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Sendo redone

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Sendo redone Empty Sendo redone

Post by Guest Mon Jan 12, 2009 4:51 pm

Name: Sendo Ketsueki

Age: 22

Bloodline: The Art of Blood

Rank: Jounin
Classification: S rank, Sanmaru's Apprentice/Most valued soldier
Village: Cloud
Alignment: Evil, plain and simple

Appearance: Sendo redone Blood31

Personality: Purely sadistic. He has no caring for anyone or anything. Killing is his only purpose. His only goal is to cause chaos. With in his head is an orchestra of twisted psychosis unlike that the world has ever seen. When it comes to finding ways to prolong suffering, he is second to none.

History: Sendo was abandoned in the city streets of Kanoha. No one knew where he came from or who is parents could have been. He was taken in by a few of the city elders and raised and tailored to be fit to become a shinobi. He was trained by special Jounin starting at the age of 3, starting with little things, but quickly gaining more advanced. The elders also spent alot of time on grooming his mind to be as close to perfect as possible. It was said by the age of 6 he already outmatched the famous Shikamaru Naara in strategic manuevers. The elders could not have been more pleased. They were trying to turn him into a weapon for Konoha, which by the age of 9, Sendo realized and so began to silently rebel. It seemed that his skills diminished, and he quit trying to use his brain during their training sessions. This angered the elders greatly, but alas, what could they do.

At the age of ten, the elders had not given up trying to make him into a weapon, so they enrolled him into the academy. This was their worst act by far. Sendo continuasly brought home bad grades and his teachers all said he was mediocore at best. This was very much far from the truth, but it was what Sendo wished them to think, and Sendo had a gift for manipulating people. When it came time for the graduation exam, he failed, badly and purposefully. To see the looks of disdain on the elders faces was oh so enjoyable, though he hid it. They would never know that they were falling victim to his first great act of sadism.

Sendo continued to fail the exam every time it came around. In total, he failed it three times. By this time Sendo began to get bored with them and decided to make an attempt during the exam. It was the easiest thing he had ever done. By training in secret so he could continue to be skilled and yet convince his caregivers that he was absoloutely horrible. This was all to crush their dreams. On his fourth try, Sendo finally passed the academy exam and became a genin, though he was actualy of a very much higher level. Now though, he did not hold back at all, brining up the Elders confidence level, just another ploy in Sendo's game.

He was placed in a genin team with two other exceptional ninja, though Sendo blew them out of the water. He was already able to use two different elements, somethign usualy out of reach for ninja untill chunin level at least. It didnt take long in their first training Exercise with their Sensei, Ippin, to realize who the smartest was either. Ippin had created a tall tower, at the top of which was Ippin with three different scrolls. The three genin were supposed to get to the top and then recieve a scroll, but it was not that easy. Ippin did every thing neccesary to keep them from getting to the top, and if they did reach their goal, they had Ippin to deal with in person.

Sendo got to the second floor and realized it was impossible for them to get up there. So he returned to the ground below, determined to wait Ippin out, or at least have his team mates wear him down before making another attempt. One by one the other two failed to do what was asked of them, though it was what Ippin had expected. Ippin ended the training and pulled Sendo off to the side. It was then that Ippin told him he where he had come from and why he was so powerful. What shocked him even more, was that with some small training he chould easily become three times as dangerous of a ninja then he was right now, due to the fact that he had a Kekkei Genkkei. He was told to meet Ippin in the same spot in a week and they would train Sendo in the ninja arts of his clan.

A week passed and Sendo arrived among the training field, ready for action. Ippin arrived moments later, revealing a scroll that contiained all of Sendo's clan's secrets. It had been given to him by the Hokage who had recieved it from the Kazekage, who recieved it from someone named Taku whom had written it himself. It was also revealed to Sendo that his was just one of seven hidden clans around the world, Taku was from another, although his was destroyed. Sendow was quite interested to hear of all this and they began their training. He seemingly mastered every techiniqu fairly quickly, only running into a few complications that he was able to overcome with great ease. It wasall so beautiful. It was during this training that Sendo actualy adapted an affection for Ippin.

After the training, Ippin went back to the Hokage and told him the events of the training that afternoon. Sendo was making alarming progress and had opted to continue training on his own. Being trusting of the boy, Ippin allowed him to do so with absoloutely zero heisation. The Hokage and Jounin discussed the matter for a while, and it was conclueded that Sendo was well beyond the level of his team and easily above genin rank, especialy with the new found power of his clan. The Hokage was ready to promote the boy even though he had been genin for a mere month now. He would use his Kage authority to by pass the exams and give him a title of which was more feasable. However, he was unsure which way to go, Chunin, Jounin, or Anbu. The Hokage decided it would be best to have a sparring match against the lad to see where he would do best.

Sendo was overjoyed when he heard the news, and since he was facing a Kage, was given a weeks time to prepare. He trained harder then ever. Sendo did not stop for the first six days, except for times when he needed to regather chakra so he could keep training, and also to sleep and eat to regain pysicaly stamina. On the seventh day he rested, as to regain spirit, body, and mind, and be fit to face the Hokage the next day. At this point, Sendo had mastered all but the most difficult jutsu and techniques with in the scroll. Even those, however, he already had a basic concept of. Ippin had been watching his progress and was so amazed with his progress, that he was sure Sendo would blow the Kage away with his skill. The boy was only 14 but already it was sure that he would be at least Jounin by the end of the day.

