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the Coming of many hardships

Uchiha Kumori
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Mon Jan 26, 2009 8:57 pm

((OOC: I'm guessing we continue posting here. If I'm wrong, I apologize))


Lelia raced along side Munashi, seeing the village in it's frightful state, she was horrified. The first thought that came to mind as she noticed a lot of destruction where her apartment once stood, "Honoomaru...." She mumbled as horror struck her heart. The young girl stayed just long enough to hear Yoshimo declare his title and their new mission. She nodded once and ran for it across the ruins of the village. She stopped twice to help get five people from falling stones of a destroyed walkway of a third floor, slamming them into the ground briskly to get them out of the way fast enough. Staying long enough only to tell them to await her return and further instructions there. She would be back quickly after finding her brother, and the dumb dog she didn't have the heart to admit she loved just as much as her brother.

The villagers agreed and watched her leave.

Reaching where her apartment once stood, she stopped for only a second. Looking around and twittering back and forh, side to side as she thought quickly of where they could be.

Abruptly, she brought her hands to her mouth. "Honoomaru! Sanshain!" awaiting a second before calling again. Hearing nothing no matter the three times she called. Quckly, she pulled out her dog's whistle as it had busted into her thoughts. Her heart pounded loudly against her chest. Honoomaru was so frail. And the dumb bear-dog, he'd been through so much in the few months they'd been with them. No way was there any possible way he could survive something more...

'Honoomaru, dear brother...Please be alive! Please be alive!...Please..." she thought to herself over and over. Begging to the skies mentally there was hope, even though the last peices of Kumo.

Blowing hard in the whistle, the too high pitched whistle caught attention to nothing for a long time. She about tried again, when some rocks rubbled softly. And whining was heard. Not even a heart beat could muster as she launched herself there. Digging and thrusting rocks behind her as she dug for lives. Not to long in her rush, she saw the black, thick furred back of Sanshain. He popped his head up and wearily climbed out. Dragging a young boy, a young, white haired, motionless boy by the scruff. Lelia took the boy quckly in her arms. His head on her shoulder as tears streaked her face. She hadn't cried in years, and this was just too much that she broke that uspoken vow.

"Sanshain, good boy...Good boy..." She patted his head. Snapping her fingers twice. "Come, Sanshain. Come. Let's get him and the other villages to safety..."

The dog whimpered an agreeance and followed her with a limping paw back the way she came.

Lelia held a hand on the back of Honoomaru's heart. The poor boy was scratched up and unconscious. And that faint heart...he was already so weak before the attack...Things looked slim for the Higure-Kooketsuechi Orphans.

Catching up to the Villagers, now there were seven that had stayed, "Come on, let's get you all first aided up. Follow me." She guided with a firm, clear voice. Choking back the worry that was so obvious in her silvery eyes. She led them across the once to be blocks. Heading to the 'hospital'. Looking around for her dear friend for help as she laid Honoomaru on the ground with her vest folded up for his head. "Munashi? Munashi?!" she called as she arose and pointed for SanShain to watch him. Briskly, Lelia dashed over to a broken door of the hospital. Entering in and coming out a minute later with an armsful of medical stuff that she had found. She piled it all on a bench and beckoned the villagers to come her way. They did so and she quickly handed out bandages and needed items to each. But only what they needed. At this state in the village, there wasn't going to be much going around for any other villages.

Lelia helped out the major of her small group. Allowing the rest to help each other. She snapped Sanshain to watch the supplies to make sure things didn't break if the bench did. He yelped an agreeance as she dashed off to find medical nins, if any, and help rescue more villagers...........


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Jan 27, 2009 9:10 am

Following his orders, Munashii took off, heading in the direction where his clansmen had fallen. Helping his father move the bodies of the dead to make room for the living was gruesome work, but it needed to be done. He explained to him what Yoshimo-sensei had ordered him to do as they went about their business. As his father started to heal some more clansmen with his medical ninjutsu, Munashii figured that about ten Hissori clansmen had perished in the attack. A lot less than he had originally thought would die.

