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A meeting of siblings.

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A meeting of siblings. Empty A meeting of siblings.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:00 pm

A man breathed in and out in small breaths. It was roughly midnight the moon was full and the light was great but still fairly dim. You could make out the figure of a man well built and seemed to be powerful. He was trying to sleep but it was completely in vain. In his head turmoil occured of 4 souls in a single body partied among the head.

The man sighed as he stooed up from the tree his clothes feeling like many thousands of pounds even though they were only meere hundreds. He walked forward the wilderness darkly hushed. He heard a stream trickle and walked towards the sound to find not only a stream but a river. The man knelt down and cuffed his hands into the water it cool and refreshing.

He sighed and just said screw the voices and instantly he fell backwards his eyes closed and his head againts a rock his feet in the water. He sighed as his mind slipped out of counciousness. Still the battle of 2 spirits raged and 1 sat in a corner shivering in pure fear.

This was the thing with this man he was different he had 3 spirits who inhabited him Desu. Kizu and Akira.

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A meeting of siblings. Empty Re: A meeting of siblings.

Post by Aki Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:23 pm

It had been awhile since Aki had been back to the mainland, but after spending about a year and half in Kirigakure for most of the time, Aki decided she needed a break from training... and the annoying guys there. She still had to choose between Konoha and Kiri, but at the moment neither her father or mother had mentioned it to her... yet.

With the aid of Akihime's flight abilities, they had easily crossed the wide open waters to the mainland. It had taken up most of the afternoon, but it was now nightfall. They were somewhere in the Land of Lightning now. It wasn't until Aki stepped on something that she realized where they were. A small cracking of glass had been heard shattering.

Aki had looked down to see that it was her old pair of sunglasses from the Chunin Exams. She was surprised they had lasted this long. This obviously meant that the mountain was traveled and visited by few. This could easily be the "vacation" spot Aki had been looking for. So with a small satisfactory sigh, Aki began to search the mountainside, looking for a quiet place to spend the next couple of days.

After about half an hour, Akihime noticed the sounds of a river nearby. With Akihime's help, Aki managed to make her way to the river. The river glittered brightly in the full moon's pale light. The area looked serene enough, that is until Akihime noticed someone nearby. Akihime's enhanced night vision easily let her see that it was 16 year old or so male.

But what surprised Akihime the most was the set of "minds" coming from him. He had about four different sets... What?! How can he have four sets?! At most it's only natural to have two... Three or even four can be devastating on the mind and body. You would most likely go insane!

What are you talking about?

That guy over there... he has a mixture of emotions coming from him.

Are you sure that there aren't other people nearby, that's pretty much impossible Akihime.

Yes... but... I'm sure! It's coming from the same exact place. Four different sets of emotions... It's so confusing! And... Wait a minute, that's the stupid guy who got me injured!

Wait Akihime don't--

Too late, Akihime had switched bodies with her and was going towards the man, the intent to kill and finish the job she had started a year and half ago. He can't be allowed to live... He knows too much. Even knowing our true nature is a mistake. I have to kill him Aki.

But... Fine.

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A meeting of siblings. Empty Re: A meeting of siblings.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 21, 2009 3:39 pm

As akiheme charged instantly shiko jumped into the air almost flying in the air it seemed his mouth open and a cackel heard. If you looked up you would see that of a man with fangs of a vampire. He landed on the ground and smirked right in front of akiheme ready for the attack to be made. Inside of him 3 spirits were silent one had its mouth open and saying "Aki"

Instantly shiko shrugged and grumbled alright and in a moment a man stood before akiheme wearing all black and a white undershirt. He shivered and stretched looking into akihemes eyes haven't looked upon them in forveor.

Akiheme. Please let aki have control" The man said as he was the man who aki longed for he was akira.

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A meeting of siblings. Empty Re: A meeting of siblings.

