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The Second Council Meeting

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The Second Council Meeting Empty The Second Council Meeting

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:12 am

**Flashback 38 years ago**

An image of Father, who is on the ground suffering from blows that was only caused by someone internally damaging him, drags his body across the sandy hard floor in which only a temple has. The temple was crumbling from the inside out and rubble and debris began to fall downwards on the half-dead or dead warriors and magicians who were killed. His men, who were loyal to death were crying outward to Father, asking him for forgiveness before the shatter remains of the temple fell on there bodies, crushing them to there deaths. Hatred filled Fathers eyes as Father could not believe that he was defeated, he felt so close into taking back what was his and probably what was going to be his, after the loss of much men during the Shinobi wars, the village was going through a economical collaspe, if any other outer force were to come in and cause war, the villages would shatter amongst themselves and in return the magicians, those who were against the shinobi in there own entirity. But now, it was ruined, ruined by one boy who came in with immense power and destroyed such hopes and dreams.

The boy, standing amongst the dead, moving away from certain areas in which the rocks were falling downward onto the earth. His hair, blackish blue, his eyes, crimson like the color of blood. He swings his blade, releasing the blood that was on it, letting it splash on the ground and spread across the floor. He walks over dead bodies, bodies in which he slashed, cut, beheaded and shredded into bits. He steps on one of the mans hand and the blood gushed outward on the floor. He was reaching towards Father, who was battered and beaten, almost to the verge of death. The boy objective was clear, from looking around it was evident that he was suppose to come in, destroy everything and anyone who opposes him would die by the hands of him. The boy had to appear like he was in his early teens, he had an older appearance to him but he still had that young, almost cruely sadistic child-like innocence to him. His emotionless eyes stares at Father, who tried to crawl away from him. His soft moans escaped his mouth but a loud screams comes from his body as a black blade stabs to Fathers back and through his chest. Father screams outward and the boy kicks him straight in the face. The force rolls Father a few feet away from him with the blade still inside of him. The boy walks up to Father and pulls out the sword. He kneels down to his level, looking into his face. Father stares at him

" cre...creature...of....death..." his words were barely audible but it was enough for the boy to hear. The boy grabs Father by the neck and brings him closer to his face. The boy's emotionless face stares down at Father, who could barely even get a glance of the boy as his vision was fading and it seemed to be that he was dying. Father raises a bloody hand and tries to grasp the boys face but as he tries to grasp him, his arm went limp and his finger touches his soft cheek. The boy lowers him back to the ground. He takes the blade out of Father's back and wipes the blade clean with Father's bloody white cloak. He stands up and begins to walk away. Father, moves to face the boy. " is"

The boy stops and turns to Father, his facial appearance cease to change as he opens his mouth and says "My name? You dont need to know my name.....all you'll need is a title.....Shinigami King......"

The boy continues to walk until he disappeared faster than any eye, both natural and supernatural, could see. The temple on the inside began to crumble and collaspe on itself, destroying and burying itself into the sand. The boy appeared next to another man, who was standing by a pile of dead bodies also. The boy, closes his eyes and his eyes turn back to a deep dark blue and his hair went to a grey-blue color. He folds his arms and closes his eyes

"Jouten...." the young man said "Mission complete.....lets get out of here before Sungakure no sato comes and investigate. I doubt they'll want to see Akatsuki members waiting here" He begins to walk away from the direction of the now fallen temple. Jouten, the six foot five man standing beside him began to walk with him, a smile creeped up on his face as they walk into the seemingly endless desert.