As he finished moving the rest of the bodies, he thought he heard someone call his name. Shaking his head, he was about to go off in search for other survivers when he heard it again. Focusing his Keiji, he found the location of the voice, and recognised it as Lelia's. She was at the hospital. He turned to his father.

"Father, once you have finished here, come with all the medical-nin and anybody with medical experience you can find to the hospital near the Main Building. That's our main base for the rescue operation. Also, take as many shinobi from our clan as you can and set up a perimeter around the village. In this state, there is a good chance that Kumogakure will be attacked. We are it's eyes and ears now".

Taking off at full speed, he reached the hospital in no time and found Lelia helping some injured villagers. He wasted no time and jumped straight to the point.

"I've sent runners out to look for and gather any with medical expirence to come here, and I've started setting up a guard in case the village is attacked. Is there anything else I can do to help?"
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Tue Jan 27, 2009 5:15 pm

The village was falling part from all the chaos and destruction that had occurred. Building still burned from the explosion and people still lay buried in it's rubble. With the center of the village destroyed, and outer reaches weakened, the village could be attacked at any moment. The demons had dissapeared to leave the demise of Kumogakure in their wake. Rain sat on the roof of the village orphanage, while several other coward together on the balcony below her. Rain had managed to protect some of younger orphans when the demons had struck. She looked out at the burning village with her blackened eyes. Death was something that she had known all to well.... the death of her sister had left an impression on her that made her feel no sorrow.

She could see shinobi running around in search of the wounded and to help those in need. From on top of the building, she had spotted a young boy who lay half buried in the rubble of a fallen building. Rain took two steps and jumped from the building and onto to the ground, two stories below. She slowly walked over to the boy who was barely alive. He peered up at her with large blue eyes that watered like streams. Now close enough to see him clearly, she could see two large pipes that stuck out from his lower torso. Rain crouched down close to the boy and took his hand.

"You go to a better place... a world without pain and sorrow. A place where it is always sunny and never rains the tears of sorrow..."

The boy continued to look up at her and tightly clasped his her hand as his heart beat slowed. His grew dull and partly closed as his grip loosened. Rain stayed with the boy for the last few seconds of his life. When he was at last gone, she closed his eyes and stood. Turning around, she saw the same group of younger children that she had saved before. She could see that many of the other villagers were being gathered up by two other shinobi. Rain pointed to the villagers to tell the children to follow, which they obeyed.

"One day I will change this world... one day it will not hurt..."

Rain made her way to the medical ninja that were being gathered. Rain did not know any medical jutsu, but had skills in other areas that could be of some use. She followed them to the hospital, where she saw a young girl giving the orders. They were referring her as Lelia, which Rain assumed to be her name. Once near Lelia, Rain spoke...

"Take me to the ones that will not make it..."

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Tue Jan 27, 2009 10:30 pm

Lelia, busy with sewing the arm of a poor young villager girl, held her smile sweet and warm as the little girl whimpered slightly from the needle point. The green, puppy dog eyes looked up at her and focused on the face of the young kunnoichi as she had been told, that seemed to be helpful to most little ones as Lelia had learned in her years of taking care of Honoomaru. Snipping the thread, she turned to hear words of a kunnochi. Helping the little one up, she turned to face her. Nodding with a curling index finger as she took a step towards a small group laying on the ground with pained faces. "This way." she stated as she guided the Lady over to them.

There were four villagers gathered there, more on their way and being led by another ninja, one, laying unconscious on the ground next to a bear sized dog, her little brother. A hopeful look twisted on her face as Lelia looked upon them. "These are only a few I've found in the close area." She told the kunnoichi. Gesturing with a slender hand. Turning, she looked at her, "Might you be a medical ninja of sorts?"

