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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:34 pm

Having passed the first test, Munashii needed to losen himself up for the next test. Going into the training grounds he started his streches. He didn't want to use up to much of his chakra on training though. After all, he'd probably need all his energy for the rest of the examinations. Unsheathing his sword, he attacked a dummy in his usual warm up preperations. His team-mates would probably be arriving soon, and though this session may turn out to be short, he wanted to get as much out of it as possible.

After all, he knew very little about this Rain girl. It'd be good to know what she could do. It'll be a chance for Lelia and himself to get used to her fighting style. We'll be getting enough suprises with the enemy, we don't need them within our own team Munashii thought to himself, chuckling quietly.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Mirage Thu Feb 12, 2009 9:56 pm

The sound of footsteps could be heard from the path directly behind him. The soft ground pressed down under the weight of the small girl. Seeing Munashii, Rain walked in his direction. She observed him spare with the dummy and decided that he must be a close-up fighter. She only judged this by how swift precise his movements were when using Taijutsu.

With more than enough chakra to spare, Rain hardly ever used taijutsu. This was one thing that she needed work on. Once he noticed her, Rain gave a slight nod in a respectful hello.

"Are you ready?"

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:13 pm

Turning to the young girl, he nodded back. Taijutsu would be the workout today. It used very little chakra, but trained the body, which was perfect right now. Since he hadn't seen Lelia yet, he guessed that he and Rain could spar. Although he usually used his sword, you should always prepare for the chance that you may be disarmed and left with no weapon. With nothing left to fall back on, you would be pretty much defenceless.

He walked up to the young girl. Despite himself, he felt reluctent to strike at a person her age. However, knowing his reluctence would be seen as weak and insulting, he kept them to himself. Getting into a stance, he said, "Taijutsu then?" He waited for her to make the first move.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Mirage Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:19 pm

"Taijutsu... you may if you want, but I do not DO Taijutsu. It strains my body to move at high speeds..."

Rain's body weighed to much and it would take more chakra for her to use Taijutsu than to use her Ninjutsu. Ths would soon be revealed to him. She noticed that he was waiting for her to make the first move, so she did. Making a single hansign, she began to focus her chakra. While she did, she began to bleed from her eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Even her fingernails began to bleed... but this was not blood that was emerging from her body. The metalic blue liquid gathered in a large puddle that she now stood in. After another five seconds, the pours on her skin also produced this substance.

"Tell me... what is your weakness...?"

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Feb 12, 2009 10:34 pm

Munashii's eyebrow lifted slightly as he watched the disterbing scene. With the strange liquid coming out her eyes and mouth and a lot of other places, he knew he would need his sword for this one. After she had told him that she was less proficient at Taijutsu, he thought it only fair that he revel his weakness. After all, they needed to know each others strengths and weaknesses if they wanted to balance the team.

"I myself am weaker at ninjutsu. The majority of my ninja arts requires my sword. If I were to somehow be disarmed... well, I would be a hell of a lot easier to defeat". After saying this, he drew his sword and fidgeted with his sleeve. "Let us begin".

Ready, he decided to advance and put this girls ninjutsu to the test. He came at her in the stance of Hayai Dageki, a swift attacking sequence.

It was his speed agaist Rain's ninjutsu. Munashii looked forward to seeing who who come out on top.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Mirage Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:20 pm

Since they were going to use eachothers weakness, this would be a good match. However, Rain was not good at using Taijutsu, but quite skilled at protecting against it.

As his sword neared her with lightning speed, Rain raised her arm. As she did this, the metal-blue liquid rose up and created a wall between them. The sword hit the liquid with a clashof spark. This substance was as hard as diamonds, evenn though it was a liquid. The best way to descibe it was liquid metal. With the sword resting on the wall, spikes quickly shot out of the wall, stretching towards him.

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Feb 13, 2009 9:24 am

The strange liquid metal formed before his sword. When he struck it, it felt he had just struck a wall. The liquid Rain had leaked appeared to be some kind of liquid metal.


