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There Was A Time... (Lelia)

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:25 pm

Munashii sat cross legged on the ground, his eyes closed. It had been an eventful year. Yoshimo-sensei had dissapeared, leaving the Hissori clan to plug the power gap when no-one else stepped up for the the role of Raikage. Disguise was a necessity, since his clans slow fall into obscurity. Very few people knew that they even existed, most believing that they were just a myth. But, known or not, the Hissori clan was well and still playing it's part in Kumo's defence.

He had learned a lot over the year or so. His speed had improved, as well as his Keiji. Yoshimo-sensei had also left him some scrolls that contained medical ninjutsu, and he had practised them ceaselesly. He still didn't know how he felt about his teacher's sudden dissapearence. He didn't think that he would just leave like that, with nary a word of warning. But he was sure that whatever he was doing, he would still in his own way, never let Kumogakure or it's people come to harm. Not the Yoshimo he knew.

Noticing a new scent entering the training field, he gave a small smile.

"Good morning, Lelia", he uttered quietly with standing up or opening his eyes.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:40 pm

Lelia came from behind a tree, both hands raised, a bright smile on her doll face too. She'd planned to see if she could surprise and tease him or tease him with a surprise, either way. With a little laugh, "Morning! Heh, caught me that quickly huh?" Her tone was quite a little peppy this morning. She was excited to meet up and spar her dear friend, it had been just a little while since she'd have time to do so. She also wanted to expell her old moves, she'd been always training on the new ones, its been a while since she used her less damamging. "Ready to take on little ol' me?" Sarcasticly she spoke. She had grown an inch, but by the looks of it, he still was a tower over her. With a brush of her hand across her slender shoulder to wisp away a strand of dark hair, she walked up to him and looked him up and down. Her lips pursed as she did so, her arms folding, "You seem to......" She tapped her bottom lip, looking for the right word. "Calm, today." Reaching up to poke his chest softly, "What happened??" she asked in fake worry that could surpass a true worriers tone. At the moment, Lelia just wanted to get him a little more excited, battles were always more fun when the opponents were excited.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:55 pm

Munashii's smile widened uncharacteristically as his old friend stepped from 'hiding'. It had been too long since their last training session together, and he looked forward to sparring with her again.

"You know you cannot hide from me", he replied, tapping his nose. "I can smell you from a mile away. No offence intended", he added with a small chuckle. They had fought together many times before, and he had gotten used to her scent. Standing, he realised that he still taller than her, despite the fact he had barely grown at all. That amused him somewhat, although he knew that she could hold her own against many other ninja.

He thought of how to explain to her what he was thinking of. It was simple really.

"Do you remember, not far from here, is where we first encountered one another?" he asked, pointing a little way into the forest where he first saw Lelia practising her swordsmanship. Munashii had his sword, Fuuri, clasped in his hand, his other hand placed on the hilt. This was not a sign that he felt threatened. It was just something he did a lot lately, never letting his hand stray too far from his weapon.

He felt... at peace here. Under the trees of the training ground, he felt at home.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Fri Mar 27, 2009 8:43 pm

((OOC: Sorry took forever for me to reply, got sucked into working on my jutsu silent ))

The young lady put her hands on her hips and pouted, sliding one hand to her chest as she spoke. "I feel heart broken!" Then moving it to rest, palm up, on her forehead as her head snobbishly pointed her nose to the sky, "I do not stink that bad!" complete sarcasm buzzed in her gentile voice. A soft wind ruining her scene when it blew past him and her, her nose catching the scent of rose petals from her hair that she mistaked to be the scent of weeds. "Well," she picked a strand of hair to her nose and sniffed daintily. "I have been working in my garden a bit..."

Gazeing outward to where his hand struck out to gesture, she almost instintly remembered the memory of them meeting. She remembered his hand in hers, how scared and dry it was. Then flashes of them discussing swords and styles, all just before that jounin entered in. The one with the roses, she recalled. He was a nasty brute.

A simple nod bounced her dark bangs across her snowy complexioned face. "Yes, quite a day wasn't it? What with the Demon Wars and everything." she looked back at him and patted his shoulder. "I remember, you're hands were sooooo dry!" for that one sentence, she sounded like a real teenager instead of her usual sweet but athoritive tone she'd acquired lately. Her bright face childlike for a split second before she looked back out for one last glance at the steppe she realized she hadnt visited in a while. She'd moved on to working on adapting terrains and moving from spot to spot. She wondered how the snapping vines were doing. Perhaps they'd finally acquired that razor blade sharpness again over the spring.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:13 pm

OOC: I'm sorry it took long to reply too lol. At least you got the time to go through your new jutsu!

Munashii shook his head in disagreement with her proclimation of her not stinking with more than a little amusement. She indeed smelt like she had been tending her garden, the scent of flowers radiating from her rather strongly. With the mention of the Demon Wars, his deamour changed slightly. He remembered all those people that had died, his mother amoung those numbers. It made him feel sick, even these days.