Sendo and the Hokage and they squared off. They sat their unmoving for several minutes, sizing each other up, determing which route to go. In the end, Sendo made the first move, and so made his first mistake. The battle began with heated atmosphere, suspense coursed through the crowd of the few people who had been allowed to watch, Ippin being one of them. It was clear that the Hokage outmatched Sendo by a large marigin, but Sendo was holding his own quite well and still impressed them all, Hokage included.

Sendo started off by throwing ninja tools and using explosive tags to try and gain the upper hand, not wanting to use chakra in this situation untill it was 100% neccesary. The Hokage countered in a likewise manner, ony useing ninja tools and the simplest of taijutsu, gaining the upperhand all the while. It was then that Sendo began using his array of elemental ninjutsu. He expertly timed his water and lightining jutsu in conjunction with one another, that the Hokage had almost no time to react, but managed to evade the genin every time. Sendo began to get frustrated. He knew that he was doing well, nor did he expect to win, but it seemed as the Hokage wasn't even trying. In his desperation, he turned to his clan's jutsu.

He started off small, turning rocks and leaves into blood, trying to use simple methods in unique ways. It was all for naught though, the Kage was just to good and expertly made his way through the onslaught. Sendo began to use more advanced methods, and finally a breakthrough. The hokage got hit by one of his attacks, leaving a gash in the Hokage's left leg. Sendo began draining the Hokage through this wound, speeding up the blood that was rushing from it. The Hokage began to go on offensivs, and Sendo just evaded, continueing to bleed the Kage with expert focus. When he deemed it to be enough to weaken him, but not kill him, Sendo sealed it off by clotting the blood.

At this point both were very exhausted, though the Kage still had the upper hand. Now however, he was closer to Sendo's level and began to force the Kage into a corrner ever chance he got. The Hokage realized that he had to attack with meaning or he would wind up losing. Then he realized that the boy had very much proved himself. He performed a final jutsu which was sure to immobilize almost any opponet. Sendo nearly managed to evade again, but got caught up and failed the attempt. The Hokage called a stop to the match and imedietly declared Sendo fit to be in ANBU.

He began immeiately after recieveing a months worth of professional training, designed to prepare him for what lay ahead. All the while, however, Sendo's lust for sadism grew, and he could no longer keep it at bay. During the battle with the Hokage, something had broken within him. A few years passed and all seemed well. It was not so however. A fortnight after his seventeenth birthday, Sendo decided to quit his charade and show the village him in his real mentality. He started with his old sensei, attemting to assassinate him. However, before he could land the final blow, he felt a surge of compassion and left, Ippin mortaly wounded but not quite dead. He wound up survivng the attack, though did not recover till much later, after Sendo had already gone.

The elders were horrified. This had been their doing. What shocked them even more was what Ippin said Sendo promised him before leaving him. "This place is wretched and my polar opposite. It is too calm, and the elders used me to accomplish their own deisres. Well guess what, I am no tool of the world, the world is my tool. As such, the people who wanted to make me this villages weapon for whatever purposes it had, will find that weapon turned against them. I will see to it that the leaf ceases to exist. If you want me, come to the cloud village, but I doubt even then you will be able to track me." That was the last report of Sendo untill now. He has no resurfaced, this time at the Raikage's side, what he does next, is yet to be revealed. What can be certain is, not many will enjoy it.

Speciality: Blood Jutsu
Learned jutsus: Hemo Acidosis, False Darkness, Rain of Blood, Blood Clone, Shuriken Kage Bushin, Kage Bushin, Water Bushin, Lightining Bushin, Electromagnetic murder, many more
Elements: Water Dom, Lightning Rec, Acid Combo
Weapons/items: Chains
Goals: To cause as much pain as possible before his death.

Last edited by Taku on Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Sendo redone Empty Re: Sendo redone

Post by Guest Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:11 pm



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Sendo redone Empty Re: Sendo redone

Post by Kenshi Tue Jan 13, 2009 2:29 pm

We will see who's the most valued solider in Kumogakure....lmao.



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Age : 33
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Sendo redone Empty Re: Sendo redone

Post by Guest Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:10 pm

Time skip history: Sendo served under Sanmaru for quite some time untill the raikages apparent death. In this time he encountered Kyouken, the mysterious ninja from the mist, and through him, indirectly, he was able to obtain two of the legendary coins of power. The two particular ones he has, balance each other out, thus giving him the benefits of both with neither of their downfalls. When Yoshimo took over, Sendo began to show disloyalty and grew more distant to the village, its elders, and his superiors. They began to suspect him of foul play, but before they could make any advances, he disappeared once again. He has laid low for about three months before reappearing again, this time in suna.

Here he was known as Rotan. He had no other name to attach on to that, not that he gave anyway. By using two simple jutsu he had created in his three month disappearance, he was able to fool Taku, who had seen him before, and was able to get himself into Suna's hidden circle. As to not capture attention from Konoha, who still had a bounty on his head, he urged Taku to keep him as a secret weapon, hiding him away. Sendo also concealed his blood chakra quite well, and only displayed ability in water jutsu as well as lightning. 15 months have past and Sendo is finally ready to make his move. A move to take over Suna.


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Sendo redone Empty Re: Sendo redone

Post by Guest Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:59 pm



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Sendo redone Empty Re: Sendo redone

Post by Kenshi Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:01 pm



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