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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:36 pm

Munashii looked down at his paper. The questions posed on here were difficult to say the least, at least for him.

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fightning that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

Picking up his pencil, he started to write his answers:

1. The five elements are wind, lightning, fire, water and earth.

Each one of these elements has a weakness and strength against another element, listed as follows:
Fire is stronger against Wind, but weak against Water.
Wind is strong against Lightning, but is weaker when opposed with Fire.
Lightning has strength against Earth, but a weakness against Wind.
Earth has an advantage against Water, but lacks strength when against Lightning.
Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth.

My dominant element is Wind. If it was opposed against Earth, a ninja could exploit Wind’s cutting ability to cut through most of the techniques that Earth can utilise.

Munashii had no idea what ‘Shape Manipulation’ was, so he left a space and kept going.

2. Taijutsu is attacks made by hand to hand, using your body to cause damage to your opponent. Ninja tools can be utilised to augment taijutsu attacks, such as shuriken, which can be used to attack opponents that get out of range of your reach, extending your attack range.

The eight gates are basically valves that regulate the flow of chakra around the body. These gates can be forced open to unleash approximately ten times more power, although extreme damage to the body is expected. The Fifth Gate, The Gate of Limit, increases the users speed and power, tearing up the ninjas’ muscles in the process.

As Munashii read the next question, he frowned. Genjutsu. He had virtually no knowledge and no ability in this area, since Hissori clansmen were banned from using it. Truly stuck, he knew it was time for him to cheat if he had any hope of passing. To his luck he had been placed in the back row, and had a clear view of everyone else’s papers.

Putting his hands up to his face in a show of stress, he activated his Keiji, zooming his eyes in along the front row, scanning for someone who had the potential answers. He hoped that his fellow team-mates were doing better than him. He needed to get as many answers as possible.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Join date : 2009-01-04
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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:58 am

Lelia looked down at the questions before her. Her lips pursing as she mentally read them to herself as her mind twisted into thinking back to the academy. With most, it would now seem her past solitude would pay off to her advantage. A few looked too difficult, however she headed to the easier questions first off.

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu..... She spoke to herself in her thoughts as she twisted her pencil in her fingers as she thought about it for a second. Her eyes slid closed as she imagined back to the black board of a lesson in the academy.

~ 1) The five Elements consist of: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, and Water.

Fire faces wind in great strength, Wind is easily overanking to Lightning, Lightning is stronger against Earth, Earth is strong against Water, and the balance is completed with Water strong against Fire.

My best element strength is in Lightning is considered equal to Lighting as they can not beat themselves as their considered equal plains of level. So, there are slim chances on my part to winning. A main choice that comes to mind, use Lightning to travel the wind currents and basically trap the opposing element. Seemingly impossible, however, Lightnings very sophisticated in my jutsu and its proven possible in many ways and proven useful against Wind attacks.

The term 'shape manipulation' implies that you change the shape of something, whether it be a blast, a surge, or a spinning vortex. Shape Manipulation plays into recomposing elemental jutsu by determining what form the jutsu and element are to take. Be it a Lightning Whip or Defensive Water Dome. ~
The young, determind Kunoichi wrote down almost confidently. The first question wasn't as hard, but maybe the next.......

Lelia read it aloud in her mind the second question: '2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.'

'Hm, Taijutsu, which just so happens to be my main Forte' ' She hummed in her thoughts. A small quirk in her smile came to play on her lips quickly. However, just as quickly, it dissappeared as if she was frustrated with the question. She couldn't let other students know of her with the answers. That would only put her team and her in more jeoperdy with a vast amount of opponents. Time to take a new defense plan. Precautionary of course.

Acting as if it was a struggle for her, she slowly scrolled down her answer.

~ 2) The use of Taijutsu in battle is the form of almost chakraless, physical, and upclose encountering defensive or attack. It deals highly on outer wounds in simple attacks, such as Tekken/Gouken (The basic of all taijutsu that almost all ninja of the ninja realm should know to some degree) or it could fall to inner attacks such as Buttafuri (A style of taijutsu that strikes beneath the skin and leaves inner damages) Applying a weapon to taijutsu could be used in the form of a blade. For better understanding of my answer, an example: Buttafuri and Katana. Intertwined style of Taijutsu and the use of a weapon. While the user can strike with the form of the tai, the blade can deliver more power and accuracy to the target.

The eight gates are the basic valves to Chakra Circularity System that controls chakra to further speeds and strength during a, usually, short period of time as most of the gates, as you raise from first gate and higher, get more and more dangerous to the body. Main results: Muscle tearing, spinal discordinations, parilys. Gate five further increases speed and power and this gate is,also, located along the spine. It's main name is the Gate of Limit or Tomon. ~

Feeling rather confident as she headed to the next question, her face still seemingly and unfaulted as frustrated, that frustration became real as she read one word. GenJutsu.

