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the Coming of many hardships

Uchiha Kumori
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:07 pm

Yoshimo looked up and saw cherry blossoms falling from the sky. It seemed as though the war was finally over, and Jin had completed his job. A feeling of closure fell over him and he felt great that he wouldn't have to fight anymore. The citizens of the village stopped and looked up, awestruck at what was happening. It seems as the demon had exploded into these flowers, which still left Yoshimo in a form of doubt, whether this was some odd attack. He stuck his hand out, letting one drift right into the palm of his hand. Activating chakra through his palm, he crushed the blossom and nothing happened, revealing that it was safe.

Some of the villagers began to breakdown in tears of joy, and some of them began to hoop and holler. Yoshimo felt their joy, and was enjoyed as they were. He flashed a quick look to Mayakashi and said something, as he suddenly appeared next to his ear, demonstration some of his speed, and leaving a trail of dust in his wake.

"Meet me in Unraikyo in one month..."

Yoshimo then walked off towards Jin, about to thank him for saving his village. He would need more than thanks, and Yoshimo would have to give him something.

"Thank you Chisoku-sama. I am eternally in your debt. If there is anything that I can do, or anything that you need, do not hesitate to let me know. Thanks to you, the joyus citizens can sleep easy."

Yoshimo was grateful that someone like Jin was able to stop destruction in his path. He really did owe him and some how Yoshimo wanted to pay him back. He didn't want the money and Yoshimo still felt as though if he owe him. Maybe one day he'd have a great idea on how to pay him back, but for now they'd enjoy the close of the wars, and the happines of the villagers.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:30 pm

OOC: Replying to Jin, thank chuu! And uhm, I'm not on CB anymore because I suck at casual conversation. It takes me a minute to think of something aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thankchuu again! ^_^ Maybe I'll show up sometime! ~_^


Lelia looked about as the mist formed. Her head snapping from direction to direction with a hand on her katana. 'What in the world?!' she thought as her stance lowered slightly. This mist didn't seem natural at all, mist never formed this quickly on its own. The vilagers even felt the icy chill of fright as she did. "Sanshain..." she mumbled. The dog yelped and set the child on his back down. Pointing his ears striaght up and sniffing about in complete alert. His eyes, every now and then, drawing to the boy. That scent was odd as it seemed to eminate from him. He couldn't help but notice and wonder. Lelia noticed this.

Lowering to one knee where she could get up quickly if she had to, she slipped out a slender hand and acted a comforting curl of her lips to the boy as she reached to tip his head to look at her and then rest on his cheek tenderly like a mother would to her child. "There, there, little one. Hush, It's alright." She cooed trying to end the madness he seemed to be in. "Let's calm down, now, dear. You don't want to be scaring the villagers now." Her tone was tender and kind, even when behind her focused eyes was confusion. The mist seemed linked to the boy. However, no handsighns, no weapon of any sorts. How could he commit the mists? All he did was laugh.

Sanshain hovered her, attempting to look cute and cuddly as he prepared himself for battle if there were to be one. His ears perked with fluff and the corners of his mouth curled to seem adorable if you looked at it a, let's say MILES away. Well, he tried anyway.

Hearing him speak of Mommy, Lelia's eyes drifted. No one seemed to claim the boy. Or at least, was afraid to. "Mother of this child?" she called out. The villagers didn't seem to respond anymore than curious look as fear still struck their hearts like daggers. Lelia's view gazed back to the boy. She stood up, as she did so her hand reached for his, "Come on, little one." she cooed sweetly. "Let's find your Mommy and Daddy, shall we?" Her eyes looked to Munashii with a hint of 'Help-Track-Enemy'. She would have said it aloud, however, she didn't want to upset the child if it would scare him.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kyo Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:47 pm

As Lelia lifted his face, a single piercing eye could be seen. His face was partialy covered in bandages. When she reached for his hand, it became evident that she would not be able to. Kazu's cloak was sewn onto his shoulders by black threads that seemed to be supporting it. Within the cloak, his arms were bound by a black straight-jacket that were decorated with lines of pearlecent blue. As he slowly rose to his feet, he continued to sway as if dizzy. It had taken him great willpower not to strike when she had leaned in to kiss him. The smell that accumulated from her was devine towards Kazu's crazed senses. His laughter once again turned into a cry as he winced in pain once more. "Mommy is mad at me... mommy is hurting me..." tears now formed in his eyes and just as before, he began to laugh; each time more demonic than before.

"And if that diamond ring turns brass... mamma's gonna buy you a looking-glass... And if that looking glass gets broke, Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat… And if that billy goat won't pull, Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull…”

As he sung the mist grew heavy and thick.

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:56 pm

OOC: Many thanks Jin! For similar reasons as Lelia, I too rarely go onto the CB. However, if I see you are online, I'll try to get onto it and say hello. : )


Munashii's hand tightened on the hilt of his sword. Mist did gather quickly here on the mountains, but never this quickly. It had to be a ninjutsu of some sort. He looked back towards Lelia and was suprised that he could barely see her anymore. If a Hissori could not see through this fog, then it had to be a ninja technique. He called out to the villagers.

