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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:55 pm

Name: Kooketsuechi, Higure, Lelia

Age:15 1/2
Gender: Female
Rank: Chuunin
Village:Village hidden in the Clouds


Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Anime-3

Looks Description:Lelia has a soft expression most of the time, mainly light brown eyes,long darkened brown hair that shimmers creamy chocolate brown in the sun and in the moonlight, silky strands of black shimmer. Usually, strands of her hair are tied back and the rest let down, a relaxed outlook. Rarely you'll see it tied all up any more. During the past year of being chuunin, Lelia's grown out of herself a lot more.

She has a toned frame of body that curves at right angles and her fingers are a little longer than usual, but flashy quick from piano and violin practicing along with forming hand signs. Her skin complexion is very snowy, strangely. Even though she's outside most of the day. Giving her eyes a deeper, crystallize look. Although, now a days, Lelia’s eyes aren’t as soft and gentile any more. More mentally scarred than anything.

Also, a scar from the tip of the side of her thumb, diagonally tracing up to her elbow upon her right arm. History will tell why she has it and whom gave it to her. She wears, also, her mother’s necklace. Lelia wears her head band tied upon her head ((sakura Style)) and her hair is usually just laying behind her shoulders or up in a ponytail, very messily. She's not really the kind of girl that cares for what she looks like as long as she's not covered head to toe with mud. She also usually has a sort of stick candy popped into her mouth.

Lelia's attire usually protraits a periwinkle dress that has an overlap cover that shows her shoulder. Unlike the photo above, she does have a netted under shirt that keeps her chest from not being soooo..... out there. Over her dark hair lies her headband, neatly and proudly shined and tied up over her thick brown hair. Her legs are covered by tall light purple stockings that over cover her leather brown boots and around her waist is a black sash that carries her katana and latest weapon of choice, her crafty whip.

She also wears a regular katana at her waist with deep purple slick ribbon that's culred like present ribbon when it dangles off the dangerous weapon. Her whip is almost equally dangerous, ten feet long in length and an inch thick hand woven. The end of it has a sharp sliver of silver for a little added snipe and the handle's black cover is also wound with a deep purple slick ribbon. The ribbon is crisply curled as if it was tied from a birthday present.

Also, Lelia's pretty small. She's only barely hitting Five foot One. (5'1' height) Small, but strong for her age.

After the Chuunin Exams, she also wears a scar from her fight with Rain. On her upper left shoulders bears a sort of lightning bolt smudge torn scar that always reminds her that she’s earned her title honorably.

Personality:Lelia’s a mysterious character. She’s ultra sensitive and cautious when it comes to meeting someone new. Quiet and watchful, like a paranoid kind of type. But she’s not paranoid in the least bit, just really careful. Lelia’s not the kind that let’s many people in. She’s secretive and stand up in the means of a tough looking girl, with a bittersweet twist. Lelia won’t stand for anything against her, such as names or rumors. If she hears some talk about her, she’ll turn around, stalk smoothly up to you, remove her usually candy on a stick out of her mouth and tell you ‘Got a problem or a question about me, do nothing but talk to me’. She’s the tough girl who has a look of ‘couldn’t care less’. But, if you’re her friend or companion, that doesn’t apply. She’s up to talking to you about anything, even the most randomness. And, sometimes, she could almost allow herself to beg for it. Lelia doesn’t have much social talk to say because she doesn’t know what to say. It’s a whole new playing field. She’s been raised to keep quiet during her childhood years. And it’s difficult to make up even a ‘How are you.” Don’t’ get the picture wrong of course if she ends up just standing there, it’s nothing awkward. She loves even just silent company. Also, when she doesn’t get any company, she’s fine with it. A loner, that’s Lelia.

Also, Lelia’s a real kunoichi. She spends hours and hours training her skills, usually alone or with a companion. During training, she wears this dull face. Her eyes with a precise, piercing kink in them that watches every angle and every movement that happens in spars and tree shooting. She’s quiet, not understanding the fact of calling out annoying, unneeded comments during spars.

