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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:13 pm

As the sun rose, Kratos got up from his "Thinking nap" as usual. He was just slightly sore from the previous battle he had to test his first new student. It was just about 7:00 am, as his alarm clock automatically goes off to "wake" him up. Getting ready, he brushed his hair- Trying to look his best as well-kept. He put on his usual 'uniform' and walked into the kitchen, getting out a glass of milk and drinking it. Kratos himself knows that if he didnt eat or drink anything in the mornings, that the rest of his day would be living hell for his rumbling stomach. He chuckled softly and wiped his mouth, making sure he wouldnt leave a milk-mustache.

Walking out of his house, he closed the door behind himself and locked it. He walked down his stairs and began to make his way to Klano's house. Today, they would find a second student. Kratos wanted Klano to learn the precious gifts and benefits it is to have a team mate, and thats what he was going to do exactly. He stepped up to Klano's footsteps, then knocked on the door. He waited for about a few minutes, then kicked the door. He had left a large footprint on the door; but that's what Klano gets for not getting prepared for an early day that he would need to for the rest of his life, well, until he became a Jounin and left his team.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Lee Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:48 pm

Klano had still been asleep when he heard the loud crash towards the front of his house. The night before, he could barely sleep for two reasons. First being, he had burn marks that he didn't even know were there from the spar he had with his uncle, which took place last evening. He was sore, as he was after every fight or spar. Secondly, he was confident on finding a new team-mate today, so he was up all night thinking of who it could possibly be.

What Klano thought was beginning to now be a normal wake up routine, was happening again. Klano rushed out of bed, and slipped on some fresh clothes as he ran to the kicked open door. He zipped up his jeans as he looked to the side of his door. A big-a** footmark, on his clean white door, and his sensai stood right beside it. Klano did a move that most girls do when they were angry at a boy, he covered all his anger up with a smile. He didn't want to get on his uncles bad side.

"Well," Klano began to say. "We should go find an addition to team Shinzui now."Klano said, attempting to forgive his door being bust open. He closed his door before he slowly walked down the stairs to the village streets, waiting for his uncle to follow.


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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:01 am

Kratos chuckled, but he knew exactly who his new team mate was. The Hokage had added a name to a list of Jounin around Konoha. Although, the boy had signed up to be a part of a team. The Hokage had chose wisely, knowing that the boy used fire and electricity, as did Kratos. He smiled at Klano, but saw there were a few burned marks on his shoulders. He knew that they would be there for quite a while, and would get in the way for the training and what not. "Hold on a sec."He said and turned around, grabbing Klano gently by the wrist. He stopped the boy as they were walking away from his house. "You cant go out there with those noticable and painful burning strikes on your shoulders."He paused and took out, what looked like, a gord. This was a small gord that was always carried around on Kratos's belt. He opened it and poured what looked like water, into his hands. Kratos then whiped his hands together with the fluid and put it on his shoulders, evening it out a bit. "There. Lets go now."He put the gord back on his belt and walked with Klano again.

"Our new addition lives around the smaller region of Konoha, so it would only take about 20 minutes to get there."He explained, looking at a clip board with the information on the boy. He was not to show this to Klano - It was a surprise for him.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Lee Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:11 am

Klano let Kratos rub the fluid onto his shoulder, without knowing what it was. He didn't know the burn marks were that noticeable, but apparently they were. He had even tried covering them up with his wrap-around cloth. Whatever the fluid did, it hadn't taken effect yet, So Klano was still quite curious as to what it did.

Klano walked with a more attentive pace now. He had thought that they were to go out and find the new addition, rather then be assigned. He guessed Konaha was a bit more organized then Takigakure. "You already know who it is Uncle? Who is it? What's his name? What does he do?"


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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:27 am

Kratos smiled and softly chuckled at Klano's attempts at trying to figure out whom the new student was. Although, he had given in. He turned his head to Klano, and said, "A person, with a name, that does stuff."He answered and laughed softly. He turned his head back around, taking a turn around the corner. He was a fast walker, and he wanted to meet his new accuaintance in the morning. Kratos wanted to teach this student some of his own fire and lightning techniques, as he also wanted to unlock Klano's and the new one's third element.

