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The coming of many hardships

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The coming of many hardships Empty The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:37 pm

The sound of a thousand birds had overcome the surrouding area's of the village. The force of something was coming, and it was nothing to over look. The villagers seemed frieghted of this power, they could just feel. Even the common person could feel the coming of these horrbile things. Back from a far, was a pack of monsters. Or so that is what many among, many people would have said if they saw them. However, this was only a small fraction of what really the size they were. In the group there were atleast 200 strong. The leader of the group roared. The group then sped up to where they had been heading...The Village Hidden the Sand. They all landed about ten or so miles away from the gates and began walking. The leader roared once again, this time, however he yelled afterward. "WHERE IS THE ONE NAMED DRAC!" He began running towards the gate. "All you stand in our why of killing him, will be killed. And standing in our way, means being there. Human scum will fall to the power of the Demons!"

The Leader, was however, the Demon King. This battle would be an epic one, because Drac happen to be in the Sand village at this time. This battle would sure be long, and the victory was not known as of now. But Drac would not lose slow easily.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:50 pm

Drac was busy sleeping when he finally felt the demons coming. As soon as he did, he was shocked, but he did not panic. He knew this day was coming, but he did know firgue it would be soon. He got up and took out his armor and sword. He then open his window and flew to the Taku's building. "Taku, the Demons have come, and I Know for a fact that I cannot do this alone." He sighed for a moment since Drac had hated to ask for help, but he knew if he did not he would die, without honor. This is one thing Demons cannot stand, if they die, they die with honor. "They have come to kill me, and its my duty to protect my honor, which is just like my fathers, make Demons and humans one." He sighed yet again and flew out of the building. "Now, when will they show themsevles?"


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:00 am

A pitiful moan was heard from the corner of the room as the ground bubbled up like wax. Reira emerged; her skin forming on her bones and muscles like oil. It was as if the ground was oozing upside-down. Her face was still forming as her eyes changed color to a silvery blue. Her words were morbid and filled with sorrow as she spoke. "It seems that you have a most unusual problem... and they seem to be striking in the other villages aswell...."

Reira moved to one of the windows and stretched out her cold and thin finger in the direction of the demons.

"Though I have only recently joined this village.... I am willing to lend a hand to defend it..."

She then turned to them with her melting figure and waited for their response.

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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:58 am

Taku was already at the edge of the village, anger spread across his face. He loathed anyone or anything that would disturb his village in an unwelcome way. Kengen stood at his side. The boy was only a genin but easily able to do the work of a chunin. Drac had confided in him when he had joind the Sand and had told him this day would come. Ever since, Taku had waited patiently for them to strike. He saw them in the distance, a massive swarm of demons. He could either attack now or wait for them to come to him. It wasnt a tough choice. They were still too far away, and he could not let them get this close to the village either. Using one of his many techniques, Kengen drifted into the earth. Together the two advanced on the army, alone. Backup was sure to arrive soon, but for now, they planned on fighting alone, as father and son. The strongest bond formed the strongest of teams.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:06 am

Drac had already been in the middle of the Demons, looking for the Demon King, Draken. He knew that the King was here. As her looked back from battling the Demons that he had already been facing. He saw a few people coming towards him, as he knew that they were on his side, he jumped in the air, and lfew over to them. "Taku, and your son. Glad to have your help." He smiled and ran again at the demons. "You will not take me alive!" He roared and his eyes glew bright green. He then looked over and his eyes grew even bigger.

A strong voice spoke out. "Drac! you have brought great pain to our clan. You made me kill my own son!" His eyes two grew bigger, but they glowed a redish color. The two flew towards each other. They two then clashed sword to sword. This was sure to be a fight to remember.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:49 am

As was thought by Drac originaly. It was the king vs him, and the others were there to cause havoc for any other who were present. Good thing Taku and Kengen werent going to let the demons reach the village. As a team they were virtually unbeatable. Even this vast army could fall to the might of the two Sookato. Alone they were just two shinobi, but together, they were something else. Flawless timing and effort. Those were the ingridients to success and Taku had taught his son well. Kengen erupted from the ground in the middle of the demons. He had used chakra blade on his staff and used it to impale the demon that had been occuping that space moments before. He whipped it around, also tearing through several demons around him. He steadied himself and readied for the demons to attack him. Taku meanwhile, was at the edge moving inward, both his swords drawn, slicing through the demons in the same manner as his son, using chakra blade. He smiled, if this was how simple the demons were, Drac would have no problem defeating the king.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:38 pm

The Demons chargead at the on coming Shinboi, trying there best to do whatever it took to even scratch them. They were simplly no match for the charka blades that were coming from the both of them, they would have to fight in a different manner, than normal if they wanted to even think about winning. About twenety or so backed up and gave the two shinboi odd looks and then started to flap their wings. Large gusts of winds shot at the two, hoping this would be enough to spend to them back.