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fightning that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving. She read.

'Uhoh....' Lelia thought. Genjutsu was DEFINITLY not one of her main strengths. She had almost flunked academy because she could hardly understand it. It never made sense to her. Deception, she knew it was a basic mind deception. But putting mind deception definitly wasn't going to cover the entire third question. Physical deception, if only it asked of physical deception. Acting, basically and the utmost of her priorities to gain since genjutsu was a failure. She needed definite help.

Annoyed, she flipped her bangs with her pencil as she sighed out under her breath in frustration.


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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Mirage Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:19 am

Rain looked down at her sheet with her dark and erie eyes. Unlike many of the students in the room, Rain had a major advantage. She had a fullproof plan that could only be noticed by someone with the Sharingan. Rain picked up her pencil and stared at the page...

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

In a dark room somewhere in Kumo, a cloaked figure sat at a table with several piles of text books. The figure opened one of the books and began to read.

Based on which Ninjutsu the ninja uses, the amount of chakra will be different, as would the element the ninja employs. The five main elemental types are also the names for the Five Great Shinobi Nations: Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth and Water. Each ninja has the potential to better utilize one of these styles and potentially more. Chakra types such as wood and ice are the result of combining different elemental chakra types, such as the Kekkei Genkais Wood Release of the First Hokage, Lava Release of the Four-Tailed Jinchuriki, and the Ice Release of Haku.

Fire Release techniques burn everything they touch, with a high temperature chakra that is like fire. The fire element can burn objects and like the wind element, it is a specialized offensive type of chakra. Fire Release techniques are common knowledge to shinobi of the Fire Country. Fire techniques are weak to water but strengthened by wind. All of that considered, Kakuzu, by executing a wind release technique in conjunction with a Fire Release was able to generate a fire technique that was able to overpower a Water Release technique.

The water element is very compatible, the diverse "Form Modification". Whether it is in the form of a fog for masking your form or to trap someone in a tsunami, its auxiliary capability is very high. Water Release based attacks can take the form of mostly walls of water or water in the shape of sea creature. Water Release techniques are the second common element used, and mainly used by shinobi from the Land of Water. For using a water release techniques is necessary to perform them near a large mass of water (for example near a lake or river). Although there are exceptions such a Akatsuki member Kisame Hoshigaki (who creates a mass of water on his own because of his incredibly high chakra levels) or Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage. Water based ninjutsus are weak against Earth jutsus but strong against Fire ninjutsus.

Wind element is a chakra that cuts through everything like a blade. When used on special ninja weapons or deployed in jutsu, it is best for short to middle distance offensive attacks. In Konohagakure, Wind Release users are considered rare and the only known users in Konoha are Naruto Uzumaki, Sora, Orochimaru (a former shinobi of konoha), and Asuma. Apparently though, shinobi from the Land of Wind have figured a way to use this rare element commonly by manipulating the wind through an item. Wind-based jutsu are strong against lightning, but will only make fire stronger. As shown by Asuma, the wind element can be guided into blades to make them sharper, and as demonstrated it can cut through a tree and through a rock, while a normal blade would only be able to lodge itself into the tree.

Earth Release jutsu has the ability to change the hardness and composition of all objects. A person who masters this element can cause an object to be as solid as metal or soft as clay in his or her jutsu. The Snake hand seal is commonly used for Earth techniques and Wood Release techniques. Earth Release techniques are probably one of the easiest jutsu as long as there is land around. An example of Earth techniques would be Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique. Earth element is strong against water, but weak against lightning. Ninjas from Iwagakure commonly use Earth Release jutsu.

The lightning element is easy to spread out and suitable for techniques that are middle to long distance in offense. Though the least used element, it has shown to be quite devastating. The two best known Lightning Releases in Konoha are the techniques Chidori and Lightning Blade created by Kakashi Hatake who is the most prominent user of lightning techniques in Konohagakure. Most lightning attacks are quick yet powerful bolts of lightning or chakra generated lightning from the user's body. Lightning techniques are weak against wind techniques and are strong against earth techniques. Most lightning techniques are effective but the stronger lightning attacks take up great amounts of chakra and can only be used a certain amount of time in a day. Kumogakure shinobi usually use the Lightning Release.

