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The New Mizukage and the Resolve of the Council

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The New Mizukage and the Resolve of the Council Empty The New Mizukage and the Resolve of the Council

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:05 pm

Finally, a day where it was actually some sun out. The rarity of the sun being out and it being very humid outside to a perfect temperature was rare, rare enough for people to actually be confused for awhile but then suddenly realize that this is great fortune for the townspeople and decided to enjoy it. The market place was much busier than before, the hustle and bustle of the market place was almost chaotic but nevertheless flowing and almost like a current of water. A person could see merchants trying to see off much of there stock and inventory saying it has to go, people bought it like it was nothing. Usually the people would ignore the merchants of the market but because of the radiant sun were shining down on the somewhat depress town made people wanna go out and enjoy the life outside. As the people bought the merchants stocks, children were roaming around playing. It was an enjoyable sight to see, seeing the happy and cheerful smiles on there little childlike faces and them playing tag, hide and go seek and other childhood games.

On the far west corner of the village the large, techonological advance buildings that oversee much of the smaller part of the village was high on there way to a new start. Because of the recent clan who had built up the village's buildings and increased there economically both externally and internally, most of the village belonged to them, but they decided not to be stingy and greedy and gave back to the community. Think that this clan was looking for some very odd and peculuar was not the case in this matter. By helping the communty, funding things for the upcoming shinobi and the new generation, this clan knew that this would build up morale and build the village up to a very strong village. Although in the recent events, the former Mizukage was killed by the Council of Oz, it seems as though everything went back to normal. There was much turmoil outside of the world and war was struck, the village was still building up.

Standing on the balcony of the Mizukage's mansion stood Kyouken looking over the village itself. He had a calm face on but internally he was glad this village was safe and hopefully didnt have to be affected by war, although logically that was not possible for this war was a global affect and it seems this time all of the villages were in danger. His hands were behind his behind his new long cloak. The cloak covered most of his body, when he shifted parts of his upper body parts of the cloak moved away revealing Kyouken's attire. It was a modified attire that fit him perfectly. A black short sleeve shirt that had hidden knives behind his back. His pants were somewhat longer than his other attire, which stopped at mid-ankle. His boots were black and blue but they did not look like ordinary boots, they looked lighter almost air-like but regardless they were strong and durable to handle the intense speed that he goes. He had the Kirigakure's headband around his waist but on his left shoulder was the Konohagakure's headband, brand new and not slashed. He wanted to show that he still had loyality to not only Kirigakure but his orginal home, Konohagakure no sato. He missed it because he could not see someone close to him....his mother. His mother could possibly still live in that village but it was unknown for he could not go into Konohagakure with such desires as he was an enemy of the world for a time being. Now that he was assign to Mizukage by the Daimyo of Water Country, he had to put all of his enemies aside and possibly save this world.

**a few weeks earlier**

Kyouken and a few other jounin were sitting at a long, round table. At the front of the table were the Elders of the village and the country Daimyo. He looks at the village elders to see how old they were. This was actually his first time being in a council room filled with shinobi like this and it almost felt awkward to him because he never been in a situation like this. The former Mizukage, Kiraa Mira, had attack the Council of Oz, kidnapped one of its members and took her back to Kirigakure where the village was under threat of her control. It was the council of Oz that saved the village from the Mizukage's grip and possibly saved the lives of the elders as well. Although it was a mere test for the Council, it was not unlikely for the mizukage to betray her village to kill the elders.

There was a bunch of conversations going on, Kyouken was just sitting there eyeing everyone. He had a sense of seeking out those who wish to bretray there country in order to save there own skin, which in terms of Kyouken is cowardice and he wish to seek that out before. As Kyouken looks around, seeing that he knew none of these jounin's, he notice that one of the elders raises her hand signaling this meeting to get started. Kyouken lays backwards and begins to listen to what the elder had to say.

