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Rain Vs Lelia

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Rain Vs Lelia

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Mar 02, 2009 6:43 pm



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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Mirage Tue Mar 03, 2009 3:28 am

Rain entered the small area both slowly and calmly. Her emotionless face looked directly at Lelia carefully. It seemed that she would have to fight her teammate... and only one would be moving on. When they had been practicing on the training field, Lelia had used the layout of the field to her advantage. But this time, Rain believed that she clearly had the upper hand. She brushed her hair away from her face so that she would be able to see better. She knew that Lelia was a lightning jutsu user and with her dog, made a fierce pair.

Rain stood silently and waited...

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:49 am

Lelia stood across from her teammate companion, a slight curl to her lips. This would prove quite the interesting battle. Lelia had no clue what the strange elemental affinity Rain had earlier, so no clue how to take it down. But now, she guessed she would just have to improvise. At least she had Sanshain by her side, the feirce bear sized beast that only listened to her commands and was willing to kill anything she commanded and give his life for her for even the smallest of danger. He was quite powerful and quite useful, proved, hopefully, more in this battle as the air seemed to pressurize. Not physically, nevertheless from the slight suspense on whom would be the one out of this. Only one would come out to head on. Rain was difficult to take down with her defenses, but Lelia was probably just as lethal.

Sanshain crouched slightly at the ready for any command of plan. Tensed and fang bared as he stood by the side of his Mistress. Thoughts rushed his mind as he wondered when the battle would actually start. For now, he knew Lelia wasn't going to take the first move. She wanted to put a twist to her actions to lengthen her strengths time and chakra use. Rain was defense, Lelia would take a slight advantage to Rain's main direction when the battle started.


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Mirage Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:14 am

(OOC: Just so you know, noone is gonna say start so i will begin...)

Lelia looked as she always had... confident. her large animal stood beside her ready for action. Through this battle, lelia would realize what Rain's tregths were... summoning and defense. It seemed that Lelia was not going to start the fight, which would allow Rain to begin. She reached into her robe and brought out a silver scroll with black symbols written on the outside. She quickly unrolled it in the air and let it fall to the ground. making the needed handsigns, she made her first move...

"Summoning Jutsu: Metal Graveyard"

The smoke of a summon covered the arena,encasing both Rain and Lelia within it. Those who watched could see nothing as it looked as if the entire place was filled with it. As the smoke cleared, bright lights flickered as the lights from the cealing reflected off of the metal objects. A thousand metal tombstones were now standing from out of the ground. Some looked new while others were old. The arena had been transformed into a graveyard of steel tombstones...

Rain stood ready to see Lelia's reaction...

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:56 pm

((OOC: Thanks for letting me know, I was wondering about that))

Lelia narrowed her eyes at Rain as she brought out the scroll, letting her right leg fall back as she and Sanshain readied to take on anything the opponent had up her sleeve. Smoke filled the area, Sanshain protectively smothered Lelia with curling around her and bringing her to her knees.

When the smoke cleared and the tomb stones were seen, Lelia hadn't any clue what to make of them. What were they? What were they capable of? What should I do?

For now, as those thoughts rushed her mind, she snapped, alerting Sanshain to stay close to her as she decided to use a quick jutsu to test a theory she thought up. Curling her fingers as if holding the hilt of a blade, lightning buzzed out of her palms and formed into an average katana entirly made of of her element affinity. Slamming it hilt down into the ground, the lightning sunk in and flared under the ground and into the nearby metal tombstones as metals a great conducter of electricity. Briskly, Lelia guided her dog and her self ready to under take her lightning defense dome if neccesary. If, that is, anything was meant to happen after the slight attack.

Viewing it out of, it probably seemed idiotic, but Lelia wasn't going to rush into batttle against a strong opponent without stupidity blindness of the unknown. She wasn't going to be reckless, this battle could mean life or death, and the latter wasn't in her plan to be swift at the moment. She would see what this small test would do, and what Rain was up to before anything rash.


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Mirage Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:34 pm

(OOC: Ok, all it says is that you shot lightning into the tombstones... so you did not attack me, or did you? I think that you did but I am not sure. Anyway, I think that that was an attack so i will go off that.)

Rain watched as Lelia shot her lightning directly into the tombstones. The tombstones would alter the course of any "ground" lightning that was firred form Lelia. With more and more lightning being spread out amoung the stones, it weakened the attack but spread it out in return. Rain jumped back and into the air while connecting her hands to form a single handsign.

