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The first meeting of Team Frontline

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:47 pm

A Man with a blindfold and whit hair that flowed behind him in a small breeze wearing all black clothes had a smile on his face sitting on a rock in the middle of training area 48. He was smiling not because it was just a beautiful day but this was the day of the first meeting of his team. Only 3 of the 4 members would show as the 4th member was being trained by the Hokage today. Ippin held 3 diamond kunai on him and was ready for when his students will appear. Today was the day he would push them to there limits and beyond even that.

Ippin smirked as the wind moved even more and that meant his team was coming...

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Thu Nov 27, 2008 12:54 pm

Sendo appeared, using the body flicker jutsu to appear in a whirl of leaves right next to his sensei. He was excited for their first day of training, being at the academy for so long had been anoying. Now that he was an actualy ninja, the thought of battles to come excited the hell out of him. "Ippin Sama, what do you have planned for today?" Sendo was eager to get started. He had a strange feeling that today would be the beggining of a whole new journey for him. He had a sense that something extraordinary would happen.


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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:42 pm

Rtusubo was not to far when he remebered he had training, he slowly walked into the clearing raising his arm, while lowering his head "Hey" He said bluntly. He walked a few more feet forward before he diecided to be lazy once again an sat down. He wasn't excited for training he thought ti was somewhat of a waste of timie, he had much more important things to do like working on his art, instead of training. He looked at the team and waited for something exciting to happen. He scratched his head, "Sooo....anything exciting going to happen soon?" He asked watching the clouds go by as he waited for the other member to show up.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:19 pm

Hoshimaru body flickered in right above Ippin's head. "Good morning Ippin-sensei!" he said as he jumped down right next to Sendo. "What, am I the last one here?" Hoshimaru looked around in hopes of getting maybe a chuckle or a denouncement, any sort of response, but got none. "Meh, whatever," he said. "So what's the plan?" He was eager to train and become stronger, and maybe show off some of his techniques. He looked around to see exactly what his teammates were like. Ippin looked very young for a sensei, only a couple of years older than the rest of the team. That must have meant he was super strong and skilled and he could learn a lot from him. Sendo looked calm to him and Rtusubo looked apathetic. Okay, so these guys are the chillest guys ever, Hoshimaru thought to himself. So either they are totally cool...or they're secretly crazies! Hehe I'm hoping for the first one. Hmm...I don't remember these guys from the they're definitely older than me. Aww crud I'm the weakest? Ugh...

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:05 pm

Rtusubo looked up tosee the other member His first impretion of him wasnt the best impretion, when he thought "wow" it wasn't a "wow, hes awesome" it was an "wow...disappointing". He slowly stood up, and pulled out some paper and a pencil, he drew a picture of a thunderbird, it was an exdception from the create of the jutsu, no one new if they existed or not. The thunderbird looked like a very large black eagle. Rtusubo did hand signs, and the paper. poofed, and the bird apeared, he jumped onto the birds back, as it flew into the air, high enough so he would be able to hear what they were saying. He smiled as he sat on the birds back, he liked being up by the clouds, they looked so fluffy but the first time he flew through whe got yet, he didn't now much about clouds when he did this he thought they where lovely fluff balls in the sky, until he went through one he got yet, realy wet, thats when he learned they were water, thats when his dream of being a cloud ended.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:35 pm

Ippin just layed back placing his hand on a rock and performing handsigns with the other hand he created 3 structures made of full diamond for his students to sit on. He motioned for them to sit and relax for a moment. He then pulled out a scroll for later and placed the three diamond kunai on top of the scroll. He then spoke his silver hair flowing in the wind even more his blind fold over his eyes. "Ok well since we have all arrived we will begin. We will begin by introducing ourselves to one another as we will be working with eachother for some time. Now who would like to go first?" He said giving a nice gentle smile to his students.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Fri Nov 28, 2008 7:44 pm

Rtusubo jumped onto the seat as his bird landed besdie hi mon the ground. He slowly raised his hand, "I will go first, I am Rtusubo,My goal in life is to revenge some people... anywho your next" He said looking towards Hoshimaru. He stood up and again went back to sit by his bird,he enjoyed making the bird, and large cats, he also enjoyed the fun of watching people beign attacked by a swarm of misquitos, he enjoyed the blood sucking action, that mosquitos enjoyed so much too. He pulled out a regular peice of paper, and a book to draw on, as he waited for Hasimaru he drew a picture of this wonderfull moment.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:49 pm

