Tontori a wink and kept moving forward waving to Takuma as she walked away. “Sounds like a cake walk mission sir. Let’s just get it out of the way.”

Jun walked with confidence as she began the long trek towards the hidden rain village. Honestly a pure ecstatic feeling of joy and wonder gave every one of Jun’s steps a slight bounce. She was incredibly happy to finally get on the road and prove her worth. Her father had died on a mission and her mother had always been worried that Jun would go out and never come back, like her father had. Jun was sure that she would survive.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Takuma Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:53 pm

Takuma gave a slight frown from under his mask, but no worries Jun was right, he was just going to light another one. As he did, he turned to see both of his students walking ahead of him. It didn't even matter though because he knew that all of them were going to have to work as a Team in the upcoming events. He reopened his ninja backpack and placed the item back in. Takuma then turned and walked behind the two girls while taking another puff of his newest cigarrettes. After taking the first puff, Takuma said aloud to both girls;

"... and even though cigarettes kill, they also provide the nessasary amount of stress relief I need to not think about problems in the world."

Takuma then took another puff and continued walking quietly behind them once more.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Rain Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:41 pm

Jun was probaly right he would light another one, she didn't care anymore. It did kill, and it would eventaully, soon maybe. She rolled her eyes as Takuma talked. She leaned over to Jun a whispered something. Something that could mind reck someone ewho wanted to know what is about. She stopped and started to laugh. Not looking behind her. She could smell Takuma perfectly, the aroma of smoke filled the air around him, it was disgusting. Tontori stopped laughing, it was funny but it was between Jun and herself. She looked back at Takuma, and laughed a little bit again. Tontori could see the delight in Jun's eys when she talked to her, it would be a matter of minutes before they started to alugh again.

"Sorry, Takuma but... only non-smokers can know" She said with a wink walking a backwards.

She spun around with a little a laugh and picked up speed. She was running at a decent pace, not wanting to loose to much energy. She disapeared, and leaves fell from the trees. She was running in the trees.

"Come' on!" Tontori said still moving. Lets see how well a smoker can preform. takuma being an obvious smoker, it made it so he wouldn't be as strong as he could ussauly be, a downfall to smoking. Atleast his was happy instead of a grouch, Tontori didn't want to Takuma angry, it probaly wouldn't be pleasent.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Desert Coyote Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:20 am

Jun listened to Tontori’s secret message with avid attention and giggled appropriately when she was done. Jun understood what she was trying to do and had her own idea. Watching Tontori run off into the woods Jun turned with a slight flounce and twirl. Moving quickly back to Takuma she smiled and took his arm in her hands dragging him forward towards where Tontori had disappeared. “ You know she is right. Not only do those things smell horrible, they will make it hard for you to keep up with us.” Tripping slightly Jun’s hands shot out at Takuma quickly for balance. A deep blush rising through her cheeks as she caught herself and straightened out her own clothes.

The fall would have been much more embarrassing if it had been real. As she had reached out, Jun’s hands had sought out the pack of cigarettes Takuma had been using. She had just wanted to remove them from him before something worse happened. She had a good feeling if she didn’t steal them, they would be destroyed in other ways. With that thought Jun stepped a good three feet away from Takuma waiting for the surprise to happen.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Takuma Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:07 pm

Takuma simply just watched as Tontori had disappeared into the trees after making the remarks of not being able to keep up with them. He knew that he could, but why should he rival with his students. He then noticed that Jun was by his side and talking about smoking, he pretended he was listening, but in reality he was staring at the surroundings. He knew that the route they had taken was supposed to be quiet, but not this quiet. When Jun stepped away from his side, he paid no attention to it for he was still staring at the surroundings.

"Hey Tontori come back here with the group or something bad might happen to ya"

Takuma knew that more than likely she wouldn't come back since she was hard headed, but if she did then if something was out there they would be together and not have to fight alone.

(ooc: after Jun posts once more, the mission will become a bit more interesting *gives evil laugh* XD)

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Rain Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:53 pm

Tontori had stopped once she realized no one was following her. She looked out from a tree and saw Jun fall. She giggled slightly not loud enough for anyone to hear, she didn't want to seem mean. She jumped out of the tree, then Takuma yelled to her. She looked confused, he must have been in his own world not to have noticed Tontori. She hadn't gone that far. She stopped running at a high speed and turned into a small skip.