**Modern times**

Kyouken opens the door to his mansion, Ginko and the other members were sure to follow as he directed them to his house in order to finish this meeting. It was only a half an hour ago that they had meeted up at the village hidden in the waterfalls were there orginal meeting was to take place. It was going nicely until they were attacked by the Mizukage's very own Mira Kiraa, the legendary Gaton/Shouton user. It was then after that Nasamea, the apprentice to the "God of Speed"s Jin Chisoku, was kidnapped towards Kirigakure where the Council of Oz travelled at almost blinding speeds to dispatch themselves and kill the Mizukage. Kyouken wanted to gather information from her mind before Jin would "feast" among the fallen shinobi but Kyouken realize beforehand that this was probably what The Order, a group of magicians who wish to destroy all of the shinobi and its villages, wanted to do. Kyouken opens the door to a room, the room contained a comfortable setting. A round table with very comfortable chairs that would relax and probably ease the minds of the Council of Oz. Kyouken told his members before hand to prepare for guest to arrive. At the table there were many drinks for the council members to refresh themself up with. Some were tropical juices, water, orange juice and a famous drink that Jouten made for the members that would surely attract those with a sweet tooth.

Kyouken sits down at one of the chairs. He sits back and waits for the other members to arrive. He knew that Jin would probably be down with the Mizukage and arrive here in no time. It was the other members in which he would have to wait for. Ginko, a medical doctor, now shinigami, was among the ranking. Kyo, a soul bearing shinobi who was Tsuchikage hailing from the village hidden in rocks and a vampire in which Kyouken forgot the name to. He folds his hands together and waits upon there arrival.

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The Second Council Meeting Empty Re: The Second Council Meeting

Post by Kenshi Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:36 am

Today it wasn't raining for some odd reason, usually the village was full of people wearing cloaks and carrying umbrellas late in the night, but the weather had proven otherwise. It seemed like it would be a balmy night, a warm and peaceful night to go searching. After leaving Kumogakure and making his way across the shinobi world, it was getting acceptionally hard to keep up with this "blue haired man". From town to town, market to market, village to village, there were only a select few that had ever heard of him. Even with in the shinobi groups that he passed, most of the ninja there laughed at the possibility of seeing such a man, and help for his quest was turned down again. Leaving at the young age of 13 was incredible for any person, and seeking out someone at such a young age was even more of an amazing feat. However, for six moths the journey continued, despite age, despite weather, despite not having a picture, despite being laughed at, despite everything, he continued. His pain and suffering were his left and right feet and his ability to continue on for what he felt was right had brought him to Kirigakure.

Finally he'd reached a place where he could have a good chance of meeting this person. From the looks of it, it seemed as if he was never really seen by most people, only heard about and sometimes sought after. The gang members of Kirigakure had always heard of him and were on a personal vendetta against him. He knew, just like his father had taught him, that he would have to take everything to his advantage. Lying about his true plans, he was able to fool several gang members into letting them reveal top secret information, and most importantly the whereabouts of his person. His intellect rivaled his fathers, and in doing so he was finally led to the area where the blue haired man was. For a moment, he had to stop and think, wondering about what would happen. Would the person remember him? Would he remember his Father? Would he know if his Father was if he was alive? He hoped the many questions that fluttered through his mind would be answered, after all a six month journey with them in his head made them most important.

Atop the hill sat a large mansion. Stellar in beauty, architecture, and landscaping, it's majestic glory appeared to everyone that passed it. A small cloaked figure moved up the hill slowly, tired due to his lack of necessary supplements, and even water. The figure wore a black and ragged jacket with a large hood. The hood seemed to give him a grim appearance, it covered his eyes and the top half of his face, hiding his identity as if he were the child of Death himself. However, underneath the grim appearance and the dark out look, held a small face. The lips and nose quivered as the figure walked up the hill in a slow like manner, and uncertainty was spread throughout the whole body. To anyone with any degree of body language, it would seem as if the figure in the cloak was uncertain about what would happen soon. As the figure reached the door it stopped, and the bottom of his lip quivered a bit. It looked backwards, and to its right and left sides. The feeling that someone was watching him never escaped his mind. Since the rain wasn't there and he could hear everything, the figure was seriously doubting his own abilities to sense others in the moment of truth. Focusing back on the large double doors ahead of him, the figure pushed and was instantly surprised.