Drac and Draken have moved to a more open area, where no one would bother them. The faced each other like anyone would in a battle to the death. Their swords clashed together once after another. The two were almost evenly matched, but Draken had the upper hand, for the time being, anyway.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:24 pm

Taku raised his hand and sent a single blast of chakra into the air. This was Kengen's sinal to act. Taku was going to end this for about half the demon army. So far together, with the help of his son, they had killed 15 demons. Now they were going to reduce that number dramaticaly. Well, Taku was, with some support from his son. "MUD OVERTURN," Kengen shouted into the midst of the battle. He slammed both of his hands into the ground, sending chakra into the ground, causign the earth underneath Taku to rise up into the air. He knew what was coming next so once again he used his underground submarin voyage jutsu to go beneathe the surface of the earth untill his father had done his work.

As the earth beneath him rose, Taku released the jutsu on his sword and stabbed them into the dirt on either side of him. He brought the chakra from that technique to his hand. He began sending even more chakra to his hand. He did this as quickly as possible, creating a ball of pure Sookato energy in his palms. He held his hands out in front of him, holding the ball out towards the demon army. By the time the earth wall had gotten to full height, it was already 4 feet across. After another 30 seconds, the demons had begun to fly and scale the wall in an attemp to reach him. By this time, it was to late. The ball was roughly 10 feet in diameter now, massive to say the least. Taku sent a little chakra to his feet as he jumped off the edge of the wall, sending him directly over the center of the demon army. He released the ball from his hands down on the demon army. When it impacted, many of the demons would be killed and a huge crater would be in their place. Kengen now stood on the top of the earth wall, waiting for the impact.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:02 pm

The Demons were powerless to stop the uncomming attack. They knew a lot of them were going to get killed, all for one person, Drac. The yelled his name in vain as they died, from this attack. The remaining Demons, that did not get dircetly hit, they were still injuryed, but able to fight. They quickly got up and rushed towards the two ninja. The fight was not even close to over, but somehow it seemed to be ending sooner than it really was. A few Demons came out from the ground below Taku and his son and slashed their swords at them.

Drac and Draken still had been fighting, sword to sword, it was almost like this battle would never end. They soon would have to fight using their Demon bloodline, but whoever did this first would be proven the weaker one, so the conutined to fight. Soon Draken saw an opening on Drac and took it right then, he had hit Drac right where it would count, but in the case of the One tailed Demo, Drac took Hold of Draken's sword his his sand, this proved that Drac knew what he was doing. Soon after Draken jumped back, without his sword, now. He knew what had to be done if he was to win, He began to change into his wolf from, becuase he could atleast use his claws, over his sword. Drac then threw Draken's sword to the side and then dashed towards his grandfather. The two again clashed, this time Drac would have the upper hand. But Drac did not want this to be an easy fight, so suddnely he began to change into his Human form. Which Shocked Draken, because most Demons, only use this form when on missions spying on other humans, not fighting. But in Drac's Case he now knew that the Human form was one of the strongest forms if it was used right.

Back at the Sand village, two Jounin sand shinobi had been told to report to KazeKage Taku and his son in aid. They raced out to aid them, because they did not know if they were ok or not. As soon as they reached Taku that nodded at one another. "Lord Kazekage, we are here to aid you in the fight against the demons. The girl Shinboi said and soon after he eyes glew the same color as Drakens.

Female Shinobi:The coming of many hardships 399

Male Shinobi:The coming of many hardships Teensandninja


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:37 pm

More allies and foes appeared. The two jounin seemed to be friends, but when their eyes glowed the same color as the Demon King's had, he knew them to be false. Drac had warned him of this. He called Kengen over with his mind. His son appeared next to him a moment later. Taku quickly considered the courses of action he could take. He was going to waste no time, going for killing blows the whole way. He urged Kengen to do the same. He quickly considered his options and alerted his son of his plan. "Hidden Mist technique," Taku called out after quickly performing the needed hand signs. The area occupied by himself, his son, and the two jounin was instatnly covered in a layer of mist. His son then used his earth spear technique, turning his skin hard as stone and would be unaffected by the Takus next attack move. While he did this, Taku activated his chakra armor, covering his body, protecting it for the following move. "Hidden Steam technique." By addin fire chakra to his previous technique, He transformed the mist into an extremly hot cloud of steam that would handg in the air for five minutes, burining any exposed skin badly. In some cases, it was even deadly.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Guest Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:11 pm



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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:01 pm

Kyouken and Kudara, the two historic assassins, had just have an encountered with shinobi from the village hidden in lightning. Seemingly, they wanted more information on the coins they were going after to destroy. It would have been a very gruesome and horrific battle but they left just as quick as the battle started. The two brothers pressed on towards the village hidden in sand looking for one of the ancient coins, these coins brought ancient power towards man and without the control of their human nature, this could seemingly end humanity.