'Im right here!" She said loudly putting in her hand in the air. She sat down and waited fro them to get there. "What slow walkers they are. If they atleast tried, maybe just maybe they could have a chance with getting to their destination faster." She said very loudly on some parts. Most of it wasn't audible. But they should get it.

Tontori had gotten use to being around her team, they were starting to see the real her. a squirell walked over to Tontori, she had a thing with animals, they all loved her, well most. She reached into her pocket all she had was gum and... and... and a HALF EATEN PECAN COVERED IN POCKET LINT. Excitement ran through the squirells face. Tontori wiped the lint of and gave it to the squirrell who scuirred of into the woods.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Desert Coyote Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:22 pm

Jun stored the pack of cigarettes with a practiced ease then hurried to catch up to Tontori. “Hey I was just sticking by our teacher.” She gave Tontori a conspirator wink and spun in the air with perfect grace to sit right next to Tontori. “I see the squirrel came right to you nut head.” Reaching out Jun Tussled Tontori’s hair playfully before jumping up in excitement as Takuma reached them. The whole adventure was new for Jun and she was planning on having a lot of fun. Takuma’s smoking was a bad habit, but nothing to worry overly much about since he probably wouldn’t live long enough for any one of the numerous diseases to catch up to him. The average life span of Nin wasn’t very high, which was a pretty open secret.

With a shrug and a sigh Jun turned to scan the forest as Takuma had been doing. She figured he was being paranoid for a reason since in the village he had always been fairly calm. Though she tried her meditation techniques to eliminate the natural sights and sounds, Jun found nothing out of the ordinary. No surprise though since she wasn’t exactly super aware or anything.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Rain Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:01 am

((I know Takuma you want to start someithing but I have to throw a rock at Coyote ._.))

Jun came runnig towards Tontori. Jun has always been so graceful. Jun came up with an excuse, a very lame one at that. The called her a nut head!? Tontori glared a little at her trying not to laugh. Jun stood up, when she wasn't looking Tontori slithered away to a pile of small pebbles. SHe picked up a pile , and started to throw them at Jun one at a time. Her aim was horrible since she couldn't stop laughing. She started to chase Jun with small pebles, only hitting every third throw.

"Im n-hahaha-o nut head hahaha yo-hahah-you SAVAGE BR-HAHAHHA-BRUTE!!!" Tontori ran out of rocks and was on the ground laughing. She looked at Takuma who had a look like "What the hell is up with her". No one had since Tontori like this before. Everyone must be a little creeped out by the real Tontori.

((Yes when I said I was going to throw rocks at you I meant it XD!!))

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by shiro_tojiro Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:28 pm

A cloaked figure sat in the trees of the forest, and watched Team Six silently from within. The cloaked figure was obviously skilled to great extent for the trees didn't move as he ran through and they didn't make any noise as well. When the group had stopped the figure continued watching until he saw Takuma lift his cigarette to his mouth to take another puff. The figure then took out a kunai and threw it with enough precision to only pin the cigarette from his hands. The figure then hopped out from the trees in the group's path. The wind made the figure's long cloak sway in the wind, but it didn't phase the figure one bit because as mysteriously he had seemed.... he had found what he was looking for. Team Six and Takuma Tojiro. The figure then lifted his head so that his hood fell off, revealing a face similar to Takuma's. The only exception were the scars leading from under the eyes of the other man that stretched down the man's neck. The man then looked at each of the members of the group before letting his eyes rest on Takuma's own.

"Ya kno... Jun and Tontori are right about smoking Takuma."

The figure then stood silently before the group.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Takuma Sun Mar 29, 2009 10:37 pm

Takuma couldn't help but laugh at his group of Genin until he saw his cigareete fly from his hand into a nearby rock. He then swiftly scanned the trees around them with his eyes until he saw a cloaked figure emerge from the trees. He had no idea who the figure was, until the figure's hood fell off. It was then as if he was looking into a mirror and he really had no true idea who the man was. When the man spoke the names of the members of the Team and even his own he had to wonder how he could know so much, while he knew nothing. Takuma looked up at the man and simply asked;

"Well nice to get another opinion, but I don't plan on quitting. Who are you?"

