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The Kazekage's stroll (open)

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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Lee Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:15 pm

Sanosuke Raitaga stepped out of his office, barefoot, savoring the warm sand beneath his feet. He hadn't felt this glorious sand in a while, and was beginning to miss it. He had been so caught up in work over the last few days, that he practically never went outside. His village was strikingly low on Shinobi, and he was trying to incorperate as many people as he could. His village was completely open for attack, and that barely made him comfortable. He hadn't been out in a while, and he needed to see how his village was doing, and not by just watching it from his office window.

He began walking towards the left side of his village, as the kages office was placed smak dab in the middle of his village. He was hoping he would have an interesting day, if not a horrible one. A few of the villagers still suspected him of being the murderer of the previous Kazekage. Him being cooped in his office constantly was not at all helping that.

He strutted along through the village for a few minutes, greeting villagers as he walked along. Some would bow lightly, coming back up very quickly, with genuine smiles on their faces. They would say "Hello Kazekage sama! Nice day today, isn't it?"

"Sure is!! Have a nice day!" Sanosuke would say as he walked by.

And then there were the villagers who had that look on their face.. that look. The look that said, "I know what you did, you fu**ing murderer. You power-hungry bastard, you'll never lead ME." That was what the look meant. Sanosuke payed no attention to them, they brought him down. He didn't like it when haters brought him down.

He put his hands on his hips, then faced the double doors of a run-down bar. He stepped inside, opening the doors gently. There were a few people here, where there was once a lively hang-out. They all looked pretty miserable, drowning sorrows away in alchohol. The bartender was the same as always, the years having shown effect on his skin. He looked so depressed, handing out drinks to people. He didn't even look into their eyes as he handed them drinks. He just held his head down in shame, looking away into his distant memories.

Sanosuke walked to him, his mind flashing back to the days when he would come here as a boy. He would drink sake till he passed out. His dad wasn't there, and his mom didn't care. He did whatever he pleased back then. "Kasumi!!! How've you been?" Sanosuke shouted to the aged bartender.

"Sanosuke? I haven't seen you in ages. All this talk about the new Kazekage, I knew it had to be you. Hows it going old pal?"

"It's quite good as of now Kasumi. Kazekage takes a bit out of me, but I love responsibility. It makes me feel a bit more needed." Sanosuke lied. So far, being the Kazekage was all work, no play. It was hard, but good things had to come from power. Right?

"Well, that's good to hear. The years haven't been to easy on me, as you can see. Anything you want to order? I remember you good drink quite a lot back in the day..." Kasumi said, falling back into his distant memories. He often did this now, as he didn't very much love his life today.

"Yeah, Kasumi. Give me the usual." Sanosuke said, falling back into distant memories himself. He would walk into the bar every day, and gamble with the older men. He would drink and drink and drink. That would ease his rage, it was the only thing that could. Sanosuke furiosly shook his head. He didn't want to get old like Kasumi. He was living for the present.

Last edited by Lee on Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:40 pm; edited 3 times in total


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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sat Apr 18, 2009 9:26 pm

Bachi was wandering aimlessly today like he would when he was bored and had nothing better to do. He walked through the streets and saw nothing interesting happening. Regardless of the fact that everything was so painfully normal, Bachi threw on his trademark smile and said hello to everyone. He would stop and talk to villagers seeing if their was any news.

"Bachi! over here!" He looked over and it was a well known barfly trying to get his attention. Bachi had been known to carry this one home on many occasions. "Hey Bachi buddy! you won't guess who came by the bar! *hic* The Kazekage is here!" Bachi laughed thinking that this was his drunken madness talking. "really is that so? Well you'll have to show me to him so I can say hello and by him a drink." He laughed once more.

He walked into the bar and was shocked to find it was true. "Uh...Uh..Hello Kazekage-sama I wasn't expecting to see" He quickly wiped the stupid look off his face and smiled. "You probably don't know me, My name is Bachi Hyoukin." He reached out to shake his hand.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Lee Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:35 pm

A large bottle of Sake was passed down next to Sanosuke. It was that same sake as always. A white paper label, with a red outline, and a black japanese symbol on it that read, "Hapiness". The good ol' days. As he lifted the bottle up, proceedingly putting it to his lips, he heard a young mans voice. He could swear it was the voice of himself from when he was a kid. Sanosuke turned around.

Standing in front of him, with his arm extracted in the form of a greetings, was a young shinobi. He looked to be a chuunin. Sanosuke only had the utmost respect for the ninja of his village. There were only a few, so those who descided that they would fight for the village were brave ones... Sanosuke put his hand out, taking hold of the young ninja's hand. He shook the hand, then turned around to face his sake again. "Sit down here, young man," Sanosuke said, patting the seat next to him.

He took a sip of his own drink now, this time not being at all interupted. the taste wasn't the same as it used to be. Maybe it was just him, but it tasted a lot better. He called Kasumi over again, feeling a little guilty about making him walk.

"Get this boy something strong, I don't care what it is."

Sanosuke then turned around and gave the young man a smile. "So...what's your name?" Sanosuke blurted out, then took another swig of his sake.


