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A deathly visit

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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:48 am

As soon as the two men were gone, Sendo looked over at Sanamaru. Should he say anything or not. He was sure Sanamaru had eaten up every word that came out of Kyoukens mouth, and he had no doubt that most of what the man had said was true. However, he was unsure about his intentions. He could be just using foolery to convince his master to give up the coin and then use it for his own devices. Honestlly. Who was to say he was not lying right now, any person could say anything was so and be absoloutely sincire in their speech, and then turn around and do the polar opposite in their actions. It truly was agitating. You had to be decisive in who you trusted. "Sensei," Sendo said softly, "If it is not out of place, I would ask for what reason should we trust the men who just left this room."


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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Mirage Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:48 pm

Izanami left the room after Kyouken. She glided gracefully down the halls as she followed the strong sense of death. It was not untill they were outside of the building that she finaly caught up with him. shifting infront of him, Izanami leaned in close as if to kiss him again. Her words spilled from her lips like poison. "Kyouken.... share with me your power...."

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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:09 pm

Kyouken and Hitoshi stopped as they were at the entrance of the village. Hitoshi knew what kind of person Izanami was and did not like her from the moment. Hitoshi look at Kyouken with the displeasure of seeing the women. He turns his head away not looking at her nor Kyouken. Kyouken, however, looks at Izanami with the eyes of crimson. His hands raised up slowly to her chin and lifts it up as though he was about to kiss her himself. He leans forward to her ear and whispers softly

"Hmmmm, a women with intense beauty and yet she has the eyes of a killer. I say, a rare sight indeed. Tell me, do you fear death and all of its entirities....? Would you stand beside me until we are called onto judgement day...? Would you fall in love with death as though you loved your own self...? Or will you perish into nothingness and follow the path of the mortal being?" he replied in the only voice that was both the sound of a killer but it was probably attractive to her, it would convince her most definitely.

He grabs on her waist, holding her as though they were both lovers, bringing her closer to him, waiting for her answer. Hitoshi looks over and then smiled, he then knew that Kyouken would make her either a powerful being or make her meet her maker. But from what he saw, just a few minutes ago from there first encounter, his had doubts that he would put her into oblivion.

So this is the power of Death, so chaotic, destructive yet beautiful and romancing. I see why many of the women from the council fear and love him at the same time. He's way too good.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Mirage Fri Jan 16, 2009 4:25 pm

Izanami returned his affection and wrapped her arms around his head.

"I no not fear death... death is a beauty that I feel in my bones... her sweet smell lingers on my skin and her fowl taste hanges from my lips. I will follow death and contribute to it as i do now... as if it is the very air I breathe."

Izanami was much stronger than she appeared, yet she wanted more.

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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:56 pm

Kyouken then moves his head slowly forward and pressed his lips amongst hers, kissing her deeply and affectionately. Kissing her opened up a passageway for his power to enter into her without the process of killing her. Releasing into her body was a black and white energy, looking mostly like air from his mouth to her's. It was seen from all her opens from the nose to her mouth. The agent went surging into her body, spreading its power through her veins. Her body began to glow both black and white, creating a euphoric like effect amongst herself. Kyouken continue to kiss her affectionetely, holding her. Hitoshi sighed and smiled deviously

"My, oh my......" he said as he continue to walk out of the entrance gate. He disappeared into a shadow heading back to the mist village.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by L Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:29 pm

Sanmaru watched as Kyouken and Hitoshi, noticing the coin fall out of Kyouken's cloak, he stayed quiet. He knew that Kyouken had noticed it fall out, better yet, he let it fall out. Sanmaru was thinking that Kyouken must be testing him by doing so.

"We have no reason to trust him, it's simply a question of self intellect."

He said as he began to walk out the open window that was behind his desk. Just as he was about to take the last step out, he stopped.

"Lock up this room when you leave, I don't want anyone else in here."

He then walked off, closing the window behind him.

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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 16, 2009 7:57 pm

The coin laid there shining dimly even with the window closing out the light that came into the room. The coin had no movement, not instaneous spirit coming out to destroy anything, it just laid motionless on the ground. But momentarily, Sendo would hear something that a coin should never do. In a calm, quiet but yet soothing and attractive to Sendo's ears, the coin then called out his name

"Sssssseeeennnnndoooooo........" its voice echoed in the room. Although quiet and silent in the room, Sendo would be able to hear it. It called out again "Sssssseeeeeennnnndddddooooooo......" it had gotten louder much louder to the point it was like talking someone who was in front of him face to face. Then it got quiet again.

