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A Meeting with the Mizukage

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A Meeting with the Mizukage Empty A Meeting with the Mizukage

Post by Hedoro Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:21 pm

Hedoro was walking down the road to his goal. Walking from his run down house through his run down village to the not-so run down center, and he loved every minute of it. True, it was run down, and down-trodden, and there were plenty of rapscallions sleazing about with their mugs, mugging people. BUT, the good news was they were all good people at heart, just beat down, stuffed in a closet, and told you can't come out until you eat your veggies by life. Figuratively of course.

And so it was. The world today. A horrible, outlaw infested one at that. He never understood what chaos was for anyways. There would always be killing machines out there, but they had to make other people kill with them. And it would go on and on and on and on and on until the world was reduced to rubble. And then what? They would probably kill each other, and then the last man standing would kill himself, and then they would all kill each other again in parts unknown.

There he walked, on a bright sunny day with only a few clouds in the sky. The birds were chirping, the slugs were doing their slime thing, and Hedoro was thinking. He was thinking about life, love, the true meaning of happiness, etc. Not very simple stuff and why in hell did he have to think about it. After all, all those good things were happening on this very bright and sunny day.

Sure, there were a couple robberies now and again. All Hedoro really had to do to stop it was give said muggers the evil eye. Technically, it wasn't an evil eye and just a stare, but you try looking at a scary hunter-nin giving you a stare with his creepy smily hunter nin mask. It'll wake you up, that's for certain, and perhaps make you have a pee in a public area. Which is also normal, you would have no idea. But there was always one of those really proud and big, muscular typey guys that will pick a fight with you.

And there he was. In front of the kage building. A bald, rugged, shirtless behemoth. Hedoro eyed him like a time bomb, though with significantly less sweat and stress. Okay, rephrasing, he eyed him like a time bomb he knew how to deactivate, as if he were saying, "It's definitely the red wire! Heck, I eat bombs like this for breakfast!" And of course this giant noticed the stare.
"The hell you lookin' at, punk?!"
"Me? Just your rugged good looks?" The man blinked. Of course, he was the strong but an imbecile type. Why hadn't Hedoro expected this?
"Well I think you're being sarcasmistic! Noone is sarcasmistic with me!" He charged at Hedoro, and Hedoro braced himself for the impact. And it hit him.

The punch wasn't as he expected it to be. It was hard yes, but the man didn't hit anything important or anything that would make Hedoro lose his balance and topple. And instead of fighting back, he grabbed the mans arm, his entire body becoming wet with Tetrodotoxin.
"Doku Fugu." The poison liquid shot out and took the form of a hundred spikes protruding from his head down. The spikes completely gutted the now screaming in agony man. Him and almost everyone else in the area. He blinked, once. Twice.
"You think that hurt?! That was nothing!" He laughed like a madman. Yep, he sure knew how to be retarded. Aaaaand 3...... 2...... 1...... The man choked and clutched his chest, his legs wobbling.

"Of course I didn't hit you directly. We wouldn't want you to be relieved of the true suffering now would we? Oh, sarcasmistic isn't a word." The man started sweating excessively, falling on the floor and writhing around, jerking as if his spine were being broken several times over. He then lay still, breathing hard as if in terrible fear. Hedoro, however, calmly walked away, into the kage building. He walked up the stairs, ignoring anyone asking where he was going. It wasn't their business to know.

He knocked on the door. He had thought immensely about the conversation he was about to have, when he didn't have responsibilities to the village. Waiting for the answer to either come in or beat it, he thought about it just once more. Why couldn't he just settle down? Why did he have to constantly kill these people? He could've had a nice life, free of responsibility. But no, the injustice he had been subjected to was too great to bear. He must have his vengeance. And so it would be. He adjusted his mask as he waited, making sure it was covering his entire face. Noone but those in his trust would know his face, that is how it always was. And so he waited.

Last edited by Hedoro on Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:57 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 12
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Join date : 2009-06-01
Age : 33
Location : Kirigakure

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A Meeting with the Mizukage Empty Re: A Meeting with the Mizukage

Post by Guest Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:30 am

OOC: Look dude, you were given jounin rank, that means, this level of rping, aint goin to cut it. Up your game a little bit cuz those three paragraphs only equal one almost decent paragraph in my book.


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A Meeting with the Mizukage Empty Re: A Meeting with the Mizukage

Post by Hedoro Thu Jun 04, 2009 9:44 pm

Edited with 8 more paragraphs of useless jibber jabber.

Posts : 12
Points : 8
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Join date : 2009-06-01
Age : 33
Location : Kirigakure

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