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Heaven and Earth

Munashii Hissori
Ookami Tenma
Shin Uchiha
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Heaven and Earth Empty Heaven and Earth

Post by Kenshi Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:16 pm

After going from the testing centers through the village, and had to quickly make a pit stop in his office to catch up on a "special someone". Yoshimo was tired enough already, and even though it was time to take his "bath", it would have to wait. The best thing to keep him going now was only one person, someone that he could talk to.

He swiveled around in a big leather chair, the only chair of its kind in Kumogakure. They'd been nice enough to give him the chair, even though he'd turned it down. The leather in Kumogakure was the finest, raised from natural bulls which grazed on the grasses of the plains in the lower part of the mountains. It was hard finding them, usually they'd have goat leather, or something more abundant. Yoshimo loved its texture and its feel, it seemed to take away the days' pain, and allow him to rest his back. Something that he hadn't done in a while. Like a kid in his fathers' chair, Yoshimo spun around again and again, trying to keep himself from falling asleep. He was somewhat low on stamina, and after the Chuunin Exams he would have to take a break and rest. Maybe he could take the water submersion bath, because he had some training to do also. His new genjutsu would be easy to learn, but the chakra cost would be amazing. Nami said her father would be giving him the Katana no Shichi Unraikyo soon, so he would have to train in speed and force to learn the Kenjutsu. Yoshimo with swords strapped to his back was weird to picture, but the added bonus of learning the ancient art, and also increasing his skills would be good. "Daybreak" surely required it.

Nami walked in on him.

"You're supposed to be at Unraikyo!!! Get there!!!"

Yoshimo smiled and looked her into the eyes, looking at how she would worry over things so much.

"Don't worry. I'm the Raikage remember? I can do just about anything."

She sighed, letting her body condense a little from the pressure of her job. That same old line that Yoshimo always gave when he was procrastinating was getting old, but every time he said it, he managed to pull it off.

"You know the success of the Chuunin Exams determine whether or not Father gives you those swords."

"Yatta yatta. I know already. Your father seems to be so honorable, and so prestidigitous. Why doesn't he run the country?"

Nami chan walked over to the small chairs infront of the large desk. She sat with her legs crossed, showing off her thighs. For such a shy girl her body language sure wasn't shy at all. And Yoshimo couldn't help but stare.

"Stop looking at me like that....."


She put her legs down, covering them with her skirt all the way up to the knee. She'd never been with a man quite like Yoshimo at all. He seemed to have a good personailty, but he always stare at her. Though that was something every woman might like, she was still a shy woman. She liked being around someone like him because he made her feel as if she wasn't the ugly person that she thought she was.


"I can't help it. I know were supposed to keep "us" to an absolute minimum, but sometimes..."

She got up and walked over to a small filing cabinet and she pulled out 12 scrolls. He knew what they were for and sighed as she talked on her way back to the chair, trying to conceal her feminine movements from his lustful eyes.

"Yoshimo, you need to head over to Unraikyo. It's not that far from here. The Chuunin Exams almost over, and you need to remember that you need to keep the deal with Kirigakure. Their past is bloody"

Yoshimo got up, muttering "Yotto" to himself, because he was too tired to lift his own weight. He stood there for a moment, turning around to look out at the village. There were citizens at work, reducing the damage of the previous demon attacks. Yoshimo put his hands in his pockets and walked over to Nami, taking the scrolls with him. She looked at him.

"What do you want now? Go, go, go...shoo."

"Don't shoo me woman...we aren't married....yet"

"Well maybe if you weren't such a procrasinator we would be."

And with that, she got up, pushing him out of the office and into his short cut exit outside. He turned around and eyed her as he squatted down, bending, and priming untill he jumped off. She watched him leave, untill he turned into a small speck and ducked across the mountain.
Yoshimo arrived at Unraikyo, standing on the platform leading up to the stairs which lead to the legendary gate. The previous residence of the Hachibi. Twenty-five years ago, a man named Uchiha Sasuke stood here and battled the Kumogakure legend "Kirabi". Their battle was nothing less but epic, and resorted in the loss of Kirabi. Though he was "captured" he managed to escape. Whether he was still alive was unknown, it was rumored that the loud mouth child "Niru" was its host, but that probably wasn't the truth. Yoshimo sighed and waited, he could see some of genin training of in the village. With a sharp whistle that seemed to echo across the whole village, Yoshimo called them to attention and to come to Unraikyo. He squatted, waiting for Heaven and Earth to begin.