Catching Munashii's voice, she beckoned him over with her swaying hand. "Munashii, that's brilliant of you!" she complimented kindly. "Ohm, can you come with me? I need help with a dozen villagers needing guidence over the tumbles and flames just a little ways a way." Lelia pointed to the direction, just to their left as she spoke.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:41 pm

Rain looked up at Lelia with a expressionless face. Lelia was in fact older than Rain who was but 10 years old. Rain could feel her tenderness as she spoke and yet, she had to disappoint her.

"No... I am not a medical ninja, and I possess no medical jutsu or abilities. But... I can ease their pain..."

Rain walked over to an older man who lay with several bandages covering his face and body. Rain looked him down and noticed that he was missing his right arm. His heavy breathing and coughing gave proof that there must be some form of internal bleeding within him. Rain knelt down next to the man and bent over him.

"Jisatsu no Neko" - (Sleeping Suicide)

She then bent in closer as if to kiss him, but stopped an inch away from his mouth. An colorless and odorless gas seeped from her mouth and into his. Rain then stood up and look at the man. His heavy breathing grew calm and peaceful. His breathing then slowed and continued to slow until he breathed no more. Rain then turned to Lelia once again.

"I suggest you make sure that they have no chance of living..."

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:52 am

Munashii watched as the young girl bent over the man and breathed on him. He saw the old man die, and sincerly hoped that he would never die like that, without a sound or struggle. He would keep an eye on that girl. She made him uneasy.

He turned to his friend. "Sure, I'll help you out with that. When the medical-nin I sent for arrive, we had best send some out to find anyone else that's trapped or unable to move so they can administer some on-the-spot treatment and bring them back here".

He turned to the young girl. "If they arrive when we are gone, will you send some of them out to find other injured people please. Keep the majority of them here to help with the main bulk of the wounded, only send out about a quarter of them".

Turning back to Lelia, he said, "Show me where they are".

After they went to help the people she was talking about, he said, "You've done a good job back there, making that makeshift hospital work properly".
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:09 pm

Lelia watched the young girl breathe into the diing man. Her brows burrowed in confusion, for a moment, she thought she was going to perform CPR. However, being proved wrong when the man seemed to die in slumber. Calmly and peacefully. It looked a little bit creepy for her, she wasn't used to people diying calmly. It was odd, and as her eyes trailed to her brother who lay just a foot from her, she kissed the tips of her fingers and touched his forhead as she crouched for a second. Wondering if she was going to do this to anymore people.

"If your going to do that specilized jutsu to some more people, I need to ask you to not do it to this little one and to anyome without their consent. Most of them here have already given up their struggle and are waiting for death so all will say yes." Lelia said as she turned and walked back to Munashii with one look at the girl that was kind and sincere. "Just not him."

"Right, this way," Lelia led for a few steps as they hurried along. The villagers they seeked were half way across the village actually, so it would take minute or less to get to them.

Hearing Munashi, she smiled appreciatedly. "Thank Chuu!" she happily thanked. Pointing to a bend just ahead. "Their just over there." Voices and moanings of pain could be heard as they turned the corner.

Twelve villagers stood or sat or lay in a small group on rubble of broken apartments. She looked around and noticed an older lady exhaustedly holding a crying little boy, his ankle seemed to be broken from the blue haze on the skin around the ankle. She briskly went up to them and releived the old lady of the boy. Carring him in her arms with a warm smile at him as he cried into her chest. "Alright! Everyone able to walk and follow, come this way. Raise your hand if you can not walk on your own and we will immedietly assist you!" Lelia called out with a snibsh of Authority. Looking across the group, she counted five hands raised as six others stood and headed towards Munashii and she. "Okay, now all we have to do is help the five over to the Makeshift Hospital and await the Arrival of the Medical Ninja." she spoke softer to Munashii.

