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Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone)

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Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone) Empty Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone)

Post by Guest Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:09 pm

OOC: I would like to appologize Kudara, I did not realize that you said that it would be booby trapped. However, I have reworked this to work for all partys concerned.

IC: Kurama and Sendo walked into the villages square, strangely it was void of people. Odd how things worked out when fate rewove its loom. Sendo smiled, this was pertect. No one would see him do what he was about to do, though he was sure it was going to get back to Sanamaru. He looked over at Kurama who said nothing. The only response was the menacing glance of someone who had been cheated. He was still sore over the fact that Sendo had ripped him away from his battle the other day. Now two were to blame. Izoto and Sendo shared equal fault in Kurama's eyes. It made no difference. He could not step to Sendo and walk away whole. So he keapt his mouth shut.

Sendo cringed as another shock entered his brain. This time more painful than the others had been. It was the sure sine that the coin was here. 'Sendo,' it whispered to him, 'it is close, very close.' Sendo did a quick check around the square, trying to determine exactly where it was. It quickly became obvious to him that it was either with in the fountain, which was dead center of the village, or it was just on the other side of it, hidden somewhere. Sendo walked up to the fountain, Kurama close behind, and placed his hand on the water spewing mechanism. The effect was immediate. His vission flashed white and he was instantly lost in thought. "Sendo, it is about time you found me. The only way for you to achieve greatness with the blood coin is to have me along with it. As soon as I felt the blood coin connect with someone, I knew it was only a matter of time. Release me from here Sendo, so we may be reunited and grant you power." Sendo quickly withdrew his hand and walked back away from the fountain. Confused, Kurama followed suit. Suddenly Sendo turned on the ball of his foot, making hand signs as he spun around. By the time he was facing the statue again, the seals were finished and he deployed hsi jutsu, "Free Will Explosion." The fixture exploded and for a brief moment the coin was visable, hovering slightly above the ground. Then the unexpected happened.

The ground for 100 meters out from where the fountain once stood began to crumble. Buildings collapsed and a few people were caught up in it as well. The coin continued to hover for a moment and then fell into a free fall. Sendo and Kurama followed suit, tumbling into the abyss, but not for long as Kurama was quick to react. He brought chakra to his hands and produced two plants. One he placed on his own neck, the other he threw onto Sendo's. Instantly the two seeds spawned forming a pair of wings on both of them. Using his Chakra, Kurama comanded the plant on Sendo to fly him to a nearest building which wasnt all that near. Using his own, he flew after the coin, quickly retrieving it and persuing Sendo. The two landed with in a few moments and looked back at the swift and utter destruction they had caused. Kurama found it hillairous and after giving the coing to Sendo began laughing uncontrolably. Sendo took the coin and knew Sanmaru would not be pleased. His apprenticeship was almost at a close. He could only watch as Kurama lay on the rooftop, writhing in humor. He flipped the coin as watched it gleam in the dim sunlight. As he caught it he realized, it did not matter. Now he would stand a much better chance against Sanamru. Whatever gap between their power was either now gone, or had reversed in Sendos favor. He smiled. This was a good day.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone) Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Jan 28, 2009 8:36 pm

A man sat in a desk a few hours before the incident at the fountain. He looked on a computer scrolling through records only labeled as "coins". He looked in awe at the file and saw the power behind these coins. The man stood up and put on a mask. He then walked out of the room and got into a elevator. He smiled as it jerked upward and in a matter of seconds it opened.

The man stepped out of the elevator it closed and then a man threw a metal board into the air and he jumped. He landed on the board and he flew forward from the moutains of Kumogakure heading for the village sguare.

In a few hours the figure had made it and landed on a buidling above the fountain noticing two figures there. The man knew once they lingered at the fountain this was going to be hard. He saw as they fell into the hole and he smirked. The man insantly reactedas the hole made it to his building. He jumped back his black clothes flying forward.