Lelia’s also a funny character. She always has candy, mainly stick candy like lollipops, suckers, and peppermint canes, popped in her mouth. You could steal away that candy right from her mouth, turn around a fraction of time, look back, there’d be yet another sucker as her eyes perked up in a forced back smile. Lelia’s also one you can slip jokes with. Any real sarcastic line, she’ll back lash it and laugh along.

Then, there's Lelia the actress. She can play any part. When she's in character, lines flow. Most people untuned to her little deceptions gift usually fall for her scenes. Sadness, she can really make herself cry; Happiness, sunshine glows about her complection; Love, lust, anger, frustration, sly. All of it just comes too easily for her when she uses this. And during this stage of Lelia's personality, it is as if Lelia has melted into thin air. Not literally, just her original personality. It is very difficult to find the perk, besides outer appearance, of the true Lelia. She's pretty and she uses it against people, but, don't get her wrong.

Lelia may be a deception, but, she'll only use her gifts in plays, to help people, or protection of people she cares about.

But, beware, Lelia does have a nasty temper. Usually she can handle anything stricken in her directions. Calm about most things. But, some things just get her. Such as, being called 'Doll'. She never really could get that. Why would someone call someone else that? what were they? A playboy bunny or some rag toy? It really edged her. Another thing to be careful about, pushing her over and over after her final answer. Lelia absolutely hates being tested verbally. It's the worst when someone's persistent in the annoying way.
Also, hint of advice to tell when you've just pushed her to far before she bites, when you hear knuckles cracking or her candy snapping. And that crazy stare she has that's turned to no where. Staring in space with her teeth gritting sharply. That's when you should run. Lelia can get out of hand. Using all force necessary.

History: The parents of Lelia were a fairytale story. The Princess and the Peasant. Her mother, Yobirinaoi, one day was walking in the market, dressed in the clothes of servants' rags. Trying to find out why her father hated the villagers so. Why he always called them a waste of time.

Passing by, two best friends, Lelia's soon to be father, Lan, and his best friend, Hamaru. Hamaru spotted the pretty young girl at a fruit stand talking to the manager. He nudged his friend and almost instantly, Lan fell stunned.

Feeling as if she was being watched, Yobirinaoi turned around. Looking around, she noticed the stunned eyes of the two men. Flustered and feeling a tad disturbed with those big eyes unmoving away from her, she excused herself from the manager and made her way over to them. Asking them for their problem.

Lan was wordless. He stumbled over unformed, squeaky noises. To his rescue, his smooth friend, spoke up. The only problem with the save, it made Lan look like more than an idiot. "Lan, here, is completely in love with you, pretty girl." Hamaru spoke up. Nudgeing Lan to say something as Yobirinaoi couldn't help but laugh.

"Great...she thinks I'm an dunce..." Lan muttered to his friend as he turned to head home. Yobirinaoi stopped giggling and grabbed his shoulder. He looked up at her, and when he caught those green eyes, he instantly shuddered to bow. "Princess! Forgive me!" he cried out.

Hamaru gapped and looked at the girl again. "It is you!" he bowed quickly. "Forgive us! We didn't know!"

Yobirinaoi looked about. It had gone quiet and all the surrounding villagers were now bowing. Her face fell into shock when guards, whom hace been looking all over for her by order of her father, started making their way towards her.

"Oh great..." Yobirinaoi sighed. She looked around. Gently shaking the boy she had grabbed earlier. "Look, I need your help. Provide my way out and hide me from the guards, and I'll provide a great treasure for your well done."

Lan risked llooking up. He looked back at the frightening looking guards. Looing back at the princes, he bowed quickly ushered towards the alley. "Come, I know just the place." he beckoned.
[color=indigo]Lan, Yobirinaoi, and Hamaru, after breath rushed running, they made it to Lan's secret basement through the hidden door under his bed.

After a few minutes wait, Yobirinaoi spoke up. "Thank you," she thanked through trying to catch her breath.

