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The coming of many hardships

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The coming of many hardships Empty The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:34 pm

The sound of a thousand birds had overcome the surrouding area's of the village. The force of something was coming, and it was nothing to over look. The villagers seemed frieghted of this power, they could just feel. Even the common person could feel the coming of these horrbile things. Back from a far, was a pack of monsters. Or so that is what many among, many people would have said if they saw them. However, this was only a small fraction of what really the size they were. In the group there were atleast 200 strong. The leader of the group roared. The group then sped up to where they had been heading...The Village Hidden the Leaves. They all landed about ten or so miles away from the gates and began walking. The leader roared once again, this time, however he yelled afterward. "WHERE IS THE ONE NAMED DRAC!" He began running towards the gate. "All you stand in our why of killing him, will be killed. And standing in our way, means being there. Human scum will fall to the power of the Demons!"

The began to walk towards the gates in search for Drac. However, they shinboi knew they would not find Drac here. For he was in the village hidden in the sand. The would either all die here or kill everyone and move on.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:45 pm

The faint sound of a whoosh was heard an dthe a roar from one of the demons right after that. "Hehehe, so, I guess even the demons know the famous Hokage." Sanna laughed as he said, putting away a magizne he had been reading. It a pictures of women on it, seeing as how Sannam had grown into quite a perv. He laughed and burnt it. He had brought a shinobi with along with him so that he could send out of help if he needed it. "Now, go and get Naruto, Kratos, and whoever you can find." He took out a kunai and looked at the Demons. "Who you seek is not here, you have the wrong village, but you will have to kill me to tell you where he is." He laughed and made a few clones and went speeding towards them.

The Demons did shake as Sannam had arrived. They knew he was like Minato Namikaze, they had no chance to run, they had to fight! The all drew their weapons and roared. As Sannam and his clones charged at them, they charged at them.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:56 pm

"Kage Bunshin no jutsu!!" a voice from afar said aloud from the heaven's above them

Coming out of the sky were four shadow clones holding out a kunai in there hands. All of them had the serious face of death as the shadow clones of Naruto landed on there feet and went charging at some of the demons. All of the clones threw there kunai's at the demons, by instincit he knew that the demons would naturally dodge the kunai's coming towards them. One of the kunai's was still in mid-air, in a yellow flash of light, a hand was attach to the end of the kunai, a clone of Naruto had used the infamous Flying Thunder God Technique. Still in mid-air, he slashes one of the demons in the throat, cutting a few of the certain blood vessels, or so called blood vessels they had over there necks. The three shadow clones, jump back and hence two of the clones then performed a rasengan technque. They both stood back, as they all knew that the one clone should be enough to handle some of the demons.

One of the shadows that did not perform the techinque then began to jump from building to building, scanning the enemies from afar to see if there was any need to add more or use less clones. The Naruto clone then send back the information back to the true Naruto, who was standing beside the two clones who had performed the technique of the rasengan. He then began to formulate an plan in his head to handle the situation
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Shin Uchiha Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:28 pm

Kratos had been between the crossroads of Suna and Konoha, but suddenly, his neck mic began to buzz. He clicked it on with his paw, as he was in spirit form. An ANBU shinobi told him urgently that there were demons attacking Konoha. He growled as he turned his body, causing him to change in air in a new direction. Kratos flapped his wings harder and faster, picking up a strong gust of wind from behind him, as he smiled and began to glide even faster, coming closer and closer to Konoha's gates.

He began to see large and small phenominal mosters at the Konoha gate, and seeing there were two people whom looked alike; Sannam and Naruto. Kratos smiled as a flash of light emitted from him, turning him into his human form in mid air. He was in an attacking position as he was still falling in air, forming hand seals.

Kratos landed on a large Demon, horns and everything. He jumped upwards, taking out his Flamberge, quickly charging it up with fire chakra. He then landed behind the demon and ran at him, swingning his arm downwards, causing the blade to rip through the concrete and soil as he was directly behind the demon, swinging it upwards with full force, "Blazing Uppercut!" He shouted, slicing the demon in half and jumping backwards, planning a new attack on more demons infront of him.
Shin Uchiha
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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:33 pm

Many demons had fell over due to Naruto and Sannam's attacks, but not even half was gone. And Kratos only killed one of the them, which wasn't great, but help nontheless. Sannam nodded to Naruto and knew what had to be done. "Naruto, I think you can handle this from here." He then disappeared behind Kratos and sighed. "It's best you go into the gate and keep them from advancing." Demons had already been heading into the village and started to cause havoc. He soon appeared back where Naruto had stood. "Now, lets do this."
Demons had already been in the village, like Sannam had said, and they were looking for Drac, killing everyone or atleast trying to killing everyone they laid their eyes on. They did not know if they would find him, but they were infact having fun, which was uncommon for Demons. They knew this would not last, because leaf shinboi were skilled, they had to find Drac and leave.


