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the Coming of many hardships

Uchiha Kumori
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the Coming of many hardships Empty the Coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:40 pm

The sound of a thousand birds had overcome the surrouding area's of the village. The force of something was coming, and it was nothing to over look. The villagers seemed frieghted of this power, they could just feel. Even the common person could feel the coming of these horrbile things. Back from a far, was a pack of monsters. Or so that is what many among, many people would have said if they saw them. However, this was only a small fraction of what really the size they were. In the group there were atleast 200 strong. The leader of the group roared. The group then sped up to where they had been heading...The Village Hidden of Kumo. They all landed about ten or so miles away from the gates and began walking. The leader roared once again, this time, however he yelled afterward. "WHERE IS THE ONE NAMED DRAC!" He began running towards the gate. "All you stand in our why of killing him, will be killed. And standing in our way, means being there. Human scum will fall to the power of the Demons!"

The Demons would not find Drac here, however they would try their hardest to do so. They would either end up dying in battle, or killing everyone.


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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:26 am

The smell of bloodlust and death could be smelled all through out the village as the demons approached. Izanami could sense them even before they came into view. The ground grew black from ash as she glided out of the village gates. Her red kumono flarred behind her as she sped forwards with beauty and grace, yet left a path of death in her wake. She stopped several feet away from them, but close enough to begin her own massacre. Izanami pulled out her fan and started to wave it back and forth as she spoke.

"So it seems that this is not the only village that you are attacking...." Her eyes shinned strangely as she slowly battered her eyes at them.

The demons in the front stopped in their tracks. This effect began to spread to the ones farther back as they pulled their weapons from their holsters and clutched them in their cold and sweaty hands. All at once, their screams and howls could be heard from miles around as they started to stab themselves. As their pain increased, so did the motion of the blade digging into their chests as a cold and dark smile emerged from Izanami's lips.

Izanami had used and wa still using her Jisatsu no Feromon - (Suicide Pheromone). She was releasing a colorless and odorless pheromone that caused everyone who breathed it in, to kill themselves. Their bodies fell around her and was spreading as more of the pheromone was excreeded and breathed in by the clueless demons.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:35 am

The Demon army did began to slowly fall to death. And they did not know whty the reasoin be, but they would not stand around and wait to find out. They would find the cause and stop it, or in the case try to kill the person. They began to sniff out a person, who had been around them. But as they did so, they would fall to death. The leader knew he had to take her out, because she might know or be casuing what had been going on. He into the village in search for the women. He did not know where she was, or what she had looked like, all he knew is she was there. "Show yourself, so I can end it all for you!" The leader roared and thrusted his sword into the air. And as he did this, the reamining Demon army followed him into the village. As the did so, they killed everyone in sight. They would not stop, until Drac was killed. Screams began to arise, death, pain and the downfall of the village would surely happened, had they not stopped. But The village was slowly winning over this Demon army, because the fact of the poison in the air, It was not something they could overcome, easily.


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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:03 pm

They closer they got to her, the sooner they died, this would eventualy give their leader a clue as to her where abouts. Izanami stoped fanning herself and made a few handsigns and started her next move.

"Kokushibyou: Kumo" - (The Black Death: Spider)

Izanami opened her mouth as eight black legs protruded from it. Black spiders swarmed from her lips and sleeves crawling towards the demons. Spiders continued to pour from her mouth and body as the spiders attacked the demons. They spiders injected them with a goldish-black liquid that if touches anything... it will die and or disintegrate. The demons were now being dissentegrated from the inside out. A few of the spiders were smashed when stepped on, but turned into the poison liquid when destroyed. Those that had stepped on them began to dissentegrate just by having the liquid touch them. They spiders were deadly even when destroyed. Anyone who touched the liquid would be destroyed.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:11 pm

The demons slowly dropped one by one as they killed the spiders one by one. On the outskirts of kumo however a ritual took place by 4 monks of the demons. They chanted in a arahic languange known to demons. They then placed there hands on the seal they created and yelled out a name. "Mighty shakren destroyer of worlds. We beseach you!!." As that happened the seal burst and there stood a man with long hair and only pants on. The monks laid dead on the ground.