Whoever owned the mansion was either dumb, not at home, or dumb. Even though the people in Kirigakure were not ones to steal due to the weather keeping them inside of their own homes most of the time, the thugs that ran the street however were. After talking with several of them, it was most likely that they would try to bust in the house any time soon. With the door wide open, that would only make it more easier for them to complete their vendetta against the blue haired man. The large doors creaked open, and a dimly lit light poked through the door, sending a ray of light down what was open of the figures face. Moving his head around in the door to get a glimpse the figure moved on even though he didn't see anyone at first. He turned around quickly, closing the door behind himself, and even took the time to remove his shoes, walking around in the mansion with thick black socks on. Walking around one of the large corners, the figure saw a man there, the man that he'd seen with his father for the last time. He stopped and sighed, wondering what would happen in the next few moments. He removed his hood and walked up in front of the tall man.

"Sir, I've come a long way. I've been traveling for months now, looking for you. You're the last person that I've seen with my father. My mother died, you've seen her. She was killed trying to look for my father. I want to see my dad again, I want to know if he's alright. You're my only hope sir, you're the only one. I'm just a kid whose traveled for six months to find my father. Please help me sir. You're the left."


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The Second Council Meeting Empty Re: The Second Council Meeting

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:42 pm

As the young boy came into Kyouken's chamber for the Council of Oz meeting, Kyouken was not distrought about the fact that he came in, it was almost as though he was waiting for this child. Kyouken eyes were closely orginally but when the young man came into the room, he opens his eyes slowly, his dark blue eyes stares into the eyes of the young boy who was, in Kyouken's opinion, emotionally distrought and physically dismantled. From the outer appearance of the boy, it seems he has not rested for a while, he must had continued his journey with little to no sleep, trying to reach to the village and to his estate. His eyes looked very heavy and his scraggy appearance, due to his hair, was the result of him going through regions of forest and battling out with other shinobi who might had looked at him as 'fresh meat'. Kyouken, nevertheless, did not push him away, telling him to go home, he knew that this boy had to come here for a reason and he knew that he was the only one who could tell him what he needed to know. Kyouken stands up, he was little taller than the boy but that was because he has not fully grown yet, Kyouken stood at a five foot 10 almost 11 inches, in the council he was almost the shortest when it came to the men division of it, and from his looks, he seemed alittle normal. His hair and eyes were the only thing that made him stand out the most and it was not disproven, out of the whole entirity of the group, his hair was amongst the oddest and probably the more that would stand out with Ginko being next in line.

As Kyouken stood up, he heard the young boys words "Sir, I've come a long way. I've been traveling for months now, looking for you. You're the last person that I've seen with my father. My mother died, you've seen her. She was killed trying to look for my father. I want to see my dad again, I want to know if he's alright. You're my only hope sir, you're the only one. I'm just a kid whose traveled for six months to find my father. Please help me sir. You're the left." Kyouken then realized who this boy was, he almost could not tell at first but when he went past the messiness and the uncleaniness, he looked alot like the person, who was his shadow spirit.

"Kenshi Izoto, son to Yoshimo and Nami lord....what has happen to you?" It was rhetorical but he knew what happen, after the loss of his parents, Kenshi must had left Kumogakure no sato and set his journey towards the only place that he could find him, which was Kirigakure no sato and at his estate, the chances of him being at that estate was so rare that even his own work staff have no idea when he comes and does not comes. They usually take care of the estate and it is usually them that walk around Kirigakure to gather food and supplies for the house. People that they were the family that own the estate. The family that owns it is the same people that now owns Kirigakure and its under its protection. As long as the family stood there in that village, no one would do any harm. Kyouken places both hands on his shoulders and look into his eyes, the suffereing this boy must have went was astounding to make him a powerful man when he grows up. He has the appearance of his father when he looked younger but his eyes somewhat resembled his mothers. Kyouken sighes as he looks at him "You've grown alittle, Kenshi. Last time I checked you were 11 years old..heh....I remember you being a short stuff....." he tried to lighten up the mood but it would be nearly impossible at this moment. As he looked at him it reminded him of the two lovers souls being cast away into judgement. He felt the deaths of many humans all of the time and it slowly did not affect him but when he felt the loss of Nami and Yoshimo, it made his heart drop and his mind sadden. He mourn there loss and it somewhat changed him a bit.