The spikes had started to form when Munashii had backed away from the wall. Seeing them shoot towards him, he ducked and weaved to avoid them. Running quickly back towards the wall, he quickly jumped up on one of the spikes and leapt over the wall. With the girl exposed, he came down upon her, sword ready to strike.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Mirage Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:28 pm

Using her weapon to give himself a boost was a very good idea, but also very risky. Munashii was now suspended in the air and was also open for and attack. As he pushed off of the wall, th wall seemed to change it's form into many senbon that launched themselves athim and right infront of Rain, as to him him if he came to close.

Rain raise her hand up towards Munashii so that her palm was facing him. It was as if she was telling him to stop, but looks can be decieving. She then moved her arm in a way that made it look like she was washing a window. As she did this, the liquid metal that oozed out of her hand stayed in place. It was as if there was an invisible wall that she was smeering thw liquid onto. Rain's jutsu was very much like that of the famous Garaa, only using her own unique substance instead of sand.

While the senbon came at him from behind, the liquid puddle that Rain stood in and the liquid that was smeered in the air burts towards him as he came flying down through the air.

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:08 pm

As he came towards Rain, he realised his mistake. She could totally manipulate the shape and motions of the liquid, changing it from large blocks into hundreds of senbon in the blink of an eye. With the attacks coming from both in front and behind, Munashii knew it was the perfect time to try out a technique that he had been introduced to by his father shortly before the Chuunin Exams. He still had not got the thing entirely perfected yet, but there was no time like the present.

Changing his stance, he brought his sword parallel to his body. Concentrating, he started to spin, slowly at first, but accellerating faster and faster with each spin. Soon, his appearence was entirely blurred. A powerful wind kicked up around him, crushing the grass and stopping the fast approching attacks. The first of the senbon were deflected, the strong wind knocking them away. The strange liquid heading towards him was also brushed aside.

However, things had still not worked properly.

When using the Tannaru Boushi Ken, a ninja should be able to control his movements. Some could even keep themselves airborn. But Munashii had kept falling towards the ground, having no control over his descent. Due to the impact of Rain's attacks on his jutsu, he had been pushed away from his sparring partner, when he should have just kept going towards her. And not all the attacks had been deflected.

When he landed a few meters from Rain, he plucked out several senbon stuck in his leg and threw them back towards their source. With a leap, he had disappeared into the trees behind him. Using that jutsu had left him slightly dizzy, something that a more experienced user would not have, and he needed a few moments to recuperate. His stealth training would come in handy right now. He had also used some chakra, which he had not meant to do in this match. However, he still had plenty left for the trials to come.

Ultimately, this was a bad match for him. She could easily deflect any of his attacks (the ones that he was willing to try and throw at her anyway). She mentioned that she was weak at close combat, but she had this weakness entirely covered with her defencive liquid metal. He could easily by-pass the liquid by using Keiji speed, but he didn't want to waste his energy on that in a sparring match.

No, he would wait and see if he could make her use some of her more offensive jutsu. Then, perhaps, he could slip through her guard and deal the finishing blow. In theory at least. He reminded himself that this was a sparring match, not one to the death.

I hope that she remembers that too, he thought to himself, smiling slightly.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:13 pm

Lelia raced with SanShain across their villages now scavenged paths. Jumping over dismantled rocks and tossed trees as they ran excitedly towards their Team's Meet up. The girl and dog's steps in almost perfect unison. The unison had been what they had been up to all morning until they received the note to meet up with Rain and Munashi. SanShain was so pumped, Lelia too, even though her face dared not show any.

Dirt hazed behind them until Lelia guided them to the branches and edges of buildings. Across the village they ran where the hit the edge of the Training Area.

Landing almost stealth like next to a twisted and choked dead tree, SanShain panted with blood rushing excitement as they both peered at the site before them. It had seemed, from just seconds of watching, that Rain wasn’t much for Tai, her body frame spoke it too well to.