Takuma knew that more than likely the man was somewhat of an Assasin and that there would be a high possiblity of him and his team having to fight. He then made a slight motion with his fingers to his students to run, but knowing them, they were probably going to lash out and attack. And if they did lash out, then he would have to have their back.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Desert Coyote Mon Mar 30, 2009 12:41 am

Jun dropped back putting Takuma at her back and only a few feet away. Both her hands slipped to the hilts of her blades and held them lovingly waiting to see what the new arrival would do. As she waited her eyes traveled over Tontori with a sad twinkle. Just when the other girl was beginning to really open up this had to happen. Jun hoped desperately that when it was over everyone would make it out OK. Thinking herself a full for this optimism Jun turned all her attention back to the cloaked figure and carefully looked him over searching for anything and everything they could find out about this man.

The whole thing off somehow. Takuma and the man looked too much alike. The new figure had been able to strike the cigarette from Takumas hands, yet he hadn’t made a strike on either Jun or Tontori. He had motive, opportunity, even surprise. Why had he wasted his chance? The whole problem was eating at her. Jun wanted to simply attack and sort out the whole mess in the end, yet that wasn’t the way of a Nin.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Rain Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:41 pm

Tontori stopped laughing the second she saw the kunai fly from the nearby forest. Before anayone you could simply say anything, not even a sound. A big cloud formed in the air. All that was heard was nothing except wind moving very fast. As It cleared Tontori's weapons were all out and ready. She had her knuckles in her hands, her fan on her back, and her other weapons in her trench coat. The weapons shined in the sun. Her knuckles could be seen, quite well they glowed as the electricity was building up in it. The lightning sometimes jumped out of the knuckles. The bone likes blades were glowing yellow. The fan on her back was large and just there.

She glared at him. Before the cigarette hit the ground she was ready for a fight. Her hand touched her other hand, she did one hand sign. She wasn't going to finish the hand signs untill he became more threatening. She stopped sending lightning chakra into the knuckles after the lightning grew strong very strong, any one near her would suffer a great shock. The lightning radiated off of the knuckles, the blast would be strong, deadly. It would be abel to kill someone. The Knuckles couldm't be seen, her arm was engulfed in lightning. It hurt her but she didn't mind much.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by shiro_tojiro Tue Mar 31, 2009 3:40 pm

The man watched as Jun and Tontori had begun to get ready for a fight. An emotionless expression stayed on the man's face and he simply glared at the two. He knew that he could wipe them out with ease, but why would he do so when he hadn't come to fight....them. His gaze then went back to Takuma who was seemingly calm. The man then knew a good way to sway the man's feelings by then speaking;

"Well Takuma seems that you would let your students fight and rish their lives, while you sit back and try to run. You are more pitiful than I remember...", the man then switched his gaze back to the girl's while still speaking to Takuma, "...but how would you feel if they were to die?"

Then without a second to pass, the man shot of with speed that the spot where he previously stood had went up in smoke as he was in the air above the girls performing a series of handsigns. The man then yelled out;

"Katon: Danmaku Suibou Jutsu"

The man's arms began to glow red before bursting into flames. He then violently thrusted his arms in the direction of the girls. The fire that was released was capable of much damage since it was a B ranked jutsu. He then quickly disappeared from sight and hid back in the trees to watch what Team Six would do.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Takuma Tue Mar 31, 2009 4:00 pm

Takuma watched the man as he spoke, but even though he and the man looked alike, he still had no idea who the man was. When the man said something of being more pitiful than he remembered, Takuma began to think harder about his past, but still nothing clicked in his mind. When the man had disappeared and reappeared in the air above his students, he ran to protect them. When he got in front of the two, he performed a series of lang handseals before yelling out;

"Rain Storm Jutsu"

He lifted his hands to his mouth and sent multiple water blasts at the oncoming flames. When he noticed that some of the flames were still able to continue towards him and his Team he then began another series of handseals before yelling out;

"Water Barrier Wall Jutsu"

He lifted his hands up to his mouth once more while spitting out a long wall of water that appeared above him and his Team which put out the remainder of the flames. When the flames were extenguished and the man had disappeared into the forest, Takuma turned back to his Team.

