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Meeting Empty Meeting

Post by L Sun Nov 23, 2008 7:46 pm

It was night time, and a full moon could be seen up high beyond the clouds. There were mountains surounding the area. They were all very large, some even reaching the clouds. Sanmaru was standing ontop of one, his cloak fluttering to the right as it was also a very windy night. He was outside of the village so he wouldn't be disturbed. He was waiting for someone, someone who had contacted him before. Sanmaru had been waiting for that person for quite some time now, but he was willing to wait the whole night if he had to.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by Mirage Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:04 pm

A woman in a hooded black cloak walked silently towards the meeting point. She had contacted Sanmaru and told him to meet her there. Her footsteps were as silent as a grave that lay undisurbed. The cloak shielded her from the view of the plants and animals that scurried about in the dark. It was not long before she could see Sanmaru, waiting so patiently. She emerged like a ray of hope in a battle that could not be won. Her soft pink hair swayed back and forth in the darkness of the night as she approached him.

"I hope I did not keep you waiting very long...."

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by L Sun Nov 23, 2008 8:37 pm

Sanmaru turned around to see a a figure in a hooded cloak. The light from the moon shined down upon them, Sanmaru noticed her long pink hair and figure, he quickly came to the conclusion that Mirage was a female.

"No, in fact you arrived at the perfect time" He said in his emotionless voice

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by Mirage Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:09 pm

OOC: You would know her as Kira not Mirage. Kira is the assassin and Mirage is an alias that you do not know.

Kira removed her cloak so that she could be seen.

"My name is Kira.... I am an assassin...."

The reason she had called himout to meet her was that she wished to talk to him. She was basicaly introducing herself so that if he ever needed to have someone killed, he should come to her for assistance. She met with all the kage's just so that they would know that she was there.... for the right price.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by L Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:30 pm

"An assissin, huh? Did you call me out here to kill me? If so, you're not doing a very good job"

He said as he walked around Mirage in a circle

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by Mirage Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:50 pm

"Had I been hired to kill you... we would not be having this conversation...."

Mirage watched him as he circled him. She had a few senbon hidden in her right sleeve should he attack.

"No... I have called you here to let you know that... if you ever need anyone taken care of... you may contact me and I will take care of the problem... for the right price."

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by L Sun Nov 23, 2008 9:54 pm

"Very well, but how do I know that you're good enough? Maybe a deminstration is in order?"

He asked as he stopped walking around her and just stood right in front of her. The moment he stopped, the wind began to get stronger.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by Mirage Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:20 pm

OOC: I have decided to change the names around. Kira is the alias that is known as an assassin and that is speaking with Sanmaru.

"What is it that you have in mind... do you have someone that you wish to have eliminated?"

Her words seemed to have a soft ring to them but the meanings were cold and harsh.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by L Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:24 pm

"Well I was thinking, we have this beautiful night out together. Why don't we have a little spar?"

He asked as he grinned under his mask

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by Mirage Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:40 pm

Kira knew that as a Kage, Sanmaru would not be easy to fight. But she was ready for him none the less.

Without warning, she jumped back and released the crystal senbon that she held in her sleeve. The crystal would explode and send it's fragment in all directions even if it missed. Even should he dodge them, she would make them explode when they reached their closest point to him.

Jumping back, she sun in the air parrallel to the ground. She was spinning like a sideways tonado. She reached her hand down to the ground as she spun. When her hand got near the earth, small, sharp crysta l shards formed on the surface of the ground. As she spun, she launched them at Sanmaru.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by L Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:07 pm

Sanmaru watched as Kira jumped back and threw a crystal senbon at him. By the time that it left her hand, Sanmaru had already thought of multiple ways to dodge it, and block any attacks just like it.

Sanmaru tapped his foot and a wall of earth came up from infront of him. Sounds of a person running could then be heard as more walls came poping up next to the previes one. The walls were forming a circle around Kira. Simultaneously, more walls were forming ontop of the ones already made, it was as if they were making a dome around her, trying to trap her in.

These walls would black the senbon and the mini crystals that were being aimed towards Sanmaru. The sound of someone running could still be heard very close to the wall of earth.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by Mirage Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:35 pm

Kira landed as the walls enchaged her in a dome of rock. She smiled at how easy it was going to be to get out of this. She moved over to the wall and placed one hand on it. The dome then turned into ca crystal dome that was now acting as a shiled for her. Because cystals are a type of living mineral that grows, spikes putruded out of it's outter side towards Sanmaru who Kira could now see through the clear crystal. The spikes appeared much like Garaa's spikes while in his sand shield.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by L Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:19 am

Sanmaru's plan had worked out perfectly, even though the earth dome turning into a cyrtal dome was a slight set back. He was now seeing what she could do. Sanmaru however was no where near the dome. It was a simply a jutsu, Utsusemi no Jutsu, that allowed Sanmaru to make a sound appear from a differant location. He watched as the spikes went straight towards him. The spikes went straight through Sanmaru's chest, it suddenly poofed. It was a shadow clone. A strange black mist suddenly appeared out of nowhere and began to envelpe everything in the area, going througth the small cracks in the dome.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by Mirage Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:37 am

Kira could have easliy escaped the black smoke that surrounded her, however, she had to make sure not to use some of her jutsu. SHe had to keep them seperated between her two aliases. Pushing her arms out away from her sides, the crystal dome broke into thousand of sharp shards that were now spinning rapidly in a point away from Kira. The spinning crystals created a slicing tonado that was pulling the smoke into it's wind.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by L Mon Nov 24, 2008 8:30 pm

As the smoke was being sucked up by the tornado that Kira had created, Sanmaru had vanished. He had seen all that he needed to, and he was also getting bored of the fight. Before he left he left a kunia on the floor where his clone was destroyed.

On the Kunia there was a note say:

I have seen all that I need to, you are a good assassin, and you will be getting calls from me in the near future.

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

Post by Mirage Wed Nov 26, 2008 1:08 am

Kira crouched down and read the note. After reading, she ran back into the forest. She enjoyed her fight with Sanmaru and hoped that no one would hire her to kill him. Hermeeting was a success... she had prven herself as a handy assassin who would probably be getting jobs from him. She jumped from tree to tree and headed towards Rain Country, where her next target was said to be....

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Meeting Empty Re: Meeting

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