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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Zen Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:34 pm

"Hmmm...well to think things couldn't get any worse,im dead,im pissed off and now im walking the earth in limbo and no one can see me...and it seems I died too soon I think but no apparently Sannam thought different"Zen thought as he stood on his gave sighing his arms crossed. "The worse part of it is...I left my young brother all alone without any of his family left...damnit!"Zen thought as he growled before sighing once agian. He then turned around and squated on his hunches looking at his grave with his right eye scanning it"here lies Zen the wolf copy ninja may he rest in peace,well isn't that just great.."Zen said as he then stood up agian and started to walk away from his grave site. "Well Zen,looks like I get to wander the earth forever how worse can things possibly get for me"Zen said aloud to himself as he walked.
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Dec 30, 2008 11:28 pm

To Zen and to anyone else that was in the place of limbo, a cool air took the area by surprise. The air was both haunting and deathly to those who were entangled by its wrath. Things that were not in limbo, animals of all kind, could sense the deathly presence of this being began to run way or burrow themselves into the ground as it approached Zen. The echos of footsteps silently but increasingly approached Zen. Was it death that approached Zen? Was it the spirit of the reaper come to take the soul of Zen to where he shall be judged by his maker or was it the imagination of Zen and his mind has finally been lost.

A deathly and ghostly wind sweeps past Zen, the feel of it was life-like and haunting, making all those in disbelief come to enlighten of the fact that there was indeed an afterlife. The figure began to grow closer to Zen, the footsteps were now getting louder and louder. The moment Zen had blinked his eyes, the figure of the grim reaper. He looked into Zen eye to eye, Zen could only see the everlasting darkness while the reaper could see every small detail of him. The giant scythe, which was giant in height, stood over them both. The shine from the blade was evident of its sharpness and its keen edge. The reaper backs himself up away from Zen. A small blue glow came from his eyes. Then a long sigh came from its breath. It was cold breath, the same breath Zen saw from a certain man when he was alive.

"My oh my, what do we have here" the reaper replied. It was a familar voice, a voice once heard by Zen's long time enemy. The voice was calm but yet timid. It had a cool overtone that soothed the soul. He reaches inside of his cloak and took out a black book. Two gloved hand opened it up and one of his hand flips through the pages seeing who it was and how did this poor soul die. When he found it, a slight sigh came out of his mouth "Indeed interesting"

The reaper then took off his hood and cloak and it slowly flowed down to the ground. The dark blue-gray hair came out and the dark blue eyes stared at Zen. His demeanor was calm yet serious.

"Well if it isnt the shinobi from the living, Zen the copy ninja.....what an unexpected yet expected surprise..."
Kyouken Uchiha
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Zen Wed Dec 31, 2008 12:28 am

Zen as he walked felt the cold chill of a precesence approch him,he watched as the reaper came up to him staring he looked at the grim reaper feeling the chill get worse. As he spoke Zen instantly knew who it was,he sighed hanging his head before looking back up and crossing his arms"yep....knew it was gonna get worse"Zen said. "So....what do you have in store for me hmm? gonna send me to hell?"Zen asked,staring at him with his right eye,his tail wagging lightly behind him.
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:01 am

Kyouken had thought of just putting him to hell letting his soul suffer for eternity but alas that was not his judgement to saw for. He puts his hands in his pockets and his body lean back as though he was leaning up against an object. He takes a hand out and rubs his eyes together

"No, if I wanted to do that I would've done it when you were alive so I would'nt have to do deal with you now"

Kyouken eyes him from head to toe. He see's the slice marks where Zen had chopped off his head. His eyebrows, quickly and slightly, raised up in rememberance of that moment. He remembers the event clearly since it was in Konoha. Kyouken points at him

"So, from the looks of you, you dont look like you wanna go yet, which is fine in many other case's. I dont blame ya, your young, you had your whole entire life ahead of you. You probably wanted to become a very powerful ninja and make your village proud, get married, start a family, train ya kids hoping they become great shinobi's and you grow into age and die naturally with your wife and kids at your bedside. Yeah, very touching and romantic but that didnt happen now did it? You so happen to die by decapitation"