Lan shrugged. "No problem, Princ-" Yobirinaoi stuck her index finger across his lips.

"Don't call me that." she ordered in an annoyed voice. "I can't stand being called princess, malady, or anything like that."

"what shall we call you, then?" Hamaru murmered.

"My name, of course." Yobirinaoi smiled. "Yobirinaoi."

"But, that'd be dishonarable!" cried out Lan.

She shook her head. "Not if I told you to, and I did." she scoffed with a curled smile.

After about antoher round of few minutes, Yobirinaoi was led out by Lan and Hamaru. She and the men wandered the streets. Talking and laughing like friends. At dusk, Hamaru had to leave. His grandmother would be furious if he stayed any longer. He ducked out with a smirk at his friend and mouthing, 'lovey-dovey-birds'. Lan smacked the back of his head. Yobirninaoi asked why he had done so, and Lan just told her he needs a few smackings now and again. His brain doesn't work right sometimes...Hamaru scrambled off roaring with laughter.

It was a long evening. Fun and...later, when the moon was full, romantic...

The next morning, Yobirinaoi and Lan woke up in the park by proddings of guards. They'd found them...

Yobirinaoi's father was furious with the peasent. About to sentence the boy to death, the Princess rushed in and pleaded mercy. Threatening that the second Lan was put to death, she would slit her own throat. Her father sighed, and released the man. But, forbiding him to ever come near Yobirinaoi again.

Last edited by Lelia_ILTD on Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:49 pm; edited 9 times in total


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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:56 pm

Behind his back, the Princess and Peasent kept meeting. Late at night and in places they would never be found.

Soon though, with all his money, Lan bought a ring, an Ido easily coming his way....But her father found out....

Yobinrinaoi was dancing around with excitment. She daydreamed about spending her life with Lan. How happy she would always be. When, her father and guards of the highest ranks broke through the door holding a badly wounded Lan. "Yobirinaoi!" hollared her father. "You have broken your word!"

Yobirinaoi and her fiance were thrown in the dungeon. Luckily placed in the same cell. She cried as Lan tried figuriing a way out. He found a puddle of water, a bone of an old prisoner, and tore his sleeve. He wet his sleeve and twisted the bone and wet rag together with the bars. Beckoning his lover to fetch the keys. She slipped through the bent bars and briskly got the keys. unlocking the doors for her lover to escape with her.

It was dark as they rushed across the lands of Earth until they found a small village that had never heard of the Princess. They lived happily there for a year, when Yobirinaoi got pregnent.

Lelia was born to her loving parents in the Lands of Earth. But, after a month of her birth, her father died of disease. Leaving her young mother, Yobirinaoi Higure, alone with an infant to care for and with shinobi that had finally found her...and those shinobi found out about Lelia. Reporting it back to Lelia's grandfather...

Running with her child, she found another village. Living there peacefully with her daughter.

Six years later, living in the Earth country still,Yobirinaoi Higure married again to a man named Honoo Ketsuechi. She took his name, as did little Lelia, and nine months after marriage, a baby was born. Honoo Ketsuechi, Lelia’s little half-brother. The new siblings looked nothing alike, Lelia’s hair was a lightgolden brown, eyes pearly brown like her father’s; Honoomaru had silver hair, but with a bluish grey tint with big silver, puppy dog, emerald eyes. But, none the less, they were inseparable. Lelia adored her little brother like a doll, almost all the time. Caring for him with her mother, rocking him to sleep, playing little games with him. She treated him like a sister should, just in a more new toy kind of way.

During her seventh birthday, Lelia's mother decided it was time to tell Lelia of her heritage. Lelia was the next line her grandfather was looking for...

As years passed, Lelia learned rice farming, as that was what Honoo did for a living. She also learned a bunch of girlie junk from Honoo’s sister whom lived nearby, such as sewing, painting, and other neat stuff that entertained the young girl. Another, more important skill she learned came from Honoo’s brother, Tarrant. He taught her how to fight like a kunoichi. Showing her star throwing techniques, strategies in mid battle, different fighting styles, and how to use her good looks to her advantage. Something he saw just funny to teach her, plus it annoyed Honoo.