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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Mirage Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:26 pm

Kirin walked up the steps to the place in which Yoshimo stood. Her and her team seemed to be the first ones there. "So, what is this test going to be about?" she asked Yoshimo as politely as she could. They had finished training only a a half an hour ago and were anxious to see what was next. her heart began to race.

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Zen Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:44 pm

Vash appeared in a flash of light right infront of the room looking around with his right eye to see who was there. His ears perked up as his tail wagged slowly behind him,he then crossed his arms and leaned up against the wall staring at Yoshimo with a sort of serious but blank look in his face. He was ready for the second part of the exams,yet something kept nagging at him in the back of his head feeling that something would go wrong while he was in the second part of the exams. But he shook his head throwing that thought aside for a momment as he listened closely waiting to know what would be next.

He looked at Kirin for a second wondering about that team before looking back to Yoshimo,he seemed to have a dark force around him and was interested in this. But also knowing that there could be some eliminations in the 2nd round some illegal ones. "I guess I need to keep my guard up then,like my brother always said "Never let the enemy know your movments and as long as you can avoid not being hit,you can't lose"Vash thought these words over in his head. Vash then sighed abit closing his right eye before opening it and taking a look around again,his ears perked up fully at attention and listening closely.
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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Aki Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:09 pm

After Niru had ran off, presumably to Unraikyo, the rest of the team had followed suit, Aki being the last to leave. As Aki finally made it Unraikyo she saw Ookami off to the side of the Genin team that was already there. A humanish-wolfish boy leaning against a wall. Niru was nowhere to be seen, though Aki suspected he was there somewhere. Akihime confirmed it by mentioning something about sensing Niru's emotions nearby, along with another set of emotions within, which she had recognized as the Hachibi, a creature as ancient as her race. The Raikage sitting down before them by the stairs leading to a great gate.

Aki took in the sights with some mild interest, though it wasn't shown on her face. Once again she had put on a pair of dark glasses that blocked out almost all the light in the area. The place seemed ancient, and eerie, as if something much greater than all of them had lived her before. There was also a quietness to the area that seemed unnatural. The faint wind carrying scents of earth and water. The cool breeze helped calm down Aki. She wasn't afraid, just impatient and a little bored.

Aki looked at the other Genin, making sure to remember their faces and asking Akihime if she recognized any of them or new anything about them. For now Akihime was unsure, sifting through her long memory. She then let her gaze wander and land on the Raikage. A small frown appeared, she still didn't like him too much for sticking the "paper bomb" on her face and then setting all that stupid smoke off so that they'd get drenched in water.

Aki sat down in the shade of something and closed her eyes, focusing on the very vague emotions she could feel flowing through her from Akihime. She was tempted to change just so she could have an idea of what everyone was feeling, but she and Akihime had agreed that for the purpose of the Chunin Exams they would keep Aki's true nature a secret unless it was an absolute emergency. She could feel anxiety from most of them, but that was to be expected. Aki slowed her breathing to help her concentrate. The less noise there was, the easier it was for her to pick up on the emotions Akihime was feeling.

((OOC: I will now ask that you all include some kind of description of how your character is feeling. Does not have to be in depth, but give me something useful. I know Akihime is able to sense people's emotions and all, but that doesn't mean you can go "Oh, I'm feeling tired and bored." or "I don't have emotions." without some kind of explanation, especially during a fight. If you don't have emotions explain it... And it can't be something like "I just don't.". I need this because Akihime can sense emotions and can convey it to Aki sort of... Thanks.))