He then came to a stop and looked at the street names above them. "Hmmm... I believe this is it."He said and grinned, walking up to a house. Kratos looked behind him, beckoning Klano to come forward. As the boy stepped up to him, Kratos fixed his hair so he would look nice for his new team mate. "Dont do anything out of character, yatta desu ka?"He told Klano and winked playfully, turning around and knocking on the door, "Its your new sensei!"He announced so the boy would open the door.

OOC: Your turn to post Hoshi, then you Klano.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Darkjagwar Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:58 pm

About a minute passed after Kratos had knocked at the door without anyone answering. Suddenly lumbering steps could be heard coming from inside that increased in volume as Hoshimaru approached the door and opened it. He was in full ninja-attire just with his headband on crooked and his vest unzipped. He had a glazed look in his eyes and his hair was a bit untidy. He leaned against the doorway and studied the two of them. "Oi, so you must be Kratos," he said in a monotonous voice looking at Kratos, "and your Klano...Yoshimaru's family, right?" As he said this he perked up a little bit. Hoshimaru hadn't known Yoshimaru personally, but had heard of his great feats and had heard of his honorable death in battle. He also knew of the Kangai Kekkei Genkai but had always wondered what it looked like in action. His thoughts returned to the situation at hand: it was the early morning, he was being visited by his new team, and he was not much of a morning person. "But damn it, sensei, don't you know how early in the morning it is?"

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Lee Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:44 pm

Klano gave a staggering look towards his sensei, as if he too thought it to early to be knocking--- or in Klano's case, barging through doors at such an early hour. However, he didn't say much about it to his uncle, he had only respect for the higher-ups. "Yes, that's me. Klano Kangai, descendant of the great Yoshimaru Kangai. Nice to meat you, Hoshimaru. Klano said, then extended his arm and shook his new acuantince's hand firmly. Klano scaled the person in front of him. A green jacket, with a clean looking head-band across his forehead. Klano had only just received his upon moving to Konahagakure a couple of weeks ago, and it was already dirtied up. It's not like he disrespected the village or anything, he just couldn't stay clean for the life of him.


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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Apr 15, 2009 8:58 pm

As the door opened, Kratos smiled at his new student. Although, he scanned over him for a moment; His clothes of an average Chuunin, but in a very sloppy manner. He didnt mind that much, but his hair wasnt even brushed. Kratos liked his students to be up and ready, not sleeping the day away as if they had the whole afternoon training; it was in the mornings that Kratos liked to train himself, thinking it would help his own students. He chuckled at the boy and shook his hand in respect. "Kratos Aurion. You can just call me Sensei if you would like."He grinned and laughed a bit, as he then began to mess with Hoshimaru's hair, making it more even and kept. "You will be getting good sleep at night, and waking up just as the break of Dawn occurs. Got that?"He smiled and looked upwards into the almost light blue sky, "The sun is about to rise, lets go."He grinned at them and turned around, beginning to walk off Hoshimaru's door step.

Kratos was planning to go to a special hide out he had known for a while now, just to talk about eachother individually so his new students would know about eachother, and their sensei.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:35 pm

"I apologize, sensei," Hoshimaru said looking to the side. "I haven't been as disciplined lately. I haven't had an actual sensei for some time now and any training I do is by myself when I feel up to it, so please forgive me for my behavior."

This was true. After the Chuunin Exams, Kazuki had taught Hoshimaru about their Kekkei Genkai: the Light Element. However, after this Kazuki left to do his own missions and left Hoshimaru without an instructor. For the past year and a half, Hoshimaru's training had been primarily meditation and practice by himself. He had become less disciplined over time to the point where he relaxed all day except to train for short periods of time when he felt like it. In order to keep himself from becoming too lazy, he had done some work at the Hokage's office, but nothing too difficult. He would often socialize with other residents of the village during his free time.Now that he was in the mission loop with a team again, he was excited because he had wanted to be on a team for the longest time, but was also nervous because he had been slacking on his training and feared that he would have to resort to using the power of the Thunderbolt Seal just to keep up.