He looked down at his hands. They had not changed that much. The skin was still rather dry, and even more scarred than the day he had first met Lelia. He had gained a few more scars over his body over the year, mostly through the intense training he had undergone with his father. Some where from missions he had performed. Even though he now had the power to heal the scars, he never once did. They were proof that he had struggled and overcome an obstical.

Running a hand through his pure white hair, he fixed Lelia with his stare.

"We never did get to fight that day", he mentioned, remembering how the so-called jounin had interupted them before they even had a chance to begin. "I wonder how it would have turned out", he added, his hand gripping his swords hilt a little tighter and his eyes flickering.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:07 am

Excitment sparked in the kunnoichi's silvery brown eyes, a flame flickering and burning bright behind them. He was right, as usual, they never did get to that spar, a year and a half ago, and now they could. A rush of adrenaline instinctly flooded her veins, you could almost say replacing her blood entirely how much rushed. She was a lover of the battles and every one she fought in, weather she lost or won, her heart swelled with the love of sparring and training and being out in the feild. She never knew exactly why she loved it so, she guessed it was because of her passion for the protection of her loved ones and village, however it still remained the tinted mystery. Oh well, though, that rush of feeling and the wind in her hair as the pressure between opponents increased, battling was so worth the long days of training. Even if most were shortly lived.

"Yes, me too." she spoke rather peotically. "Would it have been the," her slender left hand gestured to Munashii rather flirtaciously in its gentile, polite motions towards her trusted companion. "Irrambunctious, Hissorri Clan boy, or the," her hand tipped and curled to place upon her chest once more tentatively. "rather omnipotent, petite yours trully?" Pulling her hand down, she gripped the hilt with the tips of her fingers as her left boot slid backwards a ways into a more, casual state of stance. Her left eye brow perked up in a flick under her bangs with her pursed, sly lips just a split second before her sword was skillfully drawn out of the sheith and straight at Munashii's right shoulder in a flash so fast, the movement would usually startle opponents in the briskness. The air slicing across the blade, a slight flick, almost like the soft crakcing of a whip, proclaimed as it headed for her dear friend and comrade. Beginning what they almost started a year and a half ago.......


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:05 pm

OOC: A short post I'm afraid, I've got to get my creative juices flowing some more lol. Sorry.

Munashii saw the spark in Lelia's eyes and knew that the attack would come soon. He activated his Keiji and he heard her heart start to beat faster. Her breathing rythem increased, and he saw the flicker of her eyebrow. When the blow came, he was ready, but the speed was still impressive. Without drawing his sword, he leaned slightly to the right, Lelia's blade passing by and cutting a piece of his cloak. If he was still at his old level, he would probably be missing a chunk of his shoulder right now.

Keeping his sword in it's sheath, Munashii jumped over Lelia's head and struck downwards, aiming for her sword arm. So far, they were just playing, making up for the time they'd lost. Soon though, he was sure, things would begin to get serious, and they would show each other their true potential.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:55 pm

Those burning, silvery-brown eyes flickered at the sudden movement Munashii performed to dodge and topple himself over and behind the young kunnoichi. The air whirred and the pressure thickened and swerved around her. Even with her eyes close, it would have been obvious of his movement. He may be fast, the fastest she'd seen besides a jounin, but he still couldn't get past nature.

While over her, Lelia's hand released the katana's threaded hilt just as his hand neared her arm. Her little finger flicked the hilt and it spun on her palm like a cheerleader with a batoon. Spinning once for a threat and a defense as she backed her back backwards to avoid contact from her own blade; hurting herself probably wasn't the best idea in battle. As the rush of air from the spin upset her bangs out of her face, she up thrusted her wrist to knock the hilt into her hand as she bent further back and hit the hilt of her katana with her palm, it rocketed at Munashii as fast as a bow and arrow. During this, Lelia reached back with her hands to land her up, spin on her palm, and tease Munashi with a special one handed, spin kick, the specialty, she was upside down (^_^).

Landing with a slight dust ring uprising around her heels from her feet planting into the ground, she was facing Munashii and ready for anything. Her center of balance slipped her stance into the graceful, beautiful stance of the Buttafuri Fighting Style. She never really had a chance to show him this style, and she'd been studying and practicing for years. It was about time she had a chance to show off, especailly to her best friend. Yes, she showed off to others alot, but they didn't know her as much as Munashii does. Showing off to him, for the moment, was more rewarding in good feelings. More of a confidence booster.

Narrowed eyes, fired up and flickering dangerous, upon Munashii, she beckoned him with that palyful smile to take the next move. Two fingers curled to her palm, out and in, the half-polite fashion on bringing on an opponent. She took the first strike, the turn was his to take.

