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Meeting with the Kazekage

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:17 pm

Bachi walked into the Kazekage's office area slowly. He was a bit tired from the work he was doing. He had noticed all of the dirt on him from debris and the sand. He tried to quickly brush himself off before visiting with the Kazekage. Once he had gotten most the dirt off he felt some excitment build in hi,. The Kazekage was willing to train him. Could this be my opportunity to become Jounin? A confident smile ran across his face. With all the rebuilding and lack of missions Bachi had no way of proving himself worthy of jounin. Now he could show how good he could be to the Kazekage.

He steped over to his office door and knocked. "Lord Kazekage? Do you have a moment?"
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Lee Sun Apr 26, 2009 10:43 pm

After taking a quick stroll around the village, the Kazekage was a bit tired. He sat down and shuffled his papers. Nothing much was very interesting about these, for they were the last pieces of paper in the pile. His pile was usually organized with his most important files first, and his least important, last. There were only five more left, so you could imagine how boring they were. He had just finished his papers now, leaning back into his reclining chair with this hands behind his head. Just as he got comfortable, and was about to get some sleep, he heard a knock on the door.

"Lord Kazekage? Do you have a moment?"

Sanosuke opened an eye, staring at the loud door. He then stretched his arms and yawned, standing up from his chair. He recognized the voice by now, it was Bachi. As opened the door as he scratched his head.

"Well, if it isn't young Bachi? Is this about the training I promised you?"


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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Mon Apr 27, 2009 5:43 pm

He smiled and rubed the back of his head as he slowly entered. "Yes sir, sorry if I was interupting anything important but I get pretty restless." He walked in front of his desk and took on a more formal posture. "Sir, the sooner we begin my training the better but I would'nt want to rush you. Give me a time and place and I will meet you there." He had a confident smile on. He was finally going to get some good training in! He had been doing such trivial missons latley and patrol duties that he was going a bit stir crazy until the recent attack.

"I am ready to crush the Akatsuki Whenever my lord requests it!" He smiled widely and began to tremble from his excitement.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Lee Tue Apr 28, 2009 9:25 am

Sanosuke waited for Bachi to come inside of his office, then he closed the door behind him. He could tell that the chuunin was eager to train, and very eager already to get at the Akatsuki. Sanosuke smiled, for he could tell that Bachi would be a great ninja, with that type of potential. Sanosuke was never as interested in becoming strong. He had training pushed on him ever since he was a genin, from a mysterious old man, who was probably dead by now. The old guy was around seventy years old when Sanosuke leaft him, 20 years ago. Sanosuke looked to Bachi, then began to speak.

"Well, that fight with the Akatsuki members made me realize something. I need some training too. But before we train, I think i'll ask you a couple questions, to get to know you a bit more. Okay?" Sanosuke asked. He wanted to know a few things about him, for it would determine what kind of training that Sanosuke and Bachi would go through.

Sanosuke sat down on the front of his desk, facing the young chuunin. "So, the first thing i'll ask is, what are your short term and long term goals?" Sanosuke paused. "What kind of elements do you control, and what do you believe your third element to be? What do you excel in, in term of speed, strength, intelligence, and so on?"

Sanosuke studied Bachi, while waiting for a responce.


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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:48 pm

The kazekage came at him with a barrage of questions. Bahci loved to talk but that was alot for him. "Well as you might have guessed I accel more in strength than intellegence, but I am somewhat fast." He rubed the back of his head. I just told the Kazekage I am stupid way to go, he said to himself. " short term goals are probably to become Jounin. I have it in my head that I can do it soon! I have been waiting for a chance to prove that I am worthy of the title. My long term goal is a bit new but...I would have to say it is to rid the world of all the akatsuki and destroy any memory of them." He said this with an odd smile on his face, almost sadistic.