Last edited by Aki on Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:14 pm

Shin had stood on one side of Kirin, as he saw Itami on the other side of her. He messed around with his bandage on his hand that had seemed to healed his burn all the way. He unwrapped the bandage tape and rolled it back up, putting it saftly into his pocket; he might have to use it for later, but who knew? He heared footsteps behind him, knowing it was the other teams. He turned his head to see a wolf like human, as he caught him eyeing Kirin. He shot him a glare with his onyx Uchiha eyes. Smirking, he looked forward again at Yoshimo and waited for the instructions of what they were supposed to do.
Shin Uchiha
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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:34 pm

When shiko woke up this morning not in a bed i might add but on a tree stump. Shiko never slept in his apartment it ws to messy and he preferd not to move and clean it. He just shrugged off most of the work and slept all day unless he was forced to. This however was a day he was forced to.

After the day of his training and taking his team out to dinner all he did was sit on a stump and sleep constantly. When he woke he had food he ate it then went back to bed. This went on for roughly 3 days straight as people passed him. The people just stared as they walked bye.

As he woke up on the day of Unraikyo exam shiko woke up and instead of eating he coughed up blood. His surgery was coming back on him. He coughed and hacked up blood on the tree stump but he just shrugged and got up blood dripping from his mouth. He then began to wobble to Unraikyo.

A kid coughed from the forest and blood went shooting across the place aimed with a very well aimed loogie of blood aiming for Yoshimo. However the loogie of blood landed not on yoshimo but right in front of his right foot. A disgruntled kid with white hair walked out of the forest edge his body vibrating his face pale and blood dripping from his mouth.

His black shirt had a few splotches of blood on it but that was about it. His red jacket was unbuttoned and it was untidy and dusty. If you looked at shiko you would think he was a mess but really it was somewhat of a act he was trying to put on.

The only thing he hadnt planned was the blood but it only furthered his pitifulness. It made it so people would never suspect him to actually be any good. He curled up againts the bottom step before the gate and began coughing up enourmoust amounts of blood onto the floor.

His body shook and shaked with each pitiful cough and hack he looked like he would die any moment...

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Kyo Tue Feb 17, 2009 7:44 pm

Itami shifted in place as they waited patiently for the other teams to arrive. He was not very excited about the next part of the exams and wished that they could just get it over with. Itami was not a very motivated person, but he was not lazy either. He just did not care. He looked around at the other teams wondering why they all wanted to win. It seemed somewhat pointless to him as to why they even needed ranks.


Niru emerged out from behind one of his teammates and let out a loud sigh. He was very impatient and hated to be kept waiting. He was itching to start a fight and glared at the rest of the teams as they arrived. I can cream any one of these chumps by myself... He lifted up his sleeve and looked at his bare wrist as he glared at Yoshimo, indicating that he was tired of waiting. "Lazy bastard..." he said quietly under his breath.

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Gen Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:08 pm

Gen showed up alone, with all her weapons at hand, waiting to get this test started and over with. She looked around and laughed, because she thought she could take on anyone one of these people. She cracked her hands and waited for the exam to start.

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Zen Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:19 pm

Vash watched as all the newcomers came in,full of cockyness he sighed to himself mentaly"those who are high of themsevles always have the hardest fall and never win..."Vash thought,he himself was calm and collected. His ears perking up as his fur started to shine on his body,he continued to lean agianst the wall not moving as he stared back at Yoshimo and waited for the next part of the exams to start.
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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Aki Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:58 pm

Kaji-Kanto wrote:A kid coughed from the forest and blood went shooting across the place aimed with a very well aimed loogie of blood aiming for Yoshimo. However the loogie of blood landed not on Yoshimo but right in front of his right foot. A disgruntled kid with white hair walked out of the forest edge his body vibrating his face pale and blood dripping from his mouth.

His black shirt had a few splotches of blood on it but that was about it. His red jacket was unbuttoned and it was untidy and dusty. If you looked at Shiko you would think he was a mess but really it was somewhat of a act he was trying to put on.

The only thing he hadn't planned was the blood but it only furthered his pitifullness. It made it so people would never suspect him to actually be any good. He curled up against the bottom step before the gate and began coughing up enormous amounts of blood onto the floor.