"First and foremost" the elder said as she stood up "We need to solve a issue, an issue involving a new Mizukage. The former Mizukage is dead and was killed after betraying our village and endangering the elders. We'll need candiates as always and as such we would like to start trying to find candiates now. If anyone wish to nominate one of the following jounin hear to become Hokage, speak now..."

Many of the people were silent, the jounin had much fear in there eyes as they were trying to decide which one of them were to become the new Mizukage. Not to be mistaken of all of them in the room were weak, they were quite powerful, the strongest and wisest in the village of the mist but there wisdom was telling them that those who become the Mizukage were at large a giantic assassination target. The former mizukage's before them were all killed, none of them died of old age and one of the Mizukage's left. They had an internal fear that made them look out for there ownselves and possibly others. Kyouken saw this fear instantly, seeing that no one wished to do it and one would even nominate. The elder was waiting for someone to announce the candiate and her patience was on the verge of disappearing. Kyouken sighed knowing what he'll have to do. He slowly rose his hand up.

All eyes were on Kyouken. Was this man a fool? A brave man but a fool? Was it willing to be the target of many assassinations, possibly deal with a world war with an enemy none of this shinobi and possibly he would not be familar with and also deal with something that could happen in the near future: what if the economy of the world trembles and they are stuck with all of this unnesscary things that are holding them back? That was a main concern of the village of this world and if that was the case scenario how would he even deal with it. However, the plus side of things with Kyouken is that although they do not know him personally, they have all heard about what he was: An Elite Assassin from the village hidden in the leaves who had been dealing with deadly shinobi since the time he was a young boy. They've heard stories of a blue-haired child killing S-rank shinobi at the age of seven and leading platoons of men at the age of 9. They only read about this legendary shinobi and seeing that he was probably the most dependable and probably the most powerful shinobi in the village he would be a very well candiate for the village. The elders look at each other and then puts a hand out

"Kyouken, you may speak...why should we let you become the Mizukage of this village"

Kyouken stood up, he presented himself in a jounin outfit, all black of course since was his second favorite color. He had the mist headband over his head and his hair moved over it. He clears his throat "Well....elders of this village, I may or may not be a great leader for these people and these shinobi. Anyone of these fine shinobi here could easily as well lead this village....but..."he paused "I do know alot about this threat, this current threat that will lead our village our allies into a great war that could very well change the history of the shinobi. Even our enemies who were great against us have taken the time to notice the how this threat will affect them as well. The Akatsuki has disbanned because of this threat and they are no longer this village's worst enemy. This is something greater and I believe I could do something to protect this village. This village is a home for all of our shinobi both the past, present and future generations. These generations are at stake" He pauses and looks around. He notice that everyone was entice so far by his speech. He needed to keep the ball rolling and possibly give these guys hope "I know....alot of you are scared and between you and me, Im also scared. Not scared for myself but for the new generation of shinobi. Will there even be a new generation? Will there even be a village called the village hidden in the mist and water country? *sigh* I look at you all and I see that there is fear but also a great flame that will burn brightly inside of the you all that will bring victory upon us. Im asking alot of you shinobi to stand by me to fight this cause and if anyone of you are afraid to fight, then anyone here will understand. I even understand it and alot of shinobi outside of this council walls will. But please, if I can lead this village....would you all stand by me? Would you risk your life for not for yourselves but for the future generations to come? So that our legacy can live forever?"

It was quiet at first, no wished to speak out. Everyone was looking at each other as though Kyouken was speaking another lanuage. Kyouken though he had failed to convince them and he would understand that if he did not convince them, then all hope would be lost. Kyouken was about to sit down before he see's that all of them stood up at once. Kyouken stopped in mid-sit and looks at all fifteen jounin look at them, not with a appearance of despair but full of life and joy. One of the male jounin who was across the table said to him

"You're right we are scared but that doesnt mean we let our fears consume us. I will stand by your side through hell and back to protect the village, no....all villages and for our legacy to stand strong forever until eternity. I will be your sword if you are the leader of this village"

"And I as well" another jounin replied

"And I as well"

And I as well"

It repeated onward to all of the shinobi in the room replied "And I as well". Kyouken looks at them and see's that hope was not loss and there was a new uprising for each other. Kyouken smiled lightly and his shyness almost came out but he kept his compusure and looks at the elders and leaders of water country. They look as though the could put all of there trust and faith into his one man. The daimyo, a young man who looked to be in his early twenties stood up and claps his hands together "Then I guess it is decided shall become our new Mizukage for Kirigakure...."