"Everyone stop! We don't want to lose anyone in this blasted fog. Don't move!"

Turning back round to were Lelia was he walked up to the boy that he was sure was the cause of this. He rocked back and forth, muttering to himself, talking about his 'Mummy'. He made eye contact with Lelia and she seemed to be telling him to look for any danger.

Munashii was getting sick of this shadow play already. He needed a foe to strike out at, and he was finding it harder and harder to keep the rage in him contained. He looked down at the boy. In his eyes, something started to harden. Lelia wanted him to look for the enemy.

But Munashii was certain that they had already found him.

The boy started to stand. "Get back", he said, to the villages and Lelia. The tone in his voice was dark and anyone could tell that he was at the end of his self-control.

In his mind, he started to hear a throbbing sound. He reached for his sword and started to unsheath it...
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Jin Chisoku Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:11 pm

Jin saw the mist arising, and grew concerned. He turned from the Raikage, and started to walk towards the mass of people. As the mist grew in size, Jin's worry grew, as well as his pace. He placed his right hand on the hilt of his blade, and continued to keep his locks open. He activated the first form of his doujutsu, and with it's effects his eyes began to eep the same red aura as the did before. Jin placed a massive amount of pressure on his back foot, pushing off, gain a enormous amount of momentum. His speed increased two fold, and grew with every waking moment. The wind, as it normally did, grew into a funnel, and pushed everything out ward. All this was a complex set of actions, but to everyone else watching it seemed instantainous. Jin appeared behind the genin known as "Munashii", and grabbed his shoulder.

He ordered, "Steady yourself..."

But Jin kept his hand on the hilt of his blade, not as if he was drawing rather resting. Jin gazed into the mist, all signs of chakra became appearent, almost everything was visable to Jin's sight. Jin closed his eyes, and sighed, trying to figure out how and why the mist had formed. No doubt it was a ninjutsu, but the other question remained: Who did it?

Last edited by Jin Chisoku on Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kyo Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:21 pm

Kazu fell to the ground and curled into a tight ball as the pain fro his stomach started to reached it's climax. The pain was unbarable and made him scream in pain. For the final time, his cries turned to a devilish laugh that could only come from hell it'self. When his laughed finaly ceased, he rolled over onto his knees and sat upon them. he slowly raised his head and looked up at the many faces.

"And if that cart and bull fall down... she'll but you a car and drive around town... And if that car just will not start... i'll rip open my chest and steal your heart..."

Just as the final words rolled off his tongue, a nearby villager fell to the groun from exhaustion. Everything was already set. Not needing to use handsigns, Kazu had been using his "Secret Hidden Mist Jutsu" which was much like the original "Hidden Mist Jutsu". However, kazu's mist continously absorbs chakra. The whole time that they mist had been present, the chakra of Lelia, Munashii and the villagers had been being drained. Already tirred from their last attack, the villagers were now even weaker and began to fall from the lack of strength.

At the moment that the first villager fell, kazu was off. While he may not even be concidered a genin, Kazu had the strength and speed of any normal Jounin. He burst towards the small girl with a crazed look. Adding to the blindness of the mist, was now the dust that was sprung up from his increased speed. While lunging towards her, the black threads on his shoulders untwined and let his cloak fall behind him. The threads on the sides of his mouth came loose and now let him open his mouth further that any human could. His razor sharp teeth looked as if they had been filled and gleemed in the sun that reflected from the mist.

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:38 pm

Munashii's hand ceased in drawing his blade when the hand fell on his shoulder, but his hand stayed on the hilt. He knew without turning around that it was the man, Jin Chisoku. The rage was still building inside him, so much so that that hand gripping the swords hilt was trembling and turning white.

He felt sick. The throbbing in his head started to grow. He fought against it, trying to stop it, but it was like trying to swim up a waterfall.

When the last line of the boys rhyme was spoken, Munashii cursed as the boy ran off. Running, even without his Keiji, he was still capable of keeping up. Speed was in his blood after all. He started to ache, and he did his best to ignore it. He felt drained, but forced himself to run faster.

Everything had gone quiet now. All except the throbbing. Standing in front of the girl, he drew his sword.

"YOU FACE ME!" Munashii roared, bringing down his weapon to meet his young foe.

Last edited by Munashii Hissori on Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:47 pm; edited 2 times in total
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:39 pm

Yoshimo saw the mist in the corner of his eye and he knew it was trouble. He'd instantly remembered the very extensive file on a young child in the village. This child was like none other, and though he seemed to have good intentions, there were somethings about him that he couldn't control. He couldn't control his hunger....his lust for meat. He needed to be fed like a beast to keep calm, and the mist was a signal that he was getting ready to devour anything that had flesh. As his body turned towards him, he prayed that he wouldn't devour any of the genin.

He wasn't far away from them, now that Jin had removed the mist from about the area. Yoshimo was lucky that he didn't get caught up in the mist. The mist drew out chakra, and that only made it easier for him to attack his opponents. Now that they were somewhat drained, Yoshimo had to step in.