His body shook and shook with each pitiful cough and hack he looked like he would die any moment...

As the blood was traveling through the air, Akihime lost all of her current thoughts. The blood landed, dark and rich. Akihime's eyes centered on it. Then she smelled Shiko. The rich, metallic scent of blood. Blood was all over him, and she could see more and more of it as he coughed up blood over and over. Blood... The curse of all vampires.

NO! Akihime! yelled Aki in her mental voice, starting to feel Akihime changing. But it was useless, Akihime had already changed and was rushing at Shiko. Her inhuman speed somewhat blinding.

The glasses fell from her face, revealing blood rimmed eyes. Her pupils gigantic as she caught sight of the blood with her bare eyes. Her nails began to elongate and she grabbed hold of Shiko with inhuman strength. Fangs protruded, long, bright, sharp, and dangerous. Akihime dived in, sinking her fangs into Shiko's warm neck, drinking his blood hungrily it had been so long since she'd drank... And Shiko would have enough blood to supply her for the rest of the day...

Blood gushed out of Shiko's neck and drenched both him and Akihime in blood, the fresh scent of blood driving Akihime on even more. Everything around her became blank. All that she could focus on was blood. Blood dripping down Shiko's neck and body. Blood oozing through Shiko's clothes. Blood flowing into her mouth. And all of this within a matter of seconds. In less than half an hour or so, she would drain Shiko of all his blood, so great was her thirst.

Akihime's sword had appeared as well. Akisame laid on the ground, small droplets of blood landing on the shimmering blue blade. It seemed to be glowing, just faintly though. And the blood that fell onto the blade quickly disappeared as well, though few would notice that.

Aki watched in annoyance. So much for their plan about keeping their true nature a secret... But as they had transformed, all the emotions of everyone around her became apparent. Aki was whirling in a million different feelings. There were Genin here who felt anxious, scared, delighted, sad, happy, and so much more. And then all the pain! The pain Shiko was suffering right now... It hurt so much. Aki mentally placed a hand on her neck. This had been different from the other times she had seen Akihime feed. Akihime was... a monster. The other times, she had never been like this, drinking as if tomorrow everyone would die.

((OOC: Okay, I am not controlling Shiko. Kaji gave me permission to do all this. Secondly, I wouldn't have done this, but Kaji had to include blood in his post, and Aki/Akihime is a vampire. You do the math. If any of you plan on saving Shiko, or Shiko himself plans on saving himself, do not hit Aki/Akihime anywhere near her heart. If you do, you'll just mess this up even more. And remember, INCLUDE EMOTIONS.))

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:16 pm

Shiko was shocked as he felt fangs in his neck however that didnt last long he instantly moved his hand to his shirt pulling out 3 kunai each wrapped with explosion notes. He shoved them into her stomach as She was busy with him he then buckled his legs back and up sending roughly 650 pounds into her. He also looked around for something to switch with before the explosion.

He saw a small animal in the distance watching and performed a handsigns and performed a substitution jutsu before the explosion note went off and all his blood was gone. He sighed againts the tree still in a fetal position the now small animal where he used to be. He shivered...

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Aki Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:29 pm

Kaji-Kanto wrote:Shiko was shocked as he felt fangs in his neck however that didnt last long he instantly moved his hand to his shirt pulling out 3 kunai each wrapped with explosion notes. He shoved them into her stomach as She was busy with him he then buckled his legs back and up sending roughly 650 pounds into her. He also looked around for something to switch with before the explosion.

He saw a small animal in the distance watching and performed a handsigns and performed a substitution jutsu before the explosion note went off and all his blood was gone.

Akihime was too distracted to notice Shiko moving or the sound of metal clinking out of his shirt and the papery rasp of the explosive notes. Then Shiko shoved the kunai into her. Akihime had twitched slightly, but then he had kicked her up into the air. Her wings instinctively unfurling to support her in the air; unfortunately, she had let go of Shiko. Then the explosion notes went off.

