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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Guest Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:29 pm

Sendo and Kurama appeared in the village square, heads bowed, focused on a singular spot next to one of the buildings. "I realy dont see why you need my help with this, nor why it was neccesary to rip me away from the battle I was in the middle of yesterday when you could have waited to explain these things to me," Kurama hissed in discontent. Sendos smirk dropped into a face of utter disapproval.

"Whatever I deem neccesary should automatically be important to you Kurama. Do not forget that in a few short moves I could have you on the ground writhing in pain, forcing even a maniac such as you to beg me to land the final blow so I can end your suffering. Do not forget who it was that showed you the way." It was with this manner of speaking that granted Sendo with the gift of control over Kurama with out ever having to lift a finger to ensure his power over him. Kurama knew all to well that Sendo could annhialate him anytime he wished. Knowledge is power,a nd the knowledge in Kurama's head set it in stone that Sendo would never have to fear rebellion from his two loyal servants.

The two finally made it to the point that had been so dedicated to arriving upon. It was a small trapdoor, barely visable on the side of the wall of the south building. There was no way of knowing it was there unless someone had been looking for it, and the only way anyone could look for it was if the blood coin had revealed its whereabouts to them. Sendo had been gifted with this ability. He was here to obtain the mind coin so he could use both coins abbilities with out feeling the ill effects of either. That was assuming that the voice that echoed inside of his head that belonged to the coin he already had was truthful. He so hoped it was. He had never taken anything on faith before, and was unsure why he was doing so now. He reached out with his hand and dropped the door, revealing a tunnel that led down below to a cavern below the city. The pull on his mind grew stronger. With out a doubt, the mind coin was here.

The two ninja dissapeared down below, careful to shut the wooden door behind them. Sendo didnt mind the lack of light, he was guided by the tug on his mind. Kurama could navigate as well by following the aura given off by Sendo. They traveled in scilence for several minutes, twisting and turning as the corridors went along, though they did not go lower into the earth. They took one last final turn, and Sendo was gifted with the sight of his life. Finally some light was given off in the thsu far barren tunnel. There above a podium in the middle of the hall was the mind coing, levitating due to some unknown force. Sendo smiled with glee. He went into a full out sprint, brining himself before the podium in an instant. He reached out his hand and grasped the coin in his palm, the light instantly went out, sending the two back into darkness. Pocketing the coin, he returned over to Kurama's position. "Now we return to the surface."


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:22 am

A man stood at the end of the corridor and he laughed his eyes going bugged eye as he snapped his finger. As soon as he snapped his finger a gigantic explosion occured under the two Ninja's. The explosion shot turned into a mushroom cloud and the cave began to fall apart and crumble down. The man threw down a capsule right after the begining and a wall of ice appeared and melted into a wall of water.

The man pushed his hand forward and the wall of water moved forward. The man thought no one could survive that explosion and so he was getting ready to collect his prize and get on his way. He was only there because he was in kudara's lab near kumo reading and he came across the coins and there abilitys in records. He figured no one should harness those powers so he was going to collect them and have kudara destroy them. When he thought to start he grabbed his hoverboard and got himself over here in a few hours.

It was his luck that he had been able to set his trap before his guest's arrived. He used the darkness as a way to hide since they seemed to be tuned to the coin at the moment. Little did the 2 men know but the man had placed a few unexpected suprises in the cave. He had set roughly 5 bombs up each one with the capability of blowing a person to smithereens.

Mizo loved his sensei Kudara he had created a weapon of ultimate power almost and entrusted mizo the ability to use them. The man walked forward with the water as the water calmed the explosion and absorbed the radiation. He looked for the coin hoping to find it.

(sorry for the lame and long wait for this post... I have excuses but it dont matter)

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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:13 pm

OOC: I shook my head as I read this Kaji. I realy and truly did. You fell for it. As soon as you said you were intervineing I had a planned worked out in my head. Your talk of using an unavoidable method of attack made me think, "how do you avoid the unavoidable." Of course you cant. But then again, I dont need to. I could explain it all like this but I think youll see it all in IC. Sorry Kaji, You ARE NOT getting that coin. But I do have a statement to make. WHat your character did made no sense to me. If you had the time to set all those bombs, whoy wouldnt he have just grabbed the coin and left. Why even RISK me getting it. Not that it realy matters, just figured I would point that out.