"Silver Tears"

As she had done while training, she repeated the proccess. The metalic-blue liquid oozed from her eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Some of the liquid formed a disk that slowly lowered Rain back down to the ground. When it touched, it then seemed to look like a puddle that swayed back and forth beneath her feet. The tombstones were a good idea when facing Lelia or any lightning user, but that was not it's soul purpose. Rain quickly formed a set of handseals and bent down to the ground. She placed one hand flat on the soil and took a deep breath. As she let it out forcefully, all of the metal tombstones melted into hot metal. They began to bubble and absorb some some other secret minerals and something else that Rain released into the ground. The thousand liquid pools changed into a metal-blue color and rose up off the ground.

Rain could only carry so much of her liquid material in her own body. By turning the tombstones into her own material, she now had what looked like enough to fill a lake and enough to cover the entire arena in a thin layer. The large mass of blue liquid spun around Rain; splashing and forming new streams that detached and circled in an endless cycle. Rain peered through with her depressing face and spoke slowly.

"Now... you will see my true power...."

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Thu Mar 05, 2009 9:17 pm

Lelia looked around quickly for clear ground as the tomb stones seemed to liquify around her. Backing Sanshain up as she tried her best to guide the large beast away. As it rose though, Lelia found herself backed up with her canine sevon yards from Rain. Quickly, though, she thought of some defense. She had to act fast, who knew what Rain had planned.

"Now... you will see my true power...."

That can't be good....

Narrowing her silver eyes she knew she had to do something and something fast. Only problem, she knew from earlier how Rain could absorb her lightning. What other option was there? Simple tai against that metalic element she was using? What was this girl? She was so young and small....Guess it goes to show, the smaller you are, the fiestier.

Then it hit her, could it defend sound projection? What was the stuff going to do? Deaf the gi---that gave Lelia a simple testing plan....

Flickering through handsigns, Lelia's chakra flowed to her hands. 'Alright...'Lelia thought to herself. 'Show me your power...Show me what you got....'

Clapping her hands together so very hard, a gust of wind and a high pitched whistle sound that could bleed ears deaf crackled in the winds with faint electricity across the terrain towards the opposing kunnoichi. 'Raiton - Hekireki no Jutsu' A weak jutsu, but something else in mind that required a bit more chakra needed to be at the ready...

Just the moment the thunder clap was initiated, Sanshain tore out kunai from her weapons pouch under her skirt and through them into the air. Clicking chakra to her finger tips, Lelia alite them and tossed them towards Rain. 'Raijirai' Seven kunai alited ready with an explosion of electricity.

Sliding out her faithful katana, she flickered handsigns and it buzzed with electircty. "Let's see how much your element can take at one time...." She mumbled quietly to herself as she slashed twice in the air. Lightning shaped almost completly like boomerangs rocketed towards Rain. And again, just as this was happening Sanshain was right on it.

Running by her side as the two quickly raced across the feild, Lelia's eyes, though probably not visibly, slightly burned with readied chakra just in case she did what she hoped she could.

Sanshain's lips curled back and bared furious fangs as his large paws pounded the ground. coming close, he knocked Lelia onto his back and raced her even faster towards the target, the time not passing too long, probably just a couple seconds as they reached the target and Lelia was knocked up like an annoyed horse bucking. Lelia curled into a ball and summersualted until just the right point she uncurled her small frame and slashed another Kenrai no Jutsu at the girl. If she got close enough and the two girl's eyes flickered even a moment to locking, Lelia's eyes would hopefully send Rain into her genjutsu trap, Doeki Gyoshi no jutsu.

((OOC: Yah, that was the plan in my last post and for this one, add in anywhere you want that your character would do))


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Mirage Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:11 pm

The liquid metal continued to spiral around Rain even as the sound wave hit. Rain remained unchanged and emotionless as liquid oozed form her ears. But instead of blood, more of the metalic fluid drizzled down. The sound seemed to have zero effect on her except making more liquid escape her ears. Lelia did not know this, but Rain had no blood in her body. Within her bloodstream was where she storred her liquid metal. It always flowed from her veins and made her body harder than steel if someone were to cut down to the point where blood would be seen.