Akihime quickly descended, crashing into the ground. When the dust and smoke cleared, Aki was laying there, struggling to breathe. Akihime in a semi unconscious state within Aki. Dang it... And right before the second test!

Aki slowly sat up, coughing up blood. Pain seared through her left arm. She let out a gasp of pain, which was rare, and gently touched her raw upper arm. Blood dripping out. The bright sunlight not helping her at all. She winced from the bright lights. The dark glasses out of her reach. She slowly felt along her left arm, pausing as she reached her wrist. As soon as she had touched it she felt pain. It was broken most likely.

Aki closed her eyes to relieve herself of the bright sunlight. All the while she concentrated on not screaming out in pain. No matter what... Do... not... let them know... you are suffering Aki... She tentively reached out for Akihime's mind, but she was only met by darkness. The fire from the explosive notes had done more damage than she thought. Aki would have to consume some blood for Akihime soon if she wanted Akihime to help her in the second part of the exams. Aki's breath was coming out in short rasps. The sudden change back had affected her more than she had thought... And then she had felt Akihime's pain as well, along with Shiko's pain. The curse of being a vampire thought Aki bitterly...

((OOC: Please note that the Nasaki Clan being part vampire is basically a secret to everyone, so please, please, please don't put anything about knowing about them. Basically all your char should know is that Aki moved to fast for anyone to get a good look at her, except for Shiko, and then she "flew" and fell. Even my team shouldn't know much, but since they're form Kiri, they can have an idea, but not know for sure.))

Last edited by Aki on Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:35 pm

As soon as he could see before his very eyes, someone was quickly sucking someone's blood out of their neck. It was the sick child, that he had seen during the written exams. He coughed on Kirin's paper, and ruined it. He smirked, as an explosion in the air suddenly happened. "Nandashite?!?!"He exclaimed and put his arms over his head, quickly saving him from a burn of the not as far, explosion. He opened his eyes, watching the kunoichi fall from the air and onto the ground.

He suddenly had the concern to help her, even if she was bad, he had felt the right to do it. He ran over to her, kneeling down beside her. He quickly examined her body. "Her wrist.. And arm.."He whispered, as he then wrapped medical tape over her whole arm, knowing it had some sort of healing powers since it was from their medical team mate. He smiled at her, "You alright?"He asked her

Last edited by Kratos Aurion on Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total
Shin Uchiha
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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Ookami Tenma Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:41 pm

As he walked over Ookami picked up Aki's sunglasses and handed them to her

"Well that sure looked like it hurt " he said to her. He was still a little shaken up from what he'd seen be he figured that to show fear infront of all these other gennin would not be a good idea. He held out a hand to help her up

"You ok?" he said simply. The wounds she had sustained looked horrific. From what he had seen, the guy that was covered in blood stuck three kunai knives into her stomach. He asked no questions because simply he didn't want to hear the answers.

He looked at the other ninja that had come up to help Aki "Thanks" he said.

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Zen Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:44 pm

Vash had his right eye closed he didn't see what happened only heard what happened. He then opened his right eye back up not bothering with the others in the area,he just wanted to complete the exams and become a chuunin. He looked to Yoshimo his right eye turning serious abit,he was at times playful and happy but when it came down to business he was just like his brother...serious. "So...whats the second part of the exam?"Vash asked,his tail wagging lightly behind him and his ears perked up listening as he leaned agianst the big rock.

Last edited by Zen on Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:55 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Tarak Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:45 pm

Taichi had slept in and knew he was going to be late, though as he arrived he realized JUST how late he was. He quietly landed, and as he approached he looked around saying, "What the hell did I miss!?" He was thoroughly confused at this point, and had NO idea what was going on, as he looked around he spotted Shiko and the other person as well.

He looked over to Shiko calling out, "Shiko! What just happened!?" He realized that Shinko was hurt and first worry then anger and finally a slight fear came over him. He rushed over to Shiko and asked "Hey, you gonna be ok dude?" Taichi was genuinely worried, for Shiko and his team at this point, though even if he had to carry his squad mates through the rest of this exam they'd get through, no matter what.