He sent burst of chakra at his feet for speed, but he wasn't that fast, but on an above average speed as a regular jounin. The chakra bursts wouldn't help instantly, but as Yoshimo jumped in between Kazu and Lelia, they proved effective at increasing his range. Yoshimo jumped, letting his left foot trail along the ground for traction. He stuck his arm out for Kazu's mouth, slowly adding pressure to his left leg, and anchoring him down. Kazu bit down hard, and Yoshimo watched as blood spurted from his arm and he could see his flesh. Kazu was still attached on to him as he slid away from Lelia near Munashii and Jin. Munashii had been prepared by drawing out his sword, his reflexes were amazing. Lelia had been saved, and that was more important than Yoshimo's arm. He grunted in pain and managed to get some words out.

"Ugggg!!!! AAAAAHHHH!!!!! Chisoku-sama, knock him out!!!"

Yoshimo knew that while he was feeding he'd be distracted, and right now the best thing for Kazu would be for him to be knocked out. Yoshimo would bring him back to consciousness after Jin had knocked him out and would feed him then.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Jin Chisoku Wed Feb 04, 2009 10:54 pm

Jin turned, and with every bit of speed he had unlocked he forced his body to arrive with enough force to send the child flying from the other villagers. He had been too attuned into an outer attack to see that it was a villager that was going to attack someone. Jin's image remained in it's place, on the outer ring of the mist, but his actions were clear. Kazu's body was sent flying outwards, into the depths of the mist. Jin had struck his stomache, as to not kill the boy. He walked over to the genin, and the Raikage. He kneeled, as the genin fell to the ground, his chakra was depleating slowly, but enough to force him to struggle. Jin turned back to the posistion of the child. The blow had rendered him unconscious, and Jin was satisfied with the result of the breif barrage.

He looked at the Raikage's arm and asked with a concerned voice, "Are you going to be all right?"

Jin had dealt with medical-nin before, but even with a great amount of skill, it would be a challenge to repair ones self from something like that. Jin looked at the Raikage's slight head nod, turning his attention to genin. The mist, began to fade, and he could tell that the chakra absorbing jutsu had taken its toll on the others. As for him, he felt fine, it wasn't enough to notice intially, but even if the strongest stayed in it for too long, perhaps they would lose enough to hinder some of their power. Jin smirked, and said to the young genin, " Just because your feet are fast, doesn't mean your mind should be so quick to use them...", Jin stood up, "...I am sorry, I should have realized what you were doing sooner."

Jin bowed, and apologized, "I am sorry, I don't recognize rank as normal people would, but you have a future as a shinobi." Jin then stood erect, and walked over to the boy's limp body. His features were that of a typical demonic being. Jin's eyes didn't reveal anything he didn't know, so he shut them off, and started to think about what the little child had just done.

Jin turned, and said, "He was quicker than you thought wasn't he, Munashii?"

Jin started to analyze the boy's aura, trying to seek what would force him to take such actions.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:07 pm

Lelia gasped as she stepped back in surprise from the small boy lunging at her. Sanshain pounded his feet against the ground, giving himself a lift to jump at the boy. His viscous fangs bared as a growl hissed from his mouth. However, the 'child' being as fast as a genin and stupid she putting them so closely encountered, she was vulnerable, still, as her hand drew her sword partly out when that oversized mouth was to latch onto her and the dog not fast enough.

Her breath caught in her throat, Lelia’s foot fell backwards to catch her as she attempted getting out the way fast enough in vain. But, she had been saved when a person suddenly defended her from the attack. Hearing his voice, she knew it was Yoshimo Raikage-sir. She’d have to thank him after this gratefully.

She heard Munashii fall, twisting around, she about did herself. Catching herself on a knee and hand before gathering herself up and forcing herself not to look weakened. She hated being the damsel in distress type it wasn’t her. It wasn’t something she needed to be or look. “Munashii?” she asked as she turned to face him, but a scent caught her attention and she stepped up to Yoshimo. “Is there anything I can do to help?” she asked, slightly feeling bad that he felt he had to do that for her. She felt she owed him, big time.

That is when Jin spoke.

She looked at him and came to Munashii’s side as the man spoke. Kneeling and gently reaching out her hands to help her dear friend and companion up. Sanshain by her side and yanking him by the scruff. Attempting to give the genin a ride on his back as he would others in help. Lelia didn’t know whether Munashi would like that or not, so she did not scold the bear sized dog.

“If I may, what in the world just happened? Why did the boy want to eat me?” she wondered almost causally as her silvery eyes looked over to Yoshimo and Jin before falling to the unconscious culprit that harmed Yoshimo and almost herself.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:09 pm

I will post tomorrow, i gotta go, it will be up early too like 6 am lol sorry my parents


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:16 pm

With the foe unable to fight on, he was left with nothing to oppose. Everyone was safe. But the rage refused to stop.

His sword fell to the ground, clattering loudly.

His eyes closed. Moments later, he felt some help him up, but still didn't open his eyes. He forced himself to stand on his own.

He reached for his nin-pouch, withdrawing a kunai. He raised it. His mind was filled with the sound of the throbbing. It had made him lose control. It made him feel sick.

