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A deathly visit

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A deathly visit Empty A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:11 pm

Rainfall was the weather of the tiresome country of lightning, its valuable essence of water streams down from the sky an onto the ground and onto the leafs of the luscious and precious forest. But this day, a day of gruesome violence and terror and wrecked upon a innocent and pure village. The gruesome and more violent trails of blood ran in the streams from a nearby village. The crimson blood turn the river from its flowing sky blue to the utter red of destruction. A few miles downstreams was the smell of carbon monoxide. A fire from both the burning of buildings to the burning of carcuses. A man trails out of the village, carrying a blade masked in the blood of the innocent and the guilty. He was wearing a dark cloak, unable to see the facial appearance. He walks through the rain as though he was a ghost walking through the night. His steps were deathly cold. The man breathed out the oddest of breath, it freezed the air, freezing the rain coming down the sky as though he was breathing out death to destroy life. The man glances upon the village hidden in lightning. By far, time was on this man side. He knew that someone, or something would come and investigate this terrible tragedy, if not try to cover it up and it would be a perfect time to meet some individuals that he has lost forgotten.

The man, covering up the rest of his almost lifeless body with his cloak disappeared like the wind passing. The rain had increased in intensity. It was odd that it was raining so heavily, it was as though the heavens were crying out sorrowfully, mourning the lost of a life so taken for granted it was depressing. The man appears in the middle of the village, the people passing by as though he was stranger to them. He looks up at the office of Raikage, a crimson glow came from the hood staring upon the windows of the office. When the glow reached inside of the office, a powerful and intense kill intent was making the air hard to breath and the gravity so intense it was hard to stand because of the amount of death and fear that came out from this one man. It was though he was asking the man to come out and face him.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Mirage Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:35 pm

The amount of death and kill intent within the air of the village did not go unnoticed. Izanami glided her way through the buildings towards the source. She had only felt this kind of satisfaction when someone died around her, but even then, the level of it was never this high. The ground around her turned to ash as she stepped as if flying. As she emerged near the Kage's building, she could feel the pull on her growing, untill she could see the source; a man in a black cloak stood starring up at the building with bright red eyes.

Izanami rushed towards him....

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:49 pm

The cloak man looks at the fercious person coming towards him, when he looked at her, he could tell that this being, this being was attracted to his intent of death. It usually turns away people but yet to this being that was rushing towards him was more so coming towards the feeling of death. The man hand comes out of his cloak, his palms faces towards the women. A conjoing of blue chakra began to take shape of a ball the size of a large grapefruit in his palm. The immense force caused the air around him to become heavy making the person who was charging not so much for her not to breath but to weigh her down in a sense. He knew this would get somewhat give her an idea on who she was facing and what she was getting involved in

"You're in the way.....creature....I have no intentions on fighting you....."

He releases the ball at the person. The ball had a tremedous amount of force, the ball was small but it was affecting the area around it, destroying parts of the streets because of its power releasing out little by little. The ball was aiming for the women but the ball was moving in random directions and not straight. The ball was been altered by the hand so the person would have a difficult time to calculate whether the dodging aspect.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by L Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:59 pm

Sanmaru was ontop of the Kage's mansion looking over the village. Soaking wet from all the rain, he watched the fire from a distance. He had just sent 2 shinobi to go check it out, but in a way, it didn't matter. The village was most likely destroyed by now, but how would he look like of he just let it burn without doing anything about it? He spaced in and out as he continued to look at the fire, when suddenly, he got the feeling of an extremly dangerous and strong shinobi. He looked straight down to see a cloaked figure being attacked by one of his jounin. He decided to watch and see how she did, while at the same time, gather some information on the cloaked figure.

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Mirage Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:20 pm

An evil smile crept up apon Izanami's face as she fiished her handsign. The hand signs were easy to determine what she had just done. Right before the ball struck her body, she had used the relacement jutsu. Izanami had switched herself with a nearby shinobi who was struck by the sphere instead of herself.