The liquid seeme to splash in midair and completely block the lightning that was launched from Lelia's attack. Rain watched as the giant dog launched Lelia from his back for another attack, but Rain had enough liquid to block from all sides of her at once. The liquid continued to form a spiraling wall around her but also did something more. It formed a long spike that stretched towards Lelia that would burst right through her lightning and stab the girl that hung in the air. But at that moment, Rain connected eyes with Lelia.

In the Genjutsu: (The liquid metal rushed at Lelia, bursting through her lightning attack and stabbed strait through her; now holding her in midair. The liquid poored into Lelia's veins untill her body was completely full. The liquid oozed from her ears, nose, mouth and eyes like thick malasis. All at once, the liquid formed many spikes that shot out from inside Lelia's body.)

In real life:

All at once, the liquid metal fell to the ground in one giant splash. The weight and force of it caused the ground to shake beneath their feet as Rain stood trapped in the genjutsu. Lelia's last lightning attack continued forward as Rain's defences fell to the ground. It slashed into her and blasted her backwards from teh impact. Rain flew through the air as more of the liquid rushed out of the giant gash on her chest. If she had had blood in her system, she would now be a blody mess. But now, she was covered in her metalic blue liquid.

Rain slammed into the ground several feet back and skidded to a stop. She lay motionless on the ground with her eyes open as if dead. She made no movement with her body and if someone were to look closely, they would see that she was not breathing... like usual. Her liquid continued to spill from her wound as something moved behind Lelia on the field. When Rain summoned the gravestones, she had also summoned something else....

From behind Lelia, a figured burst out of the ground where a gravestone had once been. The cloaked figured spun around to deal a kick to Lelia's side. With Lelia still keeping eye contact with rain, to keep her in the genjutsu, the cloaked being took that opportunity while still making sure to keep an eye on the dog.

(This is an image of what the claoked figure looks like. The person is a bit smaller than Rain and Lelia.)
Rain Vs Lelia 2-10-2009703034AM-1

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:43 pm

Lelia landed the ground just next to Rain to hold her frozen as Sanshain rushed in to take his part. Hurtling towards the opposing kunnoichi at full speed in the intent that would seem to take a life. Reaching Rain, he about was to pounce, when the cloaked figure burst from the ground and kicked Lelia in the side. Causing the unexpecting kunnoichi to falter in step and break the jutsu. "Gah!" Lelia cried from the surprise.

Thinking twice, Sanshain about turned to meet the attacker, but lelia and he still had the girl on the ground to be sure of. He quickly pounced and attempted landing ontop of her. Baring his fangs to clasp her neck, not too roughly to completly puncture the skin, but enough to leave her under the point of: Attempt attack, die. Not, live. Sanshain would not take a life without permission, and Lelia was busy catching her step and spinning back a feirce kick at the attacker. Her side soar from the hit, her kick wasn't as powerful as it would be, but still hopefully enough if it landed to at least return the favor.

Facing the cloacked figure, Lelia was slightly astonished to see it be the one from training with her teammates. Looks like she had another person to take care of, but as she spun her sword on her palm and directed it towards his shoulder, "You're with Rain, right?" she questioned in slight hiss. "How about this..." if that didn't hit, she tried again to his other shoulder. "Look over there and decide for yourself if you want to try attacking again IF Rain means anything to you that is."


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Mirage Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:33 am

The large dog had made a major mistake and one that he would be punished for. From every pore in her body, the liquid substance instantly shot out into long needles. Rain's body now looked like a pin cushion that sparkled in the morning light. If the dog was touching any part of her body, it would now have at least a hundred needles sticking through that part of his body. The liquid was an ultimate defense against all physical attacks and proved to be fatal to those that had ever tried.

The cloaked figure quickly ducked as the first slash came towards his shoulder. He tried to dodge the second attack but was not fast enough. He attempted to duck again but it struck him in the face and sent him flying several feet back. He came to a sliding stop as pieces of his mask chipped and fell to the ground. He slowly looked up as the mask broke and fell to the ground. A familiar voice called out to Lelia from the face of a young boy.

"You wouldn't hurt me.... would you.... sis?"

Honoomaru peered at Lelia through the shadows of his hood. He looked just as he did the day that she had buried him except for his eyes; that were the same passive eyes that belonged to Rain....

"Would you..."

Rain Vs Lelia 2-10-200970303AM-2

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Wed Mar 11, 2009 6:10 pm

Lelia, striking the boy and finally noticing his face for a second, was compeltly left stumped. However, just before she was able to decide what to do, the breaking through the air took her notice. And everything fell slow motion....

