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There Was A Time... (Lelia)

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Mon May 18, 2009 11:36 pm

Looking up just when he hit the ground to his knees, she watched with slight awe. He tore the cloth away to reveal his bone popping out of his shoulder! Now, that definitely couldn't mean anything good. Blood even leaked, and glancing again at the cloth in his hands, they were dirtied with blood also, excluding the dirt that was also splattered all over the fabric. His expression was grim, pained, she noted too.

Her sore eyes took in the fact of him raising his hand to his shoulder. It shook slightly, he didn't seem to take any notice. He seemed to be preparing to heal it. Had he been studying medical?

Just the moment he about started, she was scooting her booty over to sit next to him. Her head tipped and she gave him the sponsorship she could, a comforting head lightly on his none-desperately wounded shoulder. She WAS tied up, so there WAS no better she could do. Well, besides the warm smile that curled to her chap stick painted lips.

Watching Munashii heal himself and jerk that upset bone back into his arm, it was a horror show gone....gone....gone Munashii! Her best friend in pain. What an icky sentence that breathed. Eerie and carnivous and just plain wrong. She watched with a comforting smile, but a hurt twist in her eyes screamed behind the shield of her control. She didn't like seeing friends hurt. Weather it be mentally, spiritually, or, in this case, physically. It hurt her too. It hurt bad.

When he'd glanced up and had FINALLY realized she was still bound by his suffocating and itchy wires, he snapped, and they fell. Like a trapped rat finally released from the cage, she through them off her shoulders and stumbled them as far as she could chuck them. Maybe she'd gone just a little too far with the chucking feature presentation, but that's just Lelia. Overly exaggerate.

With a grateful and proud smile, she smiled thanks to him, taking his hand.

On her feet and finally calm enough that the adrenaline rushed slow enough to let her mind realize how soar and exhausted she was, Lelia stretched upwards. Bones cracked from abruptly stiff muscles tenderly straining (Purposely the finger bones she gangly cracked above her head). But hearing him ask her if she was hurt, she absentmindly mimicked him in a drifted realty voice. "Are you injured?"

She looked down at herself, twisting around to look behind herself, before pouting at him. A whine burst out, "Yes! Yes I am!" With a quiet sob and dramatic pause, she held out her hand as if he were to take it to show off the cracked ring finger nail. "I broke a nail! I know! I knooooow! Horrifying!"

Another dramatic pause, and a giddy giggle if he chuckled, she pulled out of her little dramatic scene to shake her head. “I’m fine, I’m fine. Just soar eyed, bruised and battered.” Suddenly, and accusingly, she pointed her left hand index finger and prodded his chest lightly as an authoritive woman would do. “YOU on the other hand,” she stated rather cheerfully. “Mr. Macho-Nachos,” she’d added according to his tough look he’d displayed to her. “It’s you we should be asking: ‘Are you Injured’. That shoulder’s obvious.”

With a quick quirk of a thought, she stepped left to pat it gently, a little reach for her arm still, even after all this time. Sudden softness took over her exterior. “Does it hurt?” Her eyes drifted from his face, to is shoulder and back. A gesture, if you will. Before she, possibly and even herself, surprised him as her hands laced behind her back and like a child to a flower, she kissed his shoulder.

Looking back up at him, her right hand formed a check mark with the thumb and index finger as she winked and stated: “Royal Higure kiss of good luck.” a bright smile flashed and she added, “My mother always kissed my step father when he was ill somewhere upon his person, and he healed quicker than most would.”

With another thought flitting to her mind, she carried on the conversation with a suggestion, “Should we take you to the hospital to get you bandage up? You look beat and tired and tired-beat at the same time.” She’d giggled just before a notice caught her eye.

Reaching up slowly, not to alarm him purposly, she took his chin to look at it directly and 'hmmed'. A shake of the head, she let go and just muttered, "Not fair." before speaking higher with, "Smeared in dirt and scars and still so handsome!" Lelia folded her arms across her chest and stuck her tounge out like a child at him. "Simply not fair." That bright smile that shown in her face, she'd hoped it brought a smile to his. She probably looked like crap, she thought to herself, bruised, battered and smeared in dirt with sweat sticky, matted hair. Ew. It was hard not to gag even thinking about what she might look like!


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue May 19, 2009 7:58 am

Munashii watched Lelia in her little scene with some amusement. She always did enjoy acting and the like. When she gave her reply to his quiery, he knew she would be just fine. If she had enough energy to laugh and joke, she would be alright. When she asked the same question of him, he shrugged.

"No need to worry about me, I'll be alright in a couple of days". He really did not need to go to the hospital. After all, he had healed the wound himself, and he was confident in his ability to heal his injuries. He watched with a raised eyebrow as she kissed his hurt shoulder and gave her explination.