"Well it seems that this man is probably an Assasin for someone who wants our item.... and he may also be someone from my past. My advice is that you two aren't going to return to the Village we follow my plan and capture him and get him to talk. The only thing is that even with my plan he may be stronger than what I think and we may still only be able to hurt him a little. If thats the case we will attempt to kill him. No questions asked. Now here goes my plan."

Takuma made his way over to an empty piece of dirt and pick up a stick. He then made three Xs which would represent him and his students. He then drew an "O" which represented the other man.

"Now if we go into the forest together...", he drew arrows from the Xs going into the forest together, "... then he could wipe all of us out at the same time." He then kicked dirt over the arrows and drew arrows going into seperate direction which in turn would surround the "O".

"Now if we go in to surround him we would have a better chance of getting him, but we don't know which one of us will run into him first. That is why I brought these." He then reached into his ninja backpack and took out 2 way earpieces. He handed one to each of his students.

"Now if you spot him, radio the others. If he spots you, run and radio the others since we don't know what this man is capable of. And I say run for a reason." he said as he turned his attention towards Tontori knowing that she would possibly be the one to actually attack, "... and also because we don't want any casulties on this mission. Now go."

Takuma stood and ran into the forest.

(ooc: ok I have a somewhat good idea on how we should do this. Shiro will appear for one of us and the others will still be searching. Shiro will choose he wants to ambush so once you come in contact with him the first post you have radio to the others you are fighting and in 3 posts the other who didn't come in contact and myself will appear or you all will come to my aid I guess ^^. Now back to the mission XD)

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Desert Coyote Sat Apr 04, 2009 12:45 am

((Sorry for the delay. Life kicked me hard this week. My next post will be better.))

Jun took the ear piece and put it in. Turning it on she moved into the forest. All around her the normal sounds of the forest died as the earlier fighting caused animals to seek shelter. Jun docked into the brush and behind trees. She kept her movements quick and silent hoping to sneak up on the nin, but doubting it would happen. Her thoughts circled and spiraled around every step. There where so many things that could go wrong, yet Jun felt happy to finally be fighting with her family.

Jun held her wakazashi with confidence in her right hand and her dagger in reverse style in her left hand. As she moved the blades silently moved through the air ready to strike whether it be at an incoming attack or at a vulnerable target. Her eyes and ears scanning every inch of the forest for any sign of movement. Her nerves biting into her movements making them nervous and jagged.
Desert Coyote
Desert Coyote

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Rain Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:00 am

The second he gave the ear pieces she grabgbed them and was gone. All that was seen was a quick blur of yellow. She didn't want to discharge the lightning it was strong enough to shoot through someone, and it would be very fast. She put some more into it, it started to engulf her body more. The lightning was around her neck and chest. She ran ten times faster than she could ever have of accomplished without the motivation of pain. She now could barely be seen, except the lightning was a total give away. At the speed she was going at the lightning barely touched her wrists, the lightning streamed behind her, she was going faster than the lightning and the effect of the wind was becoming strong. She was watching closely for any sort of movement.

Tontori realized that she had turned whe nshe was running. She saw the quick blur of Jun, she turned away from her but not to far, if she heard any trouble coming from Jun's direction. The lightning stopped growing, this attack would be strong, she needed to find him fast, lots of chakra was used, but she stopped supplying it very much, the lightning was still as strong, it was almost like death lightning. She avoided all forms of plant life as she ran. She could set the forest on fire at any second.

Tontori did a few calculations, this would take almost half of her chakra supplies, she would need to rest. She didn't know what kind of element jun had, but Takuma's water could be great with Tontori's lightning. Her wind may be a little effective. The lightning was using alot of chakra. She had to find him fast, Tontori knew he said not to attack, but this lightning was becoming a pain, and needs to be discharged into his chest!