IC: On top of a nearby building. Kurama handed Sendo the Mind coin after retrieving it from one of his plants. The plant was just at the end of a long line that reached down the side of the building, into the ground and along the floor of the cavern that Sendo's shadow clones had entered. After The clone of Sendo had snatched the coin out of the air, causing the light to go out, he had dropped it into the grasp of the plants which Kurama had expertly placed as their clones went down the halls. The coin then traveled along the "train" of plant life and into the hands of Kurama, and a moment later, Sendo.

Sendo flipped the coin in the air and watched it glisten in the sunlight. It landed back in the palm of his hand and it was at that moment he felt his shadow clone be destroyed. He was taken back. He had expected to be followed by someone but for what just happend, the person was already in the cavern. Sendo hadnt expected that. It seemed someone had been trying to trap them. Sendo had only used the clones to fool anyone who may have followed them so he woudlnt have to deal with them and could make an easy get away. Now he was overjoyed at his choice for it may have saved his life.

He glanced over at Kurama who was quick to react. He concentrated chakra to his hand and soon a seed appeared in his palm. He brought it up to eye level and examined it for a minute. He threw the seed into the dirt just on the inside of the tunnel where it took root and began to grow. In moments it was complete. Sendo body flickered and shut the door. As far as he knew, there was only one way into and out of the cavern. Now one of Kurama's pain trees stood between the one who had treid to kill them and the exit. Whoever came up this path would have to deal with a carniverous plant with a mouth of acid. It would strike at anything that moved. Sendo looked up to Kurama and motioned for him to follow. The two began to return to Sendo's quarters. They remained on guard just in case their would be killer somehow managed to catch up with them.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kenshi Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:26 pm

I'm not letting this slide Taku. You didn't leave yourself open for Shadow clones in the beginning post. There's no way you're gonna throw an attack like that away on just shadow clones. What if someone did that to your attack?

You're gonna need to get this approved by Jin, Me, and GN.

This does mean that Kaji might have to re-do his post.

Redo it, use a technique.

Or you two can just start it over.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:34 pm

no I explained exactly why and how the shadow clone was used. That is how a shadow clone should be used. Of course my first post isnt going to make is obvious that I used a shadow clone. That would defeat the whole purpose of it. Shadow clones are meant to decieave. How are you supposed to decive if it says right there in your opponets face that I used a shadow clone. I provided adequate explanation as to what reasons the shadow clones were used. I fail to see the problem. That is a perfectly good way to use a shadow clone. Of course I would expect to get followed. And If i have to change my post then Kaji should have to change his because it makes no sense why he would wait around and set traps when he provided no explanation how he knew that Sendo was after the mind coin. Kyouken himself doesnt even know yet. (By that I mean the character and not the rper) Hell mizo shouldnt even know that Sendo exists. Nor does it make sense why he wouldnt just take it and go if he had in fact arrived before Sendo. To me, Kaji's post is way more off the wall then my own. I at least provided explanation.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:43 pm

Taku i was going to take the coin before you and leave a fake but you said sendo was intuned to it therefor you would have known (and kudara said impossible t dupilcate a replica able to fool that). (thats thrown out) So a trap was all i had left.

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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:44 pm

that still doesnt explain how your character would know to make a trap for Sendo. How does he know that Sendo is after it. Why wouldnt he take it and leave. It does not make sense. especialy when your character and mine know nothing of each other. Explain to me how he knew to set a trap for Sendo.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:52 pm

Uhem its kind of obvious that someone would have come after it. Something of that much power would be a high target for well anyone with greed. Also Mizo is a student to kudara who keeps records on everything that he knows. Mizo reads said records and came across the mind coin and figures it needs to be destroyed. And since i was unable to just take the coin and make my leave i was unable to make a post that seemed to make somewhat sense and still be able perform my attack that i had planned in a manner that made sense.