"I am not here to fight you.... stranger...."

Izanami felt as if her body was acting on it's own. She did not know why, but her lust was increasing as she moved closer to him. The ground beneath her feet turned to dust and ash as she moved out from behind him and twirled around infront of him, only inches away.

"You wreak of death...." she said while moving closer to him.

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jan 13, 2009 10:38 pm

The man did not move once more forward. His hand just seemed to guide itself over into his cloak once more hiding its appearance and motive. The man turns his head alittle, as the women got closer to him she would notice the facial image of a man who lacked both the emotionless facial expression that was more so attractive then despising, but when the women would seem to reach almost contact distance, the eye's of a cruel and despairing man looks at the women. His eyes had the suppressed kill intent inside of it, hiding it. She would've felt it because of her attraction to death. The man quickly moves his arm out of the sleeve of the cloak.

"A simple attraction to death, how interesting of you, a specimen of your composure would be such attracted to the despairing of death and its works"

In that same instance, the women was surrounded by the weapons of lances, swords, spears and axes. The amount of them were about 20 altogether. They surrounded her at each side leaving all points of weakness not only exposed but aimed for. The blades of his psionic powers showed who he was apparently. As the weapons appeared, the hood of the man came off from the amount of force that was projected off from the weapons itself. It revealed the man's true image and appearance. His dark blue-grey hair swayed away from his ear as the man turns to the women staring at her.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Mirage Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:04 pm

She was already standing several inches from his body and could see her curse already taking effect on him. Anything that was near or touching her would dissentegrate into dust and ash, but he was different. He seemed to be regenerating just as fast as he was dissentegrating.

"Finally.... a man who will not die right away on my touch..." she said as she closed the last few inches between them and pressed her lips against his. The weapons were still surrounding them both and could easily strike into her back, but she was not worried.

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Guest Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:08 pm

Sendo appeared right next to Sanmaru, appearing in a flash, prepare to get involved at a notion from his master. He was ona single knee, the other was bent, yet upright, his arm laying across it. His head was bowed, yet his eyes were turned upward and so had a great view of the proceedings between the cloaked figure and his fellow Jounin of the Cloud village. He had no qualms with killing them both should he be asked to do so. However, he was sure no harm would befoul Izanami, even if Sendo has to step in. Harming a fellow Jounin, though enjoyable, would probably not achieve praise from his master. Sendo was the loyal servant untill he outgrew him. Such was the way of survival.


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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:13 pm

He felt the amount of his human body flesh simply disentegrating but because his body had a small use of regeneration, his facial expression of pain and pleasure kept to him emotionless still. But as he was kissed by the women he was surprised at first not expecting to be kissed by someone of her likes. He mind had somewhat drifted to heavenly thoughts but more so the heavenly thoughts of a gruesome death.

He grabs on her waist bringing her closer to him, returning back the kiss that was given to him by this women. The moment the women had made simple contact with him changed his ideal and goals for a brief and utter second. He did not want to lost that thought of trying to find the Raikage. But at this moment it didnt matter. As he was kissing her, he felt the amount of kill intent inside of his women, she was deadly simular to the amount of kill intent his apprentice had which somewhat amazed him.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Mirage Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:33 pm

Izanami felt as if she was kissing death itself which wa more pleasurable than the massacre of her home village had been. As much as she wanted to keep kissing him, Izanami knew that she must not. In order to achieve her goal, she must be bound to no man, even if she felt that HE was all that she wanted at the moment. She pulled away from him slowly and pulled a kunai from her dress and held it inbetween them both. Plunging the kunai into her heart, she slowly opened her mouth as a spider emerged.

The kunai dissentegrated into ash, leaving a hole where it had been. Black spiders swarmed out of her mouth and chest untill she was covered in them. The large pile of spiders shrunk as the spiders crawled away, showing that he body had vanished. The hundreds of spiders made their way up the walls of the Kage's building and into a few of the air vents.