Th element that I best use is different from the ones stated here. I do not use any of the five main elements but rather, my own unique element. This element is known as Carbon or Tanton Jutsu. My carbon jutsu has has many different prperties. Carbon can be found in many forms, as a gas, liquid and solid. So the only one that might be a problem for me would be lightning jutsu. If i were to be confronted by a lightning user, I would simply use my Ka-Bongurafaito no Jutsu - (Carbon Graphite). This jutsu creates carbon graphite polls that will attrached all lightning chakra and jutsu at it'self. Allowing me a few moments to strike back at my enemy untill the polls are broken.

Chakra takes time and lots of training to gradually build up. So what's really the key is not actually having chakra, but being able to sufficiently control it. Because, everyone has chakra, but only skilled ninjas can correctly "mold" and "manipulate" it to it's fullest extent. Molding chakra means to extract energies from both the body's cells and the mind's consciousness, then mixing them together within the individual. The amount of each energy will differ from the type of technique the ninja wishes to execute. In other words, a ninja could create too much or too little chakra for a given jutsu, and the chakra cannot be used efficiently. In addition, even if a ninja is able to mold the correct amount of chakra, if they aren't able to manipulate the chakra properly, the desired jutsu won't be as effective or not executed at all. Wasting energy will create a weakness of not being able to fight for a long period of time. As an in-between stage, some ninjas can partially control their chakra. This means they can use their chakra, but not effectively control it, which results in a poorly executed justu, and more importantly, running out of chakra early in a fight. To manipulate their chakra more easily, hand seals can be used. With these hand seals, users can control their chakra with higher efficiency, allowing them to execute their jutsu more effectively. Different jutsus require a different hand seals. When creating a Ninjutsu, the two methods of manipulating chakra are referred to as "elemental manipulation" and "spatial manipulation". Elemental manipulation deals with changing normal chakra into one of the 5 basic elemental chakra. Spatial manipulation deals with controlling the shape and potency of chakra. These 2 methods can be implemented separately or together in order to create a Ninjutsu.The general term for the exact molding and proper manipulation of chakra is "chakra control". Chakra control or manipulation, can also bee seen as molding the chakra into shapes of all kinds. A good example of this are the chakra strings that puppet users create. By molding their chakra into thin wires/strings, they are able to control their puppets from a long distance.

As the figure read through the pages of the book, Rain wrote it down word for word. The most that someone would be able to say was that she might have photographic memory or was a genius. And even if they noticed that it was the same from the text books, they would have no way of knowing how she had done it. She looked up from her paper and saw Lelia flick her hair, which was the sign that she needed help from Munnashi. Rain was also supposed to do this if she got stuck, but that would not be the case.

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

Taijutsu (体術; Literally meaning "Martial Arts") is a basic form of jutsu that generally speaking requires no chakra, but chakra may be used to enhance techniques. Taijutsu generally require no hand seals to perform and are much quicker to use than ninjutsu or genjutsu. Taijutsu is simply put, hand-to-hand combat or weaponry. Although it is used by nearly all ninja, Rock Lee and his teacher Might Guy use taijutsu almost exclusively, and are experts on many taijutsu techniques. Example of Taijutsu techniques are Dynamic Entry and Leaf Whirlwind. The Hyuga Clan's Gentle Fist, however, makes extensive use of chakra and demands great skill in its control. The taijutsu techniques are the right choices for those that want to save their time and chakra, or for those who rely on their physical attributes.

An additional aid in a ninjas' arsenal are the weapons they carry into battle. The normal weapon of a ninja consists of shuriken and kunai they carry in holsters on their body. These weapons can be used to increase teh effectivness of an attack by slicing and cutting the enemy rather than a punch. In addition a ninja can utilize strength boosting pills to aid in battle or unique weapons they can use with exceptional deadliness. Along with these, they will also carry items which may help them escape from traps or protect and heal themselves.

The Eight Gates are eight specific points on a person's chakra circulatory system. They limit the overall flow of chakra within a person's body. The basis for the idea of the chakra gates comes from the body's limits on the functions within it. This makes the body much weaker, but it keeps the body from expiring too soon. By opening these gates, the user can surpass their own physical limits at the cost of extreme damage to their own bodies. Rock Lee is able to open the first five gates. Guy, who taught Lee the skill, is able to open at least six. Kakashi can open at least one gate, as shown during Kakashi's one-handed rock climbing where a shot of his brain shows the relevant point activating, as well as in his usage of the Front Lotus. The list below are the gates in which I speek of:

1. Gate of Opening (開門, Kaimon) located in the brain. Releases the instinct restraints on the bodies muscle. Unlocking the gate allows the user to use the Front Lotus.

2. Gate of Healing (休門, Kyūmon) located in the brain, raises the user's stamina.

3. Gate of Life (生門, Seimon) located on the spinal cord. Releases the limit on the nervous system allowing information to travel at a much faster rate. A side effect is the users skin would turn red. Allows the user to use the Reverse Lotus.