The two brothers headed towards the direction of the entrance path, the two mountains that have the gap inbetween them. The entrance way towards the village was surrounded by what seemed to be humans at the time, they were so far away at the time, it was very difficult to decipher whether they were shinobi from sand or some other threat. Kyouken closes his eyes slowly then opens them once again activating his sharingan. He then looks forward at the entrance towards Suna, he saw that those were no humans guarding the path, they were surely demons. Bloodthirsty and brutal demons of great horror. Those who did not have the right skills would easily fall to these creatures. Both Kudara and Kyouken sighed both saying

"Here we go again"

Kyouken and Kudara stopped, they were 200 meters away from the entrance gate, if they were true blood they would have seen these two foreigners. The amount of demons there was about twenty of them, the head demon who was in charge of guarding the gate sent five of those demons to head towards the two brothers. Kudara scracthes the back of his head as he looks at Kyouken

"Alright....well seems they have the problem too, a horde of demons coming there to find some guy and they want to kill him. Why is this a repeating pattern of some sort"

"Its because demons are somewhat like humans, once they want something they'll stop at nothing to get it" Kyouken replied in his calm, depressing like voice. He points forward seeing that their were some objects coming at them "From what I can tell these demons are more stronger then the one's that were at our village before we left. Logically, since their our six villages and five of them dont have the person that they are looking for, then this is the village that this "Drac" or whomever these demons are after. I say we split up, find this person or demon or whomever this being is and destroy the leader"

Kudara smiles with a questioning look on his face "Wait....why kill the leader?"

Kyouken begins to walk forward "Because its bad business, I have mix feelings when the Caelum family doesnt get its income from the people that work for me in Suna"

Kudara then walks, following him "I guess that would piss you off, well you dont get pissed you get more so annoyed"

Both of them walked seeing five demons coming at them with blades in their hands and murder in there eyes. They were running up some of the hilly terrains made by the dunes, yelling and screaming out. They were saying things that had to deal with the murder of humans. Kyouken sighed hearing that agitated him though he has no emotion to show on his facial expression, he runs forward leaving an afterimage of himself and makes contact with one of the demons. The one demon fell back, it was as though this man had teleported in front of him. The four demons look back and stop turning around to attack Kyouken. They raise there swords at him but stopped as all four of them coughed up blood. They fall over, Kudara appears in front of the dead bodies of the demons, he takes a cloth out of his back pocket and wipes the blood off his sword. Kudara then stares over at the demon who was on the ground. Kyouken grabbed the demon's neck and rose him up off the ground like picking up a child

"Humans? should realize who we are you ignorant waste of murder and blood. I am..." Kyouken then crushed the demons neck, before the demon could even scream, his head came off his neck and fell to the ground rolling back down the sandy dunes "....Death" he says as he drops the body onto the ground. Kyouken turns his head back and looks back over at Kudara "Alright, this is the plan, you go and take on these demons, im going to try and find this "Drac" person. Got it?"

Kudara, comically, glares at Kyouken obviously giving out a comical relief in this situation. "Why do I always have to fight the hordes and hordes of demons? Why dont you do it?!"
Kyouken turns his head around forwards looking at the gate "Because, your speciality is killing hordes and hordes of demons. You took out four, I took out one, therefore you have the honor of taking on these demons. Besides, I dont want to get alittle dirty. Just meet me when you have this situation underhand"

Kyouken disappeared, cease leaving a afterimage of himself reasoning to have used his Tenshu Hitokoki's running ability, he had just went past the demons without them even noticing his presence. Kudara jaw dropped knowing that Kyouken would probably be in the city by now trying to find "Drac" leaving the bloodshed to Kudara. Kudara looks over and see's the rest of the fifteen who were guarding the entrance were racing towards Kudara. He puts his head down, comically cursing to himself. He then got serious and looks up, he runs at them leaving his afterimage and came in contact with the fifteen demons, he begins to kill those remaining demons.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Jan 30, 2009 12:55 pm

The Demons had slowly failed and they began to flee. They knew that they would not last if they had been there any longer. And They also knew that they would never kill Drac. Human Ninja's were a lot strong now a days, than they were when they had fisrt arrived. They ones that stayed, were either foolish or strong. And the Jounin that arrived at Taku's side flew up into the air, after during back into their demons forms. The attack did little damage to them. "Shit! How the hell did he found out who we are!" The male demon said. The Female hit the males head and glared out him. "How the fuck I am gonna know that you moron, I'm as confused as you." Even so, the Two Demons raced towards the two shinboi. "Either way, you two fucking humans are dead as shit, now that you attacked us." The Maled said. The Femaled just sighed. "You have a big fucking mouth." As the both reached the shinboi, pulling out their swords and slashing as them.

Back at the Fight, with Draken, Drac had not been doing so well. He was on the ground, with a gash in his chest, from Draken's sword. Drac took the time to breath. "Shit...I'm, lossing too much damn blood." His Human form, was one of the most vunablre forms of all, he needed to use a different one. As He changed by into his Dragon form, Draken knew this was his chance to get his sword back, and he did just that. He too changed into his Dragon form. Drac had to end this quick, but his blood loss made him pass out. A moment later, a laugh was heard and sand began to form around him.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:46 pm

After another few Horus, Drac had the upper hand and finnaly had gooten a deadly strike on Draken. Still, Draken had to kill his grandson, even he was to die. Draken held up his sword and tried to block the finaly blow, but Drakon had shown himself. He had come out and killed Draken. Soon, the sould of Draken rushed into the new Demon King, Demon Drac of the Sand village. All The demons, that remained stopped what they were doing and fled to the sand village, bowing to their new king.

The Demon war was over.


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