**Present time**

Kyouken walks back from the balcony and into his office. It was quite modern actually, having a computer made by the Caelum clan themselves in order to keep a check on things and finally end all of the paperwork he has seen from previous kages, he hated paperwork, espically those that are tedious and a bothersome. He was probably one of the first kages to pull something like this off. He sits down and leans his head on his hand. He sighed and then pressed a button on a intercom on the right side of the desk. The intercom answered back

"Yes, Kyouken-sama" a women's voice replied. It was quiet soft and lovely but it was somewhat solemn

"I need to speak with Taikai, its very important..." he replied

"Yes of course, I'll be there right away Kyouken-sama"

A few seconds later a women walks into the room The New Mizukage and the Resolve of the Council Nemu
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
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The New Mizukage and the Resolve of the Council Empty Re: The New Mizukage and the Resolve of the Council

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:05 pm

She was quite a beautiful women to be exact, her face was naturally glowing and she rarely needed to wear any makeup at all. Her hair was braided, most of the time and it was a jet black hair that made her appearance seem natural appearing He had a very shapely figure, an hourglass figure that most women would kill to obtain such a body that men were trying to get. She was quite full in the chest, which in terms made men wanna have her more and more often. Many times, she would have to cover them up until she got to work where there were not many men around to stare at her. Even her hips, behind and thigh were very attractive, flawless in nature and almost unreal. She never tried to flaunt her good looks and appearance to other people but rather hid them. This was not because she took care of of her body (although that is the case) she is actually a goddess. Taikai was the goddess of water and a former member of the Council of Kings, a powerful counciled filled with the gods and goddesses of realms to protect the all of the realms. She was not one of the betray Kyouken when Kyouken did not want to join on the Rogue god killings. Kyouken spared her life and took the life of her sister because her sister, enraged and psychotic tried to kill both Taikai and Kyouken. Kyouken had killed off the rest of the councils, even killing the gods amongst all gods, with the help of his tengu shadow and his grandfather spirit.

Now Taikai is a member of Kirigakure and a respectable shinobi at that. She was very well diversed in the arts of suiton ninjutsu, just like Kyouken and many other powerful suiton users except only her and Kyouken was able to use a godly type of water that was powerful enough to take down an army of men at once. Taikai, in a sense, had a little crush on Kyouken although she was older, much older than him, Kyouken never acted his age and in terms he was just as knowledge as any other old god. Kyouken did have the looks, very handsome and had simular affects like Sasuke Uchiha with the women who stared at him. He respected Taikai and never looked at her like a piece of flesh or someone to eye at. But she had to keep the relationship mutual, for Kyouken was in a relationship with C.C, the immortal witch whose beauty rivaled hers. In the end Taikai and Kyouken were great friends.

Taikai stood in front of Kyouken's desk. Kyouken leaned back in his chair "I think its time for the kage's to meet at the summit. No one has sent an alert out to get the kage's to come together as one to deal with the situation at hand"

"The war of the magicans and shinobi" Taikai implied

Kyouken nodded his head "Yes, indeed we'll need more than just one kage to settle this. If I wish to lead this village and possibly others then we, the kages and the villages, must come together as one in order to handle this threat. I believe this is the only thing that can stop The Order....well the magicans that is..."

"Sir?" Taikai question "What do you mean just the magicans? Isnt it both the leader and the magicans"

Kyouken stands up and walks around to desk to meet up with the standing Taikai, he began to walk towards the door and out and Taikai followed "I've been looking up and watching the movement of The Order, the Caelum clans best scouts have been seeing them prepare for an war, a giant war that will probably end much life....regardless if we try to stop it. But I think that is a ploy"

"A ploy sir?"