With one fluid movement, he rammed his kunai into the palm of his hand.

The pain flared into his mind, overpowering the throbbing. The warm blood started to seep out of the wound, cooling his rage. Withdrawing his kunai, he tore some of his cloak and wrapped it around his hand. He looked over at the unconscious form of the boy he had moments ago confinced himself was the enemy. Than he looked at Lelia, looking her up and down to check for any visable wounds. To his relief he saw none.

He nodded to Chisoku-sama in thanks. He had helped his sensei, therefore he had the friendship of Munashii Hissori. But he disagreed with him on one point.

"No Chisoku-sama. It wasn't that he was fast. It was me not being fast enough".

As soon as he was recovered from all this...

"I will make myself a better ninja than the pathetic thing I am now. I swear it".
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Jin Chisoku Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:20 pm

Jin looked at the young genin as he spoke. His words amazed him. Perhaps, somehow this boy had some Chisoku in him. Not blaming failure on anyone else, but rather focusing it all on himself. 'Amazing...', Jin thought, 'finally, a shinobi that follows the same attitude....'

Jin's thoughts were still out of place, but he knew what had taken place of priority one. The Raikage seemed to be able to control himself, and his apprentice would be ok by himself with the other child knocked out. Jin picked up a small girl, and placed her over his shoulder. He then did the same with another young boy. He started to walking when the young girl's hand opened, and a small cherry blossom fell out of it. Jin smiled, and kept walking to a small run down, what looked to be inn, and set both of the children down. He then brisky went to find his robe. He retreived it, and brushed it off before returning to the inn. He walked inside, and smirked at both of them. They reminded him of a memory he had, but he stifled it for the time being. He placed the robe behind both of their heads, and scrambled to the group of villagers left within the remaining, yet disappearing mist.

Jin grabbed two at a time, and started to place them in as orderly as possible in the other buildings. He took his time, making sure that none of the village members were harmed severly, or enough to cause lasting injury.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:33 pm

Not allowing himself a moment of rest until he had seen all the villagers put in some sort of shelter, he went about helping those that were no longer capable of movement, supporting them with his good hand and balancing them with his injured one. Pain often flared up in the wound, but it served as a ward against loss of consciousness.

He had just placed another person in the remains of a building and headed out to get another one when he finally couldn't stand anymore. He collapsed, and the last thing that went through his mind before it was claimed by the darkness was:

"Again?! You've got to be kidding me".
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:37 pm

OOC: Mk, confused. One second, Jin, your post says my character is unconscious. Now it doesn't. Ohm, can someone tell me if my character is unconscious or not? Cause I confuzlehuzits.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kyo Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:47 pm

OOC: I think he meant my character.

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:19 am

OOC: Probably! ^_^ But, my confuzlehuzits was cleared up thanks to MUNASHII THE AWESOMEST Razz

Lelia, seeing that her mistake of Jin going to answer her when he turned was proven a mistake, nodded to herself as she stood up weakly, but with a strong act. Her actressy self playing in completly. She was not going to be the damsel in destress again. Quickly, she gathered two small children in her arms and had a dazed woman balance against her as she followed Jin's route to a safety building. Laying them all down with the upmost care. Taking off the red cover of her skirt to cover the shivering children as they drifted asleep. The black lace of eight layers of skirt poofed out annoyingly, but she rolled her silvery brown eyes at herself as she left the building to go help somemore people.

Seeing Munashii fall, she ran up, pushing herself to as she skidded to her knees and caught him just in time. Again his head laying on her lap. She took in a deep breath and sighed it out. "Got him..." she sighed as for a moment, she thought she must have missed him.

Exhaustedly, she stood up and gathered him in her arms. Tripping to the ground backwards and clinging to him so he landed on her instead of the ground. Shaking her head as it was dizzy. "Geez, I'm so clumsy..." she mumbled as she got to her feet, this time only wavering in a slither like a snake walk through the door and into the room. Laying him down next to the wall. Moving his sheath from him and laying it next to him so it wouldn't bother him as he rested. A slender hand gently patting his cheek tenderly as she arose to her feet waverdly and headed back out the door. She wasn't going to let Jin have all the work. It wouldn't be fair, plus it was her job too. Even when she was so tired and just wanted to fall asleep whereever she ended up falling.

Returning to the villagers, she found a young lady asleep aginast a boulder with a child in her arms. Lelia picked the child up in her arms and turned to take him to the rest when something stopped her. Causing her to painfully skid to her knees when the cold child lay in her arms.

"No...." she mumbled as tears filmed her eyes and desperatly, she placed a hand to the young boy's heart. "No, don't be true...dont' be true...." she told herself under her breath over and over and over as the tears she hadn't cried in over four years dared falling from her eyes. However, no matter how hard she tried to tell herself, that brick wall of misery hit her hard and fast. That old feeling of being helpless, worthless, purposeless. Her teeth bit her lip hard as she shook her head and forced herself to her feet. Her hands clamped to her mouth so she wouldn't dare scream as the boy lay motionless on the ground.