"But as for the elements, I control earth as my dominant, and I have Fire which is my second. I believe that my third could be lightning...well less believ and more wish." He thought about how powerful lightning was when he last saw it in combat. "I would hope that it would be wind though, to beef up my fire jutsus but in all likely hood it will be lightning."
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Lee Sun May 03, 2009 11:25 am

Sanosuke took in what Bachi had to say, studying it. He had to think of the perfect place and method for Bachi to train in. His physical atributes were similar to Sanosuke's, but something was different. His elements, and elemental interests. Sanosuke had the power to utilize fire techniques, but he couldn't control earth, nor did he have the desire to control the raiton ability. Lightning. Something he DID have though that Bachi had mentioned, was fuuton:wind.

"Well, I can teach you how to unlock a wind element, if you believe that it's there. I can also teach you couple more fire techniques, although I barely have any myself. I frequently use my water techniques, wind and fire being a secondary option, that I don't work out much." Sanosuke said, then sighed.

"Well, Bachi, I know something we can work on for now, and try to unlock your wind element at the same time. Follow me." With that, he opened his door, which led to the top of the Kazekages mansion, a tall height. "This will be your first test," he said, looking at Bachi as he came out next to him. "It's a rather easy one, and one you'll need when traveling quickly to a destination, or trying to make a quick getaway. Remember, hold the chakra in your feet."

With that Sanosuke turned around, his back facing the edge of his office. He smiled at Bachi as he slowly fell backwards, letting himself flip once before setting straight again. As he fell, he transfered some of the chakra inside of him, through his legs and down to his feet. As he hit the sand, the chakra had almost taken away the impact of his fall. He looked up, seeing Bachi on top of the building. He crossed his arms, letting the breeze sway his clothing and hair around, waiting for Bachi to attempt.


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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun May 03, 2009 2:56 pm

He watched as he landed and was a bit stunned. He never thought of useing chakra in that way. "Oh boy, well I guess this is a bad time to be afraid of heights." He said with a small nervous laugh. He looked down and decided it was now or never. He quickly mimicked Sanosuke and fell backwards. while falling he decided to try and impress the Kazekage and do a couple more quick flips. He realized how stupid that was and just continued to do one. He bagan to focus the chakra into his feet and hit the sand.

The chakra took away most of impact. He bent his knees a little on the landing and slightly sliped but then shot straight up and started to pose like an olympic athelete. "And he sticks the landing! The crowd goes wild!" He began to simulate a crowd cheering. and looked over at the Kazekage and slowly let the noise fade. He smiled as a bead of sweat ran down his forehead. " yea that was pretty good right?" He chuckled a bit then cursed himself. "Anywho, now thats done what do we do next. Unless you feel I didn't do this well enough."
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Lee Sun May 03, 2009 3:39 pm

Sanosuke watched as Bachi had almost perfectly imitated what Sanosuke had done. This was not only a test of chakra control, it was a test of bravery. Bachi had passed, seemingly showing his will-power to go through with Sanosuke's tests. Sanosuke looked in a secret direction, which only he and a few others new about. It was a secret place in Suna, where he often took time out to train.

"Well, follow me," Sanosuke said, then started to walk through the village streets. AFter a while of walking, he stopped. Through the space between two houses, was what looked to be a large boulder. The Kazekage looked around, to make sure that noone was looking. He then motioned for Bachi to follow him, setting a quiet example. He walked between the two houses, then pushed the boulder aside with ease. Passed the bouldr was a secret area, like a cave. It was very secluded, and large, and it had a water-fall, leading to a running stream of water. He pushed the boulder back into place, then walked to the loud river.

"Now, do the same thing as I taught you back there, with your chakra. But this time, keep it contained. We will be practicing on this water allthrought this training, to help improve your chakra controlling abilities," Sanosuke said, waiting for Bachi to step onto the water.


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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Mon May 04, 2009 6:23 pm

Bachi was confused as to why he needed all the test of control. He didnt mind all the same. it was an honor to train with the Kazekage. He took another deep breathe and focus the chakra into his feet once again. He took a step onto the water. He began to walk across the surface slowly. He had done it, he was walking on water. He smiled at the kazekage and lost focus for a second with his gloating. while he wasnt paying attention the chakra in his feet began to go away and he fell through.

