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Jin's Visit

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Jin's Visit Empty Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:07 pm

Once a resident of the legendary village, Jin knew his way around the streets, but for some reason he had the gut feeling that things had changed. Not the location of things, but something deeper. He shrugged off the wavering burden, and continued to walk around, waiting for him to see someone he had worked with in the ANBU. He didn't know exactly why he had come back, but he did know who he was waiting for. He looked up at the sky, and around for a signal that he was coming.

He thought to himself, 'Slow, far too slow... Of course, it's not fair to assume that of everyone..." He stopped for a moment, and gazed in a window of one of the local shops. He smiled, and sighed. It was one of the candy stores he had visited after he first arrived. A quick flash of memories flew through his head, and he continued on his way.

He then sat down at one of the local benches, again, waiting for someone.
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:56 pm

After waiting for hours, Jin grew restless. He needed to start a commotion to get the Hokage's attention, or atleast the ANBU Ops master. He grabbed a explosive tag, and threw it in the middle of a crowd, you attempted to run from the oncoming blast, but Jin had allowed it to "cook" and it caught them just in time. Jin remained seated, and watched as the smoke disappeared. He counted 17 bodies, 8 of them children. He looked around, and waited for a sign on the oncoming ANBU.

He thought to himself, "1.5% chance they'll suprise me...Hm, this place has become far too idle...Perhaps this is just a taste of what they need to be ready for what waits for them..."

Last edited by Jin Chisoku on Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:59 pm

Yoshimaru, Ikazuchi, and Gekkani appeared in a line going in a line to the side. They gasped and looked at the only suspisious person that stands out in the crowd, Jin. Yoshimaru activated his Koudogon, while Ika took out his Raiga swords. Gekkani put his hands in a "Tiger" handsign. "What do you think you are doing?"Demanded Yoshimaru.
Shin Uchiha
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:05 am

Jin calmly replied with out looking at the three opponents, "Waiting." He sighed, and stood for a moment. He lowered his shoulders, and allowed his white robe to fall off his back. He then threw off his hat, and lowered himself into a kneeling stance. He quickly formed 5 hand seals, and a mass of smoke covered the surrounding area, including himself. Within the smoke, there were 3 visable figures, of course due to the thick smoke, no one could tell if they were clones, or real shinobi.
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:10 am

Yoshimaru sighed as he watched the smoke cover the surroundings of the four. He made a wood clone, slowly coming out the back of his body, and standing on its feet. "Mole Hiding Technique." Said the real Yoshimaru, sinking down into the ground quickly, traveling underground, anywhere and at anytime.

Gekkani stood next to Ika. Ikazuchi charged up his Raiga swords with lightning chakra, putting the tips together and making a lightning ball appear.

Gekkani stood in place, and waited for his turn to attack.
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:15 am

The figures remained stationary, not moving. The smoke started to settle down, only covering 10 meters high within the area. The smoke then started to appear diffrent in some areas, changing from the standard white to a dark purple. The smoke started to whirl about, and mix. The gases soon become a mixture of pockets of the standard smoke, and this mysterious smoke. The figures then started to spread out, growing closer to the pockets of purple. Then, out of no where a fourth figure appeared, but it remained in the middle, not moving.
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:21 am

Yoshimaru wa safe from the smoke outside of his hole. He began to dig closer and closer to the figure he planned on attacking, and once he got under him enough, he made a few handsigns, and said to himself quietly, "Tree restraints.". Roots came out from the ground, as they headed for one of the ninja's feet quickly.

Ika watched the clouds turn purple, as he was paying more attention to the figures. He released the lightning ball at the first figure, and then began to channel Lightning chakra again in his Raiga.

Gekkani finished his handsigns quickly, and put his hands to his mouth and commanded, "Pheonix fire jutsu!"he then blew out 4 fireballs, each one aiming at all four figures, as the fireballs were accually shuriken emitted in flames.

