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The first meeting of Team Frontline

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Nov 30, 2008 4:50 pm

"Climb it? Not a problem....I think..." Hoshimaru said as he made a hand seal. "Chakra Strings!" he shouted as he drew chakra strings from his fingertips and threw them to the side of the puppet high up. "Wait for me, Sendo!" He made sure the strings were attached then pulled tight, lifted himself up and started climbing up the puppet by running and holding onto the strings. When he got close to the end of the first set of strings, he threw another set up higher and then started to run to those. Wait! he thought to himself. These are definitely gonna get cut. "Sendo!" Hoshimaru yelled. "You want some chakra string or something? Or is there something I can help with?"

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:00 pm

Sendo's spirit was lifted. The team was finaly coming together, well half of it anyways. Where was Rtusubo? "I got this covered," he replied to Hoshimaru as he altered his course to go diaganol instead of straight up. This brought him closer to his partner with out hindering his progress up the tower. They had made it halfway up the first level already. What was Ippin waiting on, he was sure something was going to be comeing at them from somewhere soon. Sendo began gathering chakra in preperation for the inevitable attack.


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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:51 pm

Rtusubo stood their studying the tower he new it was dangerous to climb it, by actauly touching it so he took out a peice of paper again and quickly drew a new landscape, one that had a stairway reaching to the third level, he then did hand signs, "Lanscape sclulpture" He quickly ran up the new peice of land, It was no illusion it was 100% real. His tiger came up behidn him and he jumped onto it know it would be much faster. The tiger started to go much faster then it had before giving him an advantage of speed and the land, two peices of paper went into the sky, they had drawings of many small birds, "animal" He said as he finshed the hand signs, the other paper raced down to Hoshimaru and Sendo, telling them to take the much more safer way, and very succesful, unless Ippin did something. The small birds crowded around the Ippin, limiting his eyesite to birds, he couldnt see through the puppets so he had no way of knowing where they where, unless he saw with diamonds. All he had to do know was jump onto the building. His tiger would protect him, unlike his clones they where much stronger ad be able to protect from at least 5 attacks. The tiger jumped from the land, using the momentom to run up the tower an extra five feet, giving him a bosst, then actaully jumping off of the tiger would give him a great boost too.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:11 pm

Ippin smirked as each of the members of the group took a different route up the puppet. It was time to cause a little turmoil.He closed both his eyes and then opened them glowing and seeing through the puppet. Right at the first level ippin made Diamond shards sprout from the puppet that almost no being alone could climb through or over. He then made that stairway that rtusubo was using completely diamond and smooth and would cause him to fall back. Ippin then opened 3 scrolls and placed it at his feet ready for his next move of attack.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sun Nov 30, 2008 7:27 pm

"Ah! Slippery" He jumped from the tiger, grasping the end of the stair case. HE tried to lift himself up but the daimond was to slippery for him to even move his feet very much without losing his grip, even the corner of it was slippery, he used the landscape jutsu too much. He could use a clone or two, but it would be a waiste of chakra, a weapon wouldnt help him at all, he thought for a second he pulled out a kunai, and tried to get the kunai stuck in it like an ice pick, but if he only made scratches on it. He used his upperbody strength to fling him onto the building, it was difficult he used a lot of his chakra using the landscape jutsu. But he grabed onto an edge, he quickly scramble to his feet, he was barely holding on, but he was at the third level. He was actauly a little scared that something strange would come out and eat him. That made him want to get to the top faster, he started pull himself up, climbing from strange monster that would pop out and eat him viciously.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:21 pm

Hoshimaru felt the shards start to penetrate his sandals so he jumped off the puppet altogether but extended the chakra strings so he could still hold on to the structure. While on the ground, Hoshimaru used an attack to propel him towards the top of the puppet. "Lightning Release - Great Thunderball!" Hoshimaru gathered lightning chakra into his hand and jumped. A huge ball of lightning chakra roughly the size of Hoshimaru's body formed. As Hoshimaru came down, he thrust the ball towards the ground. On impact, the ball exploded and thrust Hoshimaru into the air above the puppet. "Chakra Strings!" he yelled as he threw a set of chakra strings and attached them above where Rtusubo was on the puppet. He drew himself in and landed right next to Rtusubo, gathering chakra in his feet so he would stay balanced. "Alright, I'm here. Let's go! Twin Thunderbolts!" he said as he made the appropriate hand seals and made the Thunderbolts in his hands and positioned himself for combat.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:36 pm

Rtusubo was climbing like amonster, he didn't care what was behind him he just wanted to get to the top of this monsterous puppet thing. Since Hshimaru was using lightning as a boost, he would grab onto Hoshimaru when he passed himself, and fly up with him. He knew sendo had some sort of good plan so hewasnt worried about him. He had a random knife like thing come at his feet, he flipped his feet up, and he had his back gainst the tower, upside down. He had a good grip with his feet so how flip again in a normal position. This got him to the fourth level, he had a long way to go.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:16 pm

Ippin smirked it was time to reveal even more of the puppets abilitys. Ippin summonded his other puppets to the field of battle and smirked. The three puppets were Fuhen, Sentrov, Setrov.