((OOC: Sooooooooooo sorry it took so long, really,realy busy on this side of the globe))


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:46 am

Munashii pulled his hand away as Lelia's sword span around like a baton, and was still in the air when the kick came speeding down upon him. In a seemingly impossible move, he twisted in mid-air, evading the kick and landing softly and quietly on his feet. He silently thanked his father for all the hard hours of agility training he had made him go through. He most likely would be sufferering from a large bruise right now if it wasn't for Rei Hissori's relentless pushing.

Looking up, he saw Lelia's stance and her "bring it on" sign. He gave out a small "hmph", and got into the stance of Hayai Dageki, a swift stance designed to wear out an opponent with speed and precision. He rushed towards Lelia, a large dust cloud appearing in his wake as he sped up to her, his image blurring slightly. Agility wasn't the only thing his father made him improve upon. Speed training also made up part of their lessons.

Munashii reached Lelia, and brought his sword down upon her. There would be an exchange of sword blows, her Buttafuri aginst his Hayai Dageki, and after a few moments, he would show her his new move. When she raised her blade to defend herself...

His sword would pass right through it and carry on towards her.

Another thing his Hissori brethren taught him. The Kyanseru Bannin, the guard cancel. Using his high speed, he would shift his blade around hers, bypassing it altogether.

He wondered if Lelia would notice in the heat of the fight that he still had not unseathed his sword.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:03 pm

Her smile faultered a twitch as she quickly reacted to the attack. Reaching down, she unclipped her latest weapon, it cracked as her wrist did and untwirled towards him when her hand reared back, and whipped forward in defense to either catch his wrist, or just slash him. The wind, smitten scournfully, cracked like thunder. Her stance shifted to be ready for a quick retreat if needed, her boots twisting with her left foot farther back then the right now.

The mental pressure thickened around the both of them, things were escalating. The battle was finally becoming something. Becoming more.....exciting. They were both no longer children as they once were a year or so. They had both come up with more hard days of training, and it was time Lelia showed her true colors. Well, maybe just a preview.

Taking ready for the clash, Lelia leaned a bit and quick broaught her shoulders to a more flexible straight. A reading action she'd picked up for when she had to take on a hard blow. She would still be wounded, she found out the hard way one day a few months back, but it wouldn't be as hard and as brutal as to resisiting a hit; becoming a brick wall as most would. Cringing the muscles under a blow, never a bright idea.

With her whip flipped out and rocketing towards Munashii, she half hoped it would catch on just before he hit her. Otherwise, she'd have to collapse herself before he could do some real damage. Her knees unbuckled in a loose format so she'd let herself fall to the ground in a damsel in distress kind of way if the length of leather wouldn't catch on to his wrist and permit her to jerk her side and upset his forward motion. A jutsu lay awaiting, if her whip caught, she'd use it and be so pleased she could. It would be such fun to see what he would do if she performed her jutsu on mind.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:22 pm

Munashii carried on, noticing the whip being drawn as he did. However, he had no chance to stop, as his momentum was just too great now to be stopped by anything other than the Keiji, and he wasn't resorting to that until he absolutly needed to.

He snarled as the whip caught his wrist, biting deep into his wrist. But instead of pulling back or flinching, he jumped, like he was going to tackle her. Then he started spinning in mid-air, twirling the whip around and around his arm. He made sure he had a tight grip on it with his hand. Just as he was about to hit her, he stopped spinning and aimed right at her stomach. The resulting blow would knock the wind out of her and hopefull make her let go of the whip, which he would yank at the moment contact was made.

He knew some kind of lightning jutsu would hit him. Munashii's mind prepared for the onslaught of pain, while his body braced for the impact of Lelia's.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:01 pm

Lelia wasn't entirely expecting him to actually spin and take hold of her whip. That wasn't something normally done. She slightly stifled her surprised gasp as she gritted her teeth and gripped the hilt tighter. She wasn't going to let him get away with something like this. As he came closer and took hold of his end, she jerked the whip tighter. Probably searing a little deeper into his wrist because of the tight throng. Her stance faultered as the surprise of him stopping took her for a ride.

His fist made contact to her stomach, hard and fast and shocking as pain seared. Her senses seemed faint and lost to her mind as her hand released the hilt of her whip and protectivly stuck out to take hold of his wrist. Chakra buzzed about her palm, lightning focused chakra. Dai Raiken no jutsu. Her free hand reared back and downward to balance herself with a palm to the ground when her knees didn't seem to want to perform anything after the shock of a hit to her nerve system. For a moment, she seemed weak, however, appearences can be deceptive. Especially the beauty of lightning. Flashy, bright, pretty, but destructive nonetheless.