‘Looks like they started without out us.’ mentally she spoke as she formed hand signs and fell to one knee. Looking at Sanshain as he backed behind her and out of her way. ‘Good. This could help with surprise attacks’

Clapping her hands to the ground, Lighting streaked out and into the ground in a blink of the eye. Heading straight towards the targets at an unusual, for Lelia’s usage, low voltage that would only cause maybe a jerk in painful step. Like stepping on a tack, nothing too strong.

‘Tanbou Raikou no jutsu...’


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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Mirage Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:46 pm

Rain's back was facing away from Lelia and her beast when the lightning came crashing towards her. She was watching Minashii while he jumped into the cover of the trees. However, she also could see Lelia and her attack. Making some swift hansigns with her back still facing Lelia, she completed her quick jutsu.

"Lightning Rain"

The liquid puddle created a half dome shield around Rain as the lightning approached. The lightning struck the liquid shield headon... on the other side of the shield, small balls of the liquid were popping out of the shield and were floating in the air. When the lightning struck, the liquid bent around the lightning to contain it. So when the lightning came out the others side, it came wrapped in the liquid that was no bigger than a rain drop.

The liquid shield fell to the gound as a splash to reveal Rain surrounded by small balls of the liquid that were now turning bright orange. Rain moved one arm towards Lelia and one towards Munashii's direction, sending the balls flying in their drection. The balls contained Lelia's lighting but was highly compressed. These blass would create a large explosion 24ft wide each. This was an attack that Rain could use with Lelia later on, usng her lightning jutsu to fuel her energy.

At the moment the balls were sent flying, a shodowy figure moved further into the woods, away from the sparring field and in the opposite direction of Munashii.

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:12 pm

Munashii noticed Lelia's entrance into the sparring match. Well, she definately had gotten the message. The lightning of her attack seemed to be abosorbed by the liquid. Well, that was one more thing he was thinking of out of the question. The only thing that had proven to have any effect was the Tannaru Boushi Ken, and that was a more defensive technique. It could be used in an offensive manner, but those attacks required a lot of chakra, something he wasn't willing to use here.

When Rain sent those orange balls of metal at him, he knew it would be wise to move. Fast. He had just gotten out of the way when they exploded.

Wow. Now that would be useful in the upcoming tests.

He had just rested on a branch when he noticed something in the corner of his eye. A shadowy figure, leaving the training grounds. He had not noticed it before, so distracted by running from the explosion. Activating his Keiji, his sight zoomed in on it. What was it?
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:56 pm

Lelia smiled, ' She's good.' as she quickly formed hand signs for a defense. Still on a knee, she beckoned Sanshain close as she sunk Lightning Chakra to sweep a circle around them and rise into a dome for defense. Lightning fizzed on the outside dangerously. Anything in a yard's radius from it would get a nasty shock from the uncontrolled power arcing and swishing around the outside.

In the inside, Lelia and Sanshain stood up safely. Switching hand signs to release the dome when the bubbles were defended, the dome fell like a slow water fall to the ground gracefully as Lelia changed route completely as her line of vision caught a glimpse of the shadow racing across the field.

Ignoring it for a second after clicking her tongue to tell Sanshain to watch, she pulled out five kunai using Denka no Jutsu, they were infused with lightning chakra. Throwing them to make only a perimeter around Rain, they sunk tip first into the ground. Sitting there unless touched. If touched, the other kunai would burst with an electrical, shocking discharge to create a large explosion.

Now, this would seem stupid being the fact Lelia notice Rain could feed her jutsu off hers, however two things good could come from this.

One, Rain or Munashi would be blown backwards and shocked

and Two, it would create a foot wide and foot deep mote of water from the underground spring near Rain to flow around her for an overall powerful jutsu that would render them both temporally paralyzed or nerve fried. Munashi probably knew the upcoming jutsu because he had seen it back in their spar with that jounin. So he had a chance, Rain however. It would depend on how fast she could manipulate her defenses.

Lelia just had to await the right moment when Munashi was close enough.