The first puppet Fuhen was Ippin’s first totally diamond puppet, it was created by him with the guidance and help of his clan’s elders. He made it as a ‘coming of age’ of sorts. It has metal armor plates on the outside that are connected to the puppet via an airtight locking connection. The armor plating is black, and the diamond can be seen between the armor plates. The face of the armor of the puppet has a red design; this is actually a seal that has an amount chakra sealed in it. There is also a diamond in the center of the seal he loved this puppet and it was sorted with different types of weapons.

Fuhen was given a chakra string from the city's diamond core and then it fliped open its blades and then flew up to where horishumaru for a air battle.

The second puppet Sentrov resembles a person, but has 6 arms and is used to take the enemy on from a distance in fights, it has black hair, dark red skin, and wears a white cloak, when used to take on the enemy he devotes most of his chakra to sentrov, thus it works good with setrov as a protection. Unlike setrov, this puppet does not bear the synthetic skin it does. Chakra strings can be channeled through setrov to this puppet to give the appearance of it being controlled by the other puppet. This puppet’s wooden structure is a medium weight wood. Was attached with a 2 strings and then used its own abilitys to begin climb down to take a shot at Rtusubo. When it got in range Sentrov opened its mouth and shot poision needles at Rtusubo.

The third puppet setrov which looked like ippin took the place on the top level looking like it was controling the other puppets.

Ippin himself sank into the diamond and was ready to use some scare tactics on the genin He went after Sendo with his diamond blade out and sliding through the diamond make a path using the puppets attack orb. When he arrived where sendo was he shot his sword out at him from the diamond aiming for sendo's stomach.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sun Nov 30, 2008 9:28 pm

He watched the puupets, he quickly climbed out of the way, as the needles shot by, he grabed one and sent it at the crazy beast, he threw several shuriken that way. He stood up right on the building and ran around the monster throwing random shuriken and kunai at it and kept running upwards, he always had some paper drawn, he took it out and did hand signs well running, "Ink clone" A three other heads came from his neck giving him sight in ever direction. He hadn't have much chakra left, so he ran as fast as he could he new, he had past his expectation of how far he expected them to get, he was getting clsoer than he thought he ever would. He was excepting much more pupets to come out.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Dec 01, 2008 12:22 am

As Fuuhen approached Hoshimaru, Hoshimaru drew out his katana and let chakra flow into it. "Energy Blade!" he shouted and the katana started glowing and a blue aura manifested itself around it. Hoshimaru defended himself against Fuhen's blades with his strengthened sword and then pushed himself down so he landed on top of the giant fortress puppet out of Fuhen's range. Before he pushed away, he attached a chakra string to the center of the puppet and now that he was on the fortress, he began to charge chakra. After a short charge up, leaving enough time before a potential attack from Fuhen could happen, he used his technique. "Lightning Release - Discharge!!!" he shouted. First, a blast from a large amount of lightning chakra radiated around him, but that's not the attack he was trying to do. His chakra strings were able to conduct his electric-natured chakra, so the Discharge attack traveled up the string he made to Fuhen. The discharge could have even been conducted by the fortress puppet, but he didn't even think about that. Alright Hoshimaru thought. That should damage his puppet, and maybe the charge will travel through the first puppet's chakra string and maybe do some damage to the giant puppet. Damnit, this guy uses too many puppets!!! In case the Discharge didn't work, he was ready to use his katana again.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:05 am

Sendo swung his body and pushed off of the structure with his feet, adding a little bit of chakra for a small boost to propell himself farther. He went straight out from the building farther than the reach of the diamonds. He threw two kunai which stuck into the structure on the second level about six feet above the diamond layer Ippin had just made. He made a few hand signs and peroformed two jutsu in conjunction with one another. "Water Whip Jutsu," he created a whip of water that wrapped around his wrist at one end. With the other he struck the side of the structure between the two kunai. "Electromagnetic murder," a pulse of electricity appeared around his wrists and sped down the length of water whip. The metal kunai conducted the electricity as well, bonding the whip to the structure. Sendo tugged hard bringing himself to the kuani, and he released the jutsu. He stood on top of the new diamond floor Ippin had made in attempt to stop him. After a moment of rest he grabbed the kunai again and continued his method of scaling the wall. He would meet the team at the top at all costs and together they would do what was needed to get the targets.