Kyouken puts his hand down and leans up where he was standing again "But who was the one the really killed you? Who was the one that let you down by letting you get killed? From what I recall, it seems as if the kages betrayed you for there precious village. Which would seem honorable at the time, but was it worth it? Tell me Zen, from your viewpoint, was it worth dying for someone who never gave a damn about you? Someone who just honor the fact that you died "protecting your village?""
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Zen Wed Dec 31, 2008 1:51 am

Zen listened to every word Kyouken said staring as he nodded"ya acutally...that and now that im dead I can't help my brother or see him agian,infact he took my death apparently really hard and was mad at Sannam for letting Yoshimo kill me...I just wish I could get back to the real world some how..."Zen explained with a sigh as he stared down at the ground. He then looked back up to Kyouken and raised an eyebrowl"so anyway lets get this over with so what you gonna do to me?"Zen asked,his tail wagging behind him.
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:00 am

Kyouken appears in front of Zen as though he was stopping him from going anywhere which the irony of it was Zen could not go anywhere cause for he would need an "escort". He lightly taps Zen has he has an idea.

"Well you wanna go back to the realm of the living?" he said in a calm voice "You wanna go back so you can protect your brother? So he wont be a martyr like yourself? Do you wish to be with the one you love both with your family and with the love of your life? I can give it to you, I can give you life once more if you do as I say and answer this following question right"

Slowly coming into Kyouken's hand was a katana, it was not the katana that was placed on the side of him, it was a katana that had a cherry blossom hanging on the end of the hilt, the guard had a symbol in some dead lanuage that said "life n death" and it was a long blade, almost longer then the blade from the scythe. It glisten at Zen and gave off both light and darkness. It was determining whether or not Zen should live or should become non-existant. Kyouken looks into his eyes, his eyes now became crimson red and a crimson aura was coming off of him

"Tell me you.....fear death and all of its entirties?"
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Zen Wed Dec 31, 2008 2:26 am

Zen stared at Kyouken as he appeared infront of him and seeing him tap his shoulder as he nodded"yes I would....but why would you help me?"Zen asked crossing his arms. He then watched as the katana was brought to him,he stared at it for a long while as Kyouken asked the question,he shook his head"no Kyouken I do not fear death nor do I fear whats in it,all I know is that its apart of life but it seems I was rightfully cheated out and was taken from the real world all too soon,infact sooner then I would have like,so the asnwer to your no"Zen stated looking at Kyouken with his right eye looking into his red orbs.
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:01 pm

Kyouken raises up his blade and then slowly begin to thrust into Zen's heart. He first broke the fur then he broke into the skin where he begin to slowly pierce into his heart, the twisting and turning of Kyouken's' hand made the katana twist as well causing the most gruesome of pain. But the pain did not stop there. Kyouken continue to plunge through Zen's heart until he felt that his blade was no longer in the heart itself. He thrust forward, piercing through the skin and out of his back continuing to twist the katana to make him feel the pain. Kyouken lets go of the hilt, letting the blade stay inside of Zen's body. He closes his eyes, the crimson aura that surrounded him became more dramatic and intense. He begins to chant an dead lanuage. Its haunting sound reverbrates in Zen's head as Kyouken continues to chant it over and over and over. The pain began to increase more drastically. To Zen, the blade began to brighten and then vibration was felt from the blade itself as though it was coming to life. To Zen and only to Zen, another voice of chanting echoed to him. The blade itself was chanting and it was synchronizing with Kyouken's voice. The chanting continued to what felt like hours and hours. The endless chanting got louder and louder until it consumed Zen's mind.