The man walked towards kumo laughing maniacly. While inside the village the demons continued to lay waste to the village as they had gotten smarter. The began wearing mask's that filtered the poision that was in the air out of there mouths. They knew soon that there pray Drac would be found and slaughtered like the traitorus demon that he was.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:32 pm

Sanmaru watched from ontop of the Kage's Manor. He thought that Izanami could have handled them, but seeing that some of the demons were attacking as though no one was trying to stop them, she must not have been able to handle them all. It was time for him to step in.

He slowly opened the window behind his desk and sighed. He didn't want to get involved, but it seemed as though he had too. He jumped out the window and as he fell down towards the ground, he shot lightning from his finger tips towards the demons. By the time he laned on the ground, at least 1/4 of the demons, that were not affected by Izanami's attacks, would be dead.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:48 pm

Izanami noticed the lightning that shot out of the falling figure. She instantly recognized the Raikage and gave the slightest of nods in his direction. The constant deaths that formed around her excited her even more and seemed to be putting her in a form of blessfull state. The many spiders continued to swarm out of her mouth even as she raised her arms towards a pile of fallen demons. Her eyes gave off a glistening shine as the demons rose to their feet. The whites of their eyes were now black and moved towards their fellow comrades. Some were missing limbs while others were still coroding. Izanami was controlling their lifeless bodies and forced them to attach their once known friends. Izanami's pitchblack eyes focused on the oncoming demons as the number of her puppets increased.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:32 pm

A demon stood before the puppets. Its hair stood upon edge it rose high and spiked randomly. the mans face held symbols and it was shirtless muscles rippling. It eyed the demon puppets and then the girl and the man. He opened his mouth slightly however instead of a word. A gigantic screech of sound happened that would break all concentration and activate the reamins of the demons secondary function to this man who was known as a god of demons.

The body's of the demons arose and began running towards random people as soon as they were close there bodies exploded. The demons body's were nothing but toys for the man known as Shakren. He stood in the center of the mass saying a mystic word smiling and laughing maniacly. The word was spoken in a toungue of ancients not many would know it but it was yet another summon.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Sat Jan 24, 2009 5:59 pm

As Sanmaru was about to land on the ground below, a small burst of fire came out of his feet, preventing him from hitting the ground at full force. He stood in the same spot that he had landed on for awhile, analyzing the current battle field. After a couple of the demons exploded, he figured out who it was who he needed to fight.

He began to run towards the giant demon, avoiding a confrontation with any other demon. He didn't want to fight someone who's death had no meaning in this war. He figured that if the gaint demon was defeated or killed, the others would retreat.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:46 pm

Izanami finished her own set of handsigns just as the blast from the bodies reached her.

As the dust settled, a large dome of earth stood where Izanami had been standing. The earth dome cracked and fell to pieces to reveal two people within it. Izanami stood motionless and continued to pier out at the demon who had distrupted her control. Infront of her, stood a small girl with the eyes that the demons had possessed when under Izanami's control. Her hair hung infront of her face in a single braid and held a chime on the end.

The pieces of cracked earth suddenly shot off in every direction, striking the surrounding demons. Their bones could be heard cracking under the extreme weight. The small girl then lifted her right arm as if something was trying to holdit down. As it rose, pillars of earth continued to spring up out of the ground. Just as one shot up, another burst out behind it. This continued in a perfectly straight line that moved it's way towards Shakren.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:59 pm

Shakren finished his words and smiled as his body turned red. His arms fell off and then instantly regrew. His arms shaped into 2 small beings. One held a evil smile the other held a polite smile. Each of the demons snickered and then dissapeared before the earth came near them. They were speed demons they appeared behind izanami and they tried to place punches into her and the small girl.

Shakren however closed his eyes as his body began to grow it became bigger and bigger and turned red. THe Hair condensed into 2 horns. Then the entired body just fell off like a skin and out revealed a gigantic being. He was about 20 feet tall. He towered over the houses of Kumo. On the side of his waist was a gigantic axe. The being roared out and black clouds formed in the sky. It yelled out "Rank restriction assmesment 2 Target not found. Next step Elimination."