4. Gate of Harm (傷門, Shōmon), located on the spinal cord. Increases the user's speed and power. Will cause muscles tissue to tear on use.

5. Gate of Limit (杜門, Tomon), Further increases speed and power. This gate is located along the spine.

6. Gate of View (景門, Keimon), Further increases speed and power, body becomes able to use Asakujaku technique. This gate is located along the spine.

7. Gate of Wonder (驚門, Kyōmon), Further increases speed and power. This gate is located along the spine. Allows the user to perform the Eternal Chaotic Dance.

8. Gate of Death (死門, Shimon) opens the final gate located at the heart and uses up all of the body's energy. It makes the heart pump at maximum power and exceeds the power of every other gate. All the energy in every individual cell is used up, giving the user power well above that of any Kage. This "big bang" effect is only temporary, and destroys every muscle in the user's body, including the heart.

The state of having all Eight Gates open is known as Eight Gates Released Formation or Eight Gates Battle Encampment (八門遁甲の陣, Hachimon Tonko no Jin). Any shinobi who activates this state will temporarily gain powers greater than a Kage. However, it is implied by opening the Death Gate, that shinobi will surely die afterwards.

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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Feb 10, 2009 7:49 am

A few moments after activating his Keiji, Munashii spied a good candidate for cheating off of. Thanks to his seat placement and improved Keiji sight, he was able to see another Genin make some handsigns under his desk. Watching from under his show of stress, Munashii saw him write down the answers he had found. Memorising them in a few moments, he de-activated his Keiji and started to pen the answers, altering them where he thought was appropriate.

1. The five elements are wind, lightning, fire, water and earth.

Each one of these elements has a weakness and strength against another element, listed as follows:
Fire is stronger against Wind, but weak against Water.
Wind is strong against Lightning, but is weaker when opposed with Fire.
Lightning has strength against Earth, but a weakness against Wind.
Earth has an advantage against Water, but lacks strength when against Lightning.
Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth.

My dominant element is Wind. If it was opposed against Earth, a ninja could exploit Wind’s cutting ability to cut through most of the techniques that Earth can utilise.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to use chakra and mold something such as existing water and or fire into a shape. It’s also shown in the Rasengan, how Naruto Uzamaki created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity for anything.

2. Taijutsu is attacks made by hand to hand, using your body to cause damage to your opponent. Ninja tools can be utilised to augment taijutsu attacks, such as shuriken, which can be used to attack opponents that get out of range of your reach, extending your attack range.

The eight gates are basically valves that regulate the flow of chakra around the body. These gates can be forced open to unleash approximately ten times more power, although extreme damage to the body is expected. The Fifth Gate, The Gate of Limit, increases the users speed and power, tearing up the ninjas’ muscles in the process.

3. The use of genjutsu is to tire out your opponent before any true physical combat is made. It can be used to put the opponent in a hypnosis like state or, even in reality making them walk in circles for hours on end never getting anywhere. This is achieved by making chakra imbalances in the targets brain, causing their senses to become confused.

To fight a sharigan user, I believe a basic trap affect would work best. Place five explosive notes down in an area with a single one in the centre, then make them dodge attacks while you remain hidden and cause them to tire themselves out while trying to get you. Then when they’re tired and weak spring the trap, causing them to be blown away while in the trap.

The easiest way for a sharigan user to cast a genjutsu without moving or using there eyes would be the technique of Utakata – Ephemeral.

Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes; a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

4. The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the Kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are three of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame, Momochi Zabuza and Kurosuki Raiga. Zabuza was defeated and killed by a Hidden leaf ninja, the jounin Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai also a jounin of the Hidden Leaf village. Since the Leaf Village resides in the Land of Fire, it could be said that the Fire Country defeated these ninja.

5. The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, and the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the descendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

6. The second to oldest village in the ninja world would be Sunagakure. Sandaime Kazekage was murdered by Akatsuki member Sasori and made into one of his puppets.

The last three questions were not like the others, which all had definite answers. These were personal questions, in that they asked what you would do personally if in a certain scenario. Munashii thought carefully before answering these questions.

7. Should my team-mate be unable to maintain stealth for reasons beyond his/her ability to control, I would have them guard my escape route while I went ahead to complete the mission. I would make sure that they are properly camouflaged so as to reduce the risk of discovery. While this may have put my team-mate in some peril, if they are unable to maintain stealth then we would be caught. Not only would the mission be failed, but it could spark off a war, putting the entire Village in peril, which is unacceptable.

If my team-mate is just clumsy, I would send him back to the Village and continue on alone, as his/her ineptness would result in the above.

