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Akira's Night time ''stroll'' (open to anyone)

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Akira's Night time ''stroll'' (open to anyone) Empty Akira's Night time ''stroll'' (open to anyone)

Post by Jacksanto Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:56 pm

Akira would be walking through the streets looking up to the sky as he notices the daytime sun setting slowly over the horizon, shadows growing and extending everywhere. Akira would smirk lightly checking around him to be sure no one was watching, while thinking to himself, "gotta hit him tonight grab that extra cash". He would smirk a bit and slip slowly into the shadows as he slipped his hood over his glasses, hiding his face entirely and removing his headband from his arm, sliding it into his pocket carefully as he reinspected the area for anyone before jumping up to the roof above.

He would be quickly running through the shadows of dusk over rooftops jumping silently checking a map every once in a while. After about 10 minutes of travel it was completly dark as the streets began to empty of normal people and Akira knew it was time to act. Akira then quickly grabbed into his pouch, retrieving a few senbon needles, jumping silently over the street before him landing perfectly on a balcony.He would then stab one of the needles into the lock of the door infront of him, opening it slowly as the occupant inside was sleeping.

Akira's breaths would be silent slow and far in between as he moved slowly to the bed raising the needle readying to strike the sleeping man. He then with one swift movement removed the blanket from him as he stabbed precisly where the jugular vein would have been located. There would be a loud bang as three cloud shinobi, presumably chuunin or jonin, rushed into the dark room, all three shouting nearly simetaneously, "Koide in the name of the raikage we command you to stop"

At hearing this Akira would chuckle lightly speaking softly and forcing himself to change his voice as he spoke deeply, "You truly think that will stop anyone worth capturing?". He would look back to the man, whom seems to have bled out already, and grabbed the needle. The three shinobi would surround him as Akira jumped upwards latching to one of the rafters, swinging over the shinobi and jumping through the open door, dropping several smoke bombs before dashing through the streets.

After about 10 minutes of running silently he jumped into an alleyway reaching for his headband quickly tightening it around his arm as he dashed through alleyways dodging various posts and buildings and the occasional person. Before long he decided to jump high into the nighttime sky and land a street over in order to lose his pursuers. He would once-over the street before walking alone on the beaten path towards a bar that was open late.


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Join date : 2009-06-10
Age : 30
Location : Cloud

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