Turning to look back, hair slowly twirling about her shoulders, Lelia's lips slowly gaped as Sanshain looked down and watched the metalic spikes form up and at him so fast, there was absolutly no time to react. He was left helpless as a yelp broke his lips slowly. Spikes broke through his paws and into his chest where he hovered over the girl and his jaw was the first to be pinned... Breaking through his skull through his jaw, all it took was a two split seconds. One to surprise the dog, the other, to kill the dog.

Limply hanging on the spikes, Lelia turned back to the supposive Honoomaru. Gritting her teeth as she narrowed her eyes and flickered handsigns. Finally noticing his eyes and the reaction he didn't seem to have about HIS dog. Lelia knew her brother wouldn't be even looking at her if the dog had even a sticker in his enormous paws. He wouldn't be talking sentences to her if even the dog tripped into grass.

"You're not Honoomaru..." lelia muttered. As she spoke her hands flittered through handsigns and she took a short breath to calm herself for focus. "The real Honoomaru loved Sanshain..." Raising her arm, lightning swirled around and around her palm. "The real Honoomaru wouldn't be talking to me if anything happened to Sanshain...." Firing the bolt of lightning with a flitting of the palm, it flew straight towards the supposive 'Honoomaru'. "And the real Honoomaru had his father's eyes. Honoo Ketsuechi's eyes...." She fired a second bolt of lightning at the supposive 'Honoomaru' to make sure an accurate hit upon him as she turned to look at Rain's pincushion body. Wondering if she used her last lightning bolt upon the body to dispel the supposive boy. But knowing the ability of that matallic, even knowing that, she fired anyway at the body and prepared to head back into the battle ten fold if her test didn't work and if it were to cary on.


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Kenshi Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:10 pm

He was a guest, that was uncalled for and unexpected. He was up to something, swooping into battle with a couple of other bunshin around him, and landing in a battle field between his own two genin. Yoshimo didn't like to see his own shinobi fighting, but in order to become stronger, Lelia and Rain had to dish it out and fight to see who was the best. It was the point of the Chuunin Exams and it was what they were for. Telling who was the stronger one, and who had the most skill in battle. It currently looked like Rain had the upper hand, but Yoshimo was sure that Lelia's Raiton affinity would give her the advantage over what seemed to be earth-like metallic spikes on the ground. Lightning beats earth anytime, and Yoshimo hoped that Lelia was remembering that.

Or at least he hoped.

A clone appeared around Lelia, reaching its hand out to stop the jutsu that was being released to her opponent. Another one appeared behind her, whispering something in to her ear.

"Whatever happens here, just know you're already a chunin..."

The clone disappeared, and the original could be seem coming down from above behind Rain. Yoshimo landed in a squat, with Rain not knowing yet that she had a visitor. To be honest Yoshimo never really liked Rain, and he thought that something was always up with her, and something was always a bit weird. The way her eyes seemed to be...dead always creeped him out. Yoshimo flipped back, and in a cloud of smoke he sent another bunshin towards her, pushing a kunai at her back.

He was interrupting the chunin exams, but who cared, Yoshimo knew who was the better shinobi. Sliding back to the edge of the battle field, Yoshimo waited for the Hokage to come down and scold him.


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Mirage Wed Mar 11, 2009 11:49 pm

Had the lightning struck Honoomaru, he would have had the chance to use a jutsu that Honoomaru never had the chance to use while alive. This was in fact Honoomaru that stood before Lelia, it was her little brother's body. While being able to control the bodies of the dead, Rain gains all of their memories and can use the jutsu that they knew, She can even train the body to learn jutsu that they would have learn later on in life. He looked at Lelia as his eyes grew soft and sad. His voice sounded so piteous and forelorn, that it could make even the hardest of men weep. This was the voice of Honoomaru, for it always came from these lips....

"Lelia.... you don't remember me? Remember when we were at the playground and we thought that the older kids were using magic? That night you begged mom and dad to let you join. And remember when we first found Sanshain? I got to name him but you didn't like his name.... remember?"
Tears began to form in his eyes as he pleaded with her.


The liquid steel returned back into Rain's body except for one spike that was sticking out of her palm. The beam stuck through the dog's body and drizzled blood from it's tip. With Lelia focused on her brother's body, she could now use this time to strike her enemy down and end her pain once and for all. Rain already knew of Lelia's had life just by gaining Honoomaru's memories. And now she had her dog killed and would have to fight her beloved baby brother. It seemed that Lelia was destined for a life of pain. But having a kind heart, Rain would end her suffering....