During the mists, the small white haired boy's only strength to keep that heart going, was taken. He was gone. Leaving dear Lelia broken hearted to the deepest.

"Honoomaru...." she shook her head as she stared at him and backed herself into a tree. Her heart raced against her chest as her mind felt useless. Her body couldnt' find the peace she usually found in bad situations. It had dissapeared.

Her heart yanked hard against her. Dead....Dead...Dead....

Her only little brother, even though he was half blood to her, was all she had left. You could destroy her pictures, her home, desroy her mother's necklace chained to her neck. But Honoomaru....tear him down, you take down two birds with one stone. He was her purpose in life. He was her life. She was all she lived for. Her becoming a kunoichi was for him. And now......

Lelia slipped from her feet to lean on her behind against the tree. Frozen in shock. It was as if her soul was ripped out of her as she stared helplessly at the boy in front of her with wide, broken silver eyes.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:45 am

Jin had effectively knocked Kazu out, and as much as Yoshimo didn't want that to happen it had too. He needed to be unconscious untill he could be fed. But the main problem was Yoshimo's arm. Since the forearm didn't contain too much muscle in the front, Kazu had eaten his whole forearm away. He was lucky to still have his biceps though, it was one of the more meatier parts of the arm.

Using his undamaged arm, he managed to get himself up with a few grunts of pain. He was heavily bleeding, and no form of chakra would save his arm. The villagers looked on, in amazement as Yoshimo left a blood trail to Lelia. Why hadn't he died or passed out of bloodloss yet? There was something weird.

Yoshimo pressed his way over to Lelia, as if he was driven by of awkward force. Blood stained his clothes and the ground he walked on, but he was able to make to the tree she was kneeled up against. Yoshimo's ragged breath could be heard as he squatted in front of her.

"Thanks for this cool battle-scar, you've just made an old man like me look more cooler. Ah, ah, I can tell a story to the young kids now..."

Along with his arm. He'd have to use a his only S Rank technique. Yoshimo took off his nin-jacket, leaving him down to a small fishnet jacket. Through the back of it a large black rhombus could be seen, it covered nearly his whole back and it was completely dark. Yoshimo glanced over to Lelia one more time.

Yoshimo managed to get his hands together in the proper handsigns, only three were needed. Snake, Rat, and Bird. Snake was to unlock the chakra, Rat was to activate it, and Bird was to release the shadow tendrils. This could be seen through the back of Yoshimo's fishnet jacket, as the seal on his black glowed purple, a very intense purple. The chakra from the seal began to spread out over Yoshimo's body, small black tendrils seemed to escape the seal and they quickly moved down Yoshimo's damaged arm. The tendrils were no larger than blood vessels, but they quickly began to form into a raw black muscle, which began to throb in unison with Yoshimo's heart rate. They made eerie sounds as they snaked accross his arm, healing the muscle and forming a black skin layer over it. The process was done with relative ease, and the tendrils on his arm pooled into a black dot into his hand. Now that Yoshimo's arm was healed, a finalizing "hiss" of smoke rose from the area, and a bite scar was left on his arm. The cells in the healed part of the area seemed older, as was the price of the jutsu.

Yoshimo reversed the order of handsigns, Bird, Rat and Snake, and locked up the chakra on the seal. It had faded a bit, showing chakra loss, but within the next month Yoshimo would be back in tip top shape.

Yoshimo walked over to Kazu, picking the boy up and holding him in his arms. He felt somewhat sorry for the boy, that he'd gone through so much in his life. He needed to be kept feed at all times, and that song was a clue that he was hungry. Walking over to a small corral of wild animals several meters away, Yoshimo placed the boy in the fence, who was surrounded by small chickens, pigs, and one goat. It was far away enough so the villagers wouldn't see, but close enough that Yoshimo could keep an eye on him. He activated some chakra in the palm of his hand, and placed it on the boys head, feeding him to consciousness with his chakra. Kazu's breath could be heard as he awoke from his slumber.

"This should be enough for you to eat. Please next time if you feel hungry come to me first. Sorry I had to knock you out."

Yoshimo walked away leaving the boy to more than enough to eat. He would have to do something about Kazu. Maybe some brain surgery, or something to get him off that type of lust for meat. No matter how much medical jutsu he knew, he couldn't bring his mother back to life. He didn't know how the boy had survived eating raw meat like that, surely he had some kind of digestive system. He put those thoughts in the back of his head and walked back over to Munashii and Jin.

A child ran up to him and hugged his whole leg. Yoshimo looked down and smiled at the young boy, raising him up and letting him sit atop his shoulders. The boys face instantly changed from dismay to joy. Yoshimo walked him over to his parents that were happy to see their child again. Yoshimo smiled and gave them the boy, as they walked back home, as a happpy family. He turned to Munashii.

"Munashii, you are far above the average genin level. You and Lelia both. You both have demonstrated superior ninja arts. When the Chuunin Exams come, I promise you, you two will be the next generation of Kumogakure."

What he'd said was true. Munashii and Lelia being a genin wasn't holding them to their power.

