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Sousei pheo (half assed but ehh)

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Sousei pheo (half assed but ehh) Empty Sousei pheo (half assed but ehh)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon May 18, 2009 11:51 pm

Name: Sousei Pheo

Age: 167

Bloodline: Pheonix ancestry

Rank: Chunnin
Village: Kumogakure
Alignment: Nuetral

Appearance: Sousei pheo (half assed but ehh) HotAnimeGuy3

Personality: Sousei at first glance is very playful and active. He likes to have fun and be in the fray of everything. If somethings going down he will be there. However he is also somewhat "Shy" if you ask him something about him he will just stop talking and become serious and ignore the question completely. He likes to play during a battle and mess around with his opponent sooner or later becoming very serious and bruutal. He plays a act of being stupid and is actually very smart from his years of study.


Sousei is actually extremely older than he appears but he has his reasons. Sousei was born from a egg a few thousand years ago. The egg was layed by a legendary creature that was a offsrping of the legendary pheonix the supposid esscense of life energy. This beast was powerful and so was its offspring.

However as sousei appeared from the egg as a orphan at the age of 5 he had adapted to look like the inhabitants of the realm. They were known as humans. Sousei's abilities were dormant and he lived in a forest for many decades. He slowly began to create a bond with the forest that gave him life and substanence.

He was able to communicate with the animals and even use the trees and plants to sense different things that were happening. However it all changed when his powers awakened. It happened with a blur of flames his beloved forest burnt to the ground him in the center flame burning to ashes.

He belived it was his end but it became something of a learning expirence. He soon was reborn as a child with no memories of his past life so it seemed. He was yet again orphaned this time in a burnt down forest in wich he felt the pain of. As luck happened a monk came across him in the forest after investigating the cause of the fire.

The monk took the kid in and to a great temple with a library in it. This had become the kid's new home as he grew up his powers dormant again. However this time his sealed memories kicked in after a decades of studing the endless tomes that were in the library. It reminded him of everything and soon he began expirmenting with his abilities trying to awaken them.

This worked however it was yet again another failed attempt this time he ended up burning down the tomes and the temple along with himself in the monks. As he revived he was alone again and clueless of what he was.

This time he made his way towards a small village and for some reason he intergrated into the system flawlessly. The village had a ninja academy and a small ninja system for the other great ninja village in the area.

Really his life here was very simple him rising through ninja ranks easily. When his memories came back he decided he needed something to help him remeber himself. So he decided by using a kunai knife to carve in roman numerals into his flesh and carry around a book.

SO as he passed away and revived again he took up his new life in Kumogakure moving guickly joining the academy and becoming a genin. He is now a gennin in wich he now trains through most of his time.

Sousei soon took the chunnin exam and after a few what seemed like days of waiting he killed one of the competors and became a chunnin exam along with his freind and teamate kokoro.

Speciality: Genjutsu, Ninjutsu, Nature intuned, Kenjutsu
Learned jutsus: Will post
Elements: Fire
Weapons/items: Will post
Goals: To figure out something to do with his endless life.

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Sat Jun 20, 2009 7:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Sousei pheo (half assed but ehh) Empty Re: Sousei pheo (half assed but ehh)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue May 19, 2009 10:10 pm


Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Sousei pheo (half assed but ehh) Empty Re: Sousei pheo (half assed but ehh)

Post by Guest Wed May 20, 2009 8:07 am



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