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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:32 pm

Ippin smriked as Horishuma reached the supposed final level when the puppet changed a final level from the inside of the puppet shifted up into the air and on top of that structure stood ippin and a core tha size of ippin's torso on it. Ippin smirked as he threw 3 scrolls at each of the student and when each of the scrolls landed at first a single circular ball appeared with 8 arms then 2 more of the same appeared and then one more from each scroll with a red diamond with a symbol type on it. These were ippins metrovs and they had a explosive power to them of sorts.

Fuhen smirked as its natural lightning chakra core just absorbed the lightning chakra that came towards it then flew forward its blades getting ready to attack Hoshimaru while the Metrovs advanced on him.

Sentrov then shot out 87 kunai at rtusubo and his clones. These kunai were wired so even if they miss they would cause rtusubo to be all tied up or cut to shreds depending on the situation.

Setrov this time entered the diamond channel ippin had come through and soon appeared at sendo and stood before Sendo with ippin's fathers blade.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:42 pm

Rtusubo's gaint bird came to save the day, it flew in front of him and absorbed most of the kunai, and exploded sending ink and kunai in many different directions. Rtusubo at the same time jumed onto the crows head and rebounded much higher onto the buidling almost at the top. It would probaly be the last jutsu he would use, so if he didnt get brutaly killed in the next few seconds he could probaly defend himself, as the others climb and keep the puppets back for a few seconds. He pulled out a piece of paper it had a drawing of two large circular weapons, they had large spikes and were blue much like the weapons Axel from kingdom hearts has. He did hand signs, as the weapons apeared in his hands he remained climbing up deflecting the last few kunai that came his way.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:46 pm

Crap! It absorbed the attack! Hoshimaru thought. He now had Fuhen and 3 Metrovs flying towards him. Alright, this should buy me enough time to escape and get the puppets out of the picture. "Lightning Element - Discharge!" Hoshimaru screamed. He had enough chakra left in him for another decent Discharge. After this attack he would definitely be tired, but it was worth it. There was no possible way ALL of Ippin's puppets could absorb chakra, and the explosive force of his technique would even be able to knock Fuhen back. As the puppets came within striking distance, he released the blast, knocking all of the puppets back. Ugh, now to get out of here...

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:57 pm

Rtusubo kept running up the tower, he was just about at the top before he slipped, he didnt have enough chakra to keeping using his feet. he quickly grabed the top of the tower, as the sharpness of it penetrated his skin, his clenched his fist as he slowly pulled his hand out. He reached into his bag and grabed bandages, and wrapped them around his hand, he used the last bit of chakra that was useable he stood up, with his circular weapons on the tip of the tower. His extra heads started sto slowly melt, then exploded sending ink everywhere, the back of his body wass completely covered with ink, and anything near him was too. He grabbed the tip of the tower and grabbed his weapons and threw them in the direction of the puppets "whach out!" He yelled to hoshimaru and sendo, he had tied strings to the end of them so he could pull them back, one was sent to the puppet by hoshimaru and the other was sent in ippin's direction protectng Sendo.

Shinimori had been watching from insed the forest. He sat, leaning by a tree right by the clearing, he could be seen perfectly. He watched as the genin tried to climb the building. His headband was nowhere to be found since he threw it away, he was trying to start a new.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:58 am

Sendo watched as Ippin's puppet apeared below him. He was already half way to the next level. Also he was now faced with something that looked like it could explode. This sparked an idea inside of his head. He pulled himself onto the kunai, standing on them. He perfromed a few handsings and, "Free Will Explosion Jutsu." He called this out and applied it to Ippins puppet. Now at any time, all Sendo had to do was perform a single handsign and the puppet would explode. He left it for now though. He stayed stationary on the kuani. He was already down to 60% chakra. He wasn't even close to ready to tangle with Ippin, he would have to use his head in this.


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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:52 pm

Ippin smirked as he stood watching the events this battle had become very high on chakra stakes for everyone including ippin himself. He made the metrov's at hoshimaru charge at him taking in all the electricity and then landing at his feet with a slight tick as the explosion notes had been triggered.

Setrov pulled out a diamond kunai and threw it at Sendo as the metrov that was closest to sendo had begun to tick. and the other 2 stayed there distance.

Fuhen just stood there in front of a explosion that was where Hoshimaru just was. It flipped back in its blades and stood there.