Taking a sudden step, she twisted her ankle and swerved her body as her hand, if she caught his, jerked his arm and spun him with her, her lightning still focused to his wrist. Turning and releasing him, she turn quicker with a fist towards his jaw line that quickly unfolded to bear a slap form where as her 'manicured' nails were ready to make contact. The tips of her fingers bearing little flickers of lightning as an effect of her two handed form of Dai Raiken no jutsu. Her feet shifted to stabalize herself as the wind kicked her small body forward in the action to return the favor with a kick to his adominal that she spun on her toes to release with the force of gravity on her side for the moment.

(9OOC: I'll be off and on, even though I'll still be longged on. I'm at my family's restruant and I'm working at the same time as this soooooo yah! Thought I'd let you know! ^_^ ))


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:30 pm

Munashii felt his fist connect with her stomach, and his body burn with the pain of electricity. Growling, he felt the whip tighten on his wrist and arm and kept pulling at it with all his strength. He felt his body flip as Lelia used his momentum against him, as he had expected her too. He saw her hand come in to slap him, the fingers crackling with ligtning. Bracing himself, he reached up and caught the hand, fresh pain burning throughout him. He took it like his father taught him, focussing through the pain. As they fell together, he used his greater weight to topple her balance, in an effort to bring her down with him. Her kick was thrown off course by the sudden weight shift.

Munashii prepared for the roll and summoned up his energies to unleash a jutsu that would disengaged her from him.

OOC: Understood!
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 04, 2009 5:59 pm

Collapsing with him towards the ground, Lelia twisted abit to control how she hits. Landing and rolling on her side rather then straight off and flat on her face. She felt the rush of the air and knew something was wrong. Quickly, she jerked her wrists to attempt freeing at least on of them. Her lightning buzzing to nothing as she prepared to switch for more of a defense jutsu that packed for a more powerful punch. However, jerking and not getting a hand, she was left with one other, one of her older jutsu she hadn't used in a while. Munashii, she thought, had probably seen it in action, but she still had the element of surprise as her hands still jerked and the lightning simmered and concentrated to her eyes.

A slight shimmer in her eyes permitted an eye catch and an obvious something was going to happen. But all it took was a glance, a simple glance and all was pretty much lost until Lelia breaks the genjutsu.

Doeki Gyoushi no jutsu. Shocking stare. The only genjutsu in Lelia's aresenal of jutsu, and also one of her best. It was low ranked, a jutsu from her genin years but still quite the usefullness. Specifically recalled, lelia used it on the powerful Rain, a comrade of Munashii and Lelia, during the chuunin exams. The jutsu completly froze and brought the small, young rain to the ground. Seemingly to knock her out in the middle of the battle. Obviously, don't doubt the power of smalll things.

The kunnoichi wondered if the jutsu would work on Munashii, he seemed immune to most things, as she'd watched across the year she'd known him. Strong enough to withstand pretty much anything. However, again, if it worked on the all-powerful Rain, it might as well be classified to work on anyone. Fate always had a funny way of guiding the Earth's future.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:13 pm

Munashii glanced into Lelia's eyes and saw a flash in them. Ahhh, it was that genjutsu thing that she could do. He saw and felt a fluttering sensation, like whenever some tries to put a genjutsu on him. It passed quickly, and Munashii tightened his grip on her wrist.

"Cheap tricks won't work on me", he growled, putting his back into the momentum and throwing them further.

As they continued Munashii wondered how it was they had kept rolling so long. Shaking his head, he pulled his seathed sword up to Lelia's chest and pushed up when she got on top of him. He was aiming to get her off so he had more room to prepare his attack. All this rolling was making him dizzy, and he was sure it was getting to Lelia too.

He pushed with as much strength as he could muster...
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 04, 2009 6:49 pm

Lelia frowned for a moment, that true expression she usually wore most days, especially when tomorrow was coming. The day she hated most; Frowns were common. She took her hand that he held tighter and jerked right at himself so hard and fast, probably an unexpected move. She aimed for nothing but whatever could get hit. The rolling was causing her head to spin and all she cared for was wounding him until the rolling stopped. And with that, she knocked her heel into the ground and plunged into a rock. Her heel was hit hard, even through her shoe, and was soar. Later, when the adrenaline quit rushing, she'd probably find a cut or a bruise how hard she hit the ground with her heel. This was an attempt to get them to stop rolling down the......hill? she supposed it was. This terrain did have quite a lot of them. She needed to get herself just a little more stable. Concentration, she was about to beg for. Lelia wasn't built for spinning scenery and more than one Munashii to be flashing before her eyes.

One of the boy was quite enough for her.... ^_^

Slowing down, slightly, Lelia guessed, for at the moment, that that was all she was going to receive for her attempt. She'd better just use it to her advantage. Only problem, Now Munashii was pushing her off of him with his sheith. She pushed off a little, until she realized what was going on, and instead she attempted raising a hand to the sky. It was time to take things to a new level.

Lightning chakra blasted from her palm to the sky. For a long moment, it would seem as nothing was meant to happen from that purposive nothing attack. But then again, don't become to impatient. Not everything is what it seems by appearence.