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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:54 pm

The bartender set a drink in front of him "thank you sir" he said with a smile. He sniffed his drink as he sat down next to the Kazekage. it smelt unuasually strong and all he could think was, please just keep it down in front of the kazekage. "My name is Bachi, Bachi Hyoukin sir." he began to break out it a small sweat. For some reason he was nervous to be in his presence. He took a deep breathe and settled himself down. "So...if you don't mind me asking, why have you come to this particular establishment." He cursed himself under his breathe for trying to use big words despite the fact it was only two.

he took a sip of his drink and nearly choked. He began to violently cough "what is this stuff?" he blurted out then wuickly covered his mouth realizing he must have sounded idiotic in front of the kazekage.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Lee Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:56 pm

Sanosuke bursted out in laughter, almost as if he were drinking with the guys. This was a little different, and Sanosuke realized that his attitude wasn't being very leader-worthy. He put himself back in check. Seriousness, that's what kages had to have. Seriousness. Sanosuke had to keep a strong, trustworthy front for his villagers, in hopes of gaining their respects.

Kasumi trudged off, looking down at a bottle that he always washed with his white rag.

The same bottle. All the time.

Sanosuke glanced down over at Bachi, the chuunin. He had actually drank the sake. "What is this stuff?" Bachi blurted out then wuickly covered his mouth. Sanosuke chuckled. "Young boy, I really don't think you wanna know. If you did, well.." Sanosuke just descided to stop there. If Bachi knew what he was drinking, it would come right back out of him in a few seconds.

Sanosuke found this boy to be quite interesting. He was glad that the young ninja of his village were taking respect of him. "So, what inspired you to become a shinobi, Bachi? I want to know.. What are your goals in life?"


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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun Apr 19, 2009 11:02 pm

He quickly smacked himself in the face and muttered to himself "Man up Bachi." He took another drink, this time keeping it down better than before. He looked at the Kazekage and was suprised he was taking interest in his goals. "Well sir, I wanted to become a shinobi because of my father. He was once a great shinobi of this village, at least he wa to me. He had a habit of being very harsh but I respected him none the less." Bachi laughed remebering the times his father would punish him for his failures in the academy.

"My goals are pretty simple, all though maybe cliche." He took a deep breathe before having another drink. "When I was made a chunin after my unexpected withdrawl from the final stage of the chunin exams I had decided from then on that I would put the Kazekage before anything. I respescted him so much I was willing to put my life on the line at any momemnt. Even when he stepped down I continued the same way with the next. Now I have the honor of serveing a Kazekage such as yourself whom I just met but already have such tremendous respect for." He felt embarrest at what he said.

"But to be completely Honest With you sir, I am usually not this serious when I talk." He smiled widely. "I am a pretty easy going guy but I always get a bit nervous around Higher ranking shinobi. To be honest I expected you would send me away as if I was a simple expendable shinobi but I see you are not like that at all." He laughed loudly and took a large drink. he started to feel it go to his head. "Thish stuff is pretty good."
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Lee Tue Apr 21, 2009 12:42 am

Sanosuke chuckled. "Oh, you've grown a liking to that?" Sanosuke asked. He didn't know if he should tell the young boy what the fluid REALLY was. Maybe he should. He felt guilty as he opened his mouth to say, "You're drinking vinegar, dragonfly's, and vaginal fluids. With a tad bit of alchohol. Hahahahaha!"

Sanosuke pounded on the bar table with laughter as he awaited the young shinobi's response. He thought it to be quite interesting that he had grown a liking to the strongest alchohol in the bar. Sanosuke shuffled in his seat a bit. He oughtta get back to his office and finish work. Even by stepping off for a few minutes, village matters were probably already piling up. He had things to do, but sitting here at this bar, for some odd reason, seemed more important. Sanosuke stood up, gathering himself to take leave. He's have a bit more small talk with the interesting chuunin.


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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:53 pm

He looked down at his drink with a blank horrified stare. "Dragonflys....Vinegar...alchohol...and vaginal fluids." He couldnt stop staring at it now and went pale in the face. He sat back and looked at the ceiling "Oh well!" He took a large drink of it and slaped the table a little. He watched as the Kazekage stood up. Bachi quickly jumped up as well "Lord Kazekage if there is anything you would like me to do I would be more than willing. I have a small genin team assembled but due to lack of genin, I only have two with me. say the word and we will set off on any mission." He droped onto one knee doing his best to keep his balance. He was hoping that the Kazekage would send him off, it was becomeing very dull in the village.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Hikari Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:07 pm

Ishikawa walked in, looking for Bachi. He looked around, and spotted him kneeling before the Kazekage. IShikawa, just stood by the entrance, waiting for Bachi. He set his jug on the ground, so he wouldn't grow tired.

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The Kazekage's stroll (open) Empty Re: The Kazekage's stroll (open)

Post by Hikari Tue Apr 21, 2009 8:29 pm

Some random shinobi ran in, and said, "Kazekage, two strange people wearing black robes, with red clouds on the robes, entered the village!". The Shinobi waited for the Kazekage to reply. Ishikawa, left, but had left a water clone to get his sensei to the battle.

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