"Well then, I should be fine in no time shouldn't I", he said with some amusement. When she commented on his look, he was very taken aback. He wasn't used to being talked to this way, so he had no idea of how to reply. He shrugged again. "You look fine" he announced with a small smile. He reach down, as if he was going to touch her face...

But his hand went straight by and plucked a senbon that was sticking out of her shoulder. He threw the ninja tool on the ground. Looking up into the sky, he saw that the rain was about to become very bad.

"I think we should call it a day", he said in his normal flat tone, squinting up at the clouds.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2009 5:55 pm

With a few nods, she announced, "Alright, if you say so." She beleived him, but maybe her quirky smile could be deceiving. She always had been accused of being a 'non-believer' in the academy days.

Back to what she'd said earlier she snapped her fingers brightly. "Yep!" Then suddenly, a thought came to her mind. "Well...then again....I think it only works it's magic on lovers...." She tapped her index finger upon her chin thoughtfuly as her silvery eyes looked past reality into her lala land.

Luckily, she was pulled back just in time before damage was done and she was lost forever....

"You look fine" he announced with a small smile. He reach down, as if he was going to touch her face... ((Ooo suspensful!!!!))

For a second, she was unsure on his motive and what he was going to do, blank confusion fused to her face. Then, suddenly, a pinch occured. And of course, over exaggeratated Lelia had to mess around. She didn't know why, but she liked to make her friends smile. Also being the fact he was her only friend, she was extra determined to do everything she could, take every chance.

Even though she was too stubborn to realize how annoying she may be appearing to him or others because of her goal.

"Oww!" she pouted as a hand slapped to the absent senbon in her arm, not helping the ow-poor me fit anybit. "Hey! That was going to be my souvenier!" she looked down at it and wiped an absent tear away.

After 'I think we should call it a day' she looked up to the sky too. Only to get pelted with the abrupt light drizzle that erupted from the sky. Cracking silver linings suspicously loomed as signs of lightning as winds snapped and begun to become jumpy.

"I agree...." turning around, she quickly hastened her little booty over to gather up her katana and whip that were scraggled all over the ground. Sheithing the sword in its sheith and wrapping up the leather whip, she walked over to him and stated: "So does this mean I have to say good bye ooooor do I get to treat you to ramen for beating me?"


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Sparky Tue May 19, 2009 7:28 pm

(OOC: Munashii gave me permission to join in on this thread)

"So soon?" A voice said out of the shadows, before stepping forth to reveal himself. Bowing low to the pair before him, he spoke again, "I have been observing your spar and have been quite impressed with your levels of skill. I therefore have this offer to put forward to you both and I sincerely hope you will accept."
Yami no Kira knelt close to the two shinobi, so that no others may hear of his request, secrecy was paramount for the moment.
"My name is Yami no Kira, I hail from Kirigakure. I have grown to be... shall we say, annoyed, with how the 5 great ninja nations have failed to deal with the threat we currently face, especially given the events in Kumogakure of late. My request to you both is this: I am a member of an organisation called Shuugoteki. We are dedicated to combating any threat we become aware of. After seeing your skills in combat, I wish for you to join this organisation and aid us in the fight to protect our great countries."

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed May 20, 2009 7:19 am

Munashii quickly turned and drew his sword, letting chakra flow down the length of the blade in the style of the Fuuton Ken, greatly improving the sharpness of his sword. While the stranger talked, he never lowered his weapon, keeping himself interposed between Yami and Lelia. His story sounded slightly suspious. He just happened to be walking be and encountered the two Chuunin sparring?

Munashii had never believed in coincidence, and he wasn't about to start now.

However, when he mention the attack on Kumo, and the unrest he claimed he felt at the lack of action was something that Munashii could relate to. His father said that there were factors in the attack that needed to be considered, but Munashii needed to take some kind of action. The lives lost on that day is an act that should never be repeated again.

Still, he had to know all the factors, because such orginisations had a habit of losing sight of their purpose turning against the very things they once upheld.

"Well, Yami no Kira of Kirigakure, I must say that I am tempted to join this orginisation of yours. But tell me this. Were you really just happening by, or were you looking for something... or someone... in paticular?" Munashii said quietly and calmly, his eyes not leaving Yami's for a moment.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Sparky Wed May 20, 2009 7:27 am

Yami watched the sword, unsure of the reaction to present. He moved one hand slightly so it rested on the hilt of his sword, just in case it became a needed tool.
He flicked his eyes upwards, to meet Munashii's and spoke in a measured tone.
"I have been travelling for some time, searching for shinobi with considerable power. I have heard rumours of particular clans with certain abilities whose members would suit the aim of this organisation well. The Hissori clan was one of the names that cropped up during my research. Though, while that alone was enough to warrant an attempt to hunt a member down, the loyalty that each member holds to their village and clan made it an almost perfect choice to find one. Although, this did prove difficult. I was merely passing by when I heard the sounds of this spar and came to investigate. Imagine my surprise when I have before me that which I have sought. You may take this story however way you wish, for I see that there is a part of you which distrusts my sudden appearance as well I may expect given that you have no prior knowledge of me or my aims except that which I give you."