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by shiro_tojiro Sun Apr 05, 2009 8:54 pm

The man could easily spot each member of Team Six when they entered the forest. Bad move on Team Six's part. The man watched as Takuma, Jun, and Tontori split up in directions. The man wondered on how he should carry out his mission. Should he stall it and go after the students or go ahead and end it by going after the teacher. It kept him thinking, but he had nothing better to do so he watched the students behavior much more than Takuma's. He then decided on which he would attack first, and made up his mind when he saw Tontori run away from Jun. Perfect. The man then performed a long series of handseals, but after he finished nothing happened. The man then dropped to the base of his tree and began running in the direction of where Tontori was heading. While running, the man performed another series of handsigns and struck the ground with his hand. When he brought his hand from the ground he was holding a spear made of earth. When he was about a few meters in front of Tontori, he threw it.

Stone Spear Jutsu

The sound of the man's voice could be heard in front of Tontori, but the jutsu the man had used before would alter the direction of where the spear would actually come at her from. The previous jutsu was a large scale Genjutsu that would give him the advantage if the others wouldn't recognize quickly. He had used the Sly Mind Affect Jutsu which would give everyone on Team Six the picture of them traveling down the same route of the forest, when actually they could run into any of his traps. If Tontori wouldn't quickly notice, she would get hit by the man's stone spear from behind.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Takuma Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:09 pm

Takuma heard the voice of the man's jutsu. He swiftly turned to run in the direction of the voice he heard it come from, but after running for a seemingly 10 minutes never reached it. This began to worry him and he performed a long series of handsigns. When finishing these handsigns, nothing happened at that moment. He then began to do another long series of handseals. When he finished the second handseals, he slammed his palm onto a tree branch and a dog made of wood appeared. It was a new puppet he had created that acted like a dog with the exception that it was as durable as a puppet. The puppet dog then turned in direction and headed the opposite direction. The dog was heading for Tontori's scent, and Takuma followed quickly behind it. He got to the scene where he saw Tontori laying dead on the ground, but the Tontori laying on the ground simply burst into flames. Takuma had used a counter Genjutsu that would negate any Genjutsu that the man had used, but the only drawback was he wasn't able to use it on the entire forest to help out his students if they were still in a Genjutsu. He then continued following the dog hoping that Tontori wouldn't make any rash decisions on her own.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by Rain Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:37 pm

The second Tontori heard that mans voice, she didn't want to see what would happen. She quickly obursted to the side at speeds almost equivlent to Rock Lee. She looked back for a meer second to see pointy thing of earth chase her. She knew she had the strength to break it, but it could have something to it. so she kept running. It was following her. She could completely disengrate it with the lightning she had stored into these knuckles, but it wouldn't be a safe bet. She didn't want to waiste her chakra. She failed to notice it was genjutsu, until she saw Jun burst into flames. That couldn't be real. She was in a genjutsu. Tontori didn't have much eperience in genjutsu. After this she would train in it. THinking about, she ahd lots of things to train with. She was mostly skilled with weaponry, taijutsu, and ninjutsu. A very strong genin. She stopped running both mentaly and physicaly. Her body was moving with her mind. Although she thought. She stoped, took a deep breath, she slowed down her chakra flow. Then quickly sped it up, disrupting the genjutsu. She awoke, and there was a spear coming right at her, she jumped into the air spinning. The lightning around her made it a beautiful site.

Tontori stopped. She would wait for him to show himself, and then send this lightning through his skull.

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Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only) Empty Re: Team Six Mission (Open to Team Six Only)

Post by shiro_tojiro Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:22 pm

The man stopped running and sat in the trees, watching. He simply sat on his tree branch while performing the handseals to create a Shadow clone. The clone made its ways through the trees so that it was some distance in front of her. He then stared at Tontori before speaking aloud so only Tontori could hear him.

"Now listen Tontori I really don't want to hurt you, or possibly kill you, but if you continue acting as if you want to fight, then I will. There will be no mercy in my attacks from here on out if you choose to continue on."

From Tontori's point of view, she wouldn't be able to see the real him begining a long chain of handseals that were capable of making her immobile. The jutsu he was planning on performing was considered at least a B ranked and would end their talk very quickly if she didn't choose correctly.

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