She turned her gaze back to the group. Pointing to a young man that seemed to have a broken wrist and only afew brusies who had come up to them, "You, sir, assist the young lady over there with her hand raised." he looked back and gestured to the girl. "Yep, the blonde there." He came over and wrapped the young girl's arm around his neck and helped her balance on one leg. "Ma'am" she turned to the elderly lady. Holding out her hand. "Take my hand and I'll help you over the rubble." The lady gingerly took the small, slender hand of the young kunnoichi gratefull as Lelia turned back to the group. "Munashii, mind helping those two small children with their hands raised?" she asked her friend. "And, you ma'am?" she looked at a brunette head that only seemed to have a few bruises and scratches. One of the few luckies. "Please, help that young man laying on the ground. He just needs balance like blondey." the young girl agreed and went to do as asked. Lelia looked over at the elderly man with a broken knee as tears trickled down his face. She looked up, seeing as the elderly man was very skinny and short, "You two boys." she caught the attention of two teenage villagers. "Carry this man, please." They nodded as they were also few of the luckies. One took the under arms of the elderly man, the other the feet. It didn't take much effort so the situation was ready to cross the lands back to the hospital.

"Munashii?" she asked her dear friend. "Ready to head back? Everyone's situated." Her silvery eyes crossed the twelve again. Hope in those young eyes sent slight warmth to the villagers as she boldly dared smiling in the wreck of their beloved home and hard work.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jan 29, 2009 10:32 pm

Munashii nodded in approval as he watch his good friend direct the injured villagers. Moving to the children Lelia had pointed out to him, he looked down on them.

"Are you ready to go?" he said in his least intimdating voice. It apparently wasn't enough as the children looked back at him, fear in their eyes. He noticed that their eyes passed over his sword. He gave a small smile and un buckled it from his back. He hung it aroung his neck and knelt down to the kids height.

"Worry not children. This sword is here to protect you", he said, his smile still on his face.

"How can you be so sure?" asked one of the kids, looking distrustfully at the weapon. Munashii kept smiling.

"Because, little one, that it is it's purpose. To protect those who have no means to protect themselves". He must have persuaded them, cause they both came over and held onto him tight. "Alright, one of you get on my back and hold tight with your arms and legs. I'll carry the other one." The kids did as they were told and climbed up onto him. He stood and followed the rest of them back to the Makeshift Hospital.

When they made it back, the medical-nin gathered by his father had just arrived. He explained the plan to his father and he ordered them into groups. Some of them set off into the ruins, the majority of them stayed behind to help with the mass of injured. The young girl they had left behind in their stead had been working, and there was a bunch of bodies laying around. He turned to Lelia.

"I'll move the bodies. You help take care of the living. I'll take care of the dead".

He turned and picked up a body and took it to a space near the back that was out of the way and out of sight of the hospital. It was a grizzly job.

But some had to do it.
Munashii Hissori
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:25 pm

Lelia let the child in her arms on the ground, holding him as medical ninja came to assist immedietly. The other villagers were quickly met up also. The elderly woman sat down on a rock, weary from the long walk on her old bones.

Hearing Munashi, she nodded. "Alright, will do. Just, when you want to, switch with me." she told him kindly with a sweet smile. Turning back to the boy that clung nervously to her as the Medical ninja attempted getting him to cooaperate. She turned him over so his ankle was easily reached. Holding his hand as she gently smoothed down his hair soothingly as the Medical ninja did his job. The ankle was healed in no time and the child rushed to his grandmother after hugging the young kunnoichi who quickly picked up a few items from the 'Medical Supply Table' and assisted the other little children. The adults were just fine, the little ones a little nervous.