Last edited by Yoshimo Izoto on Fri Feb 06, 2009 6:08 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Finished My Post)


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:43 am

Munashii jerked back into consciousness, noting that he wasn't were he had fallen. He must have been noticed and moved into shealter. Well, at least he wasn't going to die of hypothermea. He still had much to do. He had to become stronger. He would need to train. Day and night. But he knew that if he truely wanted to get stronger, he would have to go back there. To the tomb of Ryoushi Hissori. Only there would he gain access to the more powerful jutsu of his clan, and fulfil his oath to become a better shinobi.

Getting up, he saw that before that there was still a lot of work to do. The safty of this village and its people came before all else, even an oath to himself.

He saw Yoshimo-sensei walk up to him. "Munashii, you are far above the average genin level. You and Lelia both. You both have demonstrated superior ninja arts. When the Chuunin Exams come, I promise you, you two will be the next generation of Kumogakure", he said.

The Chuunin Exams! In all this, he had totally forgotten about them. His resolve hardened. He would not let anyone stand in his way of becoming a stronger shinobi. He would train non-stop until the time came.

He would be ready.
Munashii Hissori
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:30 pm

Rain had been standing on the sidelines and viewed the whole inccident. She had been the only one watching the whole picture. She had seen Jin notice the fog and Yoshimo aswell. She knew that they would take care of the matter and that there was no need to worry. She quickly moved about and looked for anyone that needed further help.

The village would now need even more rebuilding and would take a while. Once she finished helping the village, she would then continue her training. The Chunnin exams were approaching and she needed to be ready.

"Raikage Yoshimo, is there anything that still needs to be done?"

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 05, 2009 1:45 pm

Yoshimo turned around to Rain and looked at the small child. The village had undergone some damage, but not too much. The damage that was taken wouldn't hurt them finacially. Yoshimo began to think about the upcoming money from the Chuunin Exams, and how it would help them. He still needed to hold the fighting part in Unraikyo, so he would have to check up on the safety of the cave.

"Well, there's nothing else to be done, except to help the villagers. So I'm giving you, Munashii, and Lelia an S Rank mission. I want you to help the villagers, and round up some wild animals to feed Kazu. Whatever you do, treat him kindly and with respect. Make sure he is fed untill I get back. I must be on my way to the office, and then to Kirigakure. Chisoku-sama, if you don't mind staying the night, that'd greatly be appreciated. I have to go."

With that, Yoshimo disappeared without a sound, and his image quickly appeared as he jumped on mountain ridges and the tops of houses, making his way towards the Kage's Office.


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Post by razor_shinobi Thu Feb 05, 2009 8:14 pm

Evare ran through the bloody village trying to find the raikage. "were are you?" Evare asked him self. as he ran through he finnaly saw the raikage. "raikage-sama, do you have a mission for me or something needed at this point?" Evare asked ready to help as much as possiible.

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Jin Chisoku Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:29 pm

Jin agreed to the Raikage's proposal. He had nothing better to do than to help those that could not help themselves. He didn't pity them, no, it wasn't that light of an emotion. It was something much deeper. Jin whispered to himself, "Mercy..."

He took his time with the rounds, checking to see if anything else was going to happen in this village, if it could be called that anymore. He knew it would take time to rebuild such loses, but in the end it would only make everyone stronger. Jin started to slow his pace down when he reached the end mark of the circular round, he had always liked the night shift, something about the collection of stars and moon made him more aware of himself. He smirked, and laughed a bit to himself. He then spotted both the genin, and walked towards them. He pulled out his golden pipe, and packed it again. He waited to lite it, he didn't wish to offend the two genin that had done such a fine job. His robe was now stained with the village debrie, and some blood from one of the children that had to use it as a pillow. The wind, that before had met the resistance of buildings, now passed from time to time, causing the robe to kick to the side. It simply reminded Jin of what was to come for the villagers. As he made his way towards them, he saw the tired look in their eyes. He sighed, and tried to get thier attention.

Jin raised his hand, and turned it somewhat to the side, motioning to both of them. They had been doing their job, stilll, gathering food, and helping the villagers. Jin simply wanted to offer them some time to themselves.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Feb 07, 2009 1:50 pm

Munashii was walking through the forest, occasionally throwing a kunai at an unlucky animal that crossed his path, before throwing the corpse into a sack. He had enough animals to feed that... boy, but he needed to be by himself for a short while.

Suddenly, he spied a large bird perched on a high branch. About to throw a kunai, he stopped. Putting the weapon back, he drew his sword and attached the sword retriever. Throwing his sword towards the bird, he focused his chakra along the wire. It pierced the bird with ease, knocking off it's branch. Concentrating, he directed the sword to come back to his hand.

Twisting back, the sword came hurtling towards him point first. Dodging out the way, he caught it by the hilt. Taking the dead bird off the blade, he pressed the release button. The weapon flew back through the trees and around the trunk of the tree the bird had been on and back to his hand.

