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The "return" visit

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The "return" visit Empty The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Dec 19, 2008 6:34 pm

The pitter and patter of Kudara's feet makes his movement as though he taking a long trip around the countries of shinobi world. It was just that intention that made Kudara walk in such a matter. It was a cloudy and chilled day in the country of lightning. The air was thick due to the fact that Kudara was walking up the mountain top trying to go the long way to Kumogakure. His facial expression, which is now very depress, made it so that he should've taken the short way to the village. He was carrying his katana on his side and scroll over his back. The black cloak that covered his body made him seem very mysterious and somewhat neutral to those who would think that he was a akatsuki member or a member from a village nearby.

"Why I want to take the long way, hell if I knew what I was thinking" Kudara voice taking a sarcastic tone ""You should take the long way" he says "Take the long way so you can enjoy the scenery" he says. Last time Im listening to my subordinate. I could be there in a matter of mileseconds and I would inside a house or a inn just relaxing there"

Kudara stops himself after realizing that he could do all those things. The annoyed look on his face was indeed priceless. Kudara disappears instantly, momentarily arriving at the village gate. A village guard wakes up from his sleep and sluggishly looks at Kudara.

"What do you want?"

Kudara takes off his hood and has the sadest look a man could've ever seen. He looks at him "This is just a visit to see my grandchild. My daughter recently had a baby and I have been told that he was born just a couple weeks ago. To see my daughter have a child *sniff* is amazing, showing that I am getting older and more wiser then before. I admit, I look young to be a grandfather but I was young and stupid when I had my daughter. She is so successful as a accountant here in the village, seeing her and my grandbaby would make me *sniff,sniff* a happier...person"

The mans face changed from sluggish to almost a tearful face "Please, say no more, I'll let you in sure sure, please give my induglences to your daughter" he lets Kudara inside of the door.

Kudara smiles "Thank you kind sir. Im glad there are people like you" He begins to walk away and puts back on his hood. He had a smile on his face and whispers "sucka".

Kudara walks slowly around the village. He sees that the people here have been somewhat busy. Its not hard to see that when the economy of the villages were up, people would come from miles to see the new things a village would have in store, but on the same note when the economy is down in a village, it almost seems like a ghost town. He realize that the economy had to be stable for it to be busy as it was now, he looks at the people with smiles on some of there faces, merchants with money in there eyes asking people to look at there goods and there resources from other enchanted places. Kudara was not into such deceitful acts and continue to walk to the village where the Raikage's estate. He heard rumors of a young man having control over the village and making it prosperous and making there shinobi more experience. Kudara was curious of the matter and wanted to meet this man.

He looks at the shinobi protecting the door, the last thing he wants to do is to give that story again. His body begins to vibrate and he disappears. The shinobi standing there did not know whether it was a enemy or a figurtive of their imaginations. Kudara body comes back into subtance and appears in the hallway towards the Raikages office. He walks down the hallway hoping that there would not be any intrusions that would hold him back.
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:11 pm

Sanmaru was going through his paper work, making sure that he had finished everything and that he put as much detail into them as possible. He didn't want to leave anything out since the papers he was working on were going to bring him some huge assets in the foreseeable future. His desk had two huge piles ontop of it, one pile was in a "in" bin and the other was in a "out" bin.

Sometimes I just wish that I can just go out to the outside world and see how all the other villages are doing. I think I might have to make someone temporary Raikage for awhile.

He decided to take a rest and go outside to get some fresh air for awhile. He began making some hand signs and then a clone appeared right in front of him.

"I want you to double check as much as this paper work as possible, and if you may fill in anything that's missing."

He then stood up from his chair in a very uncomfertable way and began to stretch his back a little before letting the clone sit down. He grabbed his cloak and then began heading towards the door. When he walked outside of his office he noticed a strange looking shinobi walking towards him.

"May I help you?"