The clicking of the spiders feet could be heard within it's walls as they emerged in the room of the Raikage. They all crawled to a center point next to the kage and Sendo untill they formed a large pillar. The numbers of spiders seemed to minimize as Izanami's body formed within the pillar. The spiders continued to crawl into her mouth untill there were none left. The hole on her chest that was once there was now gone. She was now standing next to the Kage and looked down at the man who she had just been kissing.

"This man is quite strong.... he bares the burden..... pleasure.... of a thousand deaths..."

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:51 pm

As the women whom Kyouken had just kissed now had a attraction to her disappeared, he sighed mostly cause of the event was rare indeed, even for the god of death himself. He turned back his attentions towards the adminstration building where he saw three figure's standing there watching him as he watched them. Kyouken looks down to see that his shadow was now longer present. This made Kyouken ponder on whether he should get involved in that matter between those three and.....him. He begins to walk towards the adminstration building, not killing those that were in his way. The people of the village hidden in lightning stared in awe and fear at Kyouken as he walked towards. He did not once glanced over at the people, he could just smell there fear of him as he walked closer and closer to the adminstration building. Not once did he look back up at the window to stare at the people inside of that particular office for reasons that would soon become known to them very shortly. He oddly notice that his weapons were still visible, he swings his arms almost robotically making them disappear. His hand and arm went back into his cloak and in that moment before the eyes of any human could see, disappeared.

Behind the backs of the three shinobi, shadows that were underneath certain objects began to slime across the floor towards a particular area behind them. The shadows began to climb on top of each other as though ants were climbing up a hill. The oddly shadow creatures began to take the shape of a human figure, wearing clothes that sterotyped him to be the Grim Reaper. The man carries a scythe on his left hand holding it beside him. It towered over him by a couple of inches and its blade shined somewhat dimly. The man uses his other hand to reveal his face. The man looks up at people

"Well, well, well if it isnt the people of Kumogakure looking at the sites of the village. What you guys needed a better view to see what it would be like to see your village taken over by a dark and terrible force that is so great and evil that it would rot the insides of your cerbelum? Heh"

A smirk runs across his face as he was about to walk forward he stops looking beside him was Kyouken, the cloak was back over his head showing no face, hiding his true intentions. The only thing that was visible was his crimson bloody eyes that stared at the three shinobi.

"Ahhh, Noctis-sama, I did not know you were present"

Kyouken stares emotionlessly at the three shinobi's present in the office. He knew that there would some what of conflict if he took the intiative and fought but generally he would not make the first move. According to himself, he wouldnt make the first move unless it was nesscary.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by L Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:22 am

OOC: Sorry for the slopy post, I was kinda in a hurry Razz

IC: Sanmaru kept watching the cloaked figure as he began to kiss Izanami. A bunch of thoughts began to run through his mind, most importantly, who was he? He notcied that Sendo had appeared beside him, but decided to ignore him for now. Soon, Izanami appeared beside him aswell. He listened to what he had to say, but acted as though he didn't hear a word that she had said. He was mostly concerned about the man that was now heading towards them. He felt as though he knew who he was, but he just couldn't put his finger on it.

Immediatly, he turned around to see a shadowy figure weilding a sythe. He had no idea what was going on, but he was ready for the worst. His posture, however, seemed as though he didn't care one bit who was in the room. He simply stared at the "shadow man". Sanmaru's eye's widened as Kyouken appeared beside the strange man weilding the sythe. He stood there as though he has been there this whole complete time. Sanmaru didn't even see how he got there. But, one thing stuck out to him. The man's crimson red eyes made Sanmaru come to a cunclusion.

"Well, I assume you're Kyouken Uchiha? Twin brother of Kudara Uchiha? What a surprise that I'd see you here."

Sanmaru remembered the picture that Kudara had shown him not so long ago. This man could have either been Kudara or Kyouken, but he could easily tell the huge differance between the twins.