Every now and then, her eyes fell to her brother, a couple medical ninja were discussing what could have happened and what to do about it. It seemed he had been hit hard by a large wall before the dog had come to rescue him. Meaning internal damage. No bones were broken besides a few cracked rips but those were minimal damage. So far they couldn't figure out what was wrong or how to assisst. Lelia glanced over everyonce in a while, however tried her best to keep her mind off of it. Even though the small wounded children and hard looks on the villagers reminded her too well. That smile dimming to only a care.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:23 pm

Rain continued around the room and spoke with those that could. Some said yes to an easy death, while others still wanted to live, even if they had no hope. After asking, many hushed their moans, trying to convince themselves and everyone around them that they were going to make it. Those that were unconscious or could not speak, Rain went to their families to gain permission. After gaining the permission of nearly half of those that would not make it, Rain had a few medical ninja move them all into a small room. Some said their goodbyes while others wept fro the family that they had lost. There were even some that had seemed to be suffering from mental instabilities due to the recent events, and wished to die to see their loved ones. But Rain refused to let them sleep into death. Once in the room, Rain turned to close the door. As she peered out, she looked over at the boy that Lelia had asked not to take.

"The emotions that one has for another can only cloud their judgment..."

Rain closed the door and turned the lights out. Some were frightened while others were already at peace. A few had already past away and would not need Rain's help. "Jisatsu no Neko" she whispered in the dark. After about five minutes, the room was silent and no motion was deteted. Rain slowly opened the door and slipped out through the crack as to not let the many bodies be seen. With many families with whom had just had their loved one put to sleep watching her, Rain moved across the room and sat cross legged next to Lelia's brother. She peered down at him and sighed.

"You know.... I used to have a sister...."

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:31 pm

Before Munashii could go off with the body, the body itself was removed from his shoulders. It was Yoshimo. He was back from Takigakure and next to him was Jin Chisoku. One of the most famous legends in the ninja world today. Yoshimo looked at Munashii, and then he looked around at the village, and how it wasn't littered with bodies. There were medic-nin about, healing those that could be healed. Munashii and Lelia had completed their mission, and Yoshimo couldn't be prouder. Two genin, by themselves had saved everyone from the rubble of the village, and were able to clean up the village. They were something else, but that was expected of Kumogakure shinobi and kunochi.

Yoshimo looked around the village, there was still a great amount of destruction, but the people were safe, and that was fact that mattered. Yoshimo carried the body on his shoulders, and with his free hand shook Munashii's.

"Mission Complete. Don't worry about the dead, I'll do it."

Yoshimo turned to Jin.

"This is the site of the incident. I don't know what you can pick up from this, but this is basically what happened. My genin were with me while this happened, so we really didn't see anything except for the aftermath, but the citizens have seen it all. If you need my assitance, please send the genin for me. Munashii, Lelia, this is Chisoku-sama, he's here to check on the aftermath of these demons. So if he asks you to do anything, please do it."

Yoshimo walked away from them, collecting the dead in his arms,.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Sat Jan 31, 2009 3:48 pm

Lelia set down a little girl into the arms of her bandaged mother. It had seemed they had been seperated during the attack were now rejoiced as they were reunited. A splendid helpful feeling seared through the young kunnoichi as she turned around and noticed Yoshimo Raikage-sir take a body from Munashii and another man standing by his side. Briskly, she walked up to him when he spoke her name.

After telling them about them completing their mission, she was filled with pleasure, an excited smile curled her lips as she looked at Munashii.

Listening to him telling them to help out Chisou-sama, she nodded twice. "Of course." she agreed easily. She looked to Chisoku. "Anything you ask, consider it done." she assured. Spinning around to look at Munashii. "That's great, isn't it, Munashi?" Lelia asked kindly as she walked back over to help out an elderly lady to sit on the ground to await assistance from a medical ninja.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Jan 31, 2009 5:48 pm

Munashii was too tired to argue with his sensei when he relieved him of corpse duty. He shook Yoshimo's hand and a sense of relief spread through him. He may not have been here to defend his village, but at least he was there when it needed him most. He doubted he could of done anything if he had been here anyway. If something could do all this to the village, what could he have done to stop it? He had no techniques to prevent something of this magnitude.

He turned to the stranger. If his sensei said that he had to do what he said, that's what he'd do. "Likewise", he said after Lelia spoke, bowing his head slightly to the man.