Last edited by Jin Chisoku on Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:47 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammatically it was off, and I didn't change the attack, but rather corrected something that I felt needed to be corrected, sorry man, it's just my thing.)
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:46 am

Two of the figures moved with an insane amount of speed, and dodged the fire attacks with ease, while the other two stood in their place, and were hit. The two figures were soon revealed as clones, and turned into smoke as soon as they were hit, while the other two figures zig-zagged within the smoke, changing their posistions. While moving they both, in perfect harmony, formed handseals, preparing another attack. The smoke started to disapate, spreading futher and futher out, growing closer to the opponents. The purple smoke, now, rounded the edge of the cloud, and some other areas within the sphere.

A voice ehoc'd from the smoke as the figures continued to move, "Only three? I'm so disappointed...I killed 17 of your village members, and this is all I get? Three? THREE?!? HOW DARE YOU INSULT ME LIKE THIS!"
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:48 am

OOC: You totally ignored my Tree Restrained attack..
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 1:48 pm

ooc: No, I really didn't...It was your poor timing that kind of screwed you. Considering that you attacked all four, and two moved, they moved at the same moment as you attacked. So, they moved, and you never specified which figure, so how am I to know which one you went for? Also, they dodged another attack, meaning, unless you planned on that, you're attacking a spot they were in...
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:02 pm

OOC: Wouldnt that mean they tripped over my roots coming out of the ground when they were moving? XD
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 2:39 pm

ooc: XD No. It means you attack was poorly timed, causing me to dodge two attacks when I meant to only dodge one.
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:12 pm

Yoshimaru pulled the roots back under the ground, as he began to travel underground, and back out the hole he dug up in. He and his woodclone, began to travel away from the smoke, going around it by jumping on the rooftops of the houses. Yoshimaru sent his clone to find Jin inside the smoke, as Yoshimaru and the clone both activated the Koudogan. Their skin around the hands and feet turned a brown color, as their eyes turned green, with a + shaped pupil. Green area began to grow around the eyes, as they both saw 3 chakra systems. One chakra system was the most largest, as they suspected it was Jin.

Yoshimaru stayed out of the smoke, but he made a few handsigns. "Great Forest Technique!"He commanded and he stuck his arm out at the one man that wasnt moving as much, and his arm extended with spikes on it, that looked alot like a tree.

Ikazuchi shot another lightning ball at the one moving target, as he put away his Raiga swords quickly back on his back. "Thousand bird Needles!"He shouted and put his hand out infront of him, as it began to electricate with blue lightning chakra. Just then, about 10 lightning needles shot out of his hand and at the same moving target.

Gekkani made a series of handsigns, as he jumped in the air, avoiding the smoke. "Fire dragon flame projectile."He commanded and blew a large jet of fire from his mouth down at the field of smoke, hoping to hit one of the figures.
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:28 pm

Jin sighed, and realized that they have discovered the other figure was a clone. He some what laughed to himself, as he heard the attack by the wood using shinobi. He knew that soon to follow was a flurry of attacks by the other two, so he simply rushed out of the gas, holding his breath. He passed by the wood user and pivoted off to the next house. The gas followed him, and within moments it would completely envelop his opponent. Jin turned his head slighty, watching the what he assumed to be leader attack his clone. He smirked and stopped, turning around to watch.

The clone, dodged the intial attack, and gracefully started to run towards the opponent. It grew within meters of the shinobi before it was struck by the other two's attacks. The clone, rather than turn into smoke, caused a large explosion. The impact blew a large amount of debrie, and the fire from the explosion engulfed the side of the house that the leader was standing on.

Jin watched as the other attacks wisped away a majority of the smoke that he had set up. But the smoke he had brought with him, had now be pushed towards the wood user by his explosive clone. He smirked, and placed his hands behind his back, and waited.

Last edited by Jin Chisoku on Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:30 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Just for detail.)
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:44 pm

Yoshimaru pulled back his arm, as it went back to normal, finding that it didnt hurt Jin. He watched as 2 of the chakra systems disappeared, as only one was left. He covered his mouth with his hand, once he saw a clone explode and become more purple air. He jumped back, feeling the side of he house under him begin to crumble from the explosion Gekkani accidentally made with Fire + Poisoned air. Yoshimaru quickly ripped a piece of leather from his shirt, and wrapped it around his mouth and nose, tieing it behind his neck, npw safe from breathing the bad air in.