8. Should battle be unavoidable, I would do my best to make quick work of the missing-nin. If a quick solution proved to be impossible, I would break off the battle and continue on my original mission. I would send word back to the Village of the encounter, so that my superiors my take steps to apprehend the missing-nin. Should the missing-nin still be around when my mission is completed, I would then use all my ability to apprehend or, if necessary, eliminate him.

9. Should my team-mate question orders, I would attempt to bring him back around, explaining why stealth was necessary. Should this prove impossible and he/she remains defiant, I would inform them that they are about to violate a direct order and ask if they truly understood what they were doing. Should they persist, I would be forced to incapacitate him/her and bring them back to the Village for the judgement of our superiors on the grounds of treachery and attempting to compromise the safety of their Village. When I have brought them back, I would continue on with the mission with a new team-mate or, if no-one were available, by myself.

Looking over his test, he felt that he had performed to the best of his ability. Turning the test over, he looked around the room. Should his team-mates be unable to answer, he had a plan. While writing his answers, he had also been writing an abbreviated version on a small piece of paper. Secreted in his clothes was some ninja wire, which he would tie the notes onto. Should either of them give the signal, he would send his chakra along the wire and manipulate it along the floor to his team-mates, up their legs and into their laps.

Watching his team-mates for the signal, he hoped it would not come to that. He doubted he would be caught, but if he was, it was all their necks.

Just as that thought went through his head, he saw Lelia give the signal. He put his hands in his lap and began twiddling his thumbs. In reality, he was tying the answers to the wire, his dexterous hands and fingers coming into their own. When it was done, he sent his chakra down the wire, manipulating it to slide silently across the floor and towards his friend. All through this, he never stopped twiddling his thumbs and never looked at his team-mate, instead letting his gaze glide across the room in the bored fashion of someone who was waiting to be excused.

The wire finally reached Lelia and started to snake up her leg. The answers were soon in her lap.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

Posts : 226
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Join date : 2009-01-04
Location : England

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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Guest Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:28 pm

Lelia felt the line of wire snake up her leg around her boots quietly as it layed onto her lap. As if utterly confused and stressed, Lelia placed her palms to her forhead as her elbows stood on the desk. Giving her the ability to look at the answers on her lap. Quickly, she memorized them by keyword and picked up her pencil after looking through what was on her lap. Dashing down the answers quickly, but in a drolling fashion as her mind repeated the words to her. Nudging the cheat sheet on the wire to let Munashi know he could take it back.

~3) The genjutsu is the fiven ability to tire out your opponent before any physical combat is made. Its a deception that sends the mind of the opponent into belieiveing reality is there when its not, such as walking in circles, seeing the user somewhere where they're not, or even seeing flower petals twirling about them which tend to actually be shurrikan. This is achieved by making chakra imbalances in the targets brain,confusing their senses on what's real.

To fight a sharigan user, a basic trap affect would work best. Place five explosive notes down in an area with a single one in the centre, then make them dodge attacks while you remain hidden and cause them to tire themselves out while trying to get you. Then when they’re tired and weak spring the trap, causing them to be blown away while in the trap.

Without movement, a Sharingan user would easily be able to perform: technique of Utakata – Ephemeral.

Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes; a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

4) The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the Kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are three of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame, Momochi Zabuza and Kurosuki Raiga. Zabuza was defeated and killed by a Hidden leaf ninja, the jounin Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai also a jounin of the Hidden Leaf village. Since the Leaf Village resides in the Land of Fire, it could be said that the Fire Country defeated these ninja.

5) The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konohagakure. The two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the descendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

6) The second to oldest village in the ninja world would be Sunagakure. Sandaime Kazekage was murdered by Akatsuki member Sasori and made into one of his puppets.

Lelia read them over and headed to the next questions.

Reading them over, she found she didn't need any help on these ones. They were pretty basic.

~ 7) I would be left with two options. Send them or bring them. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to finish off the mission with them as they are incapable of stealth. I'd have to send them back to the village and carry on without him/her on my own if a replacement wasn't sent quickly.

8 ) The missing nin is not part of the mission. Siply, I would disreagard them and hurry off for my duties.