Munashii followed Lelia to see if he could do something, keeping an ear out should Chisoku-sama call for them.

"I guess so. In this situation, every little helps", he replied to Lelia. He couldn't help but notice he had a tone of self-loathing in his voice. He guessed he still was angry at himself for not being here sooner. He shrugged to himself. It would probably be a while until he could shake off the guilt of not being here when it might have mattered more.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Jin Chisoku Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:31 pm

Jin looked at all those suffering, the small children, the women, and all the others, their cries of pain and sorrow did not fall on deaf ears. Jin shook his head, and took in a deep breath, slowly letting it out. He shrugged his shoulders, causing his robe to fall off. He kneeled down, and took a hand full of debrie and dirt. He looked at it, and closed his eyes, whispering something into the blowing wind around him. He dropped the debrie, and said, "I'm glad this many people made it, but perhaps a messager should've been sent, to insure the lives of the ones that survived."

Jin stood up, and said to the Raikage, "They're going to come again..."

A small child came over to Jin's robe and picked it up, looking inside it. Jin slowly turned his head, and walked over to the young girl, snatching his robe back. He looked into her eyes, and saw the dreary look of defeat in them. He sighed, and started to rummage through the robe, looking for something, anything to help relieve her stress. He smirked, and pulled out the cherry blossom he took from the tree in the Waterfall. He slowly offered it to her, and she took it. She sniffed it, and slightly bowed her head before running off agian. Jin turned back to the Raikage, and asked, "Do you hold to any faith?"

Jin sat down, and started to meditate on the situation at hand. No doubt they would come for the people, but the demons would be surprised to see who they would find with them. Jin started to devise a plan on how to avoid any futher damage, and keep priority one, keep the people safe.

OOC: Sorry it took me so long, I've been sick. But Yosh pm me about the whole situation with this and the chat box, etc. We've got a lot to talk about.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:48 pm

While everyone was arriving at Kumo, and getting/fixing the village back together, Mayakashi had woken up from the sleep he had fallen into. He was now wondering around the village in his reaper style cloak, looking at the aftermath that the demons had caused. He sat down ontop of the rubble of a destroyed building. From the very bottom of the rubble, a couple of body limbs could be clearly seen sticking out. Mayakashi watched the blood drip from a couple of body limbs and run down in a stream of blood.

After awhile of sitting there, he saw Yoshimo collecting dead bodies on his arms.

"What are you doing collecting those dead bodies all by yourself?"

He wasn't to far away from where Mayakashi was sitting and he could probebly hear anything that Mayakashi had said without any trouble.

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:07 pm

Yoshimo had several bodies lined up in a row, and since they were on the the side of the mountain, there was no way to bury them in the ground. Opening his Nai Sukuro-ru, Yoshimo was sealing away all the bodies he could. Since there was no place to bury them, he'd seal them away so they could at least have a place to rest. There weren't that much bodies left, and the limbs that were poking out of the debris were probably just limbs with no bodies attached. Yoshimo turned around to the voice that was behind him.

"I'm out here giving them a place to rest, for eternity. What are you doing here? What do you want?"

Yoshimo stood up and looked at him, he didn't know who he was and what he was doing there. He hoped he wasn't here to attack, because if he was, Yoshimo would have another dead body on his hands.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Sat Jan 31, 2009 10:37 pm

Mayakashi stood up and stayed silent. He began to slowly walk towards Yoshimo in a way that seemed as thought he was going to attack. His face could barely be seen, the only thing that could be seen clearly was his mouth moving.

"The dead aren't supposed to be sealed away, they're supposed to be buried. They'll find no peace in that scroll."

He said, ignoring his other questions.