After he had apologized, he adjusted his clothing to make his outfit neater, fixed his hair, zipped up his vest, and re-tied his forehead protector. After doing to, he began to walk next to Kratos. "So, where are we headed, sensei?" he asked.

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Lee Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:31 pm

Klano had stood there almost lifeless, as his sensai and team member talked around. He was thinking about.. well, he wasn't thinking about anything at all. He just stood there, staring into space. His sensai and Hoshimaru seemed so alike, personality wise, as well as elementally. Klano took a breath, then heard his uncle say something down the road. Klano ran down til' he reached the left side of his sensai, returning to a normal walking pace.

He was excited to meet his teamate. It was what he had been looking forward to for a couple years, being on an assigned team. It was sort of a social thing, his whole life he had been doing solo work. Now he felt supported in a way. Upon becoming a chuunin, Klano was moving from village to village, seeking power. But what he realized was, power didn't matter much, if there was nothing to do with it. He hadn't been on a mission in years, ever since the chuunin exams.

Klano walked along, listening to his companions talk. "Yeah.. Where ARE we headed, sensei?"


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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:58 pm

Kratos smiled as he looked down at Hoshimaru, patting his head as if he were a child. "Its fine, Hoshi-san. Just try and remember everything I teach you, so maybe someday, you'll have little students to watch over, and you can teach them everything I tought you."He laughed and looked to his left side, seeing Klano hurry up to stay with the group. He was going to take his students to a secret area, just to be alone with them, and get to know eachother more. Kratos looked up at the sky, it was beginning to turn a pinkish-blue, the sign of dawn. Kratos took a look back at Klano and answered, "A secret base only known to me."He smiled and chuckled softly, looking forward again. Knowing that if these two children got together and got to know eachother, their power and strength would increase in heart. Their will to protect eachother would increase, making their battles worth while.

A little cabin was ahead of them now, which was lead from a deserted area of Konoha. It was a little burned down cabin that seemed to still be standing. Kratos walked up to it, and opened the door. Dust and what not flew out of it, but he blew out a breath of air to clear it. He stepped inside and crouched down, opening up a 'trap door' on the ground. He looked at his students behind him and shouted, "Come on! Jump down!"He then turned back around and jumped down, landing on his feet. He reached to his side and took down a lanturn from the wall. Inside it was pitch black, but he lit the lanturn with some fire that expelled from his index finger.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Darkjagwar Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:11 pm

Hoshimaru jumped down after Kratos, channeling chakra to his feet to cushion the fall. Other than the bit of fire Kratos had generated out of his finger, everything else was pitch black. Normally, this would be a perfect opportunity for Hoshimaru to demonstrate his knowledge of his Kekkei Genkai: Light Element. However, he still lacked proper knowledge and training in order to spontaneously generate light because of his ability. He knew his father was able to do that, but he was not yet ready to improvise a technique with his ability, so instead he walked up to Kratos and asked, "So, sensei, where exactly are we headed?"

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Lee Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:19 pm

Klano got down on his knees and stared down into the hole. It was pitch black, and he didn't know where the bottom of it was, so he was a bit skeptical about jumping straight in. Still on his knees, he performed some hand-signs, concentrating on the wooden foundation of the old house. This was his "Roots" technique.

Before, Klano could not perform this technique so well, but he had mastered this simple technique. The roots flew down at high speeds, Klano clinging to the bottom of the biggest on. When the roots stopped six feet above the floor, Klano performed an acrobatic move to let himself down. He hung by his knees, the flipped down onto the floor, landing on his feet. He put his arms up in pride, waiting for praise from his sensai, but then he remembered how dark it was. Noone could see the cool thing he just did.

Klano whispered, "What is this place, Uncle?"