Rain moved her palm so that the tip of the spike was now aimed at the back of Lelia's head. The bloody animal still hung from it and dragged along the ground. In a split second, the spike grew and stretched forward towards Lelia's head, bringing the dog along with it.


The ground between the oncoming Yoshimo and Rain began to rumble as a large black diamond spike rose up from the ground. The kunai struck the diamond and sent out a mild bell like sound. The diamond had blocked the attack but held more to it than that. Another cloaked figure was starring out at Yoshimo from within the diamond pillar. The Rain that was attacking Lelia continued in her motion but directed her words at Yoshimo. "I will not let you stop me... I will save everyone form their pain.... both Lelia.... and YOU...."

At that instant, the diamond pillar shattered into many pieces and released the imprisoned person. There were now two Rains; one that used the metalic liquid, and one that used the black diamonds.

This was no longer just about some exams for Rain... this had turned into something more.

The second Rain made handsigns at a speed that seemed to be that of a high ranked Jounin showing a hint of her true self.

"Tanton, Ka-Bonfaiba no Jutsu"

Thin black strings/fibers grew from the second Rain's hands that were still making hand signs. The tendrils reached out towards Yoshimo in attempt to wrap around and stab into him.

"So much pain..."

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Kenshi Thu Mar 12, 2009 9:49 am

Oh wow.

What an emotional one she was. Luckily Yoshimo wasn't there in the midst of the battle but it looked like he might have to intervene soon. Rain wasn't just your average shinobi, she was a shinobi on a mission, and whatever that mission was she would do anything to complete it. Her mission was to end everyones pain, and how she would go about doing that, no one knew. It wasn't the type of mission that little girl should be concerned about, and it really wasn't healthy for her to be thinking about doing such a thing. Pain was experienced by everyone, and pain is a signal for the mind to tell the body where it hurts, to it can better fix itself. Yoshimo was more skilled in "pain" that almost anyone else in the ninja world. But her pain, seemed to be more spiritual than the physical pain that Yoshimo was thinking that she was talking about. Whatever Rain was doing would have to be stopped, even if that meant Yoshimo had to use his own techniques against her to stop her. If he had to break her bones to get her to realize that pain was something for everyone, and not just for her. Broken bones could be healed, but the pain of all men, could not.

Getting back into fighting was nothing. Yoshimo had just traveled from Kumogakure to Konohagakure taking time to rest after he'd gotten in a battle with Keiteki. The bunshin remembered how Keiteki had used spikes and tentacles, and how to go about dodging them. The bunshin used an extreme amount of speed, jumping into to the air and making his way above Rain. He threw down on top of her 7 explosive notes that would be sure to blast through her defenses and knock her out.


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:08 pm

((OOC: So if Rain tried killing Lelia, and then Yoshimo jumped in, what is suppose to be happening to my character? Did Yoshimo stop Rain or something?))


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Kenshi Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:23 pm

I don't think anything is happening to you. You're a chuunin along with Munashii, you two can go back to Kumogakure.


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Mirage Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:32 pm

(OOC: Right now there are two Rain's and Honoomaru. Honoomaru is talking to lelia while the first Rain is attacking her. The second Rain is attacking Yoshimo. So yes you are still needed here. I will post tommorow)

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Thu Mar 12, 2009 7:48 pm

((OOC: Okeyz))

Lelia was completly flabberghasted. She never told anyone that peice of information. Never, noone. Only Honoomaru knew that....

Stumbled from the clone of Yoshimo and from the fact of her BROTHER standing before her when she swore she had barried him not too time past. The dirt, she rolled it with her own hands, those tears she let loose, they still burned on her cheeks, his pale face, his body in her hands....

"Wh-what...." Paled shock formed her face as she stared at Honoomaru for a slight moment. Raising a finger up to point at him shakily as her head shook in disbeleif. "No, no! I baried you! You can't be...You're not...Honoomaru can't be..." just at that moment, the slight movement of air brushed past as the metallic spike came hurtling towards her with Sanshain's body attatched. Turning her body to see what was going on, she twisted too slow for a defence. The spike striking straight into her shoulder she raised slightly to turn herself. Pain shot as blood dripped and Lelia hit the floor on her knees and a hand on her shoulder. "Gah-" she choked as she pulled out a kunai, flickered just a little bit of lightning chakra to the kunai and flung it at Rain with not much precision and accuracy needed. "Save people from pain?" Quickly holding a sign for it to explode; Raijirai no jutsu. "How can you save people from pain when you're digging up bodies!!" The kunnoichi cried out as loud as her small frame could muster under the circumstances.