Lellia clung herself closer to Munashii, the act only took a moment. Only a moments wait she would have to hang on to him and focus chakra to her position. Only a moments wait.

She hoped it would last long enough until clouds formed over head, dark and cold with flashes like camera flashes performing in the sky. Abruptly, a bolt of strong lightnign came rushing from the sky straight at the two ninja sprawled and rolling across the grassy and swampy terrain. And this is when Lelia let go of Munashii and attempted pushing herself away from him as the bolt edged close. The lightning wouldn't hurt her much. But still, much is the keyword.

Ikadsuki no kiba no jutsu.........


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Apr 04, 2009 7:18 pm

Munashii wasn't successful in knocking Lelia off him, but he had dislodged her somewhat. Then she raised her hand off him and into the sky, and he saw his chance. Summoning his chakra, he pulled up and started to spin in mid-air again, but this time was different. He and Lelia were actually levitating in the air, spinning around and around, like they were before.

Suddenly, lightning struck nearby. It frazzled the air, and the loud boom it made caused Munashii's eardrum to ache. But the spinning continued, with Lelia still attached to him. He realised he was still holding her, his protective instint for his friend overriding the point of the spar. He let her go, and soon all she had to cling to was his cloths.

He felt her fingers start to slip...
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:23 pm

The booming crack and the sizzle in the air, Lelia hadn't any time to notice that he had taken them into the air. Her head continued to spin as she shook her head and let herself be released from his grasp; her darkened hair flowing about like pettles in a gentile breeze. However, noticing that the ground wasn't where she thought it was, instinctly, she summersualtd, found the ground, and reached out for it with her hands. Her palms scraped against the ground as she pushed her self against it and she let herself crumple into a tiny ball and roll. She landed on her back and out of breath for a second, her eyes took focus and she couldnt' believe it. He's.....He's levitating??? When in the-what in the- Okay. Seriously, I must've hit my head much too hard.... Lelia thoguth to herself. She'd never heard of the capability of levitation. She heard of and does have the capability to get herself from the bare ground and forty feet into the air, but levitation?

Gathering to her feet quickly, she braced herself for taking on whatever he had coming. Her fingers slid into seven signs, her entire body buzzing with lightning. Her eyes watched Munashii carefully, awaiting him to strike as her body began to tremble, her heart skipping a beat faster. He was fast, but Lelia could keep up, now.

Running a few steps towards his placement, she kicked off the ground just as her jutsu began to take action. Her speeds rocketed her towards him from Thors Cry (Nakigoe Thor) no jutsu. Coming towards him, she spun in the air to spin kick him in a flurry of speeds. And just when she finished that off, she used her gravity advantage to drop herself down with a fist aimed towards the cove of his neck and shoulder, a rather sensitive spot for most people. She aimed to knock him out of the skies and back to the ground where she could really strike him down. The air was really not of her liking.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Apr 05, 2009 5:39 am

Munashii felt her let go of him, and he breathed a sigh of relief. That opened up the gap for a moment. However, he knew that would not last for long. Like him, Lelia was more proficient in close combat. She would try and attack him soon. He pulled out a scroll from one of his many pockets. He had many of these scrolls, each one containing a different type of weapon. Hw would have to do this fast, otherwise all this spinning would incapatitate him.

He closed his eyes, as he would not need them for this attack. He opened his senses and heard Lelia's heartbeat, smelled her scent. This gave him a somewhat pinpoint location for him to target. He heard her jump from the ground towards him, doubtlessly trying to hit him. That would not work at the moment. The wind chakra that was keeping him in the air would block all her attacks.

When Munashii was sure that she was as close as she was going to get, he opened the scroll and summoned hundreds of senbon. They launched at the air-born kunoichi, some of them passing by, but the majority of them were on target.

Munashii cancelled the jutsu and floated back to the ground. Luckly, senbon were very small and took very little chakra to summon, which is why he chose them. Bringing his sword back up to guard, he looked up to see what had become of Lelia and his senbon.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:46 pm

Feeling the deflection, she felt a little out of hand at the fact of his barrier. As she fell towards the earth, she flickered handsigns to help out as a defence, just as she finished the jutsu, she hardly mustered a sweep of the hand in front of her to guard herself as the senbon came suddenly towards her. Lightning thickened in front of a diagnal of her torso to her face and parts of her shoulders, deflecting only enough to those areas, the rest of her body, though, she was left to the mercy of the ninja needle weapons. Instinctly holding her hand in front of her face, her arms, legs and part of her adominal were struck down. Pain was immidiate, a little blood dripped from each striking, and she was falling to the earth rapidly. Things didn't look bright for the kunnoichi at the moment.

Reaching back and above her head, Lelia reached forth one hand to hit the ground and push her onto her back when she landed. Dust spun from the rush of the grounding, and for a second, Lelia was once again strung in too much surprise and pain for her body to react to the signalls her brain sent for movement.