Yoshimaru then watched as the purple air that Jin brang with him, close r to himself. He then made his woodclone come back to him, and stood aside to him. Gekkani jumped out of the area as well, standing now next to Yoshimaru, as Ika did the same.

Ikazuchi made a few handsigns and put his hand out once again, but in some sort of grabbing shape. Quickly, a long spear made of lightning shot out and aimed toward Jin.

Gekkani made handsigns as well, ending in Tiger. He blew out a large fireball, the size of Sasuke's atleast, as the spear caught on fire, turning it into plasma at the edges. This was one of Gekkanis and Ikazuchi's combonation jutsu.
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 3:56 pm

Jin smirked as they combined their forces, he had assumed that something like this was bound to happen, so, he finished his jutsu, just as theirs began to grow closer. He saw that the rod of plasma was attempting to hit him within his center so he simply did a quick side step, with a flip, landing in a kneeling posistion. But as he landed he turned into something different, a mass of black liquid, something that would remind someone else of tar. The mass of liquid soon sprouted out three different beings, dogs, or what looked to be a form of them. They each were massive, and covered in eyes, each one glaring at the three different opponents. Then, in a sign of pure arrogance, the hell hounds stuck their tounges out, each one covered in a bloody material, slowly dripping down to the roof of the house. The mass of liquid still was moving, but in such an irregular pattern, it seemed impossible.

The hounds then attacked, each one crossing over the other with good harmony, and at the last moment they pounced at each ninja.
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:18 pm

Yoshimaru and his two ninja stopped their attacks and flew backwards, watching Jin turn to tar. Yoshimaru then made a few handsigns quickly, as mud started to flow from one spot of the roof, and then it started to quickly flow towards the direction of the tar, and the three hell hounds.

Ikazuchi made a lightning clone pop next to him, as they both made one handsign. "Lightning Wolf."Both of them said to themselves, as they stuck their hands out and one large wolf made of lightning, attached to their hands, came out of both their arms. Making two lightning wolves, they began to trot after the hell hounds, same size, as they planned on ramming into two of the hounds.

Gekkani focused on one of the hounds, making another sries of hand signs, and then began to blow out large fireballs, as they combine to make one large dragon head, aiming for the third hell hound.
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:33 pm

The mass of tar started to spilt, and conform in multiple images, all random. The mud grew closer and closer to the tar until something very strange happened. The mud hit something, but it wasn't visable. The mud splashed against what seemed to a wall, and sloshed back down into it's orginal form. The tar continued to fluxate in shape, noises of pain, and yells from what sounded like demon's came from the dark abyss of the mass of liquid. The hounds though continued their pursuit, until of course they were struck. The lightining hounds hit the hell hounds from the front, as the opponent predicted, but they didn't stop moving. They simply fell apart for a breif moment, forming a pudle of the same balck tar looking material, and reformed, 5 meters behind the lightining hounds. They continued their persuit after the three shinobi. As for the third hound, it planted to the right, dodging the firball, and pounced in the air at the attacker.

The yells and screams countined to echo from each hound's mouth as they continued to persue the three shinobi.
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 6:57 pm

Yoshimaru stopped the flow river as all 3 shinobi, and a lightning clone, jumped back. Yoshimaru cancelled the flow river, and then began to form handsigns again. He then activated his level two Koudogan, as a dot appeared at the top of his pupil, with a small ring around it. He was now able to see weak points on everything that was living, such as the hell hounds. His skin tuned brown fully, making his skin like earth, almost as hard as stone, as leaves began to grow around his eyes.

Yoshimaru then made a woodclone form from his side, as it stood next to him. The real Yoshimaru then put out his arm, as large wood spikes shot out at one of the hell hounds.