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:50 pm

Kratos had heared what Sannam commanded to him, as he watched some of the demons get inside the gates. He then leaped forward and began to run upwards of the Gates wall, and over it. He landed right infront a pile of the Demons, as they stopped where they were, looking at Kratos. He made a handsign and said, "Fire clone jutsu!" as a fire clone appeared next to him, and leaped out of the way as Kratos had an attack planned. The demons began to head towards Kratos with the intent to attack.

Kratos then began to focus lightning chakra to his feet, as a sparking began to surround him. Electrons spread throughout the soil underneath himself, as he then put out his hands towards the Demons for focus. "Earth Shock."He said as the lightning ran through the surface of the ground and at the several demons that were past the gates, and stopped them, in a paralizing shock. "NOW!!"He shouted to the clone, keeping focus of the lightning that held the demons.

The fire clone took out its Flamberge, and began to charge lightning chakra within it, then spinning it clockwise. The sword had looked like a windmill spinning around, as the Fire clone then threw the spinning sword at the demons that were paralized, making a turn and deeply cutting all of them with the sharp blade. The clone controlled the way the Sword flew in a boomerang way, seriously damaging the demons as they fell to the ground, in a bloody puddle, dead.
Shin Uchiha
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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:10 pm

Naruto smiled with pride as he responds with a nod after Sannam disappeared. Naruto takes the giant scroll, which was behind his back and lays it out across the rooftop. As he bites down on his finger, letting the tiny amount of blood flow from his finger. He opens up the scroll. Performing the handseals for the amount of a summoning, Naruto looks up and see's that his clone who was stilling using the Flying Thunder God Technique amongst the demon rankings, it was sure that this would probably help out his one army clone. He slams his hands on the scroll

"Kuchiyose no jutsu!!"

Four huge puff of smoke appeared right above many of the demon soldiers. As they looked up, they see giant frogs coming from the sky. They try to escape but it was too late, the frogs had then crushed many of the demon's with the sheer force of there bodies as the land on the ground, annihaliting them to nothingness. Naruto looks up to see that he had summon to Headhunter frogs and Gamachicki and the old Gamabunta. Naruto laughed alittle seeing the old toad boss still alive and running. Naruto uses his thumb to flick his nose and jumps down to the ground.

"Alright, go!!!!"

The two clones who hold the rasengan in there hands jumps down and runs at great speeds at some of the demons "YOSH!!!! LETS GO!!!!" they run faster and when they met with one of the demons, simeteaously said "RASENGAN!!!". They stretched their arms out and made contact with the demons that they aimed for, the rasengan then impacted them straight into there stomachs, the ball of destruction then began to spin there bodies rapidly, rotating them away from the two Naruto clones and into there own ranks. The two clones both hit fist together, they both then took out a kunai and runs towards some of the demon's, slicing them through there muscles. The toads, also did much damage to the demon ranks by crushing them with there huge hands and feet. Gamachicki snickered as he was crushing them

"These guys are pushovers dad, maybe I should let you do it eh....?" he laughed after he finished.

Gamabunta released a huge amount of smoke from sucking in the pipe which was on his side. "Shut up, I dont need your fucking shit while im still fighting"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:24 pm

Kratos was surprised by the four large toads that were summoned in an instant. He cancelled his earth shock, as the Flamberge returned to his clone like a boomerang would have. Kratos began to regain chakra, out of sight from some of the demons that had been wandering around the village. His clone instantly poofed, as he decided to do everything himself now, without the help of the clone. Kratos sighed, as he jumped ontop of a roof and looked down at some of the hundreds of demons that were still living from Naruto's attacks. He then saw two up ahead, as he began to focus chakra within his hands, forming them into shuriken.

He quickly threw the lightning shaped shuriken directly at the two at the same time, silently slitting their throats with the sharp bladed lightning weapon. Kratos then leaped to another rooftop, behind the largest of all Toads. He saw a whole pack of the demons, killing people innocently. He scowled and dropped down infront of them. The demons turned their attentions and intent to him, charging at him with a high speed.