Gritting her teeth, she arose to all fours with her head turned to watch Munashi as she decided she needed to show him her latest side of her battles. Lelia used to be all close counter, as was he, however, times have changed, and the battle has thickened and climaxed. It was time to show Munashii the reall side of Lelia's latest destructive power.

Reaching into her weapons pouch, she pulled out the simple ninja tools, three smoke bombs. Casting them to the ground with a grunting toss, the little bombs cracked and rolled on the ground as the exploded with black smoke. Surrounding and arising into the air around the two opponenets. Quickly, Lelia rushed to her feet. She knew he could hear her, but right now, she just needed to toss in some confusion as she got her self as far as she could to a safe haven to use a strong jutsu against him.

Gaining towards the edges of the smoke, she was flickering hand signs as her slower, limping dash of wincing pain trembled rocks to be kicked around and send racket that could be sounded like Lelia actually heading somewhere else while as she was still heading the same path. As if there were many Lelias when actually one. During her dash, she quickly plucked senbon out of her sour body. Cringing with bites to her lower lip under the pain of it all. She wondered how much more physically she could take. She still told herself though, People die everyday, treat this moment as my last, give it my all

Up above though, clouds began to swirl into the area, darkening and sparking as the sunshine was becoming blocked out. Rains begun to drizzle upon the area lightly, but slowly becoming stronger. Cracks in the clouds echoed and roared against the natural sound walls. A storm was falling in, and falling in quickly. The rains and winds that howled through the area rushed the black smoke of the smoke bombs out. Revealing in gradual time Lelia whom stood a ways away and holding one hand sign as her eyes focused on Munashii in concentration. Her body trembled as chakra flowed all around evenly and very quickly to each chakra vein. Her dark hair whipped about her face as things were about to become quite difficult.

Dai Fuusugai (Powerful Storm), the top most powerful jutsu Lelia has obtained over the year and a half. This jutsu was also one of her most open for attacks jutsu, but the lightning and the crashing of winds that ran through the area she used it were capable of rocking the earth itself as if an earthquake were coming.

Focusing with all she had, she focused on where Munashii was and twisted her hands a notch. Lightnign cracked from the skies towards him in a hard to dodge flicker. Waiting just a few passes of seconds, another cracked to where he had moved towards. Winds rushed in and around, shaking the ground so much, even she had a hard time staying on her feet upon the boulder she stood on. The rains made it hard for the eyes to see through.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:17 pm

Munashii watched Lelia fall to the ground hard after the onslaught of needles. He was torn between catching her and winning the match, but he needn’t have worried. She was able to right herself before she hit the ground, despite the number of senbon that still made it through her defences. Then she threw something on the ground.

Munashii saw the cloud explode into existence in front of him. A small smile slipped across his face. He could still hear her breathing, although the acrid smell of the smoke meant he could no longer smell her. Disorientated for a moment, Munashii took a second to remember the layout of the surrounding area before running towards, what he hoped was, the tree line.

The dark clouds that suddenly appeared above his head concerned him a little. It gathered too quickly to be a natural occurrence. He came quickly to the conclusion that Lelia was the cause, which was good, because now he knew the target. Of course, he was the target, so it wasn’t that good.

Noticing at the last second a flash in the sky, Munashii jumped backwards just in time to avoid being hit by a bolt of lightning. However, he wasn’t so lucky that he could avoid the next one. Twisting in the air, the bolt struck him on the shoulder and he growled like an angry wolf as the lightning pierced his body, setting his nerves on fire with pain. The massive energy from the lightning sent him crashing into a tree, and he felt the bones in the same arm break. Looking down, he saw a bone sticking out of his upper arm.

Well that ain’t good”, he said dully.

Putting his hand over the wound, Munashii started up his medical ninjutsu, taking off the edge of the pain for what he was about to do. Getting out a kunai, he tore off a piece of his cloak and wrapped it around the hilt. With one quick motion, he pushed the bone back in. He screamed into the cloth for a moment, then went quiet.

He spat out the kunai. His arm was temporarily semi useless, dangling from his side like a piece of dead meat. He could restore it to full function should he want to, but in battle there just wasn’t time, and he could only make minimal restoration. He’d heal the arm fully later. For now, Munashii bind the arm tight to his body using some bandages.

He knew where Lelia was. It was just a matter of getting to her without being seen. Making a handsign (forcing, with some pain, to move his damaged arm), his chakra emissions dropped to that of an animal, and he faded away from sight. A neat little trick the Hissori Clan developed about a year and a half ago. Sneaking around Lelia’s position was easy. He was, like the rest of his clan, a master of stealth. Making some more handseals, Munashii created a Raiton Bunshin, a lightning clone, which was visible, and sent it to attack Lelia from the rear. While she and the clone fought, the real and invisible Munashii would lie in wait, ready to strike the moment he saw the weakness he was planning to open in her defences.