"Alright, well, I'm Hoshimaru Yajin," he began. "Son of THE Kazuki Yajin," he added looking proud for a second but then slumped a bit and sat in the diamond structure. "I just want to become stronger and be at least as powerful as my father." He paused for a second and looked at Rtusubo. "And while we're talking revenge, the only one I would want to kill is the man who killed my mother." He looked around at everyone. They seemed so cruel, so emotionless and apathetic. Almost inhuman to him. "Well, if we're on a team we should tell each other what we can do right?" he said with a smile looking around at everyone. No one seemed to react or care. "Hmm...well, I'm a Lightning user," he said as he raised his hand in the air and let some Lightning chakra flow into it. The chakra glowed with a mix of blue, white and yellow and made electric sparks. He then stopped and put his hand down. "And I guess the only other thing to say is that I use my offensive techniques as defense sometimes. Um, you're next, bud," he said looking at Sendo.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 12:39 pm

Sendo's expression did not change. Very rarely did he show outward signs of emotion. He kept it all in, battling on the inside, while seemingly begin cool and collective n the outsid. "My name is Sendo, My goal is to find my family and kill them for abandoning me in this place. Do not get me wrong, I love Kanoha, but i has been rough, growing up with the knowledge that my parents couldn't take responsibility for me. It shames me to know that my parents were such cowards." He thought about his team mates suggestion to reveal their abilities. "And I am sure you will know my abblilities by the end of the day. Ippin will see to it if he is any kind of sensei at all, which I have faith he is." He had just put his sensei on a pedestal, making well aware that he expected a lot from Ippin. But he was sure that in turn, the jounin expected a lot from him. How quaint, another lightning user, however, I have the edge over him, for I also use water. Sendo smirked, this would prove to be interesting.


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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:24 pm

Ippin listened to his students he knew all of this info from his research of the kids. It was now his turn to describe himself. "Ok well my name is Ippin Shtaka. As you probably can tell i am able to use diamond and form it out of almost sheer nothing. My past was in suna which it will stay buried there. Now my appearance you may all wonder why i wear this blindfold correct? Well i will show you." Ippin then took off the blindfold revealing his eyes wich were covered in diamond. He then raised up his right sleeve of his jacket revealing that his skin was also coated in diamond. "The diamond you see is to let me see because i am technicly blind. The diamond on my arm is actually on my entire body and it shows my skill level with my diamond Kekkei-genkai. My skills rely mostly on my puppitrey however and i will hopefully be able to demonstrate it to you during todays events." Ippin then pulled the scroll and the diamond kunai togethor. "Now you may be wondering what this scroll is for. This scroll is a contract which will be signed in your blood so that you may summon me in times of need or when you need guidance." He then threw the diamond kunais and they landed next to each of the squad members. Ippin then opened the scroll and revealed a entire contract written in blood with three X's and lines for the teams signatures. "Now use the kunai to place a small cut onto your finger and sign your name in your blood. After that we will begin the rest of the day's events."

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:30 pm

Sendo grabebd the kuani and the paper and quickly cut his finger, only he got to excited about it and cut down the whole length of his finger. "OW," he whisspered to himself. He hadnt meant to cut himself that much. It mad no difference. Sendo went on with signing his name, being careful to not over do it. When he was done he rolled up the scroll and threw the kuani back to Ippin. He stared at his finger, I realy wish this would stop. He thought hard, almost willing it to stop, to his complete suprise, it did, the blood ceased to flow from his finger. Wide eyed, his concentration broke and the blood flowed freely again. He was horrified, what was going on, "Ippin Sama, something wierd is going on."


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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:38 pm

Hoshimaru slid the sharp blade of the Kunai across his finger making a small cut because he was reluctant to cut himself too much. He squeezed his finger a little to let more blood flow out. He signed his name on the scroll with his blood-covered fingertip and then took out a small cloth from his weapons pack and wiped his finger clean. Then he held up Ippin's kunai. "So are you going to teach us Kuchiyose to summon you or do we use the kunai?" Hoshimaru inquired.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:44 pm