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:32 pm

Sanmaru kept running towards the demon when he saw him increase in size. He suddenly stopped in his tracks and watched the demon, trying to find the best place to attack. He stared at the demons eye's and then got an idea. He shot fire from his feet, the fire making it as though he had rocket shoes, allowed him to fly. Sanmaru flew at great speed towards the demons head.

Once he arrived, he began to shoot condensed lightning bolts towards the demon's right eye. The lightning bolts were strong enough to go through the demons head. Sanmaru didn't really think that the lightning bolts would kill the demon, but if it did, that would mean that the rest of his plan would have to go through some major changes.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Sat Jan 24, 2009 8:51 pm

Both of the girls watched from afar as the two demons appeared behind them.

As the demons fists came within inches of Izanami, his fists turned to ash and then dissintegrated. Physical attacks would lead to their own demise. Izanami quickly turned around and pointed a finger at him. Inan instant, her finger became as hard as steel, sharp and grew several feet. (I left it so you can say whether it stabbed him or not)

As the demon struck at the young girl's back, she ducked low to the ground and dodged the attack just in time. When she crouched low with her legs spread apart, she had slammed her hands aginst the ground. At that moment, the ground around her cracked as she rose up on a large pillar. The earth tower stood several stories high as if a skyscrapper. Yuri then began to make several handsigns as she continued to rise up away from the ground.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:02 pm

The first demon wich fought izanami jumped back in a blistering wind of speed its arm regrew and it smiled. It chanted as it grew slightly bigger and red. It opened its mouth and out shot a black flame at the woman.

The other demon laughed as it jumped back chanting its own specific as it grew slightly bigger. It became a blue color. It opened its mouth and water shot at the spire of earth and it slowly began to turn to mud.

Shakren simply moved to the side crashing through a building still chanting. His arms fell off again and they regrew in matter of moments. He grew even bigger and each part of his body took on a different color. He laughed maniacly.

His arms turned into yet again 2 more speed demons they jumped off the buildings and into the air after sanmaru each weilding a kunai.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:52 pm

Sanmaru watched as the demon's arms fell off only to regrow a few seconds later. Although he kept his eyes on the gaint demon, he also noticed that each of it's, that had fallen off, turned into two smaller demons. Sanmaru didn't pay much attention to them, until he noticed them beside him in a matter of seconds with kunia's in their hands. He quickly spread his arms out towards the demons and shot out a condensed blast of lightning towards both of them, leaving a huge gap in their torso and sending them crashing a couple of buildings. He then looked at the giant demon infront of him.

"Hmmm. It seems as though he's able to regenerate his limbs at will. It also seems as though the body limbs that are cut off turn into these demons with incredible speed. At this rate, the village will seize to exist...

He thought as the fire coming out of his feet become hotter and hotter. He began to make a long chain of hand signs at an incrdible speed. He was making 5 hand signs per second. Sweat began to drip from his forehead, he was going as fast as he could.

Black Mist Coffin Jutsu

A black mist began to engolf most of the village. The villagers knew what the black mist ment and quickly put on their specially made masks that they were required to carry around with them at all times. Although they had the masks on, they knew that they still needed to get out of the village as soon as possible.


Mayakashi was in a cave hidden up high in the mountains of Kumo. He had just woken up and gone outside for some fresh air, when he saw Kumo. A big cloud of smoke was coming from it, but even with the smoke, he could still see the gaint demon. He sighed as he knew that he would need to go help. His body turned into lightning and he began to head towards Kumo.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:15 pm

As the flames shot out towards Izanami, a small wall of earth burst out of the ground and blocked her from the scorching fire. The black spiders had been continously been pouring out of her mouth and now covered her entire body. She was now a tall pillar of spiders that quickly dispersed to show that she had vanished. The spiders then scattered among the building.

Just as Yuri had created a wall to protect Izanami, the pillar in which she stood started to tip. As she looked down, she could see that it was turning to mud. This did not bother her very much, for she too could control mud. The pillar then crumbled away untill she was left floating in the ai on a small stone. The stone then glided up into the air and landed on a rooftop.