‘Munashii’ slid up quietly behind her and, sheathed sword at the ready, attacked her blindside.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Sun Apr 26, 2009 11:35 pm

Lelia watched as an attack of the heaven's lightning landed on her opponent. Behind those darkened eyes, she hoped she hadn't harmed him too much. He may be a faked enemy at the moment, but still he was the bestest friend she'd ever had in her life, besides someone else she spoke no more of. She wouldn't want too much harm to become of him.

Above the feild, thunder crackled and snapped dangerously with nightlight flashes behind the silver lined clouds. The dark skies were lightening back up.The girl on the boulder decided she'd exhausted herself upon the storm jutsu enough. Besides, she needed to be able to pinpoint that boy-man-friend-opponent of hers. Where in the world behind the winds and rains and rumbling earth did he disapear to? The last thing she saw of him was him smashing into a-tree! Of course he'd head for cover. Duh!

Flickering a quick few handsigns, she closed her eyes for a second. 'Manako no Same' she thought to herself. Opening her eyes, to outside viewers, her eyes were hazed with a thread thin blue ligning around those silver eyes. However, to her vision, everything was pitch black besides the flickering movements of blinking lights. Blinking lights, bright and dull. They were the bio-energy of all living things around her:

The feild was a faint glow, no definition, no form but flat out stretch to the up struting, silhouette of energy stalks. Trees. Beeping sauscers in the skies were the fawking birds of the terrain. Small animals blipped in and out of her view, little pin points of energy. Shifts and shifts occured like a flashing footage. The vision was like an off set, real llife experienced old films. The hazy, scratched flims without the noise. Except this film production had all the sounds of dieing storm, gusting winds, shimmering grasses, and the twittering movement of the natural forest.

Looking, looking, looking. Search, search, search. Where was Munashi? Everything was small, his energy would be strong, bright, luminous. People don't just disapear in this view unless.......

Oh my gawd, did I disinigrate him??

No, no. That would've happened in the air, I would've seen, would've watched. And besides, my storms are powerful, but not that powerful. Yet.

Then where-

Lelia found him.

Well, sort of. More like knew where he wasn't. Or was. And was. It was confuscing, but the formual made sense in her clumsy mind set.

Somehow, he must be capable of hiding from electrical sensers. Well of corse, what WASN"T Munashii capable of ?

Great, okay. Now wha-

Suddenly, that's when something bright and hot and burning accured. Turning, all it took was a turn and Lelia was almost blinded. "Gah!" she ducked with a hand to her eyes. The bright lights of the clone burned and shocked her eyes. Temperairly, she was faultered from using sight. Luckily, nature gave humans the gift of four other senses to accompany sight.

Whispers of the wind rushed and Lelia twisted her left shoulder back ward and sideways. Avoiding being shocked, she pulled out a kunai and thrusted the kunai through the air to the clone. Lightning clones usually only held up one attack. That would be rid of that problem, hopefully.

Blinking her eyes, vission still blurry and slight soar, she gazed and caught Munashi in her periferhal vision just a half second before they were forced to collide. Lucky catch, but her luck just run out. She wasn't prepared at this point to do anything but colapse and dodge and jump until she decided on a jutsu. And, of courese, she fell to natural rythem, bouncing on her toes to avoid being hit as they headed back into the tai jutsu rythem.

Every blow was so close to hitting her! Danger, danger, danger in the open! Her mind screamed at her as adrenline rushed, her heart crashed against her chest, and breath followed the same rythem. If Munashi didn't end up killing her by accident here, her body would.

One jutsu came to mind. SHe needed a rougher terrain. All Lelia's training lately had been adaption trainiing. She needed rougher terrain.

Lightning buzzed about her palm furiously in a filmy haze. Quickly, a 'grr' escaped her lips as she thrusted a punch to the ground. The ground crumbled and arched in spikes and shattered straight twenty feet away from her and ten feet into the ground. An underground stream screamed and sprayed in shock upward to the sky like a fountain under the shock. The airial view would be in fingery veins of the now destroyed ground. And just the perfect terrain to slow speed runners down and help out the less-speed capatible kunnoichi out. She was better at jumping than anything besides lightning stationary jutsu.

Picking her feet up, Lelia was heading off towards the danger her mind screamed for her to turn away from full front. Her hands buzzed with faint chakra she was almost completly drained of. Sweat dribbled her brow as her eyes still pulsed redened from earliers visuale attack. She was intent on cross firing him with her plain and clear style of Buttafuri she'd been studing and practicing for over five years now. Finally a real frontal attack.


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue May 12, 2009 9:55 am

OOC: Sorry for the lateness of the post, my computers been acting up.