One day, when Lelia was ten, her little brother was four, Honoomaru decided that they needed to move, Yobirinaoi agreeing with him for the sake of her children living like farmers. They moved and now lived in Konohagakure.

Lelia, as she played one day at the park with her little brother, looked upon to the swings and noticed children just a few years older than her doing amazing agility tricks on the bars of the swing set. They hung upside down on the bars like standing up right, they swung and practiced landing on their hands, she was amazed.

One not to be shy about anything ran up to one of them and tugged their sleeve. “Can you teach me your magic?” she asked. Honoo shying away behind her skirt. They all laughed at her.

The boy she talked too pointed to the Lightning head band on his forehead. “It’s not magic, you’re taught at the academy.”

Lelia narrowed her eyes in interest. “Academy? What academy?” Lelia was pointed to the academy. She and her brother visited and after a look through, excitement ran through her over powerly. She rushed home, dragging her out of breath little brother along by the arm. When they reached home, she begged her parents to let her join. Almost brought to tears in hope her parents would let her. But, her mother said no…

Lelia cried that night.

A week later, something horrible happened. An attack on the Leaf village her family and her lived in. For safety, the Higure-Kooketsuechi Family fled towards the safest village known at that time, The Cloud Village.
During their travels, they were attacked by bandits. After fretful fighting, Honoo and Yobirinaoi had not made it. Lelia was badly wounded on her left arm, a deep scar to form later.

Lelia was told to run by her mother with last breath. She picked up her weeping little brother and ran for it. Tears streaking her face also.
Collapsing to her knees, out of breath and coughing, she was spotted by coming home Shinobi of the destination. They looked upon the crying children and Lelia pleaded they helped her get to the village. She feared the bandits would come after her and her brother. The team agreed easily and helped them to their new home.

Lelia joined the academy at age eleven. Her and her two year old brother were taken cared for by a chuunin nanny until Lelia graduated at age fourteen, by smarts and hard work. During years at the academy, Lelia was made rock hard unintentionally. She studied her heart out and rarely spoke to anyone. Earning herself skills faster than her classmates even with kekkigenkais. She wasn’t more powerful, just keener.

During age thirteen, Lelia and Honoomaru were walking home from the park. Passing an alley way, trouble was created by these high ranking shinobi of missing nin men. They took dangerous hold of Honoomaru before Lelia could kick the crap out of them for even thinking of messing with her brother. Right on the brink, there came a howling. A ginormous dog came charging towards the shinobi. tearing them down and giving leeway for escape for little Honoomaru and his sister. Lelia gathered the small boy in her arms and took off. A moment later to be joined by the giant mutt.

Badly wounded, the dog passed out, exhausted, on Lelia and Honoomaru's front porch. Lelia got him cleaned up and carried him to her couch. Sending Honoomaru to bed while she fell asleep next to the dog.

Early the next morning, Lelia woke up and found the dog missing. She rushed to Honoomaru's room after hearing a schreech from the young boy. Only to find no danger. Honoomaru was being tickled and licked by the giant dog. Lelia found it was the funniest thing. The canine was as big as a full grown bear and was as scary looking as a rotweiler, black and brown fur and all, and yet he seemed as gentile as a teddy bear.

But, when Honoomaru started breathing and wheezing, she kicked the dog off roughly. Giving Honoomaru his inhalre to fight away the asthma attack. After that show, she pretty much showed the dog she couldn't care less about him except for the fact she kept him alive by feeding, watering, walking, and bathing the bear sized canine.

For two weeks, Lelia kept looking around for the owner. But none came. Honoomaru became frustrated and every day Lelia left with the dog after dropping him off at the academy. He loved that dog. He never wanted to say good bye.

One day, Lelia just gave up. Letting the dog stay. Honoomaru was so happy, she'd never seen so much excitement in his big silver, puppy dog eyes. It was astounding and she couldn't help but gie way of actually liking the dog.