While the demons watched Yuri and Izanami, a dark-red string pierced through them both. If you were to follow the string back to it's source, you would have found Isis standing on a building overloking the scene. The string was actualy made from her blood and had been hardened. The hard string of blood was then pulled back untill is hovered inches away from Isis. It's tip was wet from the fresh blood of the demons. She slowly licked it's tip and swallowed the contents.

"Mmmmm the taste of death is so very sweet..."

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:23 pm

The two demons fighting the woman just broke apart into 2 more demons each. They then both dissapeared.

The demons that were shot at split into 2 more demons each they then both dissaperead.

Shakren laughed as his legs and arms fell off and then regrew. The demons that formed dissapeared.

Shakren then began pulling the mist into his mouth laughing. he spoke while doing so in coughed muzzled voice. "Stage 2 Complete. Commencing stage 3." Then the demons that dissapeared reppeared at the outskirts of the village chanting. Each one began to slowly fall apart into a liguid as terrified villagers ran from the village.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:32 pm

Sanmaru grinned underneath his mask as the gaint demon sucked in the black mist. He had sucked enough in for the first stage to take affect. The mist had completly destroyed Shakren's sences except for touch. He could no longer see, hear, smell, or taste. Sanmaru began to make a couple of more hand signs as a think layer of mist began to form a round the village.


Mayakashi continued heading towards the village in his lightning form, he was hoping to get there in time...

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:45 pm

The smaller demons had all been reduced to liguid. They speread into a circle all connecting in then wich a reaction occured. As that reaction occured a solid wall of all 5 basic elements formed. All the people inside the village were now stuck some ran towards it but were incinerated. The villagers still trapped inside were now doomed.

In the center shakren belched up the mist and then laughed as he began to expand. He Yelled one single time as he exploded as a 25 m radius was now incinerated and all that was left was a crater in the center. The gigantic wall of elements then began to move running towards the center slowly. The villager saw the movement and began running in fear. If the elements made it to the center the last part of the explosion would occur.

On the far outskirts of the village a demon chuckled and laughed as part of his arm talked. "Those fools in kumo are now going to die." The other demon then spoke back to his arm as it fell off. "Yes they are lord shakren. Now shall we be leaving?" A new shakren body formed from the arm that fell off and nodded as the two demons walked away laughing.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by L Sun Jan 25, 2009 12:55 am

Sanmaru watched as Shakren exploded, his eye's widened as he began to think of the destruction the demons brought to Kumo, he had to stop the destruction. It would take most of Sanmaru chakra,but he needed to stop the elements from reaching the center of the village. He needed to make a choice, live or save the village... he decided to save the village. His mask split in half and as it fell down to the floor, a purple-ish chakra began to suround Sanmaru. His eye's began to glow yellow, brown, red, blue, and a silver-ish white. He was changeing all the 5 elements into a harmless gust of wind. It wouldn't harm the village, but they were changeing to slow, and it was going to reach the center of the village.

Suddenly, the whole wall of elements turned into the harmless wind the Sanmaru was changing it into. Sanmaru smiled, he thought he had saved the village on his own, but now he was going to die. The explosion that had happened in the middle had reached him. All that was left of him was the two pieces of his mask on the floor.

Mayakashi fell down towards the ground, he arrived such in time to help Sanmaru convert the elemental wall into a harmless wind and... he used his Heaven Release: Father of Space ability to teleport Sanmaru to one of the secret areas he had discovered on his first journey towards Kumo. Mayakashi landed in Kumo's graveyard, he breathed heavily as he used a lot of his chakra to help Sanmaru save the village and save his life. Mayakashi soon fell asleep.

Sanmaru awoke on the grassy plains of an uncharted area. His eyes, had changed. he thought that he had died, but somehow, he survived.

How did I? Aren't I supposed to be dead?

He wondered as he scratched his head. He is eyes had changed into something more powerful, that near death experiance had awoken a new power for Sanmaru to use. He thought back to when the demons first attacked, and remembered the name of who they were looking for...