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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:47 pm

Kratos kept walking oh so slowly so his students could keep up with him, and do what they needed to to just jump down in the hole. He looked back and watched Hoshimaru come into the surrounded space of light he had. He stopped and waited for Klano, watching him come up after Hoshimaru. "Good job, guys."he smiled at them and turned around, and kept walking with them. "This is an underground layer that I happend to come apon when I first started living here about 4 or 5 years ago. This is where I planned everything, and kept sweet solitude at."He answered both of them, as he came to a dead end. He placed the lanturn on a stool made of rock, as there were atleast 5 logs surrounding the stone stool. Kratos set himself down comfortably on one of the logs, and made a handmotion for them to sit down as well.

"We will start by getting you two to know eachother more, and maybe I will even tell you more about myself."He chuckled as he explained. He turned a little knob on the lanturn, making the fire get brighter and bigger. "Hoshimaru, begin the bragging."He said with a sence of humor in his tone. "You can start yours after he's done."Kratos whispered to his oi.

Last edited by Shin Uchiha on Tue Apr 21, 2009 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to add Klanos part)
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Darkjagwar Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:48 pm

Despite the darkness of the underground lair, Hoshimaru felt somewhat comfortable with Kratos and Klano in the area so he sat down and began. "My name is Hoshimaru Yajin and I'm an alcoholic...." he broke out into mild laughter after making the joke but then stopped after a few seconds to continue. "Hehe, um, yeah, so let's see, I specialize in Lightning techniques and am in the process of learning how to use Light Element, which I can use because of my Kekkei Genkai. I also know a few simple but useful non-elemental ninjutsu that I can probably teach you two if you want to learn. I also use a katana as my primary weapon but might get a ninjuto soon too."

Hoshimaru didn't want to go too far into his combat and skill specifics just in case he had to fight one of them at some point and didn't want to give away all of his secrets including his Thunderbolt Seal. So instead, he went into personal details. "I live with my father now; my mother died when I was very young, so it's been me and my dad for as long as I can remember. I hope to master Lightning and Light Element so I may one day match or even surpass my father's skill. On a lighter note, I enjoy silent meditation because it's soothing and helps chakra control, well, for me at least. I also love Teriyaki. I guess you're up, Klano-san."

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Lee Thu Apr 23, 2009 7:55 pm

Klano took in every detail of his teamates short auto-biography. He seemed like an interesting person, with a sense of humor to say the least. Klano was still a bit confused at why they were all talking in such a dim-lit room, but when he heard his que, he began to speak... "Well," Klano began, and sat down criss-cross apple sauce next to his teamate. "My name is Klano Kangai, and i'm originally from Takigakure. I used to reside there, before the chuunin exams began in Kumogakure, and I was forced to travel there to become a chuunin. That was the last time I saw my home village though, because it had been destroyed by an uknown force," Klano said. It always made him sad to talk about the destruction of his home town.

"Luckily, my parents escaped and moved out to Kumogakure, where I situated myself for a full one and a half years. I trained under a great mokuton user named Koga, who taught me a great set of abilities. I would have stayed there, with my parents and Koga, but everything went wrong..." Klano fealt that his story was getting to personal, so he kept to his guidelines. "I love all foods, except for fried rice, blek!!" Klano yelled, making a gagging motion, which you couldn't correctly desipher under the darkness of this cave.

"So, uncle. Tell us a bit about yourself. I barely know anything personal about you.."


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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:54 pm

Kratos smiled as he listened to both of them talk about their backrounds. He knew most of Klano's life, but listening to Hoshimaru, he knew he was hiding a few things. Because of that, he knew that Hoshi-san didnt want the two others to know about his fighting style. Kratos nodded his head as he listened, and then leaned over to make more oil in the lanturn burn; causing the light to get brighter. He heared Klano say it was his turn, as he coughed and cleared his throat to speak.