Lelia, another one day, left for early morning training in the training grounds. Praticing everythign and createing her styles more precise and focused. Destroying dummy and target after dummy and target.
Suddenly, out of the blue, she was jumped by that very big bear dog. She saw it a threat, not noticing who it was, as she fended herself and attacked. After a moment and watching that dog dodgning her shurrikan, she was completly amazed. This dog was the best thing she'd ever seen in a long while. He was a nin dog.

After more practeces, she decided, with the permission of her little broher also, that she'd take the dog as a partner.

But, there was a catch, Honoomaru wanted to name him...And Lelia was annoyed...

"Sanshain?" Lelia whined. "Why do you want to name him Sunshine in japanese?"

Honoomaru pouted and stomped his foot at her. Earning himself an annoyed scowl. "Yes! I like that name and it's perfect for him!"

"How?" Lelia questioned. "He's not even blonde."

"So?! He's happy! And your names not Browny! Is it?"

"I really dislike it when your right..." Lelia sighed. Opening the door wistfully as she grabbed her weapons pouch off the hook on the cracked cream wall. "Come Sanshain." she called. The dog happily ran up to her and followed her out. "Honoomaru, Lin will be here soon to babysit. Behave and don't blow anything up..."

She eyed him carefully as that too good to be true smile curled onto his face innocently. "I'll behave sister." lelia left. Rolling her eyes as she shut the door...

And to this day, Lelia knows not if people know of her being the Lost Princess of the Lands of Earth. For her brother's and her sake, she hopes no one will find out.

However, now there’s more to be added to the ‘wonderful’ life now that time’s passed a year and a half.

During times of the war, Demons spread across the lands of Kumo in the intent Lelia had no clue about. At first, just as the battle had started, she and a friend and comrade, Munashii Hissori, were both asked to come with the Kage- Assistant to Sunagakure for an emergency mission during a battle with a dangerous jounin. As they will always, they accepted and headed off the very same moment with Yoshimo Izoto to cross Kumo territory and into the sand dunes of the Land of Sand. Ending up in a slight mishap with two sanin ranked ninjas and about getting themselves killed in the meet up. Luckily, Yoshimo was very equipped in jutsu and created a diversion and escape for the three back to Kumo. However, when they returned, it was debestation.

Lelia rushed off across the broken and crushed ruins of her beloved Lightning Village, rushing towards her crumbled apartment to find her dog wounded, and her brother half-dead. Following mission, the day was long and hard as the kunnoichi set up a make-shift hospital and helped the wounded and helped gather the villagers to one spot. At this point, the demons were gone and things seemed to simmer for the moment. However, the pot had just boiled over when a major enemy appeared near and roared in the air.

Briskly, Munashii, Lelia and another comrade, Rain, left off to lead the villagers up a mountain side for protection from the sudden threat. Setting a perimeter and taking all percautions they could while Yoshimo’s Hired Companion took care of the threat rather swiftly.

During the short hike, another issue was ensued. The first to find the culprit, Sanshain, Lelia’s animal companion. He sniffed the boy in confusion. He couldn’t quite place what the scent the boy bore from him. Lelia guided herself through the crowd and acted sweet and innocent at first for precaution as she greeted the boy. However, when the cackles broke out and he called for mother, things turned a little sour.

Lunging for an actual bite into her arm, Lelia stepped back quickly. But not quick enough.

To her rescue, the new Raikage came. Taking the hit and having the hired to knock the boy out as flesh was ripped from his arm and blood dripped.

Knocked out, finally, the crazed boy Lelia couldn’t help but gaze at for a second. Her mind halfly wondering what his problem was as the other half shoved her to catch Munashii from hitting the ground from exhaustion. Sliding the girl to her knees in the attempt that luckily was fulfilled. The night drolled on as the hired, Rain and Lelia helped get the villagers down the mountain and into Safe Houses for the night.

When off duty, the same day, Lelia came up the mountain side and her world was turned completely upside down.....