Post by Aki Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:40 pm

Akhime paused and almost fell when Shiko changed into Akira. The resemblance between them were... frightening. "Wh... What?" mumbled Akihime out sheer shock and surprise. She had honestly believed Akira to be dead, and she hated him. Hated him for hurting Aki. Hated him for almost killing her. Akihime's hand strayed to Akisame, but before she could draw it, Akihime was forced to switch bodies with Aki. It was the first time Aki forcibly switched with Akihime.

"A-Akira?" whispered Aki, straining to see him. She couldn't believe it. She had met him a year and half ago. A year and half! Or had she? "No..." Aki took a few steps back. It couldn't be Akira. He was... was dead. He had ran away over two and half years ago. No one had ever seen him again. No one. It was impossible. There had been no trace of him... Nothing. So how could he be here?

"Y-You can't... You can't be Akira!" yelled out Aki, closing her eyes, trying to forget the memories she had forced herself to forget those two and half years ago. But in her heart, she knew it had to be him. No one else could look this similar to her... Sound the same as Akira had. But her mind just wouldn't accept it. Nor would Akihime.

Akihime would have forced Aki to switch right back, but at the moment, Aki's emotions were overwhelming and much too strong for Akihime to be able to battle against, let alone suggest to her to switch back. All she could do was watch. She couldn't even enter Aki's head right now.

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A meeting of siblings. Empty Re: A meeting of siblings.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:43 pm

Akira simple laughed moving in close actually having to bend over to look fully into his sisters eyes. He spoke one word "Dreams are nothing to worry about. Dreams are only dreams. they're never true." Akira then turned around letting shiko regain control. Shiko stopped and looked back and smirked his fangs glistening in the moonlight.

He then just dissapeared a flock of hair from akira's head in the wind. A cackel was heard and then the night was silent once again.

(sorry felt like ending it short and mysterious)

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A meeting of siblings. Empty Re: A meeting of siblings.

Post by Aki Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:44 pm

Aki didn't want to believe it was him, but as he uttered those words, she froze. How could he have known that? Only Akira knew... Only Akira. Aki's eyes flashed open as he was halfway through. She froze, looking into his eyes. Those same dark eyes that had comforted her, always watched over her. Those eyes that were so like her own. If only... If only it really was Akira, but it had to be. Only Akira would have known... Only Akira.

But as Aki looked for him again, he had disappeared. "Akira..." she whispered, a tear falling from her face and landing on the clear, crystalline, pure water from the river. The moon glistening slightly, casting a pale glow on Aki. It made her look even more solemn than before. Aki switched with Akihime. The only way to catch Akira in his vampire form was to have another vampire go after him...

Akihime only stood there stubbornly though. She knew what humans were like. They used and betrayed one another. There was no way she was going to let Aki get killed by Akira... Not after what he had done. She was never going to see him again. Never.

Aki, realizing Akihime wouldn't help her, forcibly changed back. It was the first time she had done so. Aki's tears fell fast and strong as she chased after Akira, trying to focus on the faint trail of 4 conflicting minds and emotions. "Akira... please wait for me..." whispered Aki, struggling not trip and break down crying. She hadn't cried in a long time...

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A meeting of siblings. Empty Re: A meeting of siblings.

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Mar 22, 2009 7:13 pm

Shiko had ran at full sprint akira was playing with his sister and he enjoyed it. Shiko was letting akira play with his sister and for some reason she was actually going along with it. Shiko ran for 2 minutes and stopped at a lake. He returned the control to akira and then the games began.

Akira took his vest off throwing it to the side and then removed his white shirt and put it with his black shirt. He then undid his pants and threw them off with his boxers. He stood startch naked on the tip of the lake. He made a clone that was hiding not to far away.

When he saw aki running a smile appeared upon his face. When she got close he fell back into the water hoping aki knew what should be happening. He swam a little bit and floated there enjoying the cool water over his bare body. The clone was ready to steal the clothes to surely make it interesting.