He then remembered the other, and turned to see someone already trying to help them. "Well, seems that this exam is already getting interesting." he then removed his hood revealing to everyone his mask that had been grafted in place of the flesh of his face. He then placed a hand on Shiko's back and looked around, he honestly didn't know what to expect of this group of misfits.


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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Kenshi Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:51 pm

They were sure the most rowdiest genin on the face of the planet. Yoshimo looked around, counting them all, adding them up and coming short. It seemed as though Munashii and Lelia hadn't made it there yet, which was good. It would give Yoshimo time to explain the rules. He would have to explain them clearly, and Munashii and Lelia would probably arrive around the time that he was explaining them. No matter though, they'd surely have fun in this years Chuunin Exams.

Nami made sure to tell Yoshimo to spice it up a bit, after all he was getting a legendary artifact out of this, and just enough money to pay Kirigakure, and to put his village in the plus side on money. After this, Yoshimo could sit easy, protect the village, and make sure that nothing went wrong. He would also start traveleing a lot more, visiting people.

Important people. People that were important enough to "Dawn" on the ninja world.

Yoshimo snapped out of his trance a looked around for the bloodly little child. As he walked towards him, he could hear the silence of the genin as Yoshimo finally did something instead of this kids blood, or bombs exploding. Making his way over to the boy, Yoshimo grabbed him, picking the sickly boy up, and somewhat dragging him back to the platform below Unraikyo. He sat him down next to him, listening to the wheezing and coughing of the boy. He took out a cigarette, lighting it up, and taking a few puffs. The newly formed habit cause all of the genin to go silent, as the wind pushed a cloud of smoke away from his face.

"Heaven and Earth, Clouds and Dirt, Angels and Demons, Men and Women. Nature is so complex, don't you all think? There are things in this world that are just opposites, that provide balance. Fire and Water don't get along well, but if you look at the elements they are completely same in vitality. Making a campfire and starting into the flames automatically boosts human morale. Finding safe water to drink from also boosts human morale for some reason. Even though these two things are complete opposites we need them to survive, whether we like them or not. What I'm trying to say is, can you trust those that you don't know? That is the point of the Second Exam. There are six earth scrolls and six heaven scrolls. The objective, for your team, or for you indiviually will be to get as many as you can. But, there will be a little twist."

Yoshimo took three heaven and three earth scrolls and gave them to Shiko. He stood in front of the boy. He then tossed the remaining scrolls to Aki,(heaven) Shin,(earth) Vash,(heaven) and Dageki,(earth) leaving the remaining 2 scrolls to himself. He would keep the extra one, and give one to Munashii when his team appeared.

"I will guard Shiko, but not any of his team. Just Shiko. I have to test you guys ability as ninja to come up with plans about people you don't know and how to work together to finish the mission. You are all lucky, because in the dark I cannot use my ninjutsu, but my stealth rate soars. I'm nearly impossible to see or find in the dark, and no doujutsu can spot me while I'm in the shadows. Remember, the mission is to get as many scrolls as you can. Also, if you dare open those scrolls, I'll....I'll....nothing, you'll see. Heaven and Earth, I personally think they are both equal, and the same.... Anyone have questions? I have to wait on everyone to get here before I start. No fightning now, all the fighting will start in the cave, so I guess those with scrolls can start planning and grouping up if you want."

Last edited by Yoshimo Izoto on Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:00 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Gen Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:55 pm

Gen glaread at Yoshimo and then sighed. "Can you shut your mouth so we can start this? I'd really enjoy becoming a chunnin, while I'm alive!" She screamed and got one of her weapons ready.

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Aki Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:06 pm

Aki felt a jab of pain as someone wrapped a bandage around her raw and bleeding arm. Though he had good intentions, it wasn't that helpful. She ignored his question. The pain almost unbearable. When Ookami handed her glasses she ignored it as well. The pain was burning her away inside almost.

Then the Raikage started speaking and threw a scroll at her. Injured as she was, she couldn't catch it. A nice new bruise appearing on right arm. More pain. Aki really hated the Raikage now. First he had stuck a paper bomb on her face... Now he had thrown a stupid scroll at her??? What was he, an idiot???

