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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:47 pm

Genin Jutsu

Last edited by Lelia_ILTD on Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:19 am; edited 6 times in total


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:52 pm

approved, unless said otherwise
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:55 pm

Thankchuu ^.^


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Guest Tue Jan 06, 2009 7:03 pm

15 new jutsu ((the ones in red)) are posted, bolded are already approved. What is allowed, what needs fixed, and what needs to be put in or changed?


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:13 am



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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Guest Wed Jan 07, 2009 6:29 pm

I'm sorry, I'm a nitwit. Does that mean nothing I can use or nothing wrong?


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:11 am

When I said nothing I meant that nothing needed to be changed or nothing was wrong. Basically, your jutsu are fine.


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Guest Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:23 pm

Okiedokiekinziez, thanxchuu! ^_^


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Guest Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:54 pm

wait, so there're approved or awaiting approval?


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:10 am

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Guest Sun Jan 25, 2009 2:08 pm

One new jutsu, placed at top in orange. It's the complete oppisite of Houden no jutsu, is this allowed or any changes need to be made for it to be allowed?


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:22 pm

Its fine and its approved


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Guest Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:02 am

Chuunin Jutsu
Raiton - Takarai no Jutsu (Lightning Release - Thunder Hawks Technique)
Rank: C
Type: Nin
Element: Lightning
Range: twelve yards (36FT)
After forming the handseals, the user releases chakra into the air. This chakra then crackles and takes the shape of hawks formed from pure electric nature chakra. These hawks then home in on the opponent, with the ability to pierce as if they were shuriken and electrocute upon contact. The average number of hawks created with one casting numbers between half to a full dozen.
Weaknesses: Can be diverted, just like shuurikan being thrown, lightning, so earth can be a defence

-Dai Fuusugai (Powerful Storm)
Rank: B
Type: nin
Range: seven yards (21FT)
Element: Lightning
The user makes a large centralized storm with extreme crashing winds that make it extremely hard to maintain balance. The main aspect of this, however, is to allow the user to control where the lightning would strike. This technique drains chakra rather quickly, because of the power. Most user use this as a last resort.
Weaknesses: Drains chakra quickly, user must be concentrated, so open for attacks

-Rai Kabe no Jutsu (Lightning Wall Technique)
Rank: C
Range: Arms length in the defense
Type: Nin
Element: Lightning
The ninja expels chakra from key chakra pores and turns it to lightning creating an effect similar to a Vander graph machine. Only in this case, the charge is so huge that electricity arcs out towards incoming projectiles deflecting them, or strikes close targets, injuring them.
Weaknesses: Can only direct head on attacks meaning, the user must see it comeing and act quickly, otherwise, this jutsu is comepletly useless

-Raiton - Hyakurai no Jutsu (Lightning Element - One Hundred Thunder Claps Technique)
Rank: B
Range: Twenty Feet (20FT)
Type: nin
Element: lightning
This technique involves a physical lightning component, and also a secondary sonic component. The user channels a large amount of lightning into their palms and then claps them together. The lightning is compressed and then forced out in a shockwave around the ninja that radiates for about twenty feet in every direction. While not deadly, the shock can be incapacitating. As a secondary effect, the clapping of the palms and discharge of lightning creates an abnormally large sound once described by the former Raikage as "the force of one hundred thunder claps" (hence the technique's name). This sonic component is much like a sonic boom and is able to shatter glass, rupture eardrums, and even knock people off their feet.
Weaknesses: can be avoided hidden under earth (being under ground, in a rock, earth style defense jutsus)

-Sandaa Saaburu (Thunder Saber)
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Range: Arms length of thrust
Type: nin
Through the use of this technique, the user will perform the needed handseals and flow chakra into their hand. The chakra will be highly condensed and will make the user's next punch strike with a heavy, earth shattering, explosive impact.
Weaknesses: can't shatter anything further then the ground, metals are a no

-Yurezuchi no Jutsu (Quaking Thunder Technique)
Rank: B
Range: seven yards (21FT)
Element: Lightning
Type: nin
The user raises their hand and a bolt of lightning strikes into their arm. The user will then proceed to slam their hand into the ground, cracking it and unleashing a torrent of lightning bolts through the ground and at the target.
Weaknesses: the farther out the lightning travels through the ground, the weaker it gets

-Ikadzuchi no Kiba (Lightning Bolt Fang)
Rank: C
Range: three yards (9FT)
Type: nin
Element: Lightning
Through the use of this technique, the user channels chakra into their hands or weapon and points them at the sky. A plume of lightning will jet up toward the sky above and gather in the clouds, crackle, and then come back down, having gained more speed and power in doing so, the final product far exceeding the Raikurai in power.
Weaknesses: can be avoided and the user is open for attack when the palm is raised to the sky to begin the jutsu because concentration is required.

-Lightning Style; Flash Strikes
Type: Taijutsu
Rank: B
Element: Lightning
Range: up close to strike
Description: Also called the "Lightning and Thunder Combo", this Taijutusu relies on a Kumo-nin unleashing a rapid series of strikes into the opponent where if the target is able to evade the first strike the combo is done for, but if not they are severely damaged. The intensity of these blows leaves the opponent unable to feel, and thus the 'thunder' of the technique.

-Thors Cry (Nakigoe Thor)
Type: Taijutsu/Rank: B/Element: lightning/Range: three yards dash and then upclose for combo
Description: Becoming one with Lightning, you increase your speed, and unleash a highly destructive combo.
Weaknesses: Can be avoided, is just a fast taijutsu

-Name:Spark Clone
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Description:In this jutsu the user shall exspell lightning from there body to make a clone that is made from the ligthning the clone will stay as long as the user's chakra can keep it the up side to it being there is that any physical attack's shall shock and numb body limb's. The spark clone is the exact same as the user it's body being made of lightning it is alway's changing direction's to keep 'Alive' there fore they are easily seen as clone's unless Genjutsu is casted also a blue glow is alway's present unless genjutsu is afoot due to the energy the lightning is giving off. As Genin the user can make five Spark clone's and keep them going for around 2 min's before being drained of chakra Chuunin is 10 for 5 min's and Jounin 20 for ten.
Weaknesses: regular clone, once hit, dissperses

-Name: Se Doshaburi no Jutsu - Torrential Downpour no Jutsu
Rank: B
Range: forty eight foot radious (48FT Radious)
Jutsu Type:Ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: Air and Lightning
Description: By using air chakra and lacing clouds together to create a large thunderstorm. The user concentrates rain on the battlefield. This technique best used in Raikou due to it's location, cuts visibility and also makes lightning jutsu more conductable allowing the electricity from the attack to travel further. This technique is used in battle i tight situations when you are out numbered or are in a great battle. The downside is you must continually focus your chakra keeping the clouds together preventing you from attacking but allowing your teammates too.
Weaknesses: because of the concentration and chakra needed to conduct this jutsu, leaves user very easily open for attack

New Jutsu!! Yey!!

Last edited by Lelia_ILTD on Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:22 pm



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~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu Empty Re: ~Lelia H.K.~ Jutsu

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