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The Return...

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The Return... Empty The Return...

Post by Kyo Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:58 pm

"The time is ripe for the picking... let the now be what once was... I feel the lessening of my power..."

A dark cloak snapped in the wind that whirled around the strange man. The air was chilly and damp, leaving beads of dew on his hair as the moon lit up the area. As he spoke, the sound of a thousand scream emerged aswell, leaving a eire feeling for those that could not hear him. He slowly lifted his hood from his head and moved back his hair. His black locks flicked the water from their strands and lay motionless on his head once more. Moving forward, he touched every gravestone that was near him. This was unknown as to whether it was a sign of respect or obsession. Beneath his skin, faces moved about, stretching and clawing.

With his time in hiding, he was now finaly able to control the souls that lurked within him. If one were to stray to far, Kyo would release him only to be devoured by the Soul Keeper. There were very few that could see the Soul Keeper. There were many that plagued the earth that went unnoticed, but this one followed Kyo everywhere. Knowing that a soul could be released from this endless fountain, it never strayed to far from him. A Soul Keeper could onnly be seen by those that have died or when it feeds on losts souls.

The Return... The_Soul__s_Keeper_by_PathologicalA

Kyo turned around to see it's masked face still peering at him. The Soul Keepers were strange creatured not dead nor alive. Theywould eat any lost of wandering souls. When a soul is eaten by one of these creatures, they are lost forever. Not death, nor GOD himself could retreave these poor souls from their agonizing capture. Annoyed as usual, he sped up his pace only to have it float just the same. Kyo lifted the handle to the gate of the cemetary and walked out. Closing the gate behind him, he looked at the village that was breaming with life. After a minute of watching the empty streets, Kyo made his way to the village gate and dissapeared into the surrounding woods.

"Weep now, for I have returned..."

The Return... 2-11-200960058PM-1

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Join date : 2008-11-21

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