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:15 am

Lelia's lips pursed as she brushed dirty bangs off her forehead. Catching that tone from him, she reached out an indexfinger and middle finger togeher. Atteptming to poke his forehead underneath that cloak. A scowl formed her face. She knew that tone all to well. "I swear, Munashii, if you don't stop putting yourself down about the sitation now, your going to have a very hard to beat squabble from a very annoyed friend." she stubbornly said as her hands returned to her hips. "We both were away and it was for the best with us away. If we were to stay, do you seriously think we could still be standing here?" For a long moment, she frowned at him stubbornly. She didn't like it when people put themselves down. She didn't like it at all.

After the moment passing, her smile flashed back. Bright and sunshiny and hopeful it flickered like a light switch back on. "Now cheer up!" she gently reached up to patt his shoulder. "We're both alive and look at all the people still here right now!" her lips frowned as she reached out to take his hand. A slender hand pointing to a stubborn child that wouldn't let a medical ninja help him with his broken wrist. "People still here that need assisstance. Come on! We've got work to do! And maby more if he," she guided her pointing hand to the stranger that they agreed to do as ordered from. "Needs our help!" Briskly, she dragged her friend over to the stubborn child.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:17 am

Munashii heard what Lelia said, knowing that it was all true. In fact, had he not just been thinking that exact same thing a moment a go? If he let this black mood continue, it would eventually destroy him one way or another. Looking around, he knew that they would be plenty of oppertunities for him to make up for not being here in the near future.

Munashii gave a small smile as he allowed his good friend Lelia to drag him towards the disobedient child. He engaged himself in the present, not allowing himself to dwell on the what-ifs.

But even now, he could not shake the feeling of failure. And he doubted he would.

Not until those responsible for this were in the cold, hard ground.
Munashii Hissori
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Sun Feb 01, 2009 11:43 am

Yoshimo didn't move, he didn't prepare himself for battle, he just stood there, with his arms crossed and his eyes locked on the person in front of him. If he was going to make a move, Yoshimo would also, and that would result in the death of someone. He looked at him, trying to size him up, but the guise he had on prevented that. Yoshimo asked himself who could this be but no answers came to his mind. He didn't like strangers, and he really didn't nead anymore after the demon attacks.

"The dead are the dead. I'd rather seal them away then push them off these mountains, only to let them fall down to were no man travels and be eaten by wild animals. If you don't answer my previous question, I'll be forced to kill you."

His words weren't fiction either. He would kill him if he had too, he was dead serious.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:59 pm

Jin quickly stood up, and walked over to the Raikage. He stood paralelle with his shoulders, and smiled. He placed his hand on the hilt of his katana, tapping his thumb against the metal brace.

Jin then turned his attention to the man claiming to know how to allow the dead peace. Jin smirked, and commanded attention with his calm, yet deep voice, "The dead are the dead. They have found their peace already, they've simply left behind what they couldn't take with them. But if you wish to show your own respect, grab a shovel. But as for bothering the Raikage with your petty concerns, stop, or you will be stopped. Understood?"

Jin turned his back before a good response could eep its way from the stranger's mouth. He didn't have time to become a diplomat, he would leave that to the village leader. But if this man interferref, he would find himself along with the one's he complained about not having peace. Jin continued to keep his hand his blade. If the potential opponent wished to make a move, Jin would be ready, as he normally was. Jin sighed, and started to think about what could possibly happen, when they come back. The current of transfer was exteremly strong in this place. Much like that of the full fledged demons, but the bruden of transfer was easily seen in Jin's eyes. That alone would make the difference, if Jin had to unleash himself. Demons, even in full form had no chance against the Chisoku member, it was what he was made for, what he was created to do.

Jin turned his head slightly, and waited for the stranger to respond, if he wished to.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:51 pm

A grumble and a roar was heard from a few feet off from the center of the village. That roar wrung out and echoed throughout the village. The being who had made the roar was angry he had not finished his job even though he should have eliminated these pathetic humans. He walked yet again through the village in his more weaker form.

Shakren had returned to finish the job this time his partner kitshuo stood beside him. Shakren laughed as kitshuo began to assimilate into the ground and then into shakran himself. Shakrens hair grew a dark black instead of a white. He was at his full power each step he made caused a great thud to be thrown out from impact.