Kyouken moves over to one of his servants and whispers into his ear something. The servant oblige by bowing his head and answering with "Yes Noctis-sama" and walks out of the room. Kyouken grabs a cup and pours the sweeten drink, its color was both purple and blue as he poured it down into the cup and as it went from empty to full he handed the cup to Kenshi. Kyouken leans over on the table, his hands holding him up. He looks at Kenshi "Yes, I was the one who saw your father last....he came to me for one reason and one reason only.......I think it would be better if you were the one to ask him what he asked me" He moves backwards, away from the table and placed his hands together, the aura surrounding Kyouken glisten more with a blue tint and he opens his eyes saying out to Kenshi "Come shadow....Yoshimo"

One part of the room became extremely dark, so dark that a knife could probalby cut through it. Forming out of the darkness of the room and into the light was a blob that ulitmately transformed into Yoshimo, it slowly formed upward, first the legs, then torso, arms and fingers then head. Yoshimo had finally made his appearance amongst them. He looks over at Kyouken, wondering why he summoned him. Kyouken glances over at Kenshi and Yoshimo's eyes followed. Yoshimo eyes widen as he saw his son stand in front of him. He notice the things that Kyouken notice, battered clothing, scraggy hair, heavy eyes result from exhaustion. The works. Yoshimo could only stare at him for a brief moment until he said

"Where is....where is your mother?"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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The Second Council Meeting Empty Re: The Second Council Meeting

Post by Kenshi Wed Jun 10, 2009 6:06 pm

Meeting the man was one thing, but the fact that he actually remembered him was another. When Kenshi first saw him, it had to be a good year ago, and then with the time he spent searching for him, those six months, he knew that the man might have forgotten him. During the journey it never had escaped his mind that he would be turned down, but it seemed as if he had hit the jackpot. All of his dreams, his ambition to even set out towards the goal, all of them were met. To him it was like running a long race through the harshest weather conditions. Even literally he was taken through that. The emotions that tossed and turned inside of his body were pure joy. He was glad that he'd met him. Tears of joy began to work their way out of his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away showing that he had some strength in his body.

As the blue haired man began to look at the boy, Kenshi couldn't help think about his father more and more. The last time he'd seen him was with his father, and as they were talking it seemed like they were good friends. He remembered a lot about them and he surely remembered that both of them were friendly to each other. Last time they met the blue haired man was wearing a Mist Headband, and earlier that week he'd seen a Kirigakure shinobi get thrown in jail for setting foot on Kumogakure grounds. Even though there was a slight tension between the villages because of the Mizukage, Kenshi's father got along great with him. Seeing them together was like him seeing to old war veterans, the way they talked, the way they carried themselves. He knew that his father was powerful and the blue haired man had to be too. Kenshi would have to make sure that he was on his best behavior around the man, so as he poured him a drink he bowed in thanks and drunk it. It was sweet, and through his eyes anyone could see them dilating for a second. He hadn't had sugar in a while, and the taste of it was just plain extraordinary. It was like cold gold running down his throat, and he sighed in relief at the taste of the drink. Kenshi respectfully gave the glass to a near by maid that was waiting for it, and thanked him for his kindness.

The blue haired man began to take a few sets back, and naturally Kenshi reacted to it. He didn't know what was going to happen and he hoped that he wasn't trying to kill him. Kenshi moved back about the same distance that the blue haired man moved away from his original spot, preparing for what might happen, and also preparing himself for anything directed towards him. Suddenly, a strange but familiar pressure began to tingle through the air, and the blue man's aura could be seen. He'd never seen one, but the tranquil blue lights that danced around the man caused Kenshi to lower his guard. Whatever he was doing sure wouldn't be an attack. He'd felt strong chakras before, and even though his man was unbelieveably strong, there was no way that his current chakra presence was threatening. It almost felt like a summon. Kenshi watched the events take place. The mans shadow began to move about, as if it was some portal. Kenshi smiled and remembered his fathers shadow doing the same, every time they played hide-and-go-seek he'd always cheat with his Shadow Portal jutsu. From a dark corner in the side of the room Kenshi watched as a man began to form and emerge from the darkness. The man walked over to him, with a slow lazy manner in his walk. Kenshi's lip quivered and he stepped back from the man. It was his father..