9) There would be no point in killing my partner. That would only leave me accounted for the blood on my hands. I would turn to him and reapeart, sternly, the orders given from our Kage and give him two choices. Choice A, shut up and follow orders, or Choice B, face being sent back to the villagge and when I returned, my report will include him and what he had chosen to do against the Kage's direct orders. The choice would be his and I'd carry the mision with or without him. Also, if he were to choose neither and would not head back to the village, I would have no choice but to tie him to a tree untill I came back for him. A mission means business. No child's play.~

Lelia looked over her answers. Quite grateful for the help of Munashii. Proudly, she flipped the page over, set her pencil down and closed her eyes as her chin rested on her laced fingers that's elbows balanced on the table. Her long hair sliding over her shoulders in the motion. She was done and, guessing, so was Munashi. Now, what about Rain? Lelia was placed near the front rows, and Rain wasn't seen there. Behind her somewhere probably. However, Lelia wasn't going to turn around, that would be automatically counted as cheating she bet. Lelia decided just to await patientlly. That kunnoichi was smart from the looks of her face. She would do fine, and if needed help, Lelia would figure out something.


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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:38 pm

Noting that Lelia was scribbling away at her own paper after a few moments of 'stress', Munashii began the retraction. Within seconds, the wire was back to him, and secreted up his sleeve. Now that Lelia had been given the answers that he had spied, all that was left was Rain. Scanning the room as a whole, he kept his eye on the youngest member of the team, waiting to see if she required the answers that he had found.

However, she was scribbling away without any indication that she was going to get stuck anytime soon. It appeared that she was quite the academic. However, he still watched and waited, just in case.
Munashii Hissori
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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Kenshi Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:31 pm

Yoshimo walked in the door checking on the genin that were taking the exams. It seemed as if though three of them were already done. The looks on their faces, and their papers turned over, and roaming eyes. They weren't trying to cheat, they were just done. He looked at them, they were all from Konohagakure. Konohagakure must have had some great cheaters or smart individuals. He looked over at them, and smiled.

"If you are done follow me into the next room. Give me your test, and if you make a word was you walk by to anyone else, I'll kill you myself. Keep your eyes on me."

Yoshimo waited for them to get up. He knew that most of them would be done early, and he didn't want to make them wait for the others. Also, by getting rid people that were done, they could cut down on the cheaters, and make it harder on everyone.


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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Mirage Tue Feb 10, 2009 11:58 pm

The ark figure closed the book that lay before it. Leaning back in the chair, it let out a small but faint "sigh".

Rain finished writting her answers and placed her pen down on her desk. After looking over her answers one last time, she turned it over and looked around the room. It seemed that both of her teammates were already done with their own papers and they could do nothing now but wait.

It was at that very moment that Yoshimo walked in. Rain followed his eyes as he scanned the room. His words were harsh and cruel but Rain did not care. Following his directions, Rain slowly stood up from her seat and walked over to him. She carefuly handed him her paper and then turned to make sure that Lelia and Munashii were following.

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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:18 am

Munashii watched as Rain put down her pen and turn over her test. Well, seems like she didn't need his assistance after all. If she had cheated, then she had been very good at it.

He looked up as his sensei walked through the door and heard his orders... and his threat. This mildly suprised him, but it didn't worry him in the slightest. This was the Chuunin Exams, and Munashii had prepared himself for anything. Standing with his team-mates, he passed over his exam paper and followed the Raikage.
Munashii Hissori
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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:04 am

As much as Yoshimo didn't want to be harsh on his own team, he had to. He couldn't make it easier for one team or the other. He was running the Chuunin Exams, and he had to be fair for everyone. After all, the Kage's had agreed on letting him do the Chuunin Exams. He was supposed to let the proctors run the show, but he'd convinced them to let him run it this time. He couldn't fail his country by losing its reputation. He only hoped that he wasn't going over board.

Yoshimo took their papers and read through them, reading all their possible answers. No matter how wrong they were he knew that they'd pass. He didn't mean to threaten them, but again, everyone had to be treated equal. He looked at Munashii's paper, while he waited for Lelia to finish.

He didn't answer Shape Manipulation, but he'd gotten most of number one right. Number two was correct, and number three was amazing. He'd even somehow got the part about the legend Uchiha Itachi right. But it was the last three that he was looking on. He smiled a bit as he read them, liking the answers that he'd put down. Yoshimo then looked through Rain's paper, who'd answered everything right!! She has to be a genius of some sort...Or a really good cheater. He thought to himself quickly.

'Lets hope that they pass the 10th question'

He hoped they would.


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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Guest Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:08 pm

Lelia looked up as Yoshimo entered, after he spoke his hard words, she picked up her sheet and followed her teammates. Doing exactly as told as she handed him her paper and eyed him quietly with keen silvery eyes. Innocence displayed on her face as her mind clicked to the ready for what was to come next. She stood by her teammates with her fingers laced behind her. Standing almost proudly as she did so, following when they left the room.

Outside the door, Sanshain stood impatiently as he tipped his head at her side to side. He had wanted to come in with her; however, he was just to big to sit by her side like other animal companions. Plus, he would have been an automatic view of cheat. Sanshain was brilliant in stealth, but passing answers. That was another dealing.

