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Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character)

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Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character) Empty Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character)

Post by Elk Kuroishiro Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:20 pm

Name:Full name is Daisuke Aiko Kuroishiro but changed name to Elk Kuroishiro.

Age: Human form looks to be about 16. In summoning world he is merely 2 years old >< (summonings grow fast)

Bloodline:Inherited psychic power from father. Here's an explanation (uh oh).
The psychic bloodline is a small power passed down from generation to generation in the arctic summonings and demons. This ability is only used to move things using telekineases or used to read the mind and strategy of the opponent. Nothing much after that. The arctic demons rarely use it only for in times of desperate measures when they must cheat to win. Elk uses it more frequently than the others as he likes throwing things around with his mind, common of young summonings. =_=

Rank:Genin (human mode><)
Village:Yukigakure (Snow village) outskirts. Likes to travel to Konoha or somewhere else to get away from his dad.

Human Form: Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character) Emo__by_anime1addict
True Form (non-fighting): Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character) Untitl10
True form (fighting): Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character) Penguin_Warrior_design_1

Personality:Elk is the strangest of all of his clan. He is not a dark type of person, instead one who likes to run around and investigate things. He is quiet, but not in the dark brooding way. He listens to people as much as he can and talks whenever asked a question of importance. Since he is a summon, he is usually whisked away to be talked to on bloodseals and ect. He doesn't like that idea much and never randomly chooses somebody. Elk is not exactly brave, but he will be loyal and trusting whenever in a dangerous situation. He has a few perks as he craves fish (kinda weird in human form) swims a LOT and has a tendency to slide on his stomach down hills even as a human form. (Whee)

History:When Elk was born, he was looked upon as a strange one in the clan. He behaved the opposite of his father and never listened to his father's ramblings on heirs to the throne. Many frowned upon him as he was the runt and even though his ideas on living with humans was good, they did not want to take part in any of his plans. Elk was wanting attention a lot, and since he was the runt, no attention came. His father always thought he was the worst specimen in the world, but he never saw the talents Elk possessed.
Everyone looked up to Elk's older brother. He wasn't skinny like Elk, was a champion in taijutsu and long range fights and always made Elk look bad. His brother shined in his father's eyes and was going to be the best type of penguin-summoning around. Heck, even the king was favoring his brother. Elk did not like this and hated how snobbish his brother had become. He especially hated the sharp glares he was being given around the summonings. Finally he had enough.
Elk began to train, hard. Harder than any other in his generation. He broke his bones in ninjutsu and taijutsu and many told him to quit acting weird. He spat at them and kept working more and more. When his third week was done, he did not look better, but he had mastered human disguise, ice and electricity control and the first phase of his psychic abilities. Some started to see his potential then, but his brother learned something way ahead of him.
His brother learned the regal clan's ability to possess others with his mind, something hard to do in their lands. As everyone cheered on his brother's success, Elk sighed and decided he'd had enough. He decided to move towards Yukigakure and live among humans where he could improve and maybe acheive more than his brother now. He decided to keep human form for a long time. As he moved his father told him that he was dissappointed in his son, and that made Elk snap. Elk ran away then and there and never looked back. He ran to Yukigakure and tried to establish a home in the outskirts. A broken shack near a lake basically. It wasn't much but he made it home and spent awhile there. He got supplies from the village and felt pretty good that he was out of the summoning lands.
But that wasn't so to be. First it was a check on call, then it was constant psychic calls from his father to speak about his son's training. It drives Elk nuts even today. His father would always call and it was always about his brother. Elk tried to supress it but to no advantage. Finally Elk decided to travel to other villages each week to escape his father's calls. Even though he'd always return to Yukigakure to keep in check with his home, he at least suppressed his father a bit by keeping hiself in a different place.
In human form Elk came to the academy to begin learning more human jutsus. He learned the basics and passed with flying colors. But sadly he hasn't been given a sensei yet so he is still waiting. He wants to keep hiself training and getting stronger so he can defeat his oh-so-cool brother and prove to his father not to underestimate him.
The end!

Learned jutsus:Shadow clone, human disguise and ect.
Elements:Ice/water and electricity.
Weapons/items:(human form) a katana, kunais and a first aid. (true form fighting) katana turns into a huge sword, kunais become shurikens and the first aid!
Goals:-To outmatch brother -Prove to dad is stronger. -Try to live in human world without being suspected. -keep away from blood seals.

Rp Sample:
The cold wind blew around the streets of Yukigakure. The moon was high in the sky, beams of it's light casting shadows on the ground. The night seemed colder than usual and the waters of the nearby lake had froze into a solid. A snow owl flew through the wind, it's wings spread open wider than the wind itself.
A shack stood on the beach near the frozen lake. It was made of some sort of oak and it seemed to be ready to break, but something held it together. Three huge steps led to the entrance and a rusty metal door with a golden doorknob led into the inside. Inside was a one room with a fireplace and many pieces of furniture. A bed with a green blanket, many bookshelves and a desk were a few of these.
On the wooden floor sat what looked to be a boy with black and white hair and amber eyes wearing a hoodie and black pants. He was meditating and concentrating his chakra. He seemed to be in another world, as the chakra swirled around him like it was living. He paid no attention even as his door swung open, and five big men with swords lumbered in. One man eyed the boy and suspicously poked his partner to look. The partner grinned and nudged the boy with his katana blade.
''Heh heh, looks like we've got ourselves a sleeper.'' He chuckled as the boy didn't move or open his eyes when he was nudged. The first man grinned to his partner.
''Think we can rob the place clean?'' He suggested as he started motioning to others to start raiding.
''Sure. Get as much as you need.''
As the men started raiding, one man trudged to the boy who seemed to still meditate. He leaned down close and smirked. He had a mean plan as he took a kunai out and moved it towards the boy.
''Heh heh. You won't be able to do anything now kid. You're toast.'' He said as he got ready to slit the boy's throat.
Suddenly the boy moved his left arm and grabbed the kunai, opening his eyes quickly. ''Am I?'' He said as he stroked the kunai to the man's horror. The boy was up in a flash. The men couldn't even blink as the boy ran and slashed each person with the kunai, or knocked their heads together with his hands. He smirked as he approached two men and kicked them outside. The men tried and they failed, as the boy was to quick to be outsmarted.
Soon there was only one man left. The boy approached the man, smirking. The man quivered back, stuttering as he tried to think of what just happened to the raid. The boy stood in front of the man and grinned. The man trembled as he spoke.
''W-Who are you?''
The boy eyed him. Suddenly, his body changed and in a flash of red light an eight foot tall penguin demon, with a whole bunch of battle armor stood in front of the man. The penguin seemed amused.
''Elk Kuroishiro. And you're toast buddy.'' The penguin smacked the man with an armored claw like hand which broke the wall down. The penguin blinked as if not expecting that, shrugged and turned around.

Elk Kuroishiro
Elk Kuroishiro

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Join date : 2009-03-15

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Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character) Empty Re: Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character)

Post by Guest Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:47 pm

Approved, nicely done, interesting enough thats for sure


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Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character) Empty Re: Elk Kuroishiro (half summoning half character)

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:59 pm

We dont have Yuki
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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