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Dec 21, 2008 11:27 pm

Kudara sees the man that came out of the Raikage's office. He almost trip on himself by crossing over his foot. He swings his arms trying to regain back his balance but ulitmately fails and falls to the ground. He hits his head on the floor, then he grabs his head and begin to breath in and out his teeth

"Ba....ka....." he said grabbing his forehead. He looks up and sees the man just staring at him. He was probably wondering how he trip on himself in such a manner and at the same time asking himself why he is here. When the man ask "May I help you?" the slight disposition gave a hint that the man might be the Raikage, but he still wasnt sure still. Kudara stands up and brushes off his clothes from the dust and debris on him. He looks up at the man, the white blindfold might of hidden his eyes his expression of him smiling of embrassment was definte. He rubs his hair and smiles

"Sorry, sorry, sorry. Cant seem to hold myself together in such a manner. My name is Kudara Uchiha, A konoha shinobi. Im just wandering around to see who the Raikage is wondering if I could meet him"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:02 am

Sanmaru glared at the man as he began to wave his hands in a failed attempt to regain his balance. When he hit his head on the wood made floor, Sanmaru began to smile a little, although it was hidden from view since he was wearing his mask. He waited and watched as the man picked himself off of the floor and brushed the dust off of his cloak.

After seeing him fall in such a way, Sanmaru didn't think much of the man, besides him being a clumsy wonderer just passing by in hopes of meeting the Raikage. That was until he head the mans name.

"Uchiha? Weren't they that clan that got slaughtered by one of their own? The one's who possess the amazing Sharingan? I thought they were all dead, interesting.

"Well then you're in luck, you see, I just happen to be the Raikage."

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:10 am

Kudara's eyebrows rose up and he nods his head but then he realize that he just tripped in front of the Raikage. He could only think of how embrass he must feel right now. He has a grin on his face and puts both hands behind his head


Kudara couldnt think of anything to say at the moment for he was still too embrass to say anything. When Kudara got a good look at him, even with the blindfold around his eyes, he notice that he was dressed in a very formal attire. Kudara felt like lowered by his presence cause he was dressed in his ragged down all black jounin outfit. But the one thing that got to Kudara was the mask that the Raikage was wearing. It covered his apperance which made the Raikage all mysterious. Kudara puts his hand out quickly to shake the Raikage's hand after realizing that he almost lost himself in thought

"Ohhh, im sorry, it is nice to meet you"

Kudara then thinks to himself after shaking his hand From the records that I looked in the archives he is one of the youngest kages in all of the five powerful countries. He is suppose to be a absolute genius compared to the other kages
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Mon Dec 22, 2008 12:48 am

Sanmaru stood there hardly listening to what Kudara was saying. He had drifted off thinking about the name 'Kudara Uchiha'. It was really rare to meet an Uchiha, yet meeting one that's so polite and young. Then it struck him.

Sanmaru noticed that Kudara had reached out in order to shake Sanmaru's hand and Sanmaru soon did the same.

"Tell me, Kudara, you say you're a shinobi from Konoha, but last time I checked there is no Kudara Uchiha in Konoha's ninja ranks. Is it just that the list I have is out of date?"

He knew that there was something fishy about Kudara and his name gave it out. He knew that there was no Kudara Uchiha in Konoha since he had just checked the list. It was in the paper work he was doing before.

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:10 am

Kudara then began to think. The idea of him being back in Konoha was not in his list of ideas. Then he came to the realization that he was not part of the konoha shinobi list cause he was pronunced dead. He had to come to terms with it and there was no excuse that Kudara could think of. He laughs alittle bit hoping to light up the mood alittle more

"Well yeah of course not, im suppose to be dead" he said smiling "Yeah sounding very far fetch I know and I you'll probably think im absolutely insane when I tell you how old I am"

Kudara took a deep breath and sighed
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:38 am

"Dead? Why would you be dead?"

He asked as he already had an idea of how old he was. His guess was somewhere between 40 to 50 years since when people usually say that, they're usually quite old.