Lelia seemed to pay him no attention as her eyes stayed as commanded. She wasn’t going to risk anything for her team. Sanshain whined at her and followed. The girl thought of asking if dogs were allowed, but the orders bouncing in her mind kept her quiet. Her expression only changed for silencing the question.


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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 11, 2009 6:52 pm

Yoshimo continued to shuffle through the exams as Lelia's was quickly graded. She was now finished with her test, and he could see her opinions on some of the answers. He didn't think they'd cheated, rather that they thought the same, because most of their answers were similar. They were already thinking the same, which was good. It would help them as they became Kumogakure shinobi and kunochi.

~ 7) I would be left with two options. Send them or bring them. Obviously, I wouldn't be able to finish off the mission with them as they are incapable of stealth. I'd have to send them back to the village and carry on without him/her on my own if a replacement wasn't sent quickly.

8 ) The missing nin is not part of the mission. Siply, I would disreagard them and hurry off for my duties.

9) There would be no point in killing my partner. That would only leave me accounted for the blood on my hands. I would turn to him and reapeart, sternly, the orders given from our Kage and give him two choices. Choice A, shut up and follow orders, or Choice B, face being sent back to the villagge and when I returned, my report will include him and what he had chosen to do against the Kage's direct orders. The choice would be his and I'd carry the mision with or without him. Also, if he were to choose neither and would not head back to the village, I would have no choice but to tie him to a tree untill I came back for him. A mission means business. No child's play.~

They were some interesting answers, but none the less they were what Yoshimo was looking for. They were becoming smarter and smarter everyday. Reaching over to a desk, Yoshimo grabbed a green stamper and stamped the test.


After that, Yoshimo handed them their tests, and walked out of the room. He closed the door quickly behind him, as to conceal which room he would be residing in. Mystery was apart of the 10th question.



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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Mirage Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:57 am

Rain looked at her paper to see the stamp that told them the next step. She walked down the hall untill she reached their room. They were not going in the same room as Yoshimo which did not matter. Rain knew that they would be able to overcome whatever lay behind that door. she did not bother waiting for Munashii or Lelia they knew where to go and could see the door from where they stood. For Rain, things might be difficult if teamwork was required. She had never worked on a team before and was not used to some of it's concepts.

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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:46 am

Munashii gave a small smile when he saw the that he and his team-mates had passed the first nine questions part of the Written Exam. Doing as he was instructed, he made his way down to Room 206. He was certain that whatever challenge awaited them for the 10th Question, they would pass through it without trouble. He knew that his fellow genin were talented ninja, and the Chuunin Exam would bring them together and make them show their true power. Maybe power they never even knew they had.

When the rest of his team-mates were gathered, he opened the door into the room beyond.
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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:29 pm

Lelia looked at her paper. Passing. Mentally, she smiled slightly proudly as she headed to the door specified. Rain had already taken steps a little faster than she and Munashi; perhaps she was excited to head on in her ninja course. Quickly, Lelia smoothly made her way to the door, Sanshain on her heels in curiosity. Looking at her teammates for a second, she offered a comforting smile as Munashi twisted the door handle and pushed it open. Sanshain intriguly looked at what lied behind the door, as did his Mistress. Wondering what was to lie behind it and what was to be the next step in the Exam for Chuunin. However, no matter what was to come, she held great faith that her team would make it all the way. They were stronger than most she’d seen, keener too, adding on to their last struggle with their village, this wasn’t too big of a deal yet.


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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:46 pm

Just like the other teams, they entered a room hiddent within the darkness. This one was a little big more rough, it was filled with leaking water, and a flashing light above, which seemed to flash and buzz everytime water dripped off of it. There was a damp, musty smell that clung to the air like a child at a teat. It stunk horribly like sweaty clothes, and a dirty toliet. This room was different from the rest. Who'd let such a room smell like this? Maybe it was the janitorial room. Whatever it was the darkness seemed to be the worst of them all, clinging to the walls, and hiding Yoshimo himself. It would be hard for Munashii to smell him, but Yoshimo figured he would. He'd smelled his blood once before, and he'd probably gotten used to it. No one would be able to see him though, and that would play a major role in the 10th question. He spoke, letting his voice come from all directions of the darkness. It was deeper than normal, almost demon-like.

"Well, well, well. My kids. As much as I don't want to test you I have to. So here's how this will work. I want you to do whatever I tell you. Follow my rules exactly."

Yoshimo didn't wait for a response, he kept talking.

"Munashii I don't want you to move a muscle, Rain and Lelia however. I want you to place a kunai on each others necks, and look each other straight in the eye. Munashii, I want you to take a tagged note...A real one..and place it on your chest. Do what I say, or I'll denotate the tagged notes that cover this whole place."