Looking at Sanshain, she clicked her fingers together twice and he was off. Seeming to be running away from her when really, he was arcing and chasing after Munashi to trick him into the path of Lelia’s surprise trap that she was prepared to launch.


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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Mirage Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:27 pm

The shadowy figure had been sotted my Munashii. The figure was trying to make sure that it was not smelled by the large dog. For if the dog did catch wind of his scent, he might notice that they had meet before, possibly from a previous mission. Before departuring completely out of sight, the figure turned to see the field that they fought on one more time, and then dissapeared out of view....

Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) 2-10-2009703034AM-1


Not knowing that the kunai were charged, Rain moved and hand in their direction. Her liquid formed int seperate streams that picked up each kunai in order to throw them back at Lelia. But as soon as they were touched, they exploded. As the dust cleared, Rain was seen standing in the same place. See was completely covered by the liquid metal and lookd like a steel statue.

The liquid was then absorbed back into her body from which it came, waiting for another attack. This was her ability, her ultimate defence, stronger that that of the great Garaa.

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:49 pm

Munashii caught sight of the shadowy figure's face... well, mask anyway. He was about to persue the stranger, but an explosion brought him back to the spar. While he did want to find out what the watcher had wanted, he still had to train. He would converse on this with the others at the next oppertunity.

Prefarably when they weren't in a situation where a slip of concentration could cost you you're life.

He would also inform the Raikage. It may have been nothing, but a masked stranger spying on training genin was certainly somewhat suspicious. Just then, he saw Lelia's dog. Clever little thing, it had found him. Munashii had always admired dogs abilities for tracking. It was charging right at him. Instictively, he went to run through the canine with his sword, but realised that he was taking this whole thing too seriously again. A sparring match he thought, not a death match. He knew that the mutt would not have just gone off without his misstresses permission, so she must want him going in the direction that Sanshain was going. So he decided to do the one thing you should do when you know a trap is coming.

He would spring it.

Leaping into the trees, Munashii jumped from branch to branch back towards the clearing, where the dog was chasing him too. But before he entered the clearing, he made some handsigns. 'Munashii' jumped into the clearing, sword at the ready, running dead on towards the two girls.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 13, 2009 8:04 pm

Sanshain raced up into the trees after Munashi at full speeds with a dangerous, beastly look in his eyes. This was no bunny rabit chase. This was a battle. A battle he wouldn't give up or be light on without the word of his Mistress. But, just as he came close, Munashi seemed to split and become two. He stopped and looked confused at both of them. One Munashi ran where he wanted and the other didn't. Who was he suppose to chase? Sniffing, the one towards his Mistress didn't smell or sound exactly like the real one. So, he chased the other one like the boy was a rib steak basked in BBQ sauce.

Lelia saw 'Munashi' Spring forward and just waiting a split second to make sure it was accurate, her hands slammed the ground. Dust abrupted from where her palms hit the Earth as Electricity traveled through the ground straight towards Rain before breaking into the water and taking two paths to meet behind where the circle was complete. Both the ninja trapped hopefuly.

For a split second, nothing happened.

But that split second didn't last long.

Almost like a bomb, a dome, similier to the one she used as defense earlier, erupted and formed so fast there would be slight chance of escape. Lightnig would strike and snap and shock and burn inside the barrier, when the outside was relatively a sunny day just with a giant bluish transparent dome fourteen by fourteen raidious and seven feet high dome of Lightning frying and paralysing and shocking anything with in.

'Houden no Jutsu'

Just as the dome closed up, Lelia noticed that that wasn't the real Munashi. She sighed, at least, let's hope, she trapped Rain, if she didn't get out. Sanshain would figure a way out to hunt out the boy.


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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Mirage Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:06 pm

The metalic-blue liquid burst out of Rain's skin and swirled around her, making a a sphere dome around her body. This was an imitation of Garaa's ultimate defense; but Rain's version was more effective. Her liquid was as hard and carbon nano-tubes and would take more than lightning to break it. However, she could not see outside of it, so she would not be able to stay in it long. She was tirred of playing defence; it was now time to attack....

