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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Ushiro Hyuuga Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:14 pm

The night fell as thrue out of the sand village a cold wind started to blow thrue the village as guards shiver from the cold. Miles away a mystery ninja place a scroll on Sunagakure graves of the last ninja war the mystery ninja smiled as he said "ninja arts zombie puppet jutsu" soon after hand rose from the sand about 100 hand and dead ninja raise from the grave as the mystery ninja smiled and said "now go to the Village Hidden In The Sand and take it over" as each zombie ninja started to walk thrue the sand to the Village Hidden In The Sand slowly as the village don't know whats happien to the grave.
Ushiro Hyuuga
Ushiro Hyuuga

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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Onkei Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:29 pm

Onkei was visiting the grave of her deceased grandmother on a cold night in the sand. A wind blew and she shivered slightly, pulling her cloak tighter around her body. Suddenly, she felt a disturbing feeling run down her spine. It reminded her of the phrase "Someone walking on your grave". Turning around quickly, she noticed about one hundred figures moving very slowly toward the hidden sand. She turned her view to a mysterious ninja, holding a scroll. Cursing to herself, she began to flip through hand seals. Suddenly, a gale formed around the hundred figures, creating a massive dust cloud. Then, without missing a beat she activated the bird hand seals and thrust her palm forward. The sand split in waves as the wind chakra sped toward the group. Once it got to about the middle of the group it would explode into a massive gale. Her cloak was carried by the breeze as she untied it, allowing it to flow away. Underneath her cloak was a tight fitting, black dress with no sleeves; She wore arm warmers that went up to about her elbow to protect her hands.

Jutsu Used~
Name of Jutsu: Senpuku Kata, Kumo no Jutsu - Ambush Style, Cloud Technique
Rank: D
Range: Mid-long
Type of Jutsu:Ninjutsu
Users: Onkei
Element Affinity: Fuuton
Description: This technique is a simple Fuuton utilized by Onkei. She will first locate her enemy, and begin to weave hand seals. When the string of seals is complete a gale will kick up around the opponents. This gale will loosen the dust, dirt, or sand around the opponents and send it into the air. The result is an instant smoke-bomb like cloud.
Weakness:Must first locate the enemy, it can be blown away.

Name of Jutsu:Senpuku Kata, Bakuha no Jutsu - Ambush Style, Explosion Technique
Rank: C
Range: Mid-Long
Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu
Users: Onkei
Element Affinity: Fuuton
Description: This is a simple ninjutsu technique utilized by Onkei. First, by locating her opponents she starts the jutsu. Then, she will form a gale of wind into a crescent blade before her. The gale is invisible, and moves toward the opponents at a fast pace. When it hits them, it will explode into a massive blast of wind. This will level any trees or plants around the opponents, and probably send them flying.
Weakness: Need to locate opponents. Can be seen in sand or forests because it will create fissures or a path through the obstacles.


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Join date : 2009-06-06

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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Ushiro Hyuuga Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:45 pm

Ushiro hyuuga woke up from a powerful chakura force from out side of the village Ushiro activate is Byakugan and place the his head band around his eyes Ushiro slowly look out at the chakura flow and saw it miles away knowing the other ninja are tired and a war is coming Ushiro grab his tool and left his house and started to run to the chakura that he see's running as fast as he could while focusing chakura to his feet to increase is speed by a bit. at the grave site the mystery ninja place the scroll on the sand and cover it up to make shure no one find it as he use shadow clones and have them attack Onkei with a smile on his face while saying "i will not let you interfere with my plans any further", As Ushiro is rushing to the chakura area in a tempt to stop it.
Ushiro Hyuuga
Ushiro Hyuuga

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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Onkei Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:50 pm

Onkei sighed as the clones came at her. The desert being an open area, there was no stealth to the tactic. Raising her palms to the sky, she began to condense wind chakra above the clones. Suddenly, a crescent blade of chakra came down from each circle of condensed air. The blades aimed to cut the clones in half, destroying them. At the speed they moved it would be near-impossible to escape unscathed. I so hate clones.. She thought to herself, as the rest of her brain worked to complete the strategy she was working on.