Kyouken opens his eyes and looks at Zen. Seeing that his blade was still inside of Zen, he made him ponder on whether he should just erase him from existance, but the thought of it was past him at that time when he walked towards Zen and stands in front of him. He puts a finger on Zen's head then closed his eyes. Through his abilities of psionics and enter into his mind. Kyouken walks in his mind. The memories of Zen surronding Kyouken as he continues walks towards his sub-conscious. As he has his sights on the sub conscious, his hands performed many seals then it ended in the tiger seal. His eyes glew brightly as he stares at the sub-conscious. It was shaped like an giant orb of many different colors, he showed what made Zen tick, what made Zen himself, how he performed talents, and his indeed darkest secrets. Kyouken continues to stare at it

"Seishin: Memory Entrapment"

Coming out of Kyouken eye's were forms of blue chains. The chains began to wrap itself around the sub-conscious, the wrapping continued until the orb that was his conscious was covered by the chains. The memories that had surrounded Kyouken had disappeared, for a time being Zen would forget who he was but not his skills as a ninja for Kyouken had plans for him. Kyouken body faded out of existance in Zen's mind and he returned back to his mind. Kyouken opened up his eyes, which returned back to his natural eye color of dark blue. He grabs the hilt of the blade and slowly pulls out the blade. He blade left a hole for a brief moment, then his soul began to heal up the wound. The blade then slowly vanishes back to its orginal holding ground. Kyouken wipes off Zen's to make him look neat and clean. He turns around and glances over at the horizon, where the sun was coming up. Kyouken knew now that he had revived Zen and he was now in the world of the living. Kyouken grabs on to Zen's shoulder and looks him eye to eye

"Now Zen, do you remember who I am? Do you know where you are at?"
Kyouken Uchiha
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Zen Wed Dec 31, 2008 3:15 pm

Zen growled loudly as he was then stabbed as he glared at Kyouken,the blade didn't hurt since he was already dead but it was rather annoying. He then froze standing still and making no movement as Kyouken then entered his mind,it felt like an eternity him standing there,but when it was over his right eye blinked as he was brushed off. Zen then tilted his head feeling Kyouken's hand on him and his ears perked up as he heard the question,he looked confused for a momment as he tried figuring out who this person was"I swear i've seen him before.."Zen thought. He then shook his head"nope can't say I have,I thought I did but now I don't know and where am I anyway?"Zen asked as he looked around abit.
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:09 pm

Kyouken takes away his hand off his shoulder, the completion of the seal and the reviving of another being was a success. Kyouken turns away from Zen and walked towards the spot where he set his scythe and his katana. He placed a hand on the scythe and with that touch, it faded away into the his kingdom. He takes his katana and slides it down on the right side of his belt. It did not feel comfortable to him so he takes the sheath and the blade itself out of his belt. He raises his arm in front of himself then lets go of the blade which had seemingly disappeared in sight. He folds his arms and begins to walk away from Zen.

"May the lord have mercy on your soul Zen for you will need it"

Kyouken disappeared leaving a blue afterimage of himself
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo Empty Re: Not in heaven,not in hell but in limbo

Post by Zen Wed Dec 31, 2008 4:29 pm

Zen looked around abit before seeing Kyouken walk off"hey wait a minute I have questions! where am I!?"Zen asked but growled as the spirt was then gone. He looked around abit noticing he was in a graveyard and then looking down at the tomb infront of him which was blank,he shook his head before walking off and getting away from the graveyard area now walking in the forest. "Great I have no idea where I am now what do I do...."Zen thought with a sigh as he walked,he then stopped feeling something and he quickly turned around seeing some sort of person approch him,or what looked to him like a spirit.

A black wolf anthro walked up to Zen only his form was blue and ghostly as he looked at Zen"well I didn't think he would be so generous in giving you your life back my son"Rikou said as he walked up infront of him smiling. Zen tilted his head confused which Rikou noticed" seems you don't remember me,fret not I shall help you regain your mind back where it belongs,as to where you are you are in the hidden leaf village"Rikou explained. Zen started to walk with the spirit as he explained where he was,he was going to ask why he called Zen his son but Rikou beat him to it"Zen I am your father I know its gonna be difficult to belive but you are apart of a clan of powerful ninja,but only you and your brother are the last ones of the clan"Rikou explained.

"Ok......but im gonna need some sort of proof before I start beliving in what you are"Zen said pausing at the last word as he was abit confused on weather this spirit was acutally his dad,but he questioned it no furthar as he followed the spirit onward into the leaf village.
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