The man smirked as he landed on a safe building as the two people exited. He performed a seal and in less than a one minute it began to rain out of nowehere. The rain was however concentrated chakra that iced over before it hit a person. The man waited as the rain became heavier. The mask kept his face from getting hurt and since his clothers were metal he was ok.

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Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone) Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone)

Post by Guest Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:43 pm

With his heightened sense of mind, Sendo quickly snifffed out the chakra in the air. It reeked of it. He alerted Kurama of the issue. "Kurama, we need protection from above pronto," he said as seriously he could manage at the moment. Kurama quickly stopped his jesting and rose to one knee and performed one of his deffensive jutsu, "Wood Barrier." He channeled chakra into the air, creating a disk of wood about three feet above their heads. The disk was about 15 feet in diameter and gave them a medium range of movement in its protective range. A second later the ice began to fall. It nailed the wood, but could not pentrate. Around them the ice fell freely, battering the already broken part of the village. Sendo searched around with mind and eye for the one who was responsible and quickly found the figure who was obviously the cause. He was on the exact opposite side of the crater and barely visable. It was apparent he had some power, but his intentions were impossible to read at this length. Sendo took a deffensive attitude to the situation for the moment and waited for the man to make a move of some kind.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone) Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:01 pm

The man smirked as he manipulated the rain yet again causing the rain that hit the wood to slowly run off the wood panel however he did not lett the rain fall to the ground he let it collect and form into a bubble around the 2 opponents. The bubble was almost unoticable since it kept a look of just running off water. The water bubble then began to fill.

The man however was still on the ground as he had made the rainfall stoparound everything but his two opponents. He smiled saying "This will be over soon" He turned over almost as if he was trying to sleep. However all he had done was shifted positions to better throw a orb towards the now filling waterball.

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Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone) Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone)

Post by Guest Fri Feb 06, 2009 5:22 pm

Sendo realized imedietly that the opponet was trying to trap them within a dome of water. With his heightened senses, he it was easy to tell the bubble that had formed around them had existed. The enemy was not very subtle either. He was quick to begin filling their imprisonment with water almost imedietly which was a steadfast sign. The fact that the water stayed within a certain area proved that there was in fact some kind of containment being attempted here. Sendo also suspected a lightning attack would be sure to soon follow for surely their opponet did not think that this here alone was an effective means of taking them out. Kurama was quick on the up take as well and was quick to respond. He focused his chakra up into the floating disk of wood and pushed it upwards, causign the bubble to congeal over where the wood plank had once been. They were no inside the dome completely, but it did not matter. Kurama manuevered the wood untill it was vertical instead of horizontal, and brought it down on to the bubble, effectively popping it. It continued down towards Sendo and Kurama. They were both ready, having trained with each other constantly and having a good knowledge of the others thoughts at all times.

Kurama began to angle the wood, and before it reached them it was at a low enough angle that they could leap upon it and maintain balance with ease and without having to use chakra to keep their footing. Kurama manipulated the wood plank out over the massive abbyss. They continued untill they were roughly in the middle. This was just barely close enough to the opponet for Sendo to use his next jutsu, one he had used not to long ago. He used the few handsigns and performed the jutsu. "Freewill Explosion." Sendo manipulated his chakra into the building on which the opponet stood, causing it to explode under him. With any luck this woud be the end of it, but for some reason Sendo did not think so. They would just have to wait and see after the smoke cleared. Or would they? Sendo reached out with his mind to see if he could feel the mans chakra.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone) Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin (Redone)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:48 am

As soon as the man had thrown the orb he rolled backwards to the other side of the building and threw himself off. He caught himself halfway down by throwing his hoverboard and landing on it. He flew forward and then spun and went backwards threw the wreckage of the building blending in through the destruction.

The orb he had thrown flew and soon splashed into the water and activated. The water turned to ice and lifted up into the air. The man moved one of his hands and flung the ice towards the 2 on the wood. He then jumped backwards and landed in the rubble of the building and awaited his moment.

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Age : 32

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