Jutsu Used~
Name of Jutsu:Senpuku Kata, Girochin no Jutsu
Rank: C
Range: Mid, Long
Type of Jutsu:Ninjutsu
Element Affinity: Fuuton
Description: This is a simple ninjutsu technique utilized by Onkei. She will first begin this technique with a string of hand seals. Then, raising her palms to the sky, she will form air in a condensed disk above her opponents. The disk will then send down a wave of cutting wind chakra down on the opponents, possibly cutting them in half. It is extremely fast, but easy to see, making it easy to dodge, but only enough to keep them self alive.
Weakness: Very easy to dodge, would need distractions to make a killing blow.


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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Ushiro Hyuuga Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:04 pm

mystery ninja smiled as he said to the clone "do plan Z now" as the clones jump from the attack grab wire and tie kunai to it as he toss it at Onkei and wrap around her arms as the mystery ninja walk up to Onkei as told his clones to hold her still as he said to Onkei "you wont be able to win little girl my mission is to take out the kage of the sand and you wont be able to find the scroll because i hide the scroll some where in this Desert no one wont hind it and the zombies will keep on heading to the village and take it over once and for all" as the mystery ninja started to laugh like a insane person as he trun his body and started to walk away as he said "now burn her alive" as the ninja form there hands sight to focus chakura as soon as thay form the first hand sight the clones vanish as ushiro showed up standing there as the wire release Onkei as Ushiro he look over to her and said "am i late".
Ushiro Hyuuga
Ushiro Hyuuga

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Join date : 2009-05-17
Age : 35

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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Onkei Mon Jun 08, 2009 5:20 pm

((Auto-hit much?))

Onkei only shook her head at the man to answer his question, grabbing the wire in her hands. Using the kunai as anchors she began to swing them around. She released the wires and each of them flew far across the desert, hitting another grave and lodging deep into it. She tied the other end to a massive cross, her net being completed. The zombies fought against the wire net, but to no avail. Their inability to build up momentum was their downfall in this case. Smirking she kicked off the ground and launched herself into the air. Flipping forward, she built up momentum and propelled herself toward the monument where she had seen the man begin the jutsu. She began to dig furiously, looking for the scroll in the sand.


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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Hikari Mon Jun 08, 2009 6:19 pm

Kari had been walking in the desert with Ishikawa. They walked far, but soon seen two far away people, and lots of things. "Kari, go back to the village, tell the Kazekage about this problem.", he said as he began to run towards the fight. Kari, listening to what Ishikawa had said, went back to the village. Ishikawa watched from the distance as he created the symbols for the water clone jutsu. Making one clone, it ran in, attacking the zombies, making what ishikawa was fighting clearer. He also noticed another shinobi there, fighting. "Well, i'm not the only one.", he said as he stood there.

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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Ushiro Hyuuga Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:47 pm

Ushiro look at Onkei and said "think the scroll is giving out Chakura to control the zombies then i will search for it. as soon as Ushiro look he saw 8 other scrolls in a wide area of 50 cm a part as soon as Ushiro saw it he turn to Onkei and said "there are 8 more scrolls in the area there 50 cm apart from this area" as soon as he turn his head a zombie started to dash at Ushiro at a high speed as soon as the zombie attack Ushiro duck and dash to the mystery ninja while forming the hand sight of shadow clones to summon 5 shadow clones real Ushiro "OK guys lets get that guy". Clone 1 "right time for the 1000 palm strike 5 shadow clone take down" as thay got in close contact with the mystery ninja as one shadow clone got behind and strike from the back the mystery ninja dodge the attack and attack tacking down the shadow clone.
Ushiro Hyuuga
Ushiro Hyuuga

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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

Post by Onkei Tue Jun 09, 2009 10:03 pm

"Why don't you go get all eight then, let me handle this guy." She replied, turning to the man. She pulled a wire full of kunai and explosive tags from the folds of her dress. Smirking, she snapped the wire like a whip; five kunai launching from it with explosive tags in tow. The kunai came near him and exploded, most likely pushing him back due to the force of the explosive power. To fuel this explosive power Onkei also sent a gust of wind in the shape of a crescent, which exploded into a massive gale as soon as the kunai did. The sand was tossed around, the entire area covered in smoke and a thin screen of sand. "Bring it." She muttered to herself confidently.


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Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja) Empty Re: Night of the living Shinobi (open to any Suna ninja)

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