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sun Jan 25, 2009 11:02 am

Keiteki himself could not believe how this place had been damaged by the demon attacks. The Villlage Hidden in the Clouds was not very much intact, as most of it was simply a giant crater, and the outskirts looked as though they had been abandoned for centuries. The day waned, and was soon giving way to night. The destruction knew no boundaries, and most of the village was collapsed, more than a hundred years of work, and sacrifices, only to be crushed by demons who just had to take a turn here. Keiteki simply smiled at the destruction, and thought that now he would be able to train in peace. Still, he enjoyed the companionship of another person, and sought out a partner for this journey he was to undertake. He removes his shredded shirt, torn, almost to pieces, during his fight, which once again, somebody was holding back in, which completely entoxicated Keitkei's mind, and he forgot all the good things he has done. Keiteki extended his wings, letting them stretch, and breathing in air, and took off.

"I'm sure somebody is still alive, after all, at least a small bit of the village is in tact, but not much." Keiteki chuckled as he spotted some ninja on the ground, seemingly worn out by sometihng, probably trying to defend their village in a hopeless attempt to keep this all from happening. Keitkei did not land on the ground, choosing to fly over on top of a wreckage, and stood there, looking down upon the remains of a village scale armageddon.

Keiteki, now understanding his new powers, there was a second effect that poison did to him. It altered his summoning contract, and his blood, which took away his ability to summon the dragons he could once summon, but now, rather, he can summon some of the more powerful dark dragon summonings, making his summons much more dangerous and effective then his previous summonings. Keiteki then took out a scroll from his pocket, and went over to a dead body on the ground, killed by the explosion's effects, and cut him open, and put his hands in that blood, and began writing on the scroll. Whne it was done, Keiteki rolled it up, and threw it in the air, and it hit the ground. Keiteki smiled. The contents of the scroll were enough to tell Yoshimo what had happened, and what to expect in the future.


Suddenly, he remembered something. Soon, quite soon, he decided to leave the village, and wait for his friend to catch up with him, but for now, he needed to get to Kirigakure. This was his next stop.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Mirage Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:01 pm

The tapping of many feet could be heard through the ruins as many black spiders swramed out of the ruins. They crawled over the dead bodies and crumbled buildings. The village had been badly wounded but it's people still stood. They would be able to rebuild the village but would never be able to bring those that had ben lost. Izanami knew that her time in Kumogakure had ended.

The swarm of spiders crawled into a single pile and melted into a gold-tinted black liquid. The liquid bubbled and oozed in the direction that the spiders had been traveling. Now outside of the village, the liquid broke apart into many pieces. Each piece turning into a beetle as it slide along the ground. The many beetles leaped off of the ground and took flight across the land. From afar, they appeard to be a black cloud that gave off a slight hum. The scarab's futtering wings echoed within the valley and grew silent as they became out of sight from the village.

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:20 am

Yoshimo had successfully made it back to the village along with Munashii and Lelia. Even though he was born with an unusually large amount of chakra, he was still exhausted from the chakra that he'd dumped into the jutsu to travel quickly. The people he were carrying required him to expell an even greater amount of chakra, and Yoshimo had feared that he would not be able to fight if there was still and threat in the village.

Being able to see first, Yoshimo's anger was rising and rising. His fist trembled as he, Munashii and Lelia slowly arose from the jutsu, back on solid land. A good portion of the village had literally been blowed to oblivion, and the cost of that would drop Kumogakure below the Village's Monetary Average. They'd now be more of a target, having a lower amount of money and insuffcient funds to pay for the damage and the ninja that served in their country.

Yoshimo let Munashii away from his shadow along with Lelia and began to look around the village, hearing muffled screams from under a pile of rubble about twenty yards away. Running towards the rubble, Yoshimo began to claw at it, untill he found a civilan under neath the pile of debris.

"What happened?!"

"A-a-Demon. As large as the Main Building, it destroyed everything in this area, luckily Raikage-sama was able to stop the blasts full power, but I think Raikage died..."

Yoshimo closed his eyes and clenched his fist and rose his head towards the sky. For some demon to be strong enough to give Raikage-sama a great fight meant that he'd probably be no match. Yoshimo couldn't think like this though! He was a shinobi of Kumogakure! He would give his life if it was necessary! Just as Raikage-sama had possibly given his....

Continuting to help the person out of the debris and giving him band-aids for minor cuts, Yoshimo began to search around for any signs of the Raikage. Kumogakure had no leader now, and Yoshimo wondered who'd be it. Yoshimo traveled towards the Raikage's office, and literally walked into it from the outside. The village had been destroyed that badly.