"Dad, where have you been...." Kenshi asked.

Yoshimo walked over to his son and bent on one knee to be eye level with him. He was a spirit, but he wasn't real.

"Son, I died. I went to Iwagakure and was caught up with the 8 tails. It exploded and I died by loss of chakra...I'm sorry."

" are you here in front of me...?"

"One of my best friends, the guy in front of you, Kyouken is housing my spirit in his shadow..."

Kenshi looked down on the ground and sighed, tears dripped on the floor and he breathed sharply.

"Mom died..."

"I know, I know....It will be alright son. Look me in the eyes. You have the Rinnegan...Become a ninja, work with Kyouken. There's something that I need you to do..."

After whispering in his ear, Yoshimo's body slowly faded away. Kenshi didn't understand what was going on, but he knew it was important. He knew if his father wanted him to do it, it was up most importance. Something about a rift, something about his mother. Everything was so vague, yet so direct. It seemed as if Kenshi would have a mission. There was a person that his father mentioned, a tall person an "Angel" ascending into the rift. Kenshi would have to find whoever and help his father in his last mission. Kenshi looked up to Kyouken and bowed.

"Thank you Kyouken-sama"


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The Second Council Meeting Empty Re: The Second Council Meeting

Post by Nasamea Wed Jun 10, 2009 10:39 pm

After Nasamea had finished praying she turned back to Chesed, Tiphareth, and Geburah with slightly unemotional eyes, not knowing what to say. An unknown pain was causing agony in her heart as she wondered about what was happening outside and to the others. She stared into their eyes for a moment, waiting for anything, even Tiphareth to tell her how much of a fool she had been in this battle.

However, she turned back around, hiding her face and waiting for any response, taking it as it came. Her head sunk slightly as the feeling of being a burden and worthless finally pounced and was made known to her. Then with a rush she felt herself begin to get feeling and everything around her slowly fade away. No matter what was happening, all of it seemed to zone away as she continued to face down as she closed her eyes.

Suddenly Nasamea could have sworn she felt ground beneath and wondered when she was pushed down. She opened her green eyes only to be blinded by bright sun. She quickly covered them with her hand as she sat up and looked around, adrenaline beginning to kick up once again. She looked all around at familiar surroundings, "I'm right back... where I left..."
Something felt out of place as she couldn't find the rest of the Council of OZ, all of it seemed wrong. Where had Mirage and the rest been? She quickly rose to her feet and began to walk a few ways, unable to find or hear anyone. Was she truly back or was this yet another illusion? Nasamea let out a sigh as she put a hand to her forehead, letting her head sink once more, "I've failed them all......"
At that the side of her she had always tried to hide began to rise up, causing a burning sensation in her stomach and throat as she gritted her teeth.
'I've trained with the best, I've grown strong, and yet all I seemed to do was fail when I was truly needed.'

Nasamea then burst out into a run, letting the emotion that blazed in her go freely as she gained speed. She then remembered about them mentioning about meeting at a mansion and tried recalling every bit of its whereabouts. As she pondered the thought, she soon changed course as she headed for Kirigakure. Time seemed to tick by slowly and she truly didn't know how she would face the council upon arrival due to what had happened. How could she live with the thought someone died or was hurt because of her stupid mistake. She tried brushing the thought aside as she remained on course, thoughts flashing through her mind and emotions tearing bits of her until she felt the true weakness rise once more and a single tear fall from her eye. She shook her head and continued to run, merely letting them flow through until they were exhausted and stopped.