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:36 am

Kyouken stared his bloody crimsom eyes at Sanmaru. When he said his name and his brother's name, it somewhat surprised him. He knew his younger brother yet he has not been able to seek him out. This slightly distorted his thoughts but he focused back to Sanmaru, Sendo and Izanami. He breathes out extremely cold air, air in which changed both the temperature and the humidity in the room, making it somewhat cool and chilled.

"Yes, my affliated name is Kyouken Uchiha, but i have a true name in which I wish not to tell you, but in due time, Raikage-sama" his hands come out of his cloak and placed them behind his back. He begins to walk back and forth, in a pattern that was random. He looks around at the pictures and such, curious at what stories behold in each of them. He faces his attention at picture and stops walking

"I see that you and your.....village, have been living in harmony, peace and serenity. Indeed, this would be considered a utopia of many sorts, a prospering village that seems to have both the amount of shinobi needed for protection, the economic trade for your wealth and the amount of history which keeps this place alive.....however, I have seen the evil that has been stored here for centuries and this place holds one of the most relic and ancient things that is stored in your village"

Kyouken faces the direction towards the three shinobi "I have an offer that is very hard to refuse. I want to posses the ancient relics underneath the village and in return i shall spare the "king" of the village"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by L Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:58 am

Sanmaru stood in the same way he was when the "shadow man" apeared, his head following Kyouken's movements as he walked around the office. He began to listen to what he had to say.

"I have seen the evil that has been stored here for centuries and this place holds one of the most relic and ancient things that is stored in your village. I have an offer that is very hard to refuse. I want to posses the ancient relics underneath the village and in return i shall spare the "king" of the village"

He was wondering what he ment by that, what were these aceint relics that he was talking about?

"Well tell me something, Kyouken, who is the "king" of the village? Fore you see, I am but a mere pawn in this village, my existance means nothing."

He said, just in case he was talking about him. And, to see if it'll by him some time or give him any information on what all this was about.

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kenshi Wed Jan 14, 2009 10:22 am

From the distance, the splashes in the puddles of water could be heard as Yoshimo quickly made his way towards the danger site. Wiping the water from his face, Yoshimo's mind began to go into overdrive, thinking of what could happen. He couldn't help way his mind worked and pulled information together, even though it was needed for survival. Running across the rooftops of the village, he could see four images in the distance. A stand off. Thats all the information he had so far, and all he needed to put things together.

So a threat is in the village, they are standing off, Raikage-sama is here along with a Sendo. So something is important...They are gonna fight...but if he wanted a fight he would have messed up the village to get our attention...Why didn't he? He has a female partner so he must be human, or have human emotion.....Humans usually only do things for something they need or want....Does he want something?

Yoshimo made his way closer and closer to the stand off and jumped off the final building, floating high in the air only to land right next to the Raikage-sama in the middle of his speech. Yoshimo looked at the man as he heard his name.


Wasn't he an ally ninja from Kirigakure?? What is he doing here?? Causing problems for an allied village? He must be on some sort of mission...The Kage Summit's off, if the Mizukage is going to act like this, the best thing is to separate ourselves from the other ninja villages.

"What do you want Kyouken? Aren't you from Kirigakure?"

There was something up. Speaking of old relics and "Kings", was getting to Yoshimo, and as much as he wanted to figure it out he couldn't. He couldn't put what was going on into a plan to defeat it. All he knew was that Kyouken wanted something, and he'd probably fight for it.


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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:16 pm

Kyouken looks over at Yoshimo, he knew he had resided here months ago and he knew that if Yoshimo would get involved, it would be more of a troublesome in his plan to retrieve this relic. Kyouken red eyes stared at Yoshimo then slowly turned away and back to Sanmaru. He points at Izanami, then he points at Sendo then last Yoshimo.