He smiled. At least that was one more jutsu he had for the Chuunin Exams.
Munashii Hissori
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 4 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Sun Feb 08, 2009 12:14 am

Lelia's silvery eyes were frozen as her body even refused to tremble. Honoomaru was all she had left. Honoomaru was her entire life. Her entire soul. All she lived for. Now, for a long time, she didn't know what to do anymore. She usually always found some sort of answer. Always a dory girl in the fact she could always smile when the world melted away around her. Litterly since she was still smiling and helping and standing in the rubble of a once was grand village. Now, what was she suppose to do? Her heart and soul have just been ripped out of her. Fate had a twisted mind for this latest game that Lelia undoubtfully lost at without even realization of being a player.

As she stared at the lifeless little body of her once half-brother, it was a helpless stare. Melting into blank as shadows crossed view. Her hands over her mouth clenched tighter against her jaw. That scream still building and pushing against her battle-lossed will.

As Yoshimo took a crouch in front of her, his ragged breath brushing her bangs back and forth ever so slightly, his words offering her remembering recognition of what could have been her. Her silvery eyes trailing down his shoulder to that bleeding, gashed arm. A dawning slowly approaching and rising in her broken, deserted mental world. Thoughts even crossed her mind. 'How could he have even made it over?! He should have passed out by now! Or should at least be laying down in immovability! What in the world?'

Her fingers slowly edged as he begun to speak of the scar he would have. Her eyes could see how tired he looked. How exhausted. Even his breaths screamed it. There was absolutly no way anyone could hide that in act. 'So, why is he over here?'

Her fingers loosened enough so as she could probably be heard as her lips trembled to say the words she felt she needed to say. However, he took his jacket off and formed hand signs. Leaving that silly asking to help him dissappear instantly. Strange though, as she thought about, she actually felt something again.

Watching, she guessed she should have been a little disgusted. Black muscle. Not exactly your everyday wanna see. However, she wasn't. For some reason, you could almost call it fascination.

As he stood and turned away, her lips were released and for some odd reason she knew not of, she joked. Her sleeve rolled down quickly as it revealed her scar that twisted from her thumb around her arm all the way to her elbow. "Your going to look like me, now." she sort of joked. Her voice proabably sounded raw. It did to her. It was soft, quiet, and without any emotion at all without intention of it being that way. At the moment, she could place any feeling into her words.

But, as he left to the boy, her eyes trailed faster to the boy that almost caused her another scar, something pricked quickly. Narrowing her eyes in a feeling she's never felt trully.

'Broken Hearts can be mended............Wounds can be healed..............Weapons removed..........Tears wiped away.......Memories can be forgotten.........Hardships overcome.............a smile passed on............dislike must be deceased............'

Lelia's own words, own philophisy. She lived by those, taght those, helped and worked on those words. However, that old phrase finally came to play. Things are easily said, than done.

That boy, it was his fault. His fault, his fault, his fault. If he hadn't used that ninjutsu, wastn' such a cannibal-sonster child, Honoomaru would be here! Or at least, would have had the chance he deserved!

Honoomaru was going to be six next thrusday. Lelia had it all planned out. Their Aunt and Uncle on Honoomaru's side were to come as a surprise. The little boy hadn't seen them in four years besides pictures adn their letters and Lelia's paintings of her memories. And he finally just mad a friend in the Academy. he was quiet, nervous around others, so that was one of the most difficult hardships for him and it made his sister even more proud of him. He was so smart and sweet. You would rarely come acros antoher child as prodigence as he.

And now he was gone....

Lelia never could hate. SHe could not hate the students that made fun of her in the Academy. She could not hate the bandits that took her and Honoomaru's mother and Honoomaru's father and scarred her arm. She couldn't even hate her grandfather that sought to find her, capture her, and make her the next heir. But now, she could. And it scared her senseless.

Then, she noticed Yoshimo's arm again. And the village and her passed brother. Her fingers took hold of her Mother's necklace that hung from her neck under her shirt in protection. Her throat gulped as she looked to the ground, long golden brown hair sweeping off her shoulders to hide her face. She was ashamed now as she realized the truth. Realized the horrifing truth.

It wasn't the boy's fault entirely.

It was her's mainly.

Lelia shuddered as she remember today's spar with that jounin and Munashii. When Yoshimo called them for a mission. She took it and left so quickly. Of course they had to leave immedietly. but, she SHOULD have sent word with the whistle that burned in her pocket to Sunshain to take Honoomaru to Lin's, her babysiter! That side of the village wasn't as taken down as where her apartment once stood. The wall wouldn't have fallen upon him. Sanshain's wrist wouldn't have been broken. Maybe, even, the boy wouldn't have been able to do his jutsu on the villagers and the ninja! And, how could she have been so naive?! Of course there were to be an enemy amoungst the villagers! Someone sought destruction and the destruction wasn't going to be just the buildings in the village. It would to be to pinpoint the villagers to. If she would have just taken more caution and had been more alert. There woudn't have been that problem. If she was only better. If she was only smarter. If she was only....EVERYTHING!

Lelia knew she had such a soft heart. SHe knew it all too well. She, even to the taunting students had to be kind and understanding that maybe they weren't as good off as her and SHE took pity on THEM. THis was just a replay of the same situation. The only different variables, Life or Death.

