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Heaven's Disrupter

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Heaven's Disrupter Empty Heaven's Disrupter

Post by Osamu_Rimakan Mon Jun 29, 2009 11:36 am

Name of Weapon or Item:Heaven's Disrupter

Location:Forever bound to Osamu's back

Description:The Heaven's Disrupter has the ability to manipulate wind and cut through it. When this sword is swung it emitts winds that can cause severe damage to the opponents body and even death due the high powered winds comming directly at the opponent.

History:The Heaven's Disrupter was created centuries ago to aid the Gods in controlling the human race and to keep them in line. The sword was also used to cause hurricanes and toronados which we know as natural disaters. About 1000 years ago someone stole the sword that was planted into the earth by the Gods due to how powerful it was it wasn't meant to be found but yet it was. The person who found came to know it's curse. Which says:

"What ever human shall remove this sword from it's eternal resting place shall suffer from increasing age, weakness in arms and legs, loss of sight, and eventually death. The only cure is to find another to weild it's gift and it's curse."

The sword traveled from place to place, village to village until it came into the hands of a merchant. The merchant knew his death was upon him so as a last resort he said that if Osamu could weild it it would become his to have. Osamu cheated to weild it and because of that, the sword is forever bound to his back. He can oly remove it to fight and that's it. Osamu used it once in a fight and vowed never to do so agian.

Appearance: Heaven's Disrupter Sashaka

Posts : 32
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Join date : 2009-06-25
Age : 37
Location : Atlanta

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