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 1:48 am

Kudara puts his head down and scratches his head. He knew he would have to explain it to him. Since the Raikage was young he would not know of some of the incidences from Konoha all those years ago. He looks up

"Ok, well you see about 30 years ago, me and my brother were considered Konoha's greatest weapons and were known to be powerful shinobi in history. We were feared by most of the villages, espicially this one and earth country. It was us two that ended the civil war that was happening three years prior. Although most feared for our abilities even the villagers and shinobi began to fear us and attempted to assassinate us for there fear began to consume there judgement. Well obviously we defeated them, time in and time out. Well when we were sixteen, my brother became blind. He overused the eyes of the mangekyou sharingan and made his eyes useless. Because I knew that assassins from all over would still try and kill us and I wanted to protect my brother from the assassinations that was taking place against us, I gave up my eyes for him to be able to see once again. I feign my death by commiting "suicide" and left the village so no one would suspect anything"

Kudara had somewhat a concerning look when he was talking. Since it was his brother he felt as though he shouldnt be talking about him to some random stranger but he felt as though he needed to tel somebody. That emotion consumed him
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Mon Dec 22, 2008 2:33 pm

Sanmaru stood there and listened while Kudara told his story.

So, this is one of them. I never would have imagined myself meeting one of them. But, he said that he gave up his eyes to his brother, then, how is he able to see?

He begins to think about the human body and all the differant ways that he may be able to "see" without his eyes. But, he couldn't actually think of a way at the moment, so he decided to just go head on and just ask.

"Well, you said that you gave your brother you eyes, so, how are you able to see? Also, what happened to you brother after you left the village? Of caurse, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:32 pm

Kudara looks up and places his hands around the back of his head and begins to untie the knot that kept his blindfold in place. Mostly 100% of the time, people expect him to have just open eye sockets and they would probably tell him to stop cause the assume it would disgusting and vile. Kudara unties the whole knot. He slowly begins to remove the blindfold away from his head. His eyes were closed.

"Well I guess you can say that made a deal with the reaper" Kudara said with a chuckle in his voice

He slowly opens his eyes, when he began to reveal them, Sanmaru would see that his eyes didnt have the white scelera that would be normal in every eye. Instead it was completely black, when he fully opened his eyes, you could see bright speckles of different lights in the black sclera as well. It was like looking up at the night sky and seeing all of the constellations. It was marvelous and beautiful to some people. The retina, the part in the middle, was a dim blue flame.

"I replaced my sharingan eyes with the doujutsu not known to any human, known as the eyes of the kings. One of the most feared and powerful doujutsu's. But thats what the my grandfather said when he gave me these eyes"

Kudara looks at Raikage and see's his soul. His eye brows raises up seeing that there was more then one soul occupying his body

He's a......jinchuuriki?

He shakes his head and then looks back at the Raikage

"For my brother however, you might know him as.....well one of the akatsuki members"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:23 pm

Sanmaru watched as Kudara reached over to untie the knot that was keeping his bandana in place. He was wondering why he was going to show him his empty eye sockets until he began to think that maybe he actually did have some eyes, just not his original ones. Once Kudara complely removed his bandana and revealed his closed eyes, Sanmaru began to go deeper into thought, but still fully aware of what was happening.

He waited until he opened his eyes, and then began to observe every single detail that was visible. He had never seen eyes like his, they just made Sanmaru get off his mind of track for a second. It was a visage that Sanmaru would never forget.

Sanmaru then began to think about what Kudara had said.

"Well I guess you can say that made a deal with the reaper. I replaced my sharingan eyes with the doujutsu not known to any human, known as the eyes of the kings. One of the most feared and powerful doujutsu's."

Those words kept circling around his head.

"What did he mean by making a deal with the reaper? Also, what exactly could these 'eyes of the kings' do? If they weren't known by any human, then... is Kudara even human? But most importantly, his brothers in the akatsuki, so far I don't know any of the akatsuki members. Why exactly is he here?"

"Well, what exactly is your brothers name? Also, are you an ally or an enemy?"

After what Kudara had just told him, Sanmaru had to make sure where Kudara stood.