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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:58 pm

so your saying that mizo has just camped out down there ever since he read about the mind coin. And why wouldnt he be able to take the mind coin. He would have been fully able to take the coin. My post just makes that impossible for you to rp about. Sorry but no. IF your character had been down there before Sendo he would have taken the coin and left. Your rp doesnt add up.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:04 pm

Taku... I was planning on taking the coin but... You have clearly stated:

The two ninja dissapeared down below, careful to shut the wooden door behind them. Sendo didnt mind the lack of light, he was guided by the tug on his mind. Kurama could navigate as well by following the aura given off by Sendo. They traveled in scilence for several minutes, twisting and turning as the corridors went along, though they did not go lower into the earth. They took one last final turn, and Sendo was gifted with the sight of his life. Finally some light was given off in the thsu far barren tunnel. There above a podium in the middle of the hall was the mind coing, levitating due to some unknown force. Sendo smiled with glee. He went into a full out sprint, brining himself before the podium in an instant. He reached out his hand and grasped the coin in his palm, the light instantly went out, sending the two back into darkness. Pocketing the coin, he returned over to Kurama's position. "Now we return to the surface."

Now i was going to replace it with a fake and still take the coin till i came across a few details.

1. You are "supposidly" linked with the coin.
2. A dupicate would not put off the same influence as the real one
3. Kudara says it was impossible to create one with the same signals.
3. 1,2 & 3 make it impossible for me to take the coin and not be accused of Gm or some other shiz.

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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:10 pm

Exactly my point. Your character could have done it. But My rp makes that impossible for you. That doesnt mean that your character would just leave the coin alone and wait for someone else to come get it. Thats how rping goes. IT MAKES NO SENSE FOR MIZO TO JUST SIT THERE SET TRAPS AND WAIT. You are clearly missing the point. If Mizo had been there first he would have grabbed the coin and left. So in essence you could say my post makes it imposibble for Mizo to have been there first, for if he had been, he would have taken the coin and left, not set traps and waited.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:16 pm

You can not guestion a man with no emotions. He will be strange as he sees the world from other point of view. Things that seem stupid or idiotic to most mean nothing to one who's mind is pure of all disabilitys. Cold and blank would mean anything is possible and with what you just stated i have brought a improbable thing to confuse people out into the world. This is how a emotionless person would be he sees all possibilitys not just oen that will get him to his goals faster. His judgment is not clouded and anyway. Mizo is good the coin is a trap for someone evil to essential use it and destroy themselves. So Mizo is eliminating said evil faster than needed.

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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:18 pm

ya but then mizo would have to be there since he had known about the coin. is this what your saying he has done. and i still fail to see why my shadow clones are not allowed. I provide explantion with in my post while you provided no explanation for what was happening.


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:22 pm

What im saying is... Mizo does know about the coin and how it can be used. He sees it as a threat to the planet therefor as soon as he found the location he rushed there. However since he acts in mysterious ways no one would guess what he would do so what i posted seems completely logical.

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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Guest Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:32 pm

Ok i am not getting anywhere with you on that point but both of my ninja are S class nins. And while Sendo was tuned in on the coin, Kurama was not. So would Kurama not have been able to sense Mizo easily. I mean the way I see it, your post undermines Kurama at the very least quite a bit. Lets just focus on that mark for the moment


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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:44 pm

Well since it is getting us nowhere, we are going to have a reset..

-Taku, while I did say to you that the coin would lead you to another coin when it was nearby I did also say that there were traps that will lead to the coin.

-Kaji, although you were able to use the mine H-bombs, I would think it would take a much longer or two or three post to set it up.
Kyouken Uchiha
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Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal Empty Re: Obtaining the Mind Coin and Finalizing a Deal

Post by Kenshi Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:26 pm

Start it over.

And leaving your self open for clones means making some kind of sly manuver in the first post that basically says "I'm up to something suspicious"

"Sendo and Kurama walked behind the door, both with sly looks on their faces, a small noise was heard inside of the room, they were probably up to something, maybe searching for the coins. The door opened several minutes later, and Sendo and Kurama walked out of the building expressionless."

That's called "leaving yourself open"

That basically verifies that you were up to something slick, and there's a possibilty that shadow clones could have been created. Not saying in the post after that you were shadow clones all along.

I say you two should start over. I'd make more sense.

We all need a do-over once in a while.


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