A soft laughter was heard from behind the office chair, it was a revolving chair it was turn away from Sendo and it looked like as though somebody was sitting there. The chair slowly turned around and in the chair sitting there with his hands put together and his left leg coming up onto the Raikage's desk was the perfect likeness of Sendo. But this Sendo was much more, paler, deathly. His eyes had a very pale blue on one right eye and a pale greyish red on the other. The doppleganger had a likeness of a deadly cynical man who was tired of the worlds order and wanted to see this world burn. The doppleganger smile that would make any man fearful to the point of him being bedridden. He waves his hands and glances over to Sendo

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:26 am

"What in the Fuck," Sendo whispered, barely moving his lips as he listened to the sound of his voice. It sent a chill through his spine. He paused for a moment, did he just shiver from firght. What was going on, he feared nothing, yet his gut told him to get out of there pronto. Sendo ignored the feeling, he had enough juice in his brain to override any emotion. Any emotion, that is, except for the lustful disease he had for killing and casuing pain. He looked around the room trying to find the source of the noise. Oddly, it sounded like it was coming from the coin. That was when he heard the laugh. This noise was easy to pinpoint, Sanamaru's chair. He glanced over as the chair spun around revealing a person who looked exactly like..........................................himself. However, the thing that looked like Sendo ratiaded a much more evil persona then Sendo did, the room reeked of it. For the second time in his life, Sendo felt the taste of bitter hate rise up on his tounge. He had seen a man such as this before. A man he had killed in the most elaborate way he had ever killed anyone. It was pure rage and emotion that had driven him at that time. Now he choked on his words and could only manage a single thought to be spoken. "..........Father."


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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 17, 2009 5:55 pm

The doppleganger laughed chaotically causing the air in crack. His voice had a overtone of both Sendo's voice and a cynical insane voice of both chaos and destruction. He boucnes on the chair laughing hysterically then stopping looking up at Sendo.

"Well, well, well, well, well......if it isnt the one called Sendo......Thats a good strong name ya know"

The doppleganger raises his other leg onto the table, resting himself backwards on the chair, letting it lean on the window. The doppleganger reaches into his pocket, it looked as though he was about to pull a weapon on Sendo but he pulled out an apple. He slowly takes a bite out of the apple, chewing it slowly yet he was still smiling cynically at Sendo. He licks his lips

"Hmmmm, you know, you have alot of blood-driven chaos in your body you know that? I mean, with someone like you, i guess you want to have more power wanting more chaos and blood eh?" He takes another bite out of the apple, laughing softly while he does it. "And as a man of blood and chaos, you want to get stronger, stronger then anything in the world, possibly more powerful then God himself. But yet, it might take you months even years to obtain such powers"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Guest Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:52 am

Of course all this sounded great to Sendo. The figure who seemed as though it was Sendo's father in essence was promising him power beyond his imagination. The power to lay waste as he saw fit. It sounded grand and his blood broiled at the thought of having that much control over the turn of events. He could be godly, no one would be able to stand in his way. It all seemed so easy, but then, Sendo also knew that no gif, however small, came with out a price, and the greater the gift, the greater the price. To Sendo this would be the greatest gift of all, and so he would have to sacrifice his greatest asset. Sendo grimanced at the possibilities. However, he wanted to hear the offer first. "So you promise me power, if I understand correct, however you have yet to state what I must give in return." Sendo waited for the images response, very much doubting that he would like the answer at all.


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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jan 19, 2009 1:27 pm

The doppleganger shaped his face into a calm and silent face. He uses his hands to push himself off the chair. As he stands up, he looks over at the coin which glistens dimly in the room. He walks over to the blood coin, gets on one knee and picks it up. He then chaotically smiled, getting up from the ground and then procceded by turning around and facing towards Sendo. The doppleganger begins to flip the coin with his thumb.

"All I would need...." he said finally after the moment of silence "Is for you to take this coin and swear on your life to me and that you will find the other six coins so you and I can become so powerful that even God will have to acknowledge us for our indeed power. I promise you to make this the most life-changing experience. What the god of death said to you....pfft, is all a bunch of shit, he doesnt know jack about these coins, all he knows that it is his job to find these coins and destroy them, hell he probably wants to us them for him god damn self."

The doppleganger walks up to Sendo and places the blood coin in the palm of his hand, he then uses his hands to make Sendo's hand close it "Introduce alittle anarchy, Sendo"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit - Page 2 Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Guest Mon Jan 19, 2009 2:36 pm

Sendo closed his hands tighter around the coin, and as he did, the lighting returned to the room and the appirition dissapeared, leaving Sendo standing there alone. He brought his hand up to his face and opened it slightly, examinging the coin. It seemed to radiate the smallest bit of heat, warming his hand. He instantly knew how it was to be used and to what ends. The coin and himself now shared a mental link, if such a thing was possible with inatimate objects. Sendo smiled cynicaly. This was the beggining. It seemed he would have no more need for Sanmaru after this. He had learned what he could from the man anyway already. It was time to break away. It was also time to reveal the first of his two apprentices, Kurama. Neeva would wait in shadow for a while longer. He didnt need her.....yet. This was getting interesting. He pocketed the coin and exited the room, locking it behind him. Already the coin was pushing his mind to go after another coin in the village. 'Not quite yet he thought to himself, 'But soon, very soon."


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