Rtusubo slowly did exactly what sendo did, he took the kunai and he cut his finger and signed the scroll studing his teammates ability which he know learned he was able to control the flow of his blood or something like that, it would be easy to avaoid, it had heat, he would easily dodge it, or so he thought. He knew not to get to confident about his bloodline, it was only being able to see all of the heat every where. He knew all of his teamates abilities, he wasn't sure if they knew his abilities, his thermal eyes and ink jutsu, he could see all of his teamates jutsu, "Um... sensei do your diamonds have any sort of heat source?" He asked hoping he would be able to see them without trying with his eyes, he hated looking for cold heat.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Nov 29, 2008 3:58 pm

He eyed each of his students and smirked. They each showed potential even sendo showed somthing that he had not seen in a while. Sendo could manipulate his own blood. He smirked at sendo and then said. "Sendo I will work with you after todays session i will teach you of what you have done. Now Hoshimaru you will use the kunai as soon as you place chakra into them and throw them into the ground i will be summoned. Now Rtusubo my diamonds are based of the crystalization process of earth and water slowing taking form sped up. My diamonds give off truely no heat signature and are able to mask mine so your thermal abilitys will be of no use againts me. Yes rtusubo i did my research on all of you before this meeting took place." He then streched and said "Now today will be the day to see if you are worthy of being on this sguad." Ippin made a small diamond in the center attached to the ground and then made a box incase it. "Now you must break through that diamond box and take that diamond thats inside it not having a single scratch on the diamond once taken. You must also dodge my attacks." Ippin then sat onto the ground sprawled out. He most likely wouldnt have to do anything really. He then waited for his students to begin.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:20 pm

Hoshimaru made handseals and then held his hands out to his sides and yelled, "Lightning Release - Twin Thunderbolts!!!" With that, two bodies of lightning chakra appeared in his hands and manifested themselves as thunderbolt shapes. "'s all I got. I have no idea how to get into that case, but I can defend pretty well." He looked at his teammates hoping for some direction on what to do knowing he would never get approval for one of his own ideas if he had any. "You got any ideas?" he asked looking at Rtusubo.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:55 pm

Sendo instantly took charge, he thought he knew how to get to the diamonds, but he was unsure. He knew he would have to make sure that the team stayed and worked together. "Protect me," was all he said to the other two as he sat down cross legged stance and began to concentrate and regulate his breathing, 8 counts in through the nose, the same out through the mouth. He was working out all of the flaws in his plan he had created in just a few moments, now he just needed his team mates to give him a little bit of time to work it all out, for he doubted Ippin would just let him sit here and think. This is where the team work would come into play.


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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:01 pm

Rtusubo was to far up to hear Sendo's reqeust. Rtusubo pulled out a peice of paper, he already had a plan. He quickly drew the new enviroment. As he drew the bird flew over the daimond just hovering. He had finished oen picture adn started on the other, this one he drew very fast. He quickly did a hand sign, to different sets. "Lanscape sculpting, Ink clone" He said to himself knowing saying the jutsu aloud is a waste of time. He chagned the landscape by bringing the daimond all the way up to him, and surounding Ippin in earth, and protected both of the others with a wall of earth. His clone went to grab the diamond as the bird flew right beside it, as the clone did this, he sent kunai from every side of the small cilynder of earth.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:59 pm

Unfortunately, Sendo and Hoshimaru were in the line of fire of the kunai being fired out of the pillar that Rtusubo had made. "Aww crud! Rtusubo, you stupid!" Hoshimaru yelled as he jumped in front of Sendo who was obviously in the process of gathering chakra for a technique. He was sure Sendo wouldn't move any time soon so he decided to honor his request of covering him. "Thunderbolt Shield!" Hoshimaru yelled as he held his thunderbolts in front of him and spun them so fast they turned into barriers to deflect the oncoming attack of kunai. Every kunai was reflected and as soon as the attack was over he looked up at Rtusubo's ink clone reaching for the case. "Hey, flyboy! Watch out! There's no way Ippin got hit by that! Get out of there!"

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:38 pm

Rtusubo's quickly activated his bloodline, his clone was a foot away from the diamond, he waited for the clone to get back faster, instead he quickly swooped by the diamond quickly grabing it before the clone. Aty the same time he was scanning the area, he had the whoel area figrued out, wherevery thing with a heat source was. Once he had the diamond he would fly down, and viciously beat on Hoshimaru, with misquitos and a tiger. He gave Hoshimaru a dirty look making sure he would see it, before he got the diamond, this happened before he swooped for it. He didn't know exactly how this worked, he sent kunai down the very thin cilynder he made, also making a wall to cover both Hoshimaru and Sendo, so he was confused on how the kunai was in the range of Sendo and Hoshimaru exspecaily when the clyinder was nowhere near those two when he made the walls.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:42 pm

Sannam watched from a distance, and sighed. He began walking towards the group of Genin. He was slowly clapping, he was disappointed in the team. "You guys, need more pratice. I don't understand, why you aren't using team work. Team work is key, unless you have no team. Never go in a battle only, unless you must. To be honest. If you were fighting an enemy, like your sensei level, you would have no chance, to counter. You'd all be dead." He walked over to Sendo. "Now, work as a team, all of you!"