She remebered, back when she confronted the suspicious boy. She knew something was up. Especialy if Sunshain felt edged. Lelia knew she should have just hit him hard in the gut and had been over with it. He was the black sheep in the crowd of white sheep. THe wolf of the innocent pack. And the sheep herder, the defender. All she did was ask what was wrong before acting upon the problem. Her brother's death was her fault and she knew it now.

Too soft......

Lelia shook her head as that phrase echoed in her mind.

Too soft......Too sweet.....

Lelia was forced to stand on her knees.

Too soft......Too sweet......Too trusting.....

She stood tall again with her head drooped as she covered her ears as her sensitive side couldn't stand listening anymore. As if that gentile side knew something bad was going to happen to it.

Too soft......Too sweet......Too trusting.....Stupid Damsel in Distress as always.......

That was all the sensitve side could take.

Too outer appearence, she was just standing there. But in her mind.....

The gentile self screamed in fury and pain and agony as flames engulfed it to the cage of the monster that roared and pounded and screeched to be freed as that monster stampeded out and looked triumphantly at it's new placement. Freed and in charge. Lelia wasn't the sweet sensitve, always smiling Lelia anymore. A new attitude proclaimed as it controlled her like a puppet to stand taller, prouder, more leadershipish. That old look of incharge and uncaring takeing place and melting to her face. Determined. Focused. Hardened Lelia was freed.

"No more...." Lelia mumbled under her breath to herself. Maybe hardly audible to anyone not within a foot's distance to her. Lelia's head tipped up to look forward as she got back to her work. But, first things first.

Stalking to her brother's body, she lifted him up and carried him to behind a boulder where the body wouldnt' frighten the villagers and she could easily find him later to bary him as she left him to go take villagers to a safe building in the village for rest. Their tired faces screaming at her to help them. And help them she did. Even with the nagging of a nap. She stood stronger and lended the hand she felt she absolutly needed to lend.

Holding a child whom was asleep in her firm but gentile arms, she stopped to hear Yoshimo whom looked at her and Munashii and the other Kunoichi she knew not her name. Nodding once firmly as she stated. "As you wish." and carried on to her duties.

Looking back, Munashii had seemed to take it upon himself to fetche the animals. His stance screamed 'leave me be', so no words of assurance on where he was takeing leave to was spoken from the new, young Kunnoichi as she helped other villagers. Every now and then, she would check upon the boy that almost cost her enourmous danger to Life and scarring. A glance to his placement or an acutal pass by was the every now and then.

When Jin had given his handsign, Lelia had just finished placing one of the last three villagers inside a building. She nodded, mainly to herself, and headed back up to the mountain side. To the boulder where her brother's body laid. Gathering him up, she hiked farther up the hill. Leaving Sunshain to howl if there was anything Jin needed her to do or if any trouble aroused.

Coming far up in a quiet place, she laid Honoomaru down and started digging with her bare hands at soft earth. Digging and digging and digging until she was deep enough and wide enough to place Honoomaru's body. It took her at least twenty minutes to do so.

Standing up and lifting Honoomaru up and into the hole, she looked at his dear little face. How content it was. How peaceful.

"You died in your sleep. Peacefully. Without regret. I'm glad." she told him as she placed dirt over his body. "You and I had a great life together, even though it wasn't as long as I would have liked." a small smile culred her lips as she was almost done filling the hole. "Have fun in the Spirit Realm, dear brother. Have fun in heaven.....I highly doubt I'll be able to reach heaven, so, visit me when I enter hell." As she patted the final dirt handfull in, she reached behind her and pricked a dandelion. Honoomaru's favorite plant. Laying it on the resting place as she moved a basket ball sized rock to the head. Pulling out a kunai, she engraved his full name and birthdate and death date and a small note of : Wonderful Son. Wonderful Friend. Greatest Brother of Them All Even In His Short Life.

Standing up with her fingers laced in front of her. A tear, one that had not fallen in years, fell. Slipping from her face as she softly sung their lullabye once more.

"You can make the pathway bright,
Fill the soul with heaven’s light,
If there’s sunshine in your heart;
Turning darkness into day,
As the shadows fly away,
If there’s sunshine in your heart today.

If there’s sunshine in your heart,
You can send a shining ray
That will turn the night to day;
And your cares will all depart,
If there’s sunshine in your heart today......." her voice was pretty as she softly sung the first verse and chorus of their lullabye. And you could say the mountains natures sung the song with her as the breezes rushed through aspin leaves at the right moments, flowers whistled in the air, scurries of squirels in the trees were on beat. It was almost an orchestra. If she only continued it would proabably be prettier. And, she would have continued, but her tears would fall more as they dripped three more droplets down her cheeks as her eyes looked mournfully at the final grave of Honoomaru Kooketsuechi. One of the two Higure-Kooketsuechi orphans, heirs of the Lands of Earths to royalty. Sad, now it was OrphanS to OrphaN. Lelia wondered where this would lead her down her path of this life.

((OOC: Sorry so long, I just got into the moment a pinchet TOO much....^_^' ))


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