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The time of the shinobi is over, the time of the magicians has begun

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The time of the shinobi is over, the time of the magicians has begun Empty The time of the shinobi is over, the time of the magicians has begun

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:17 am

OOC: This is how is about to go down. Nobody post in this for this is only the introduction. There are three men, three men with different abilities and different talents, etc. And they are about to fight the shinobi, well any member that is available. There will be three other topics for three battles, those who want to fight them will have to make the topic.

IC: Wind, the common element of life. As the wind passes through the hot and dry desert, creating the sand vortexes that were amongst legend in Wind Country, figures wearing robes that were design for battle walk amongst the desert that was known for its heat and dryness.The day of reckoning for the villages has finally arrived, finally The Order makes there move a small squadron of three magicians, in the ranking that was simular to the shinobi's A-rank, these magicians were set there to do the devil's kill, to steal and to destroy. These men walk the devil's path as there footsteps were muffled by the sands of the desert, there objective was made clear: To go to the village of sand, cause much more destruction than the Akatsuki and be martyrs for The Order so that the magician leader could come in and preach the revolution. This was the plan of the father, in order to make this plan work, they must send in magicians that were against both the villages and seemingly The Order

It was only a few days ago where these three men were told by there leader, The Father, sat down amongst these three men. Two of the men were brothers. The eldest, whose appearance was rugged and scraggy, was standing in front of the father. He was a average man when it came to appearance, he was not built but he was not close of being skinny. His lean frame made him seem almost normal. His eyes blue and his hair was black, spiked. If any, he was far from the typical magicians attire. Usually a magicians attire was the complete opposite of this man, usually extremely built with long and flow-like hair. The youngest was the abnormal one of the three men. He stood at about seven feet eight inches tall with a size that could almost rival a small giant. His size could probably terroize a few men without even trying to attack. A person would not have been able to see that the average looking magician and the giant of a man were brothers unless they told you they were. They were not full-blood brothers however, his mother had two men who slept with her years ago. One of the man was a shinobi and the other man was the same height as the youngest, if not taller. Although they are not fully blood-related, they still had much love for one another and they would do anything to protect them from harm. The third man was indeed the leader of the group. He stood at about six feet two inches and weighed close to 200 pounds, an agreeable size for the elite magicians. His appearance was close to a shinobi but not fully for his hair was completely white and it was pulled back into a long and flowing ponytail which reach to the lower back region of his body.

The Leader, sitting in a chair, almost simular to that of a king looks upon them like knights ready for battle. He stretches an arm out towards them and said unto them "Bless it be for you three, for you are my elite amongst the elite. You three are my messangers for this war that is bestowed upon us. It is God's will for this to happen for it is God's will for us magicians to rule this world and make this reglion we know as "The shinobi" to die as they are the heathens" He stands up and immediately the three men were on one knee. There heads were bowed as they were respecting there leader, there father, there god. The Father walks to them and stretches his hand out towards them "Nox Fractious Leshou Dowsum". His hand began to glow red and so do the bodies of the three men. The felt the immense aura and power that was bestowed upon them. The leader of the group looks at the palm of his hand and smiled devilishly. He felt the awesomeness of his leader inside of his body, as every part of his being felt like a god had possessed him. He looks up and smiles. The Father smiled underneath his hood and lowers his hands down "This power will grant you the immense force that will bring destruction to the villages, I have blessed with the power of the god of magic into you. With this power, no one will stop you" He points towards the door dramatically "NOW GO....go into this heathenistic world and make them suffer, make them PAY......"

At once the three said "Yes....MY LORD!!!!" and immediately they disappeared without a trace, without a sign. The Father smiles as he goes back to his chair and sits down. He folds his hands together and began to ponder upon the thought of these three men "Well now" he said "This is will be interesting......why you say?" it was almost as though he was talking to himself "Well because, these three will be martyrs, there only here for that reason. They were born to die.....the power that I bestowed upon them will be enough to destroy, unless someone comes in and fights them with equal and more powerful than them. If such, because they do not know the limitation on the magic, they will use it to its full...potential. Because of this, the magic will begin to eat there bodies, more so there souls. When the power becomes too much, they will fall and die........aheh, dont worry, they wont track this back to me. They dont even know who the leader is, all they know is that assumption that there is a leader.........hmmmmmm yes, there are three groups that will become a conudrum in this plan........Erus, that blue haired bastard and the council of Oz. They are the only one's that will bring about the death of The Order, Erus in general. He was one of the former leaders of the hold of wizards a millenia ago and his magic is far to none with The Order combine, if not kept in check he'll be too much of a problem. The boy, that boy who fought me years ago has grown into a very powerful man, a very powerful god to be exact. I sense the spirit of death inside of him and Death was the one who fought me two millenia ago......and the Council....the third factor. I've heard of the powers, angel, a shinigami, a vampire and a spirt weilder and one human......these are my continuing problems.... but not to fret my friend, my master. They will be a problem but they wont cause the death of me......dont be so hasty, my master, they WILL not kill you, us......" he closes his eyes and with a smile on his face, he whispers "Dont worry, my master.....