"These shinobi are the knights of the village, they have been designated to protect the village and bring forth honor among it. They will live for it and die for it. Since you are considered a pawn, then you are one of the more wisest of the pieces. But none of you are the "king""

Kyouken walks over to one of the windows and looks down at the village, he points down at a specific area. "You see, in the game of Shogi, the most important piece to protect is the king piece. If you lose that one piece then the game is over, it is finish, there is no use of continuing the game for the opponent has lost. Tell me, since none of you are the king pieces, which person or person's are the most important in the village? All of you know who it is"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Mirage Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:26 pm

Izanami smiled coyishly.

"You have mistaken me for a piece of the game, rather than what I truly am. I am a player in this game of life and death."

Izanami continued to watch him closely as she pulled out her fan and began to fan herself.

"And in the game of shogi.... the goal is to beat your opponent.... so if the other player dies befor ethe game begins, the pieces become useless; unable to move on their own."

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Guest Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:52 pm

"And you have mistaken me, as well. For I am none of the pieces of Shogi. I am a new piece who resides on the edge of the board. I care nothing of honor. Nor for the king piece, or pieces in this particular case. The villagers can rot for all I care. I do not know about the rest, but as for me, I see you holding in check any valuable pieces, simply pawns to be thrown away. The strength of this village, good sir, is the fact that our warriors are versatile, not only in abbility, but also in mind set and though patterns. I believe you have not read the situation correctly." Sendo smiled with a hint of satisfaction. Out of all the people in this room, he was the wild card. The unpredictable piece. He would do whatever he saw was neccesary, at the cost of any piece, so long as he got the prize in the end. Already he had a kunai in hand. Unsure if he should try to make the opponet bleed, or to use his own rich red to do what would have to be done eventualy.


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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by L Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:59 pm

Sanmaru listened to Kyouken's speech, ignoring any and all other ninja's. He was very interested in what he had to say, it actually made Sanmaru think, something that Sanmaru didn't like to do very often. But still, he hadn't been this fasinated about something ever since he was 16, when he was planning out his assasination on the previous Raikage. He still, up to this day, remembered every single detail of it, and the name of his accomplice, Mayakashi. He wondered what happened to him, after all, he was the one that made it all possible, without him Sanmaru's plan might not have gone so smoothly. He simply disappeared after the assasination, not leaving any clues on where he was heading. It was ashame, Sanmaru was hoping to make him one of his advisors after the whole thing was over.

But, thinking about that was making him lose his train of thought. He remained quiet for a good 2 minutes after realizing that Kyouken had finished his speech and that others have spoken after him. He then tried to remember what exactly it was that they had just said. He soon remembered.

"The "kings" of the village are the unborn children of Kumogakure, the next generation. But, that's a little of the topic. What exactly makes this relic so important to you? And what is it?"

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:05 pm

Kyouken ignores the other two's remarks seeing that he had no use for them or for those two shinobi to be here at the time. He turns his head over towards Sanmaru mouthing out "bingo". He walks back over to Hitoshi, the man standing wearing the grim reaper appearance. He reaches inside of his cloak and took out a coin, it was gold with the most oddest symbols. He flips it up in the air and catches it with his left hand. On the other side the type of material was silver with a skeleton standing in the middle with a odd lanuage.

"This is the artifact that i am looking for. The coin's of the ancient sages. Altogether there are seven and I wield three at the moment. These coins pertain a hefty value to it, but inside of these coins are the most ancient of chakra's. With it, I can be able to obtain not power, but all knowing information that can make a human, animal, or any other being so powerful he or she can become unstablely powerful. Seeing that this turns you humans, who are easily turned by greed, hunger and lust for power, I must seal this so no one, not even I the reaper himself can obtain this for whomever shall unlock the powers of the ancient sages will not only die but those around them will die"

Kyouken puts the coin back into his sleeve and awaits Sanmaru his offer.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by L Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:22 pm

Sanmaru watched as Kyouken made his way towards Hitoshi, ready to defend himself, knowing that the others could protect themselves. He watched carefully as Kyouken reached inside of his cloak and took out one of the weirdest looking coins that he had ever seen. He then listened closely and carefully to Kyouken explain what the coin was and his intentions.