Aki gritted her teeth, feeling like screaming out again. Deal with it Aki... when Akihime recovers, you can take out all your anger on the crazy Genin here.

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Ookami Tenma Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:12 pm

Ookami listened intently on what the Raikage had to say. After the speech was done he turned round to Aki and said

"I hope your up for this with that wound it looks better already but that was one big bang. And by the way have you seen Niru?" He had noticed the other gennin from his vilage had disappered shortly after the first exam, and now they were preparing for the second.

"Where in the name of hell could he be?" Ookami was slightly worried about his missing teammate but he knew the exam started soon and Niru WOULD be there without fail he took one last quick look at the kid with the blood all over him.
There was somthing about him, he couldent Quite belive that somone that sick could be in the exam. Surely he would have been removed for medical reasons.
And his freind with the mask there was somthing about him to despite having a mask grafted on to his face. He would have to be weary of them.

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:15 pm

Shiko smirked as he got up carrying the scrolls he walked to taichi thinking of a plan. He set the scrolls down next to him and then smirked as he pulled out his own scroll and created food he needed blood back and fast. He ate like a beast going through 5 ramen cups in a matter of 5 min's.

He then undid his jacket and threw it down to the ground and same with his undershirt and pants revealing his true outfit with loose fitting pants and a tight black undershirt. He took off his bow of the golden helix and let it crashed to the ground. He smirked.

He then turned to Taichi and whispered his plan in his ear. Shiko then smirked as he placed each of the scrolls in a diff part of his clothing's pockets. He was set and ready his blood was back he pulled out his pill's and smirked. He tossed two white ones to Taichi saying. "Take those when you need a boost in chakra and power and speed and such the other is for Klano. Ill be busy."

Shiko then walked over to yosh to get the details of what was going on...

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:21 pm

Shin had got done wrapping Aki's whole arm in medical tape, as he called Kirin over. He was given more medical tape from her and kept applying it to Aki's arm. This certain medical tape had something to it, it had medical chakra flowing through it as he could feel it in his fingers. He had got done listening to Yoshimo, then he threw a scroll at him. He caught the scroll in his hand and put it in his backpack, making sure it was securely inside. He then cut off the medical tape and made sure it stayed on her arm. He smiled softly, as he told Kirin, "You think you could heal her alittle? I already have a plan for this..."He then turned to Itami and whispered to him what they were primarily supposed to do. It seemed to be true that most Uchiha were geniuses like the Hyuuga, as he was the one who caught on quickly with the instructions.
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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Zen Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:25 pm

Vash grabbed the scroll as he pushed himself off of the big rock,he stared at it with his right eye for a momment,before putting it away on his person. "Alright then lets get started with this,im going to go get situated..."Vash said in a calm voice. He then turned around and walked away from the group,soon disappearing in a flash of light,reappearing in the woods somewhere not too far off,he then sat down and started to meditate to think,his ears perked up listening for any intruder.
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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Gen Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:33 pm

Gen looked at the one she had wanted to take out first in the groups. She looked at the Uchiha, she knew he would be strong, she would take out the strongest first. She then walked up to Shin and laughed. "I'll be fighting you first today, got that clear, punk?!"

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Heaven and Earth Empty Re: Heaven and Earth

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:01 am

Shin's ear twitched to the sound of someone's voice being directed to him. It was a very aggrivating voice, to him, it was something he could not stand listening to all day, or he would do berserk. He sighed to calm himself, as he turned his body to her. He looked somewhat like Sasuke with the clothes that he had worn, but no one knew specifically why. He then walked up to Gen to get closer to her as she had walked up to him. He was a bit taller than her, as he looked at her straight in the eyes. "I wouldnt want to cause any trouble... But I think you need to get your *ss kicked and be tought to be respectful amongst others..." He told her, then added, "The second exam will start inside the cave. There, we will fight." He then shot her a deadly glare with his strict-looking Uchiha eyes.... And then walked over to his team.
Shin Uchiha
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