Kratos focused lightning chakra to his right hand, beginning to make it spark with yellow lightning tremendously. A long blade of lightning shot out of his hand, "Thousand Bird Sharp Spear!"He yelled as he twisted his wrist into a direction, moving his sharp spear as it sliced through the pack of Demons, cutting them in half from their side, slicing through their weapons and shields.
Shin Uchiha
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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:06 pm

After Sannam was done using his favorite Jutsu, the FGT, Most of the Demons were beaten. The only ones left were the stronger ones. "Alright you guys this is where it gets harder. Kratos, go in the village and check on the villagers, those demons we beat were easy, these ones will be harder to beat. Good Luck and see you later" Sannam smiled and waved to Kratos. "You will be fine, inside the village." He then takes out a kunai and looks at Naruto, "That summon will only get in our way know, they can watch and make sure none of them come to aid them." Sannam sighed and looked at the Demons, that he knew were stronger. "Naruto, I know you can fight, and I know you are smart. Take out the other ones, while I take him." He pointed to a Demon that was way in the air, he was the strongest of them, that was sent here. Sannam streched out and took off his jacket. Once he dropped it, it made a huge hole in the ground. He then took off the weights on his feet, they too left huge holes in the ground. "Now, lets have some fun."

The Demons were ready and raging for a fight. They had sat back watching the other lesser demons fall to the hands of these humans. They roared as the only six or so of them left. They all had a speical abitltly only high ranked Demons obtained. The second to last form of their demon eyes. They ones that were one the ground raced towards Naruto, which was about four of them. One raced towards Kratos and drew his sword at the moment he reached him. Sannam teleported up to the Demon. He laughed as he faced him face to face. "Your rain of evil has ended the second I arrived. You are as goo as dead."


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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:05 pm

Hearing that the summons were not needed any longer, the toads disappeared, leaving a heavy trail of smoke left behind them. This created a smoke screen, allowing Naruto brief reprieve for a moment from the confusion that could be created from the smoke. The two clones that were attacking the demons, regrouping themselves beside Naruto. Each one of them sat down in a meditating stance, putting there hands on there knee's and closed there eyes. They began to focus on the natural energy around them. For that brief moment sat they sat absolutely still, the real Naruto jumps high in the air. He had his eye's closed as well, he gave a brief smile.

The clones opened up there eyes, the dark circles appeared around there eyes, they both disappeared before any of the demons could had reached to eliminate them. As the smoke from the reminints of the giant toads had began to fade, a figure comes down rapidly from the sky. The true Naruto had reached his body into sage mode, the immense and powerful aura that radiate off of him could be felt from a close area. He grunts as he aims a punch towards the ground, as the punch made contact it caused the ground underneath the demons that were attacking to crumble underneath, thus sending the demons into the earth.

A slightly medium size crater was created from Naruto's punch. His hand was stuck into the ground and as he rises it up from the earth, he grips his hands again and jumps out of the crater.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The coming of many hardships Empty Re: The coming of many hardships

Post by Shin Uchiha Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:59 pm

Kratos watched as the Toads dispearsed into smoke, which almost blew him away. After the smoke had disappeared, Kratos rubbed his eyes and watched closely at Naruto's moves and actions, being amazed by this legendary ninja, wanting to learn some of his techniques one day. As Kratos shook his head, he remembered what Sannam had told him before, as to go and lurch around for any lingering Demons that were terrorizing the village inside. He then jumped off and leaped from rooftop to rooftop, looking down at the streets. He felt a sudden earthshake, as Naruto had landed a large and powerful attack, leaving a crater in the ground. Kratos got his balance back and continued to patrol the streets.

He then came to a stop as he saw a large, armoured, strong, and horned demon that was terrorising some of the innocent villagers. He smirked, as it was his turn to finally show what he got. He then stood infront of the villagers, putting his arms out, "You will not advance to hurting these villagers!"He shouted, as his Fire clone from earlier came up from he hind the demon, as the fire clone wanted to test out to see what this leader Demon had. The clone leaped at the demon's back and drew his Flamberge, as he swung his arm to a direction, swinging the sword, the demon immediantly turned around and grabbed the sword, throwing The clone off balance and falling down.

As soon as the demon was distracted, Kratos made a series of handsigns and said in his head, "Dragon flame projectile", as he put his fingers up to his mouth and a large jet of fire shot out of his mouth, blazing fast as it almost burned down a few houses. Kratos kept the flame going for a few more seconds as he then cancelled it, as he waited for the ashes to clear. The demon was on the ground, dead.

Kratos and his clone looked around, as it wasnt over, a whole pack of large and powerful demons raged up to them, swords and weapons in the air and aimed at the two ninja. Kratos got into position, as his clone stood beside him, getting ready for the Riot attack.
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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