Yoshimo watched and waited.

How would they react?


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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Mirage Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:22 pm

Th edarkness of the room made Rain feel safe and warm. Yoshimo's voice could be heard in the darkness but he was nowhere to be seen. At the command of placing a kunai on Lelia's neck, Rain's swift movements were instant. A kunai dropped down from her sleeve and into her hand as she brought it up quickly to Lelia's neck. The cold metal pressed against her skin just enough so that it would not draw blood. Rain tilted her head as she looked into Lelia's eyes. For almost a moment, a slight twitch of her mouth could be seen. It was unclear as to whether it was a smile or just a sudden muscle twitch.

Rain was also listening to try to pinpoint where Yoshimo was hiding, but try as she might, she could not find him. Rain was very still as her expressionless face gazed into Lelia's.

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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Guest Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:33 pm

Lelia, as the final words were spoken had two thoughts that could have been played out, but Rain made the first move. Leaving her to her first thought.

Matching Rain almost as quickly in almost a natural reaction, her kunai slipped out from her side pocket. The tip barely touching the kunnoichi’s neck. Silvery eyes locked hers as her expression fell fallen. She stared almost blankly at the girl, but a slight perk of the eyes left her dangerous in look.

Sanshain looked between the girls in choked gasp. He almost attacked Rain, but the stance of his mistress, that situation under control placement of body, gave him a stern, frozen no. He looked about the room, ears perked high as he sniffed the air and searched for the Spoken. His animal night sight giving him some edge of what lied in the room. Helping him slightly, but for a long moment, he could see or sense anything but the undetermined placement of presence. He took a step in front of Lelia, almost protectivly as he looked and stopped in his place to focus.


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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Feb 12, 2009 3:20 pm

Munashii entered the dark room without hesistation, stepping confidently forward. Even his eyes could not pierce this darkness, so instead of straining them for vision, he did the only logical thing.

He closed his eyes.

With the distraction of the flickering light gone, Munashii's senses where opened. He tried to smell out his sensei's location, but due to the disgusting odour he could only slightly sense his scent.

When Yoshimo-sensei gave his orders, Munashii appeared to co-operate, taking a explosive tag and attaching it to his chest. He had not been totally idle however. Using his sensei's speech, he managed to get a general location of his whereabouts in the room. Because of the echo of his voice, Munashii had to concentrate, as well as using Yoshimo-sensei's scent, to provide a little more accuracy to his estimate.

He heard the two girls get out their kunai and place them on each others necks. In these tests, there was always the danger of harm. If he wanted to do anything, he needed to disarm his team-mates first. Then using the explosive tag on his chest, he would get close to Yoshimo-sensei before he can explode any of his own tags. With an explosive tag close enough to blow him to pieces, his sensei might stop this.

Thought and action blended into one as Munashii swiftly moved forward. Taking the kunai out of his team-mates hands, he made a move towards his sensei's position. Now armed with the the kunai, Munashii had some chance at getting close enough for this plan to work.

"I'm sorry sensei, but I cannot follow that order", Munashii said quietly as he headed towards Yoshimo-sensei's location. "I could never stand by and do nothing when my team-mates are ordered into peril".
Munashii Hissori
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Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori) Empty Re: Team Kumo (Rain Matari, Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi, Munashii Hissori)

Post by Kenshi Thu Feb 12, 2009 4:58 pm

He literally wanted to cry. Munashii was a natural born leader. The way he'd reacted towards the question, and his rate of response was amazing. He didn't even give Yoshimo any time to mess around with them. Munashii had the ability to become the "Next". Yoshimo smiled as several lights clicked on, and his hand could be seen fingering a light switch. He was in a deep corner, and the darkness seemed to withdraw towards him, as it was its source. Yoshimo knew that Munashii would find him. His senses were too sharp.

"Wow, Munashii. You've got a strong heart, and a strong will. Out of all the teams you were the only one to react so quickly. It pained me to make you do it, but the question had to be answered. You are indeed great. All of you are. If I could, I'd make you chuunin right now."

Yoshimo placed a hand on Munashii's shoulder.

"You have the potential to become a great leader, an even better one than me.", Yoshimo's voice got softer.."Maybe even the "Next". But for now, I need you to hurry up to Unraikyo. You can lead your team to victory, whether it be Chuunin, or even Jounin."

Yoshimo sighed and looked at Lelia and Rain.

"You all follow Munashii to Unraikyo. Make sure you get there fast...When you meet up with the rest of the teams, I'll be there."

Walking out of the corner and to a side door, Yoshimo left them to theirselves.


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