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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:51 pm

Rtusubo sighed, more authority. He stopped, if it was some random person he wouldnt have but this person is more important. He flew down to the ground and brought his bird to Sendo signaling he should climb on and go and think somewhere safe if he was going to take a long time. He pulled out another peice of paper and quickly drew a tiger, it only took him a few seconds to make, after he quickly did a hand sign, and the Tiger apeared. He jumped on the tiger waiting for some teamwork to happen,he looked at Hoshimaru "Get over here, I have a plan." He said. "Okay, I will somehow corner him, and I want you to get as clsoe as you cang with out bring noticed, and use a jutsu that can covere a large area, its all I have for now" He whispered, so Ippin wouldn't hear him.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:15 am

Sendo sighed, they had no idea what he was doing, but of course he was better trained then them as well. He watched as the events of the battle unfolded and his team continued to show their ignorance. They were by far underestimating Sensei's power. He listned to Rtusubo's request and answered, "I shall try and get close, you other two look for an opening. If it presents itself, get those damn diamonds. I will do what I can to distract him with out getting in your way. Sendo began to slink off, he was well prepared for this, being quite was what he was best at. He body flickered 20 feet to the left of Ippin and ran at his sensei with a kunai, not realy intending to hert the man.


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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Chimera Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:22 am

Rtusubo was starting to dislike Sendo he heard the tone in his voice, that made him seem better then everyone. Rtusubo went with it anyway, Since the diamond was still on the cilynder in the sky he sent his bird to go get it, while his tiger intend to vicouisly beat on Ippin-sensei, not to realy hurt him just to make him feel some pain, but he knew that tiger wouldnt last long. When the bird came near the diamond it opened its mouth and the clone he made a while ago came out, and reached for the diamond, if he wasnt stopped very soon, this would be over. Rtusubo, ran around Ippin and attacked him with his great taijutsu skills, he sent three kunai towards his feet and sent a kick towards his head. Before he did this he signaled Sendo that he should watch out, with a simple wave.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:48 am

Ippin smirked as the tiger charged at him the tiger would make no headway with ippins diamond body. Ippin was performing handsigns and then made the diamond the bird reached for sink into the ground instantly and appear next to ippin. Well since this is getting us nowhere in teamwork lets try a little something new. Ippin pulled out a scroll and summonded one of his biggest and more defensive puppets.

He then screamed as the poof of smoke dissapeard and ippin stood upon a gigantic fortress "I SUMMON THEE City of Vengeance " Ippin smirked as the gigantic fortress towered in the sky. The first meeting of Team Frontline Great_city_of_vengeance

Now lets see if you can stand up to my puppet and its massive powers. "If you can reach the top and not have been knocked off you win and rtusboi i mean the actual you not your pathetic attempts of using that stupid bird of yours". Ippin smirked at the statement this puppet allowed him to do many things even use puppets from the inner chambers of the puppet this would be a good test of there abilitys. If they could manage to even make it to the second level of the fortress itself it would be good enough for ippin. It would be almost impossible as this puppets diamond attack core will allow ippin to manipulate puppets with a single strand coming off of the fortress.

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The first meeting of Team Frontline Empty Re: The first meeting of Team Frontline

Post by Guest Sun Nov 30, 2008 4:27 pm

Sendo watched as his the events unfolded infront of him. He skidded to a halt, just infront of the large structure, narrowly avoiding being thrown into the air by it as it shot up into the sky. He looked up its length. It was massive, and his sensei expexted them to get all the way to the top and dodge his puppet as well. This was going to be difficult. He had to plan this out carfully. Going up the side of the building with his feet would take chakra, so he drew another kunai and began scalling the wall as an ice climber would a frozen waterfall. It was unorthodox, but he had a plan. He did a quick check to see what his team mates were doing to fave this new task.


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