Ikazuchi and his clone both put their hand out, as their hands started to electicricate. Ikazuchi and his clone shot a long lightning spear, ripping through anything in its path, one headed toward one hell hound, as the other headed for the last.

Gekkani watched the tar spread, as he thought he could catch it on fire, or evaporate it. He made a series of handsigns, and then blew a large jet of fire from his mouth, aiming at the tar.
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:10 pm

A large voiced echo'd from the tar's mass, "FOOLS!" The hell hound that the wood user attacked took the blow, and turned into a mass of liquid. It fell through the mass of wood that impaled it, and gathered at the roof's edge, just a meter shy of the wood using shinobi. It reformed and lunged at the attacker. It snapped, and wrenched downward at Yoshimaru's shoulder. It bit, and flicked its head upwards, as it passed over him. It held in its mouth a small amount of cloth.

Then, suddently, the are around the roof changed from the "normal" world, into a negative shot of everything, revealing that this was a genjutsu. The fire attack suddently disappeared, and the two hounds that were targeted attacked Iazuchi, who's clone slowly began to fade out.

Jin thought to himself, 'I was reaching my 10% chakra barrier trying to make it seem real, but the seal has set, and I doubt they'll leave this illusion with out some damage..."

As for the fire user, the mass of tar slowly began to form into another hound, this one, larger than the rest. It emerged, and flexed its body, a mass of black muscle running at him with no hesitation.
Jin Chisoku
Jin Chisoku
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:28 pm

Yoshimaru started to get the feeling he was in a genjutsu, when he started to focus more on the surroundings. "Everyone, release!"He shouted as Ikazuchi, Gekkani, and himself, released the Genjutsu by using the simple Tiger sign. Ika and Gekkani glared around, seeing how everything was perfectly fine, and they saw Jin standing infront of them, maybe 5 meters away.Yoshimaru and the gang waited for Jin's next move, knowing they werent in the genjutsu anymore.

Last edited by Yoshimaru Kangai on Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:40 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Nov 24, 2008 7:33 pm

ooc: I am not doing this because Jin wants me to do so. Its so Hank does not die.

IC: The wind slightly picked up, as a tap was heard on the roof, near where the four shinobi were fighting. A grunt was heard and then a sound of a zipper opening up. A kunai was pulled from a small bag, and closed shut. Sannam then appeared infront of Yoshimaru. "Eh, Jin, my friend. It's been a long time." Sannam quickly made clones with kunai and speard them out. He glared at Jin, and sighed. My Speed is nowhere near his, this gonna be rough. He took hold of another Kunai. At this moment a light shined on his back. "Savoir Seal." Sannam seemed to have an aura around him, which also would make him, faster.


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Jin's Visit Empty Re: Jin's Visit

Post by Jin Chisoku Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:46 pm

Jin smirked, and said in his calm, deep voice, "17 people die, 3 ninja attack me in the middle of your village, distroying a house hold, and other private property, and now you come... Wow, things have changed from when I was here. But I guess, those are thoughts of the past."

Jin quickly flicked his wrist, and continued to talk, "8 children, gone like that. It's like a flickering candle, and I'm the wind..."

After finishing his statement, Jin disappeared, and a large sound of wind and vaccum trailed him. The wind rushed by Sannam, and the other three shinobi. The gas that had been blowing in the natural wind, had suddently transistioned to another side of the wall, that the bench Jin was resting on sat. Then, as Jin was known to do, he appeared next to his robe, and hat. He slowly put them on, and as soon as his hat was fit, he disappeared again. He then appeared behind the Hokage, with his arms in his robe. He smiled, and said, "Your ninja...They amuse me with their readiness to attack me...If they would have only looked..."

Jin then vanished, and a large wirlwind of debrie, and sound followed, echo'ing through out the village alleyways. The "17 people" were simply wooden firgures with clothing. Jin had stolen 17 sets of clothes, and placed the figures there while waiting. He simply was bored, or was that all? Perhaps...something more...
Jin Chisoku
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