Finally the mansion was in her view as she continued to run, not caring if she had reached the point of exhaustion or break, she merely wanted to be there. She stopped just in front of the door, placing a hand lightly on its handle but couldn't summon the strength to open it. A raging war was going on within as half of her was yelling to open it and enter and the other half screaming not to and to flee. Yet she felt and wondered, how could she even possibly thinking about leaving and disobeying the Council, mainly one. At that she let out a sigh and opened the door, her once raging storm dieing into nothingness as a feeling of being unemotional swept over her.

Nasamea finally entered the room where the others had been waiting. She glanced up, her once green hues which had once been bright were now dull as looked around the room and all its contents. She took a step forward, seeing who was in the room and yet never once making eye contact. She stepped gingerly to the nearest spot on a wall where she was in range but hoped to not be talked to even the slightest, not knowing what to say or what words would even come from her mouth at this point. All she wanted to do was gather her thoughts as she sat quietly. Her legs were angled up against her as she rested her head on her hand, arm propped by her legs. All that filled her was an emptiness of failing them as waited to hear what they had to say to her, ready to take any blow that may come.

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The Second Council Meeting Empty Re: The Second Council Meeting

Post by Aki Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:58 pm

He had finally made it to where he was getting this strange calling. So this is where we're supposed to be going next... thought Ankyo as he made it up the slight ascent and into the mansion. As he stepped over the threshold he felt a momentary pain, as if he were being shocked all over. It soon passed in a matter of seconds.

Ankyo shook his head, trying to get the feeling out of his body. Odd... I feel different... As if I'm not here or something... He shook the feeling off though and continued walking along the various passageways leading to where the Council was meeting.

Nearly there, Ankyo's eyesight began to flicker and waver. He felt weak and had to lean against the wall to support himself. Eyes closed, he struggled to breathe for the next few minutes. What's... happening to me? In the next few minutes he felt pain explode throughout his whole body. And then he began to shiver uncontrollably. It was so cold... his breath even came out in clouds of white air.

Darkness enveloped him and then warmth flooded through him. What's going on? asked Ankyo to anyone who could hear him within his mind. And this time someone answered him. Though unaware of it, Ankyo's body was already moving towards the meeting room.

Ankyo himself was having a conversation with the strange being who was apparently inside of him. His memory was coming back... very slowly. While Ankyo seemed to be there at the meeting, his mind was far away in another realm unknown to humans. He was in the realm of the Kiyorakas...

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The Second Council Meeting Empty Re: The Second Council Meeting

Post by Kyo Fri Jun 12, 2009 6:58 pm

After finishing up at Kirigakure, Kyo made his way to a remote location just out of sight. Kyouken's mansion was large and dark and made him feel almost welcome. With Mirage now out of the way, they could finally continue with their meeting in secrecy. As entered the large building, Kyo made his way towards the meeting room where voices could be heard from. From where he stood, Kyo could sense the presence of a few of the members and one that he was unfamiliar with.

Kyo's hands clasped the cold metal handles of the doors and pushed them open gently. The room was well lit and a large table littered with sweet smelling drinks covered it. As he turned around, he found himself facing in the direction of the one that was unknown to him. The boy known as Kenshi was younger than Kyo by at least five or six years but seemed mature for his age.

Kyo moved over to one of the chairs and removed the long black cloak that had kept him shrouded. With the other hand, Kyo removed his eyeless mask and placed it on the table. His pupils returned to normal as his retina took in the light for the first time in a long time. Though only 19, he held the physique of a young man that showed well through his strange attire. His clothes consisted of long black pants, sleeves and several belts around his chest. His stomach bore a seal upon it that was burned into his skin and a large black tattoo decorated part of his face. He carried a long deminiona blade in one hand and a long flute about four feet long on his back. As he leaned the sword against the table, Kyo pulled out a seat and sat himself within it.

Now ready to finally get down to business, Kyo looked towards Kyouken...

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The Second Council Meeting Empty Re: The Second Council Meeting

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