Slower than usual, Lelia formed handsigns and pressed a hand to the ground. Lightning spiraled out of her palms to encircle her and raise up as a dome. Naka Auto Houden no Jutsu; Lightning fizzing uncontroably around the outside in her defensive dome. The intent: to attempt breaking Rain's spike from Lelia before Rain could press it any further...


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Kenshi Fri Mar 13, 2009 8:12 am

Yoshimo landed before the notes could explode, and as they all met the ground around Rain, Yoshimo squatted and slid his way over to Leila who was currently injured. Even though Yoshimo wasn't "good" anymore he still cared a lot for Munashii and Lelia. They were his "kids" who'd trained to become the shinobi that they were today. Yoshimo looked back at Lelia's blood which was all over the ground. Even in her current state, she'd managed to keep fighting, which was the sign of a true kunochi. Yoshimo had to take advantage of this and get Lelia away from the battle by all means necessary. She couldn't be hurt, but it was Rain that could be hurt. He had no need for Lelia, and it was Rain that he would have to capture sooner or later.

Yoshimo appeared behind Lelia, sliding to a stop as he'd used a great amount of speed to get to her wounds. Luckily he'd gotten close enough to her to remain within her Raiton technique, and he would do something to help her out considerably, but only after he'd gotten to her wounds. Reaching in the back of his pocket Yoshimo took out two small cards with the kanji "heal" on them. He gripped the end of the spike, and with all his strength, he pushed on it, and used one of his katana to cut the spike away. After getting rid of that problem, he pulled it out of her, which would cause her some pain. He'd placed two of the seals on either side of the wound, and the medical glow of chakra would slowly keep the bleeding down, and possibly fuse the bone back, but Yoshimo would have to wait until the battle was over to take care of her.

Yoshimo sheathed the katana, and then placed his hands on Rain's shoulders, allowing them to glow with chakra. He whispered to her ear.

"The whole place is covered in her metal litter. Metal is a conductor of lightning and is earth-based, so you have the advantage here. Now, I'm going to push my chakra into your jutsu. It will expand enough to take out anything she throws towards you, and it will grow larger than it usually does. Use my chakra as you see fit, and do not be scared to down this whole arena..."


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Mirage Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:21 pm

Just as the notes went off, the second Rain's tentacles quickly weaved themselves into a shield that looked like a sheet and wrapped around them both. Using her carbon fibers, she had created something that is also known as a bomb blanket. It easily protected them both from the explosions and revealed them to be unharmed. What Yoshimo did not seem to know was that Rain's liquid metal was non-conductive and would not conduct electricity. All of the metal tombstones had been turned into this and would be useless in anything that Lelia was planning.

"The whole world is in pain... and i will relieve it from it's misery..."

"Kurokongouseki , Kurokumo no Jutsu"

A giant black cloud formed over the entire field and sparkled in the sky. It's massive size loomed over the area but stood still even as the wind brushed past it.


Honoomaru held his hands in the hand seal of the snake as he appeared in front of the two identical Rains. He placed both hands out towards the oncoming field of electricity as if pressing against a wall. Lelia's barrier began to bend towards Honoomaru as he absorbed the lightning. He was using his "Charge" ability that allowed him to absorb all electricity. As long as Lelia continued to use lightning jutsu, all she would be doing is powering her little brother. Honoomaru never had the chance to use his abilities or jutsu while he was alive, but now he would show his sister just what he could do.

"Lelia... why are you doing this? Why are you hurting me...? Come with me... we can be together... with mom... and dad... and Sanshain. Lelia... don't you love me anymore?"

Rain remembered when she first met Lelia; it had been just after the village was attacked. So many wounded people were rushed to the hospital. Rain had releaved many of them from their pain. "Only death can save us all...."

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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:40 pm

Lelia jolted when Yoshimo layed a hand on her, about to spin around in defense against him, not realizing who it was until she looked up and saw. Relaxing just a bit until he jerked the metallic spike out of her arm. With that, she couldn't help but yip like a chiwawa and bite her lip.