Sentrov flew up into the air and appeared behind Rtusubo Its chest catagorie open and wires creeping at Rtusubo as its trap was being sprung.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:31 pm

After the smoke from the explosion had cleared, a charred log was all there was. Meanwhile, Hoshimaru had escaped by jumping into the air above Fuhen. No freaking way, Hoshimaru thought. I was sure that at least the force of the explosion would have knocked them back. This is going to be harder than I thought...and I thought it would be hard in the first place! As he began his descent, he saw that Fuhen had retracted its blades. Hoshimaru saw this as the perfect opportunity to attack. He drew his katana and ran his chakra through the blade for an Energy Blade attack. He also tried to find a weak spot in Fuhen's body, but since it was made of diamond, it was going to be hard to find. He finally decided to try and cut off the head since the joints were always the weakest parts of any structure. He swung for Fuhen's neck with his charged blade as hard as he could hoping to at least make a crack. After he made contact, he quickly stuck on an exploding note to Fuheb's neck just to be sure. Then he jumped back holding his katana in a defensive position.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:19 pm

Rtususbo didnt have neoguh chakra for any jutsu, accept maybe one or two substitution jutsu, but he wanted to save his chakra for taijutsu. He quickly jumped out of the way, pullin one of the rings back and he threw at the mouth, of horrific doom. He didnt notice Shinimori, he was much to busy almost being eaten alived by a vicious box. Sicne he already got to the top, he went to help his team mates. He had only one weapon left since he, threw his into the vicious mouth, knowing some damge to the buildign would be done. He jumped behind Hoshimaru, with his weapon ready, he was also ready to throw a few kicks everywhere. He looked down at Send We will be there after this vicious monster, don't hurt yourself. He laughed at the idea of Sendo getting majorly hurt, since he was doing so much better that he was, he had gotten a bulidning in the hand, liek sriously how pitiful. He pulled at three kunai, and threw them very fast at the monsters neck.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:13 pm

Sendo was in trouble. Everything around him was getting ready to explode. Granted, he did have control over one of those things, but Ippin had four. He was outmatched here. Now he also had two kuani to deal with. Sendo decided now was the best time. He made the handsign neccesary and Setrov exploded. The blast threw the kunai off their course and blew Sendo backwards, once again, away from the building. As he flew threw the air, he made mor handsigns. "False Darkness Jutsu." He opened his mouth wide and a blast of lightining came out, and split into three, one for each metrov. The goal was to short out each metrov and keep it from being able to explode.


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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:04 pm

Ippin smirked as began to slide down the diamond structure. His blade was out and he was charging at the Hoshiruma this fight would end before he ended up getting angry.

Fuhen was covered in a boom but it fell to the ground and then got up its neck was somewhat scratched and had cracks from the explosion. It facerd Hoshiruma and flipped open its blades and charged at him its blades slashing.

Sentrov flew up to the same level as the others and began shooting wired kunai aiming to trap all of the 2 genin in them.

Setrov just flew back and its body in shreds.

The metrovs were hit by the lightning 2 of them stopped burning of the notes the other one exploded right away.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:15 pm

Sendo was thrown down by the blast, down towrds the ground. He was falling faster and faster. The landing would not be fun, unless. He made a few handsigns and created a water prison to surrond him. He crashed into the ground, the water orb around him exploding, and sending Sendo sprawling. He got back to his feet and yelled at Ippin. "It seems continueing to try to get up there woudl be a waste of my time. It is not going to happen. I am already down to about 53% of my chakra. No doubt you would have traps for me on the way up, and when I finally got up there, I would have to deal with you. However, you have to come down sometime. I will just wait for you to come to me."


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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:03 pm

"YES!!!" Hoshimaru couldn't help but say out loud when he saw Fuhen had cracks in it. This meant that the exploding note-energy blade combo worked and Fuhen was weakened. Then he realized the horrible predicament he was in and couldn't help to shout out a few explatives. In addition to Fuhen charging at him with sharp blades, the Sentrov had fired plenty of kunai at him and Rtusubo. "Hey," he said, "I'll take care of the kunai, you deal with the puppet. Don't worry, I weakened it a bit already." He put his katana back and used Twin Thunderbolts. Ugh, tough training. I'm almost at my limit, he thought. He was even too tired to think enthusiastically. "Spinning Thunderbolt Shield!" he said as he began to spin the thunderbolts into two shields and used them to deflect the incoming rain of kunai. Please tell me you took care of the puppet, Rtusubo Hoshimaru thought after he had deflected all the kunai.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:33 pm

Rtusubo, wailed his feet towards the puppet. He had thrown many Kunai its way a few with exploding note. He had one with and exploding note right by his foot, as he span in the air. His paln was for that kunai to hit him, then his kick, would nail it in further, then jump back and weatch the fireworks. He went with this paln, even if the puppet moved down, up or to anyside, one or two explosive note would hit it. He also had a hand full of exploding notes with glue on the back to stick to things, that where also connected to the kunai, so if the kunai missed, the tag would stick to the puppet, and explode. He thoguht he had a pretty good plan.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline - Page 2 Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:36 pm

Ippin smirked and created a extra layer of diamond on fuhen's neck and charged at Rtusubo aiming to slice into his arm. Fuhen exploded once again but remained intact and charged at the gennin with a fury of slashes from its blades. While sentrov shot out kunai that were wired and blocked off the exits of the genin.

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