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A meeting of siblings. Empty Re: A meeting of siblings.

Post by Aki Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:27 pm

Aki was half running, half stumbling her way to the lake, when she saw Akira virtually strip himself of everything. Some thoughts of confusion entered her mind, but she quickly waved them aside. As she neared the lake entrance Akira shot a grin at her.

"Hey Aki, come in!" he yelled out to her, waving. The moonlight casting an eerie glow on him as the rays touched water droplets.

Aki stared at him for a moment... Was it really Akira? Akira yelled out to her once more. His voice was alluring, it had been so long since she had heard it... Seen him... Aki closed her eyes for a moment. What if I'm dreaming? What if this is all fake? Hunter nin and ANBU alike had gone after him... They're some of the most elite ninja in a village. They excel in stealth. They would be able to find anyone... or at least signs of them. But they hadn't found anything. What if I'm just hallucinating?

But Aki couldn't help but believe it was him. It just had to be him. No one else could ever replace him, no one. But... if Hunter nin and ANBU hadn't found him... Aki shook her head. It just had to be Akira. Aki opened her eyes once more and saw him. "Akira..." she mumbled.

"Come on Aki! I promise the water's not hot! Or cold!" yelled out Akira, grinning at her again. That same grin he had given her so many times when she had needed a confidence boost. The same warm grin that always said I'll be watching you, I won't let anything happen to you. I promise. You can trust me. "Aki?"

Aki took in a quick breath. It was Akira... her brother. He wouldn't do anything to her. Nothing at all. In a split second, Aki had chosen: she would join him. Aki was half way done stripping when Akihime forcefully changed.


... Switch. Back.


I'll switch back Akihime. I've already done it once. I can do it again!

You are never going to see him again! And that is final! Don't you see that that's not Akira?! If that really was your brother, do you think he'd have you do that?! Don't you think he'd have stayed and talk to you instead of making you cry like this?! You've never cried Aki! NEVER. And he shows up and you start crying. He doesn't say a word and just disappears. So what if it is him?! Apparently he doesn't care about you!


I won't! I'm a lot older than you, I know more. I know better! Now just shut the hell up! I know I'm different from the others, and you should be grateful for that, you want to know why?


Because if I wasn't different from the others, I would have killed him the first time we met. I would have killed him back then. I wouldn't have even let him speak to you. But I'm different. And sometimes I begin to wonder if that's so wrong, and usually I know it was always for the better, but I know that is wasn't a blessing. It was curse.

Just shut up Akihime! You don't understand at all! You don't know what it's like to have a brother! You don't know at all! None of you do! None of you have a family! You don't know what it's like to lose someone and then never see or hear them again! You don't!

... But I do know... I'm connected to you. I love you. I care about you. I'm part of you. And apparently I'm the sensible part of you. When I got knocked out during the Chunin Exams, I was cut off from you. You don't know what that was like. I was alone. Alone Aki, alone! When we bind ourselves with someone, we can't be apart from them. We will die mentally. We go insane. We've become a part of you! You're our missing link! I'm your missing link. Aki... You're still young. Don't waste your life like this. I don't want you to be hurt like everyone else. Love... Love is nothing but a curse. Please Aki... You have to understand. I'm only protecting you!

Akihime stood there, arms crossed, her face showing emotion for once: anger and annoyance. She and Aki continued to argue mentally. It seemed as if Akira had escaped from their vision. Akihime had a hand on Akisame, tapping the hilt slightly in annoyance. She wanted to draw Akisame and let it draw blood. To see blood once more, and savor the sweet blood that would come with it. But if Aki was intent on being a stubborn little fool, she would have to deal with her first. And then she would see to it that Akira would never be seen on the face of the planet again. As these thoughts entered her mind, Akihime couldn't help but notice how sharp her fangs felt...

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A meeting of siblings. Empty Re: A meeting of siblings.

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