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Dec 22, 2008 10:33 pm

Kudara has a ill feeling but he doesnt show his illness to him. Saying his name does bring fear to some people, he just didnt know how he would take it. He reaches into his pocket and begins to run his hands to what seems like a bunch of clatter objects. When he felt something that had a feel of a picture, he begins to lift it up and bring it out of his pocket. He shows the picture to him. He had blue-grayish hair and his eyes were crimson red.

"This is my brother, Kyouken Uchiha, my older twin brother"

There were some simularities to Kudara and Kyouken. The hair was somewhat simular but the facial appearance were extremely different. Kudara had a calm and relax face while Kyouken had a colder and cooler expression. A person could probably tell that the other brother either dealt with evil things or had dealt with darkness, while Kudara didnt have any of the darker the moment. He hands the picture to the Raikage for him to get a better look at him

"And as terms of ally and enemy, I am a ally to you. I am the head scientist in a labratory in the rain village. I do many experimenations such as biology, chemistry, astromony, phsyics and so forth and so on. After the fall of the akatsuki 25 years ago, the rain village was in turmoil until the current Amekage came and took over. When it got stable, I came and started the research facility thats deep underground"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:20 pm

Sanmaru waited as Kudara reached into his pocket, Sanmaru assumed that he probebly had a picture of his brother in there since he took it out when he asked about his brother. When Kudara had finally took out his hand from his pocket and showed Sanmaru the picture of his brother and said his name, Sanmaru began to compare Kyouken to Kudara. What really stuck out to him, was their visage.

"So I take it that you're quite an intellectual man. But anyways, did you come here on your own will or were you sent here by the Amekage to discuss somethintg with me?"

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Dec 23, 2008 5:24 pm

Kudara wraps the white blindfold over his eyes and tied a knot on the back. He puts his hands down back into his pocket

"I would say both, I came here to look at Kumogakure since I havent been here in so many years. Its amazing what happens in such a short peirod of time. Another thing thats for my free will is meeting you, I heard great things about the Raikage and I had to meet himself. Lastly, I was told to come here and tell you there will be a temporary kage for the village at the moment"

Kudara exhaled out after saying that last sentence for he was talking kinda fast and was trying to get it all out in one breath. He smiles at Sanmaru
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Tue Dec 23, 2008 6:42 pm

"Well I've always wanted to meet an Uchiha and it's a pleasure to have met one. Especialy one like yourself. But anyways, what hapened to the previes Amekage?"

He wondered if the akatsuki had killed him or if he just needed a rest from it all.

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Dec 23, 2008 9:12 pm

"It is a mystery to me as well, I thought I was on top of things but I suppose this one has slip through my fingers. The only thing that I was told was that the previous Amekage went to "mediate" in a foreign land. It was really an odd thing, but he was probably stress at the time. Poor kid, he is so young"

Kudara leans his back up against the wall right next to one of the paintings. He sense that the artist fine craftsmenship was very detailed and very well respected. But he could also feel the sadness, sorrow and depression this artist had when they drew it which ulitmately affect Kudara's emotions. He leans back up and faces towards the Raikage.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by L Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:03 pm

"Hmmmm. Well I just hope that the temperart Amekage does a fine job in running the village. We don't want to have the actual Amekage coming to a very saddening village, now do we?"

He began to slowly walk towards the stairs to get to the rooftop. He still needed that fresh air. He knew that if there was anything else Kudara needed to say, he would follow.

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The "return" visit Empty Re: The "return" visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:11 pm

Kudara then turns around, as though he was leaving back to another village and travel there. He turns his head to the side and has a uneasy smile. He begins to mutter something to himself then he ceased. He turns back around facing Sanmaru and begins tso.

"So....I guess I'll see you around, Sanmaru Gokage, wielder of the five-tailed bijuu. I hope we encounter some place elsewhere"

He turns back around a begins to procced walking towards the door in which he came in. He was hoping that he would not have to protect him from his brother for that would surely be something that he would not want to encounter
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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