"Damn! this water is pretty cold." He laughed out loud and looked up at the Kazekage to see if his response would be that of anger or possibly laughter. He quickly stood back up onto the water now focusing more and not letting himself become sidetracked.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Lee Sat May 09, 2009 4:49 pm

Sanosuke shot Bachi a serious look. "This is what the chakra control training is for," he said, looking at Bachi's wet feet. "You must be focused when in battle, all things aside. If you lose focus in a dangerous fight, you're dead. Your feet may have just goten a little wet now, but you aren't really in a high-stakes fight." Sanosuke said. He stanced himself, getting ready to come at Bachi. "Now, throughout this little spar, I want you to keep your focus, and dont let your gaurd down. You need to learn how to multitask your chakra levels."

Sanosuke ran across the running lake, his feet making splashing impacts as he quickly ran across. He jumped up in the air, then threw a simple kunai towards Bachi. What Bachi didn't know, was that this was an A ranked technique. Once Bachi dodged it, which Sanosuke was completely sure that he would, or even knock it aside, the kunai would turn into a shadow bunshin.


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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sat May 09, 2009 11:26 pm

He felt nothing but shame when the Kazekage began to scold him. How stupid am I, he thought to himself, your embarrising yourself in front of the Kazekage so dont waste his time. He clenched his fists tightly and looked up determined at the Kazekage. Now it was time to fight. He knew he had to make a good immpression. Your father would whip you if he saw you like this now man up and show him what your made of.

Sanosuke charged him and jumped into the air while throwing a kunai. He decided that the best way to show his skill was to hit the kunai with his own right on the tip. He threw a kunai and hit the tip of Sanosuke's kunai. He quickly jumped back a ways to keep some distance between Himself and Sanosuke. While he waited for the next move he quickly created an earth clone. "Lets go i'm fired up!"
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Lee Sun May 10, 2009 12:59 am

Sanosuke's plans were all messed up now. Bachi had made sure of that. If Bachi had dodged the kunai, it would have transformed into a kage bunshin clone right behind him, then went for an attack on him from behind. If Bachi were to grab it, it would bring on a surprise, transforming right before his students eyes. But now, Sansouke had to make due with what he had. The Kazekage's clone had hatched from the kunai in a puff of smoke, looking down at the young Bachi. the kunai that Bachi had thrown had hit the ground as Sanosukes clone took out three more. He extracted his arm quickly, as to where you could barely see the motion. The three kunai flew directly at Bachi, one of them being aimed at his chest, and the other two being aimed at his earth clone. Bachi seemed to have the reflexes to dodge it somehow, but as for the clone, it had slim chances. Clones weren't as intelligent as regular Shinobi.

Sanosuke continued running. Seeing the kunai being thrown from his clone, he took the perfect opputunity to shield himself. He began to jolt directly behind the kunai, and if Bachi were to dodge them, he would be in for a surprise. Sanosuke would kick him, that is, if the Kunai didn't hit. Sansouke was being strict on the training for a reason. He had to get Bachi focused, and able to multitask his chakra levels, while thinking, all at the same time. His strength was apparent, but he needed more.


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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun May 10, 2009 2:47 pm

Bachi watched as the Kunai hit and saw the clone appear. He and his clone quickly drew two kunai each. "Good thing I threw that kunai." The clone then came at them throwing three kunai. Damn he thought to himself, my clone won't be able to dodge it but I can and I need the clone, or do I? Thinking quickly he threw the clone in the direction of the kunai so he would block at least two. This move is gonna take me back to the chunnin prelims he thought as he began to form hand seal. "Earth Dome Prison!" He shouted looking over in the direction of Sanosuke as he ran to his rear. The earth dome shot up from the ground and surrounded Bachi and deflecting the Kunai.