Baring yet another family member, tears, for the first time in four years, swept her cheeks as she looked down at where her brother would lay forever....

Unfortuently, when the chuunin exams came rolling around, forever didn’t last very long.....

Facing off with her own team mate, Lelia and Sanshain stood ready and a little tense. They’d seen the capabilities of the young girl in front of them a while before, and it wasn’t the prettiest site to see if you had to face her as an opponent. None the less, Lelia felt confident they’d make the title Chuunin. She just knew she would somehow. Unfortuently, though, she didn’t realize what she would be loosing yet again....

Mid battle, when she thought they’d had Rain, she’d sent her dog out to perform his last order....Spikes slashed through him, instant death crushing his body.....A yelp broke the mucky air and it was over for the oversized canine.......

And the pain that would tear the girl apart later wasn’t the worst part at the moment.....

Slashing at the puppet of Rain, the mask of the boy she was aiming for ripped off. Revealing the young face of Honoomaru. Honoomaru, her supposive dead brother.

Torn between fighting her brother and Rain, it took a moment for her to take the reins on reality. The moment that gave Rain a chance to hurt her badly. A chance she took.

A spike shot towards Lelia, and a turn saved her life, but not her arm unluckily. Searing pain burst as blood dripped and the battle ended with the Raikage, Yoshimo Izoto, having to step in before Rain completly fell to shambles over her ‘Pain Quest’.

Now chuunin, and only scarred on her arm, Lelia stands proud as a Kunnoichi for the Lightning Country and good friends with her fellow ninja, Munashii Hissori. She may have had a rough year, but now the year’s over and there’s new things to face and accomplish.

Learned jutsus:


Weapons/items: Normal Katana described in Looks Description.

Goals: [color=indigo]
*To become a high ranked jounin, so as to protect her home and freinds
* To take the life of her Grandfather, for his evil deeds on attempting to bring her back to him.

Last edited by Lelia_ILTD on Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:07 pm; edited 10 times in total


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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by L Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:04 pm

Just making sure, you sure you want to be genin?

Post the jutsu's in the appropiate section, I have no idea why we even have that in the character creation template.

But besides that, approved.

Posts : 253
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Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:26 pm

yes, I'm sure I want to be genin. I'm horrible at higher ranking rping at the moment, best at genin.

and I'll fix it up for the jutsu

aaaaand thankyou! ^_^ I seriously hadn't thought it'd be that fast!


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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 03, 2009 7:29 pm

Wow, reminds me of Lucy.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:04 pm question, on the template, it says to go post what rank I am in my village, but I'm not sure what to do when I'm in the message bored. Where exactly do I do this?


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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:06 pm

Ehh dont worry about that we dont really give a fuc* about that we got someone who does that for us.

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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by L Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:07 pm

Eh, don't worry about it. I've already added you to the list

Posts : 253
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Age : 32

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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Guest Sat Jan 03, 2009 8:07 pm

Okiedokie ^_^ Thankchuu kindly!


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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 03, 2009 9:47 pm

Im not trying to take a member away from Kumo but... Kumo isnt really that active. I just dont want someone with such a developed character go to waste in a non active village.

Are more active villages are:
Takigakure-Village hidden in the waterfall
Sunagakure - VIllage hidden in the sand
Krigakure - Village hidden in the mist. (somewhat)

Im not trying to lead you away but just id rather not have a good character go to waste.

Posts : 716
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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Guest Sun Jan 04, 2009 12:44 am

Thankchuu Kindly about the developed character comment! ^_^ And, Allow me a little time to think about your suggestion. Thankchuu for letting me know about it. I'll just see how my character goes in Kumogakure. And, if it goes no where, I'll ask if I can switch villages somehow.


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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Guest Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:08 am

Just fyi, the most popular transfer spot seems to be suna so consider that if you will, but kumo is going to be seeing a lot more action I'm assuming, with the new, "no missing nin" rule and all.


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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

Post by Guest Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:09 pm

Updated! ^_^


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Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :. Empty Re: Lelia Higure ~Cloud Village~ .: Chuunin :.

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