"Yes, I dont think the leader wants to do all of that. He's been trying to destroy the shinobi ever since the first Rinnegan master had teached his teachings all over for people to seek over a new way of life. Now, lets think....lets say Algol...he was the god among gods. He wanted to keep his rule as that so that no one could challenge, but there were only a few people who could actually take his grandfather and two other gods...but the traditional methods dont work so he tried to improvise and do something out of the box so that he would continue to remain the title. Hence the Council of Kings were his scapegoat and his weapon"

"So you think that this father character is trying to gain some type of power, that would make him omnipotent?"

"Precisely" he opens the door that lead to another room. Taikai thanks him and Kyouken closes the door. It was the changing room, not for him but for her. Taikai knew that something like this would definitely happen. She went into the back to change into a more fitting attire, her jounin attire to be exact. She nor Kyouken wanted for her to look at her present state. Taikai began to throw clothes over the heavy sheet of plastic that hid every part of her body. Kyouken sat down and closed his eyes "I think this war is hiding his true goal, to gain powers that are beyond him. From what I heard from an informant, he is the god of magic"

"The god of magic? So is that the reason why is powers are beyond regonizable and considered...."

"Yeah, it explains alot of his recent powers expansion. That also explains why the ancient coins of the sages have been activated then disappeared off the face of the earth. He's using his magic to hide it..."

"I thought you gave up on that" She came out the changing room in her ANBU attire. Her headband were around her left arm. Both of them walked out the room. Taikai remembered that she had to get letter for the messengers to send to all of the kages around the world. The letter said

" To all kages,

Seeing how the threat against the shinobi is increasing drastically, it is only safe to say that we must come together as one in order to handle this threat properly. For those villages who are enemies against one another, now is the time to break the barriers of hated and seek out peace amongst themselves in order to bring this current threat down.

Your Mizukage

Kyouken Uchiha

She ran back and grabbed it before returning to Kyouken. Both of them were walking down the stairs and down the long corridor that lead to the exit.

"Well, I did, but I still kept a look out for them, you know just in case something were to happen like activation. The coins react to the current king of the Caelum clans chakra and there is absolutely nothing on this earth that possibly hide the chakra signal....only something unearthly can do that and something with god-like powers can do something of that sort cause these coins are extremely powerful. Well there is only a few things that can do that and my guess is that the old god of magic has it. Now its definitely my job to contain these coins, cease the threat of this god and bring order to the world.....*sigh* such a bothersome to be honest"

"Wow" Taikai said as she continued to write this all down, although she was a goddess herself she had on tendancy that kinda annoy alot of people. She would write alot things down during conversations because ever since she got into the human world she was not familar with all of the current slang of these things and had no knowledge of humans before that so she wrote everything down. Taikai then took her pencil and tapped her cheek "Thats alot of things you are into, you are a member of the Council of Oz, the leader of the Caelum clan, the Mizukage of the village and you are the God of Death. To be frank sir....dont you think thats too much?"

Kyouken smiled lightly "I doubt it, this is nothing and this is pretty low stress if you ask me". He sees a messenger at the end of the all. He was waiting there for the Mizukage and his assistant to take the message to the birds so that they could get these message through with great pace. Taikai handed the letters into the messengers hand, although she could clearly see that he was blushing and tried very hard not to look at her chest but her eyes. Kyouken open the door to the outside and it was revealed to him that all of the shinobi and some villages were waiting for the two to come out. Kyouken and Taikai both smiled as they walk through and the people lead a path towards the gates of Kirigakure. Many of the people were shaking his hands, telling them good luck. Many of the women and young girls were shouting out trying to get a glance out or even a little wink from Kyouken. As they reach towards the edge of Kirigakure, the people stopped following and yelled out cheers of hope. Kyouken waves back and Taikai bowed as they walk out of Kirigakure and towards there goal....the kage summit.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
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