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Akuma The half demon

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Akuma The half demon Empty Akuma The half demon

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:06 pm

Name: Akuma

Age: 18

Rank: Jounnin

Traits: enhanced strength and senses. a tail(s) may be able to secrete an acidic liquid from the end.
Kekkai Genkai: Gonikai..A special trait that allows the user to create a dark space around itself that cannot be penetraited by normal light sources, the user can also create an illusion in the darkness to intimidate foes, then attack from behind.

Appearance: Akuma The half demon Jouninakuma001

History: Akuma was born from the demon clan, her mother remains unknown, she was brought up in the underworld but defied her father at everything; killing for pleasure, destroying humans, and ignoring pathetic human feelings. Her father dissaproved and became enraged, killing himself.

The clan soon blamed her for her father's death and started ignoring her and casting her aside, forcing her to leave the village and the underworld for good, exciled from her own home. But she never felt that it was much of a home and did not look back. Ever.

She became an outcast at a young age, she wandered around the world in search of something to fill the void she felt. She wandered from village to village, learning jutsus and techniques, gaining strength and power, and forging her own wepons.

She eventually found several places that allowed her to stay for a while and train but Akuma never stayed in one place for too long, moving from place to place with new expiriences and knowlege of many different things. She learned how to make medicine balls from a herbalist in one village along with blood replenashing pills. In another village she learned how to forge weapons and armour, creating the wrist blades on her arms and the war hammer she often carries on her back.

After a while she decided it would be better to find a place to stay perminently and focus on training and developing jutsu. She found such a place hidden in the leaves of Konoha. It was there she discovered her abilities for jutsu and ninja skills. Finaly being accepted and welcomed it was there she decided she wanted to stay.

Akuma spent most of her teenage years in Konoha and came to think of it as her home. She trained hard everyday and happily accepted missions and sparring requests. She quickly became friends with Kratos and Narutah.

After some time the Hokage called upon her and told her that she was being transfered to the Sand village. Although it was very sudden and difficult to think about leaving the village Akuma agreed to leave. The Kazekage first of all challenged her to a battle to see how well she could fight. Almost killing herself in the fight but succeding in damaging his sheild he accepted her into his village.

The first few weeks in Sand were not easy to say the least, Akuma sparred with the Kazekage's son and put in some more training. The Kazekage had told her that her stratagies needed work and not to just rush into a fight without thinking.

She found the climate difficult to adjust to at first but not impossable to cope with, she found her way around the village easily after a few strolls around the streets and getting lost more than a few times. It soon became second nature to her like Konoha had done. Suna became sort of a second home now, and the two forhead protectors she kept both on her to remind her that they were both the only places she knew and wanted to protect.

She often went back to Konoha for visits and such, one occasion was not a happy one when it was her old friend Yoshimaru's funeral, it was a hard blow to her and upset her for quite some time. Soon after that she met Narutah and Kratos. Kratos being another 'form' of Yoshimaru, she found it hard to beleieve at first and didn't trust him, but quickly got over it and became good friends with him. Narutah on the other hand seemed more like a little brother to her, although he was a little high spirited and flamboyant she could still see he was a good ninja.

After a while the Kazekage sent her on a double B ranked mission. Narutah tried to accompany her but was too in-expirienced to do so, Kratos appeared soon after to take his place and helped Akuma complete her mission. They traveled together through the Suna dessert and were attacked by rouge ninjas during camp. Luckaly They defeated them and with minor injuries.

Arriving at the harbour they travelled by boat, not something she wished to do again for a very long time. Eventually they managed to get their escorte safely back to mist and set about their next task. Destroying a rouge ninja village. On the way to finding the village a wolf named Valkon appeard and atacked them, mistaking them for enemies. Fortunatly Akuma calmed the wolf down and he tagged along with them for the remainder of the mission.

Finding the rouge's base they interrogated a scout and infultraited the main building, assasinating the leader and destroying the village soon after that. Akuma, Kratos and Valkon arrived back in Suna and parted ways, Kratos heading for Konoha, her and Valkon heading for the Sand village. There she reported her mission's succsess and the finding of her new partner to the Kazekage.

Personality: Shy usually, protective of others, emotional when it comes to her past or family, lonely, friendly when treated friendly back. Loving. A little hard headded and stubbourn at times.

Weapons/Items: Wrist blades, a pair of vambrace like things adorning the lower arm with retractable blades. Claws, fangs and a tail that is sharp and can produce acid/poison. When in a deep rage spines appear from her back, wich are razor sharp. A warhammer, just a plain war hammer.

Goals (Optional): To find a place to be happy, and to not be treated like an outcast. Also to become strong enough to protect her friends.

Last edited by stone hearted shedemon on Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:18 am; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : picy change)
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma The half demon Empty Re: Akuma The half demon

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Nov 22, 2008 7:14 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Akuma The half demon Empty Re: Akuma The half demon

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:44 am

Approval removed

No demon village on this site.

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Akuma The half demon Empty Re: Akuma The half demon

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:25 am


Approval over ruled! XD
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Akuma The half demon Empty Re: Akuma The half demon

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Nov 25, 2008 5:58 pm

ok i edited it
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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Akuma The half demon Empty Re: Akuma The half demon

Post by Shini Tue Nov 25, 2008 6:08 pm

Akuma The half demon Suigetsu13-1

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