There was a note on the table.

Nidaime Raikage, Sanmaru wrote:"Sandaime Raikage, please take the village into your care as I have done Yoshimo."

Feeling shocked and awestruck at the same time, Yoshimo's face began to tighten and tears began to run from the corners of his eyes. His village had almost been destroyed, and he was now the leader of his country. Being a previous advisor he was the next in line, and he was now the Third Raikage. He looked around in the office, looking at the countless of dead guards that had given their life to protect Kumo. His tears continued to flow.

He'd protect the village at all costs, and destroy the demons, even if it mean he had to die several times over.

It was is duty, not as Yoshimo Izoto but as...

Sandaime Raikage.


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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Munashii Hissori Mon Jan 26, 2009 10:57 am

When Munashii came out of the shadow that he, Lelia and Yoshimo-sensei had travelled in, he looked around in amazement. The village... it was almost gone. There was not a lot left. Everything had been damaged somewhat. It would take a lifetime to undo the damage done here, and to replace all those ninja lost in the battle.

The ninja lost...

Without even excusing himself, which itself showed the strain he was under, he left his sensei and Lelia behind and was gone before either one of them could voice an objection. He ran towards his clans' outpost just outside the village. When he arrived, only a few people where there. The old, the young and those who had not trained to be ninja were the only ones there. Both his parents were gone. He looked around and saw there was no damage to any of the structures. The wisdom of Ryoushi Hissori dictated that they should live outside the village and hide their location. The reason why was now was obvious. Asking around, he was told that all of the ninja of his clan had gone to battle when they heard that the village was under attack. He rushed to the village himself.

When he reached the inside of the village, he found his father working some medical attention on a injured clansman.

"Father!", Munashii yelled, rushing to the older Hissori's side. "I heard that we were attacked!"

"You heard right, son. Demons. A massive one did all this". He waved his hand, encompassing the village. "Raikage-sama buffered some of the damage, but it was not enough".

"Where is Mother?", asked Munashii.

A look of pain entered his fathers' eyes as he pointed towards a line of covered bodies. "She died, son".

Munashii nodded, the rage that had been building in him growing even more, blocking any other emotion he should have been feeling at that moment. He needed orders. Something he could do. Anything.

After making sure that his father wasn't injured, he rushed towards the Main Building. Taking in the damage it had endured, he rushed up to the Raikage's office. Finding Yoshimo-sensei in there, he made his presence known. Rage choked his words.

"I will do whatever it takes... to destroy the things that did this. Just tell me what I have to do, sensei".
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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the Coming of many hardships Empty Re: the Coming of many hardships

Post by Kenshi Mon Jan 26, 2009 1:37 pm

Yoshimo could hear the foot-steps of Munashii coming up behind him, knowing that he'd traveled to see whether his parents were alright. He knew that they were probably dead, and he hoped that they weren't for Munashii's sake. He wanted him to have the most support that he could have so he could make it through these horrible times. The village had just been destroyed, and no genin should ever have to see that. Not ever. Munashii was strong willed, but even as rage settled in his voice, Yoshimo couldn't deny that this was effecting everyone. Yoshimo didn't know what to do at first, but the sigh that expelled from his mouth was certainity that it he knew what to do after thinking.

"Munashii, the previous Raikage has just appointed me Sandaime Raikage. I must put my life before the village now. I will still be your sensei, but there is something I must do. I have another A-Ranked mission for you and Lelia. I need both of you to round up everyone in the village and give them basic first-aid. There is equipment in the hopsital around the corner from here. Help them. I will be back. I'm going to get funds for Kumogakure, so we can rebuild the village."

Yoshimo sighed and looked at Munashii. He tried to put that same smile on his face just as he did when he first met Munashii. It was a fake smile, and Munashii knew it, but it was the only sign of hope that he could give him for now. Yoshimo turned around and slowly walked out of the office, headed for the next country. He knew he should be there to protect the country from further attacks, but right now the most important thing he must do was rebuild the village.

And for that to conspire.....

He needed the help of a God.


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