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 6:03 pm

Surprised and in defense, Lelia spun on her toes to face the man coming up to them from the shadows. How long had he been there and unnoticed? She looked him up and down with discriminative eyes. He looked about twenty five, taller than her by a foot and more, dangerous eyes that seemed strangly tinted red (Contacts, maybe?) and a dark cloak that could mean weapons are hidden amoung his person. Strong outlook and confident, yet cautious posture. Without even a word and a headband, he was immiedietly classified a kiri. YOu couldnt' miss it, especially with this guy. Although, the playful kink in his eyes, very insightful for a two sided line of a man.

He'd asked if Munashii and she would want to join his organization before Munashii could imply his questions. Lelia watched him carefully. Looking for body posture, shakiness, eye movement/contact. Everything she'd studied upon to tell if he were a liar, a joke, or an assassin after her hide.

He shifted his hands to pose over his blade, cautious. His eyes seemed wary but fixed, truth. Sturdy posture, could be killer or out right cautious stance. Adding on to the fact that he was a bloody mist, she came closer to a conflusion about him and what to say.

Quickly, she asked the simplest question that could give her all the answers she needed about him and the organization in one. A step forward and a careful hand hovering inches from her whip fastened to her side, she asked, "Who and what kind of person is in charge?"

The goal in this, she needed to hear the tone he used. If it were to be respect, that meant fear or loyalty. She also needed to, obviously, know who ran the organization and a quick insert on how he or she ran the organization. One shouldn't join something without knowing the leader. Knowing if he or she is bad or good, and adding that to the good cause, she would then decide her answer. Lelia, thanks to Munashii, had gained all her other answers. She just needed this one, then a consent or decline granted.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Sparky Wed May 20, 2009 6:13 pm

Yami's eyes flicked to the kunnoichi's eyes, measuring her gaze carefully before answering, each word a considered thought.
"The leader... At the moment there is no leader. The organisation is yet young and all decisions are debated and decided by its members. There is no cause for one single leader as each decision made is carefully weighted by each member. We have no desire to do anything more then protect our homelands and no single person can defend other's home in place of someone else. In time perhaps, a leader may be elected, and it will be done by a unanimous election if it is the collective desire of the Shuugoteki."

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 6:29 pm

Lelia took in the face he gave, the same he'd worn the entire time. Composed, careful but there was something else she wasn't too sure about, but, besides that feeble point, her mind went over the facts once more.

Stepping up to him with a graceful step, craning her neck to face him, a smile burst and curled to her porcelin face as she held out her hand to him. "I'm Higure, Lelia of the Lightning Village. I'd adore to join your organization!" bright, sunshiny, happy, go lucky. That was Lelia's welcoming side. She was complex, but pretty much that's what she was known for to close friends.

A quirk of thought, she added, "Oh! And nice to meet you!"

With a glance back at Munashii, she wondered what he would say? Would he agree or decline?

Agreeing meant he was proving he loved his village and wanted to protect it with his life.

Declining, he still loved his village and wanted to protect it with his life but he wasn't takeing chances with it.

Choices, choices, choices. What would be the outcome for her dear Hissori friend?


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 6:40 pm

OOC:ok this topic is on going 2 months now, i think u catch my meaning. Try to wrap it up and get your characters doin other things.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu May 21, 2009 2:46 pm

OOC: Sorry about the shortness of the post, we need to get this thread wrapped up now.

Munashii watched the interaction between Lelia and Yami, and made his decision.

"Alright. I'm in.", he said simply, sheathing his sword. When he did, he let the blade run lightly across his thumb, drawing blood. Rubbing the blood between his forefinger and injured digit, he looked at the man from Kirigakure.

"Where do we start, Yami-sama?"
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) - Page 2 Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Sparky Thu May 21, 2009 3:10 pm

Yami smiled simply, time to move on...
"Excellent, there are others I have been tasked to recruit. We shall start by looking for them and hopefully convincing them to also join our group. To begin with, we also need a solid base of operations. At the minute we have a roving base. We are thinking of abandoned or empty villages that we can use, if you know of any such places, it would be greatly appreciated."

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