"Alright... Well, I was "Born" in Kumogakure, as a... creature."He started out, then paused to look at their faces. He chuckled and went on, "As a 'baby' I was taught many lightning jutsu. I was sealed inside of a very skilled man at the moment he was born. I cant tell you how, since I dont even know."He stopped and began to think about what else to talk about. "I guess you can say I became 'one' with this man, meaning we both felt the same type of emotional pain. He even tapped into me whenever he needed help in a situation."He then stopped and looked at Klano, then at Hoshimaru, "Bet ya cant guess why my little Oi over here calls me 'Uncle'"He joked and then whispered in a very low voice to Hoshimaru, "Im Yoshimaru Kangai."
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Darkjagwar Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:03 pm

This statement had caught Hoshimaru off guard so that he nearly fell over. "How is that even possible, sensei? Didn't he die a couple of years ago? And wasn't he a Mokuton user? From what I've heard, you use Lightning and Fire...are you some sort of demon or spirit?"

Hoshimaru had barely any experience with demons or spirits other than during the Chuunin Exams when his opponent in the finals was possessed by a demon. That was the first time Hoshimaru had to use his Thunderbolt Seal in order to reach his elevated state. Knowledge that he was in the presence of a spirit made him uneasy.

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Lee Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:18 pm

Klano snickered under his breath at Hoshimaru's responce. He remembered when he first came to Konaha, and found his supposed "uncle" Kratos at a ramen shop. His responce was even more shocking, with questions flying all at him. He turned his head to the left, looking at Hoshimaru.

"I didn't get it either, and still fully don't," Klano said, putting his hands on his knees, which were slumped over in a criss-cross applesauce position. Klano still pondered every now and then, the details of Kratos's relation to Yoshimaru's. Was it Yoshimarus personality, and Kratos's body? Was it both of their personalities, combined in one? Or was it maybe both of their personalities, chipping in at eachother every once in a while. Whatever. He liked them both either way.

"So sensei, when are we all gonna have a REAL mission?" Klano said eagerly. He was tired of hanging around the village all day, he wanted to do something dangerous.


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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Apr 24, 2009 8:30 pm

Kratos chuckled as he looked over at Hoshimaru. He started to explain, as he took a deep breath. "Yes, I am his spirit."He said, and then went on. "I am my own person. I am not litterally him, but I act so much like him, you could say I am his reincarnation. He, himself is a Mokuton user. I, myself, is a Lightning and fire user."he explained and then laid back against the wall.

He looked over to Klano and chuckled a bit, hearing his own question made him think. "Hmmm... Once we start training together, we'll see."He answered and stood up, taking the lanturn and smiled. "Lets hit the road and go to the training area."He said and began to walk off.
Shin Uchiha
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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:04 pm

Hoshimaru followed Kratos out of the lair and to the training grounds. So he's a lightning user like me, huh, he thought. Maybe he can teach me some things... Hoshimaru thought about his past training, or lack thereof. First he was trained a lot by his father up until he became a genin, at which point his father barely taught him anything and still hasn't taught him much. His first sensei, Ippin, had given him a scroll of Lightning techniques and then left him to learn them himself. Looking back, his recent training has been without guidance most of the time. It was good to have an experience teacher and maybe Hoshimaru would become much more skilled with proper guidance.

He then looked at Klano and thought about the fact that Yoshimaru was killed in battle and then resurrected, giving him and Klano another chance to bond. "It must be great having your uncle back," Hoshimaru said to Klano, smiling. "I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to my father."

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Lee Sun May 03, 2009 10:58 am

Klano jogged down next to Hoshimaru, his teamate, walking to the side of him, and behind his uncle. From the directiong they were going, he could tell it would be the training grounds, again. But maybe it would be much different this time, with Hoshimaru around and all. As he walked, he heard Hoshimaru say something about his uncle. Klano laughed lightly, then scratched his head, like he always does before bringing up a touchy subject.

"Actually, I didn't even know Yoshimaru Kangai, before his death, that is. His parents had kept him a secret from me when I was little, knowing that i'd try to run away and seek him," Klano said, then took a look at his uncle, who was walking ahead of him. "But it's nice to have him around anyway."