Munashii saw Lelia flinch when the clone was made and wasted no time whatsoever in order his clone forward to attack. It seemed, however, that Lelia's eyes were not as hurt as they appeared, as she quickly drew and threw a kunai at the Lightning Clone. Hit, it sparked brightly as it faded out of existance, small electrical arks spreading out in all directions. It was too far away to effect Lelia unfortunately, but Munashii used the distraction well, attacking as an invisible force. Hurting as she was, Lelia's sharp eyes still caught the slight blurryness of his outline caused by the Vijon Hitei, and managed to hold out by dodging his attacks. But she was tired, and had depleted most of her chakra. She wouldn't be able to pull of another powerful jutsu like before.

Then the ground crumbled and spiked up.

Well, she wasn't totally depleted, so it seemed.

But now she had done this, her energies must be fading quickly. Munashii doubted that it would be long before she was no longer able to fight. On the other hand, with his arm (and thus his hand) impared, he too was pretty much on the same level, since it caused him not an small amount of pain to form handseals. The answer was simple. He needed to end this quickly. And so did Lelia.

Jumping through the broken ground, he closed on his old friend and the clashed, sword to sword. Even one-handed Munashii was able to keep up with her, but niether of them could find an opening. For what seemed like an age they fought, trading blows at speeds that blurred vision, with each of their movements flowing seemlessly into the next.

Suddenly, Munashii saw his chance. He activated his Keiji, enhancing his speed for a few seconds. Performing the needed handseals with a lot of pain, Munashii point the open palm of his bad arm's hand toward Lelia and ninja wire burst forth, ready to entangle her and force her arms to her sides, preventing her from using a sword or jutsu. At such an extreme short range, Munashii was interested to see how Lelia would evade his attack.

If she could evade his attack.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Guest Fri May 15, 2009 6:00 pm

Lelia was determined to see she gave her all in this, a silenced promise that still stood strong, however, the main question was, could her body keep up?

The young kunnoichi had always been a big thinker on how far she could push herself. Even since academy days. She'd push and shove and thrust herself faster and farther ahead until complete depleshience of her energies. Today would probably be another day.

Following their odd rythem and seemingly equal paths of fluid movement, she blocked and defended mainly throught out the entire sequence of attacks he through outat her. Every almost blow and knock and clash, she looked as hard as she could for an opening, some little smidege-bit that could lead to get him backed up in which she could be given distance. Desperatly, she begged for distance.

Unfortuently, Munashii found one of her many openings....

Too weak to avoid, but strong enough to take it like a ninja, the wires wrapped around her body and completly entangled her arms to her sore, shrieking sides. "Gah!" she cried out to the suden clench.

Weaponless and jutsuless, not as if she had much chakra left to sustain another. Lelia was pretty much toast now.

Inside, though, idiotically, the flaming, fighting spirit of Lelia urged her on. Screaming at her with the same old-same old lines: "If you can't use your arms, use your LEGS! If you can't use your legs, use your HEAD! If you can't use your head, BITE HIM!" (~Quoted from Naruto)

Repeatedly, her spirit screamed and screamed as Lelia logically contemplated.

Coming up with something she couldn't decide good, stupid, or bad.....

Lelia fell to her knees, a big ol' grin on her dirty, mud-smeared face. Her bangs and hair stuck to her forehead and neck from sweat and the rain, as did her clothes that seemed to be caving in on her form, taking in every likeness and squeezing her body with the darkened violet fabric.

"I give. You win!" almost cheerfully she spoke to him. "I've got nothing left but my feet, and I'm not goanna kill myself over a 'friendly' spar. Congradulations!"


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There Was A Time... (Lelia) Empty Re: There Was A Time... (Lelia)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun May 17, 2009 7:03 am

Munashii watched as Lelia tried to struggle out of her binds, and he raised an eyebrow.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you", he said mildly. "The more you struggle, the tighter the binds get". When she slumped to her knees and admitted defeat, he stood triumphant for a moment before joining her on the ground. The pain that was knawing away at his arm was becoming very intense, and he slowly and gingerly removed the cloth that bound his arm to his body. When Munashii had removed it, the problem became very obvious.

The bone was sticking out of his arm again.

Before he even thought of releasing his friend, he had to heal his wound, before infection took hold. Repeating what he did the first time, Munashii took out a kunai, wrapped some cloth around the hilt and placed it in his mouth. Then with a quick jerk, he snapped the bone back into place. A muffled cry escaped his lips for a split second before his mental disapline took over. In his mind, he retreated for a moment to a place where nothing existed, no pain, no suffering, not even self-awareness. After a short while, he came back to reality, and got to work healing his arm. The process took a few minutes, but when he was finished his arm was as good as new, although it still tingled with pain.

Looking over at Lelia, he raised his hand and clicked his fingers. The ninja wire binding her came undone, and she was free.

"Are you injured?" he asked, giving his small smile and offering his hand to help her up.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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