As soon as the lightning field was no more, Her shield burst open. The shield molded eight tenticles that lunged out at Lelia, Sanshain and Munashii. While whistling towards them, the tenticles speretaed into thin strands that now looked like wire. Though they were liquid, they were sronger than steel and would be able to be cut.

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Feb 14, 2009 9:02 am

Munashii watched as the shield that had protected Rain exploded into an array of bizarre tenticles, which themselves turned into small wires of liquid metal. For a split second, he came to the realisation that he would have to try the Tannaru Boushi Ken in a more offensive role if he hoped to have a chance in this.

Getting out a weapon scroll, he jumped into the air just as the wires reached his position. Several of them struck deep into the tree. Right then, he decided he couldn't hold back just because it was a sparring match. After all, neither of his team-mates were. When he got about half-way to his mark, he threw several of his kunai at Rain to distract her while he reached his mark. When he was about to hit his mark, directly above Rain and Lelia, he began to spin again, this time reaching maxium speed a lot faster than last time. Using the scroll, he summoned twenty kunai with explosive tags and sent them flying down to the ground below. These tags would explode the moment they made contact with something, be it the floor or a tenticle made of liquid metal. But he wasn't actually aiming for Rain or Lelia.

He had noticed what Lelia had tried to do. He knew that there was an underground spring running through this part of the training grounds. Unfortunately, her explosions had only caused a load of mud. If he took advantage of the weakened ground, Rain and Lelia may sink. Since the strange metal seemed to come from Rain, it made sense that she should be heavier than normal, making it hard to defend aginst water. Lelia may not have as much trouble, but if it worked, they would both be very exposed, until they managed to pull themselves out of water/mud pool.

By the time Munashii had landed on the other side, the exploding kunai hit the ground around his fellow genin. And, as expected of them, they exploded.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:39 pm

((OOC: Sorry it took so long to post, I’ve been busy with regions and stuff))

Lelia looked about as the tentacles of Rain's strange element. Focusing, she pulled out her katana as the tentacles neared at an extreme rate. She had an idea that just might be of use.

However, just about to administer the first step of her latest strategy, slight change around her made her look up to see the kunai soar towards the earth. Quickly, Lelia jumped back to avoid one when all of a sudden, they exploded. Sending the unexpecting kunnoichi hurtling towards a tree. Briskly, to save her involuntary sleep time, she knocked the hilt against the tree to not only keep her away from the tree collision with her head, but to also to send her up into the tree and onto a branch. Forming hand signs quickly after sheathing up her blade, she whistled three short strokes of whistle to warn SanShain as she clapped her hands together. Wind and sound and an electrical current were sent through the air towards her fellow ninja. It would attack the eardrums if they didn’t cover quick enough and if you know the body, that could mean slight danger. Raiton - Hekireki no Jutsu

Hopping from the tree, Sanshain shook his head as a slight effect from the outer ring of the defense/ attack attack. Lelia strung wire through ten kunai as she stood behind the protection of the tree for a moment. Attaching seven of her exploding tags to the lines as she clicked her tongue three times for Sanshain to dig where her foot tapped. By the time she was done, which wasn’t actually any longer than a few seconds, Sanshain had finished off a foot deep whole where bits of the under ground stream flowed. Munashi may have had his own plans for her mote, but it also served its creator just as well.

Lelia latched one kunai tip down into the muddy puddle, as she turned away from the tree and quickly through out the kunai ‘towards’ her teammates. Seemingly. Even if the kunai were knocked off and laid on the ground, this plan would hopefully work as a back up for later. The kunai were meant to be laying in the muddy mote that water spurted like droplets.

Turning back to the protection of the tree, she snapped twice to let Sanshain know they were defensive now. Both pretty much ready for an attack that would be expected.


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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

Post by Kyo Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:10 pm

Hey Mirage wanted me to let you know that we have started the second part of the exam in Unraikyo. Please go to that section in Cloud Village and post.

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Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only) Empty Re: Training For Team Kumo (Rain, Lelia and Munashii only)

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