He arrived at the sguare passing the destruction and smilling at the humans who were left. He reached to his side to a axe hanging at his belt. Shakren laughed as he placed the massive axe onto his shoulder looking at each human in the sguare wanting to end this quick. He sized each capable ninja up and he sighed each showed power but was it enough power?

Shakran coughed out a bone from his mouth and then spoke. "Pathetic humans. Nothing but pitiful scum. Not one of you could give me a satisfying fight yet alone hope to defeat me." Shakren then in less than a second took the axe off his shoulder and threw it at two helpless civilians. Little did almost anyone know is that tied to the axes hilt was a chakra string to wich the axe would be able to return to shakren after the kill was clean.

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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Feb 01, 2009 7:18 pm

Munashii looked up as he heard the roar echo over the village and saw the monstrosity that had made the noise. This could be- no, this had to be- the thing that had coursed all this.

Rage flared up in his entire being and he drew his sword. Logically, he knew there was little that he could do with his faithful weapon, but at that moment logic was not what was occupying Munashii's thoughts. However, when he saw him throw that axe at the two villagers, thoughts of revenge where quickly overidden and he activated his Keiji speed. In a blink he grabbed the two villagers got them to safety. Putting them down, he grimaced as pain once again flashed through him. He had managed to save these people, but he was already near his limit. He wouldn't be able to keep going forever.

He just hoped that the stranger, Chisoku-sama, would be able to defeat this thing. If he couldn't, then all he could do was die.

He kept an eye open for any other people in danger that he could help, and shouted "Everyone who is able to, grab those unable to flee and run!"
Munashii Hissori
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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Sun Feb 01, 2009 8:50 pm

Lelia's ears rung at the sound of the roar, she spun around with her blade drawn easily and at the ready. Chakra flowing in fury. Was it another attack? Seeing the attack on the helpless villagers, she stepped forward to run to them even though she knew she was not fast enough. However, luckily, her dear friend Munashii had already taken care of it. Looking around, villagers were dumbfounded.

"You heard him!" she hissed loudly. She may be small, but she was a roar. "Get going! Grab those that can't run and take for cover! This is NOT a drill of any sorts!" For a moment, nothing happened. Then craze broke out. People grabbed children and elderly and ran for it. Lelia's hands flickered through hand signs with the blade in hand as she stepped back a couple steps. "Sanshain, take people you can carry and run for it." Sanshain nodded. Picking up Honoomaru in his mouth and swinging him onto his back. Running off and scooping up other slow children for the rushing ride. However, he defiyed Lelia partly. Only rushing the children to people who could carry them. Rushing back as soon as he could. THe massive bear-dog growling under his breath as he eyed the newest opponent to the village. Lelia shook her head. "Fine. Stay if you wish, you dumb dog." she mumbled. Secretly, she was pleased she wasn't alone on this besides Munashii.

Looking around, she stepped up to guard the villagers as they ran as a group towards the covers of the mountain. Sanshin stood in between the spread from Munashii and herself. Creating a sort of blockade with three people in the wide space of rubbled village. Her blade almost humming with lightning chakra at the ready as she spun it in her hand at the ready.


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the Coming of many hardships - Page 2 Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Sun Feb 01, 2009 9:38 pm

"You would kill the man that helped save this village from total eradication?If I hadn't come when I did, there would have been no trace left of this village. But then again, I did kill the previous Raikage, so I guess you could kill me over that."

He said, telling a little white lie towards the end of his speech. As he kept slowly walking forward, his head turned slightly towards Jin. He stretched his arm out towards him and then waved his hand slightly. A rectangular piece of earth lifted up from the ground next to Jin and then placed itself next to the rectangular hole it left. He then brang his arm back and turned his head back towards Yoshimo.

"Do you think that hole would be enough? Or would you like me to make a couple more for the dead bodies?"

He continued walking towards Yoshimo.

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