Klano stopped walking as he entered the training grounds, then looked around, seeing it looked the same as last time. "So, how are we gonna do this now?" Klano asked.


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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun May 03, 2009 1:06 pm

Kratos listened to Hoshimaru and Klano talk to eachother, about himself. He knew it would be good for the two to get to know eachother alittle bit more, but getting to know their strategies and fighting styles were more important right now. He wanted to see what kind of techniques Hoshimaru could do; maybe he could teach him some new jutsu. Although, it would be hard to teach Klano new jutsu because he is a Mokuton user, but he could still teach him stances and techniques that didnt require elements.

Entering the training field, he walked into the middle of it with his small group. He turned around and looked at Hoshimaru, then at Klano. "Alright you two... Since I have already seen Klano's jutsu be preformed, I would like to see what you can do, Hoshimaru-"He then stopped and preformed a few handsigns, "Katon bushin no jutsu."He commanded, as a fire clone of himself appeared next to him. The clone stood infront of Hoshimaru. "Show him what you can do!"

OOC: You can control the clone's actions yourself. All he is going to do is block, and throw punches.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Darkjagwar Fri May 08, 2009 2:31 pm

"Show you what I can do, huh?" Hoshimaru repeated as he drew his katana. "I know it won't go down without a fight, so I'll be able to show you everything you'll be dealing with." He rushed towards the clone with his katana ready to strike. The clone took out a kunai and held up its guard.

First, Hoshimaru performed three quick slashes which the clone blocked with the kunai. After the third slash, Hoshimaru ducked under the clone and kicked it into the air and jumped after it. He was going to use his most powerful sword technique and see if the clone was strong enough to withstand it. He shouted "Hectoslash! One hundred steel cuts!" Within 5 seconds, a rate of 20 slashes each second, Hoshimaru delivered 100 slices with his katana to Kratos's clone. To his dismay, the clone blocked all hits.

Damnit! If Kratos's clone is this skilled...I don't want to have to face Kratos anytime soon! Both Hoshimaru and the clone landed on the ground. "Time to take it up a notch," he said as he began to run his chakra through the blade. "Energy blade!!!" he shouted as he came at the clone. The clone held up his kunai to block, but the blade sliced through the kunai and the clone let his guard down out of surprise.

It was then that Hoshimaru got up close to the clone and placed his palm in front of the clone's face. Hoshimaru let loose a burst of chakra from his palm and yelled "Repulse!!!" This was his Chakra Repulsor Technique, which involved blasting chakra out of his hand in order to generate enough force to push the target back. He used this right up against the clone's face. The clone instantly went flying backwards until gravity took over and the clone fell to the ground.

"Now for the finishing blow," he said as his katana was surrounded by electric sparks. "Lightning Energy Blade!!!" he yelled as he threw his katana at an arc so that when it fell it stuck through the clone's chest and in the ground. The Lightning Energy Blade was simply a more powerful Energy Blade in which Hoshimaru used Lightning chakra to strengthen the blade. This attack caused the clone to burst into flames before dispersing.

"So," Hoshimaru said as he walked over to his katana and lift it out of the ground, "was that good enough for you, sensei?"

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Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate. Empty Re: Mission No. 2: Find the new teammate.

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri May 08, 2009 5:05 pm

Kratos watched each and every movement that Hoshimaru and his clone did. Starting out with simply kenjutsu and taijutsu was perfect; building up enough rage and chakra for blows by using chakra, or ninjutsu. His clone was almost definantly as strong as himself, but he weakened him just a bit since he only had a sword, kunai, and 50% of his chakra to use. Kratos was impressed by Hoshimaru's speeed and techniques used by his simple katana.

He slowly walked up to a pile of burning grass, stomping on it a few times to put it out. He chuckled and looked over at Hoshi, smiling as he said. "That was really good, im impressed."He told him in a praising tone, walking towards him. "So you use Kenjutsu with Ninjutsu, pretty much?"He asked to make it clear.

OOC: Post Klano, then Hoshi.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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