"Well it seems as though you mean no harm than. I'd gladly allow you to take the coin or coins that are here, but only if Yoshimo and I are presant to see you get the coin(s) yourself. Also, one things still bothering me, if that's all you wanted, then what's the meaning for the destruction of the nearby village?

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jan 14, 2009 11:46 pm

Kyouken took out another coin, this one was covered in blood on it, it dripped slowly from the coin onto the ground. The smell that resided from that coin was terrible and vile as it consumed most of the rooms current smell. It smelled of carcuses and the dead. When he moved it around, a person in the room could hear a faint laughter that was eminianting from the coin. He flips it up in the air and catches it with his right hand.

"This coin, both dark and evil, came to life by the lust and power of humans. They wanted to see what lies inside of this coins thus awaking the powers that lie inside of this devilish coin. This thing caused that villages destruction and terror. If this thing was not checked, your village would've been completely destroyed by this thing. I came to this village in search of this coins since my clan was the one that sealed its powers up. Even with your current abilities, this thing is the 'blood' coin, the more you kill it or feed it with blood, the more chaotic and vicious it gets."

Kyouken lets go of the coin and it begins to float. He then levitates the coin on the ground slowly. As it got closer and closer the faint laughter began to get louder and louder, almost filling the air with its chaotic laughter. Kyouken looks up at everyone with his hood still covering his face but his eyes still gleaming crimson

"This is the power that a human could posses"

He releases his powers off the coin and it drops to the ground. The coin began to radiate energy that was not even understood to any of the shinobi that was present in the room, a silhoutte of a creature, having the head of an ox and the body of a man. It stares at the four shinobi's with its ghastly eyes and its horrifying terror. It was almost taking a physical form.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:03 am

ooc: I'm not gonna post in this untill I get the net at my house...Just pretend that Yoshimo is....elsewhere or chillin or something...Cuz you guys keep posting and I can't keep up lol.


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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by L Thu Jan 15, 2009 9:21 pm

OOC: Sad

IC: Sanmaru watched in amazment as the creature began to manifest reight before his eyes. He wondered how Kyouken discovered these coins. He truly was an interesting person.

"Well I guess what you did was for the better anyway. In fact, I should applaud you for this."

He said glaring at the creatures eyes as if it was just any other ordinary animal.

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A deathly visit Empty Re: A deathly visit

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:47 am

The beast began to stretch its long and disgusting arm towards Sanmaru, its red skin which dripped of blood of the fallen and boils filled with pus made it more horrifying then anything saw. Knowing this would not as affect alot of shinobi's, this was defintely a sight to remember. The arm almost reached Sanmaru and tried to grab him but his body began to fade away as Kyouken picked up the coin and puts his hand into a fist, sealing up the beast from within and the chaotic laughter that once filled the room had seemingly vanished. Kyouken puts the coin back into his sleeve. He looks up at the shinobi in the room

"That was the raw form of the coins abilities, if one of you were able to consume it or sell your soul to this particular coin, your physical attributes would heighten to supernatural levels, chakra of 25 men, they would be almost so powerful, those that stood in there way would be decimated. But like all great power, there is a cost to it all" Kyouken said in almost a attractive and lustful tone, very odd and perculiar.

Hitoshi then reaches over his head and began to whisper something in his ear. Kyouken listen carefully to Hitoshi's words. The only response was the nodding of the head.

"Well it seems there is an active coin awaken in the country of wind, I must see to that before I come and take this one since it is an inactive one. I'll be back.....very soon"

Kyouken and Hitoshi then began to walk off, as Kyouken walked off from the spot, the blood coin had dropped from his cloak, Hitoshi opened the door for Kyouken and he exited out after Kyouken exited the room as they turn the corner both of them disappeared
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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