Back to the desert, the three men arrived at there destination. The entrance to the village hidden in the sand was all but guard by the shinobi of that village. The guards look into the distance and see's three figures walking towards the gate. One of the guards squints his eyes and covers his eyes from the strenous sun " that? I didnt get a report about seeing vistors come into the village, not like this...." he said as he tells the other guards. The other guards took notice at the figures as they were walking towards them, they looked like black silouhettes to them, but that was only for a brief moment for the next few seconds would be a war zone in this villlage. One of the guards took note on something glittering from the silhouttes, the figures. He squints before realizing that a blue omnious ball of energy was streaming towards them. The guard raises his voice and then says "GET DOWN!!!!!" he ducks under to the sand. The ball of energy hits the wall but at the moment of impact the rocks shattered into pieces of sharp edges and comes crashing down on two of the guards, killing them instantly. The guard stands up and alerts that other guards but it was too late to say a word as another ball of energy comes at him, hitting the guard and him evaporating. The other shinobi look back to see that the entrance gate covered in sand, smoke and dust. All of them, the amount of probably ten, go running, yelling out towards the front entrance to see if anyone was ok and to give them a status report.

"How pathetic..." a deep and blood curdling voice says out. The shinobi all stop running and look around, trying to see where the voice was coming from. One of them looks up and points saying "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?!" he see's a giant man, grunting downward towards the sand that was ready to crush the shinobi. The shinobi who were not aware, did not see the giant of a man come straight from the sky and try to crush them and those who were somewhat aware of what was happen began to turn around and try to escape the clutchs of this giant of man's attack but it was all too quick and all too late for those few shinobi as the giant comes straight down and crushes the few men that were unaware. The few sand shinobi turns, facing towards that giant looking at him, squatting down, with his feet on the heads of the dead shinobi. They were in awe for a second to see this man landing on the other guards. He begins to rise upward and the heads and eyes of the sand shinobi looks straight up. This giant, breathing heavily and almost monstrous like, looks down at the six men that were still alive. He growls for a breif second and then shouts as in a split second he grabs two men with his bare hands. The men began to kick and scream as they were in shock at first. Before anything was said and down, the giant crushes there heads almost like a man crushing an orange. The bodies drop to the sand and the bodies began to bleed out.

The four other shinobi looks at the bodies at were crushed by this giant. They look back at the giant and they began to run towards the other direction. They did not know what to do and because the "flight or fight" adrenline rush was going through through there bodies at this time, they were clouded by fear and decided to run. "Oh no you dont" another voice said behind the giant. A figure flips up in the air, moving his body forward and in lands in front of the other four shinobi. He pulls out a large sword off of his back and swings at the heads of the shinobi, two of them ducked while the other two were not so lucky as there heads flew off into another direction. One of the shinobi began to engage in combat with him by punching towards his chest but they were all blocked by the large halberd. The shinobi's hands began to bleed as he jumps back to regroup himself and them go in for another engagment. The average-appearing man, the one whom was carrying the blade, puts his blade back behind his back and jumps and spins in the air performing a reverse back sidekick to the charging shinobi's face. The man's head immediately came off, because of the amount of force that the average-appearing man put into his kick. The head rolled over to the last shinobi who was alive. He stares at the man's head, eyes widening, his heart pumping blood. The average-appearing man begins to walk towards him. The last shinobi tries to move but because his body was in such shock, he could not escape. The average man uppercuts the last sand shinobi guard in the gut and blood immediately spouted outward his mouth. He was about to collaspe on himself but the average man does a knife hand strike towards his sternum and rips right through his body and out of his back. The shinobi falls over towards the sand.

As the average man wipes the blood off of his arm, he turns to his brother who was walking over to him. The average man smiles "Well that was one helluva stretch, eh?"

The giant nods "Yes, indeed, but this power has truly increased our strength. I've never accomplish something like that in such a short period of time. My reaction time had increased to your level and your strength was mine. Truly our father has given us the powers that would rival the gods"

"Dont get so full of yourself, you two" the white haired man, appearing out of thin air, literally thin air. "This is just the beginning.......come on boys lets make our father proud......" he smiles before disappearing again. The brothers then looked at each other and smiled "Lets go brother" the average looking one said before disappearing. The giant jumps in the air and then begins to proceed towards the village.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Age : 33
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