Nodding when he told her she could use his chakra, she looked up and blew her bangs out of her eyes. Looking dead on at Rain, Rain's twin and Honoomaru as Honoomaru seemed to be able to touch the sheild without being scorched palmed. Amazement in her eyes at his capability. However, that only added to his illusion to her. He may be the body of Honoomaru, but he couldn't possibly be back alive. His heart stopped. There was nothing anyone could do. But, then again, he stood before her.

Lelia, for a small, long-feeling moment, just watched until her hand lifted shakily and slowing off the ground. As she did so, the dome slowly melted away and lightning chakra seemed to bounce against the ground under her palm against the ground as she lifted it up and up till she was standing and gripped her hand into a fist and cut the dome off entirly. Excess lightning from the dome trickled and seemed to just evaporate in the air with a slight burst and cackle.

"She can't be stopped with lightning...." Lelia stated. "That metallic junk, much to powerful and able to just eat chakra..." After a slight second, "Just help me get close enough to her face. Maybe I can try freezing her mental ability." Lelia looked back at Yoshimo. Wondering if he would help her. He most likly will but, then again, fate has a funny way of playing around and twisting words. Looking back at Honoomaru though, "I do love you. I always will. But, right now, you're nothing but a toy to Rain. And I can't do anything but take her down, meaning you too." Those words stung deep inside. Lelia never imagined she'd have to call her brother a toy and have to mean it. Not only, though, she'd be left no choice but to tear him apart if she had to.

Fingering through handsighns, she gave Yoshimo a chance to answer her. If yes, she carry on with him, if no though, she'd take off running and do things on her own. Rain was becoming much to dangerous. She had to be stopped.

Funny... Lelia thought to herself. Who knew I was going to have to tear down what I raised up and took care of and loved and charished....I hate fate....Every time I turn around someone else is being taken away....First my father before I was even a month old....then my mother and my step father......then Honoomaru, my beloved little brother....then SanShain, my beloved canine companion....What more can you take from me, Fate?! What more do you want!!


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Kenshi Fri Mar 13, 2009 6:05 pm

Yoshimo tightened his hands on her shoulders in a massage like motion to get her to calm her nerves down. She was getting some what high-strung and that wasn't good. The only way that she would become an amazing kunochi is if she could calm her emotions and keep her cool. That in itself was the essence of battle itself, and if she could do that, she could become great.

Since her little brother had died, she'd been getting stronger. Now was the test, with his body in front of her again. Would she be able to ration what was right from what was wrong? It seemed as if she could because she knew that it wasn't her little brother, her little brother wasn't skin and bones, he was a living conscious that knew Lelia. That conscious was now to rest and didn't exist anymore, and Lelia was doing a good job of keeping it out of her head.

She'd asked for Yoshimo to help her get closer to her face. Of course he would grant her wish. Yoshimo took his hands off her shoulder and then placed them around her waist. It was an uncomfortable position for sensei and student, but it needed to be done.

"Hold on."

Yoshimo jumped off the ground, not too high in the air, but in a perfect arch towards the closest that Lelia could get to her face. He'd jumped high, using a considerable amount of muscle to do so. Luckily he had the advantage of the night on his side, and now it would be very difficult for anyone to sense him. Even for Lelia. She could feel Yoshimo, but if she looked back, she would have trouble seeing his face. Yoshimo and Lelia were close to the sky, as they began their descent down towards the ground and very very close to Lelia's face. Yoshimo used a free hand and grabbed a kunai. As they hit the ground, Yoshimo took the blunt of the impact and landed close to Rain, and let go of Lelia as her feet softly touched the ground. Yoshimo quickly created a bunshin, which appeared behind Rain, holding a kunai close to neck. Yoshimo then slid his way around in front of Lelia, and ducked down, pointing one several inches away from her stomach. Lelia was now close enough to see right into her eyes if needed, and if she launched an attack Yoshimo would take the blunt of it.


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Guest Wed Mar 18, 2009 7:02 pm

((OOC: ohm, who's turn is it to post? It is Rain's, correct or wrong?))


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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Zen Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:12 pm

(Exams are over read the post I put)
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Rain Vs Lelia Empty Re: Rain Vs Lelia

Post by Kyo Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:17 am

Yes exams are over. However, that does not mean that this cannot be finished. This exam fight was over the moment that Yoshimo stepped into it as stated in the rules. But Mirage wishes to finish this when she is done with her senior project.

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