Alright here we go now the plan begins he thought to himself. Unknown to Sanosuke he created an earth clone inside the prison. He looked at his clone a nodded to him. the real Bachi burrowed underground preparing for his double suicide decapitation technique. The clone was already on the move acting as if he were the real Bachi and dispelling the earth dome. The clone drew two kunai out and smiled. It tilted its head back and yelled "Lets do this!"
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Lee Sun May 31, 2009 12:47 pm

Bachi had done some good work. It looked as if he could control his earth element quite well. The earth dome prison is something that he had seen higher ranks use once before, yet he wasn't quite sure of it's rank. He descided not to try and cut through it with his burning hot sword, although he knew he could. Sanosuke knew that something had went down behind that wall, and for Bachi to run out of it, was just plain suspicous. It had to be either a clone, or Bachi himself, not taking advantage of his time behind the wall.

Sanosuke, having still been airborne, descided to use his massive speed. His inner demon was the quickest thing that Sanosuke had remembered in his life, although, whenever it kicked in, Sanosuke would blank out. He could control it slighly, now, and this is what he was doing. Letting it seer out, just by a little bit, to let Bachi see his speed. If this even was Bachi. He came down on the chuunin quite quickly, and before the clone/Bachi would even be able to register this movement in their brains, Sanosuke had his sword sailing down at the chuunin's shoulder. If it hit, then the clone would explode, if it was a clone. If it hit Bachi.. well, that would be quite painful for him.


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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Mon Jun 01, 2009 12:57 pm

Bachi's clone rushed towards Sanosuke ready to strike when all of a sudden the Kazekage was in front of it. Sanosuke Had slashed right through it's shoulder causeing it to turn back into the stone it was created from. Bachi still underground, could feel where the clone was but now noticed it was gone. He had to think quickly, it seemed that the Kazekage was serious. Bachi had to use split second planing. He hoped his next attack would do something or else he wasn't going to last long. He sprung up from the ground behind Sanosuke throwing four kunai. While still in the air he began to form a string of handseals. After completeing them he shouted "Fire Dragon Flame Projectile!" Shooting a stream of fire towards Sanosuke. He had hoped that at least one of his attacks would hit. He wasn't exactly the plan on the fly type of guy.

He landed on his feet a few yards away still holding the stream of fire in Sanosuke's direction.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Meeting with the Kazekage Empty Re: Meeting with the Kazekage

Post by Lee Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:00 am

Sanosuke landed nimbly on the ground, instanly sensing the projectiles behind him. He could feel the heat on them nearing his back, and out of the corner of his eye, saw the flame of the dragon head. The Kazekage was quite proud of Bachi. He did have the ability to escape, of course, from this well planned out attack, but that was just the thing. It was so well planned out, that he didn't want to ruin it, and in a fight with a chuunin of Bachi's level, that move would definetely work. He wanted Bachi to learn something from this lesson, which was this: Strength and everything is nice, but what really prevails in the end, is focus, timing, and strategy.

Sanosuke didn't know just exactly how painful it was to be hit with one of these things, although it was one of his techniques as well, so he was a bit nervous when allowing himself to be hit. Therefore, as he landed on the ground he curled up a bit, jumping in the air and crouching. It hit him, flaming across his body, and leaving singe marks across his clothing, although, his hair was kept as nicely as ever. He landed back on his feet again, pretending as though the move had barely phased him, yet he couldn't fool himself from the injuries.Sanosuke held his hand up a bit, to signal that the fight between them was done.

The Kazekage had an extreme temper, which was actually a demon inside of him. When he was hit, this fueled him on, and gave him more of a killing intent. Sanosuke didn't often train lower level ranks, for this reason. As he walked over to Bachi, fighting back the pain and his temptation to breath hard, the water slowly, and calmly, swayed around his feet. This was the calm after the storm. The water felt good on his feet now, and that cut the pain off of the flame dragon attack, only slightly. As he approached the young chuunin who had seemed to have the best intentions, he gave him a smile, then patted his shoulder. He then gave him a scroll. In it, he would find two new moves.


"You have a wonderful fire control, and for now, I would like to improve upon it. That is a great technique, which helps for things such as clones, summons, or weak opponents who like to come in numbers. The second move is for you too decide upon. You say you don't quite know your third element. Well, when you decide wheter or not it is wind or lightning, that is a good move to start out with. Train them, Bachi. Who knows, if you master them, you might be able to use them better then I." Sanosuke smiled, then dissapeared before Bachi's eyes.


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