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looking(akuma) Empty looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Fri Mar 20, 2009 3:51 pm

roxas walked in to a forest looking for a person hewanted to fine a person very close to his friend that hade just died he and moomba searched everywhere but couldnt find her so they started to ook in another so they are walking on a trail towards teh sand village threw the forest
narutah lucahrio
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:37 pm

Akuma wandered about the Suna dessert to try and get more used to the heat, Valkon trotted happily at her heels panting under the sweltering sun. A warm breeze swept by and she cought an unfamiliar scent and immedietly dived into a nearby copse of trees. Ducking low behind the toughened shrubs she took out a kunai and watched for the intruder to come by. Valkon lay down in the shade and made it clear he wasn't going to move for at least ten minutes.
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:27 pm

moomba started to look adn smell teh ground till he got teh girls scent then he stop so did roxas roxas looked at moomba adn said "is she here" he sadi with a curious voice it was smililar to narutahs moomba then nooded and pointed to a nerby shrub narutah looked at teh shrub an read its aura he saw a girls aura to he then chuckled adnstarted to walk towards the shrub

ooc:roxas looks simalar to narutah
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:40 pm

Akuma swore silently and quickly repleaced herself with a log and jumped up onto a branch near by. She watched as the boy came closer and got a Kunai out of her leg pouch, watching intently. She wished she Haden't left Valkon at home now and clung closer to the tree, her tail coiling around the branch tightly. Staying hidden she prepared herself to jump at the boy if he seemed to be a threat.
stone hearted shedemon
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:29 pm

roxas ear twithched as he smiled and slide to teh right adn dogedher atack roxas smiled adn sadi "he told me about you he realy did know what he was talking aobut"roxas sadi with a smile as he looked at teh girl he said "so yuor akuma"he said walking into some ight cutting threw the forest he smiled a very fimailar smile with moomba on his head
narutah lucahrio
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:40 pm

Akuma growled and threw two kunai at the pair and lept behind them, turning quickly towards them again and drawing two more. She wondered why he knew her name and, who he was reffering to. He did look familiar, or rather, felt familiar to her. She held her kunai lower but kept a good grip on them, not letting her gaurd down. "Who are you and what do you want with me?" She asked in an annoyed tone.
stone hearted shedemon
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 3:49 pm

roxas sat on the ground and said"well im roxas lucahiro nice to meet you adn this is my pet lion moomba"he said with a calm voice then he sked"dont you know a naruah lucahiro and his pet riaku he askedmoomba didnt trust this girl adn felt very upsett hat she dint trust them but roxas thought the gril was pretty with her necklace on adn er tail roxas smiled waiting on her response
narutah lucahrio
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:05 pm

Akuma lowered her weapon a little more. "Yeah I know him..what's it to you?" She replied blandly. She looked down at the lion and narrowed her eyes, looking back up at the boy she noticed him looking at her necklace and stood up straight. "So, how do you know me, and what do you want?"
stone hearted shedemon
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:12 pm

roxas's eyes started to ook down to the ground as he sadi "well it seems are friend is dead"he said as there was a silence "he was killed in a plain feild by an S-ranked ninja i found him about to die adn he told me how he was envited a chance to become adn teh ninja lkilled him but before i could get him to a hospitla the ninja seald him in a sroll where he died from lack of blood but his aura still excist sohe may be brought back to life in 6 to 7 yeras if he is strong enought that is"he siad looking back at the girl
narutah lucahrio
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:18 pm

Akuma stood there stock still and silent for a few seconds. She dropped her kunai to the ground and fell to her knees. Eyes wide in disbeleif, not looking at anything and mouth hanging open slightly. She fisted her hands on her knees and whispered. "No.." Her ears drooped and her tail remained lifeless on the floor. "No" She repeated.
stone hearted shedemon
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:23 pm

narutah was sad hearinghe girlcry he stood up adn stayed his distant adn made a clone that comforted her adn sdai "dont cry it will be ok akuma"the clone said hugging the girl then moomba stayed behind roxas roxastehn sdia "ohh dan one more thing narutah wanted me to tell you he umm... well narutah toldme to tell you that he thought you were awsome adnthat he liked you more than a friend alot but you liked kroats sohe sida nothing but he withsed he could tell you that"roas sadi trying to make the girl stop crying so he got up adn sadi do you need to be alone" with a understanding voice
narutah lucahrio
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:42 pm

Akuma heared the words but couldn't make sense of them, it stung and she couldn't look up to face him, she just couldn't. She almost felt numb when the clone came next to her and hugged her, she stopped shaking and wiped away her tears. The words finaly made sense to her and it just hurt even more, but she tried her best not to show it and stood up on shaky legs. "No, it's ok, you can stay for a while if you want.." She wouldn't look at him and moved away from his clone, her back facing them.
stone hearted shedemon
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:15 pm

roxas turned towardsteh girl adnsaid "oh im not done yet either narutah told me to finish he promise he made towards you"roxas dug in his pockct adnwalked towardsthe girl adn put his hadn out with narutahs waterfall haed band with a makr of blood that says my promise roxas tehn sadi "here take naurtahs headband"
narutah lucahrio
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:22 pm

Akuma looked at the headband and heasitated to take it. She turned to face Roxas and took it with both hands, holding it like it was a fragile peice of glas or precious orniment. "Thank you.." She sort of smiled and looked up at Roxas, the headband now in her right hand at her side. "I guess I really messed things up huh."
stone hearted shedemon
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:29 pm

naruah sat in fornt of her adnsadi "well talk about it what did you mess up"roxas sadi looking at teh girl he thoguht to himself waiting forher reponse he thoguht about how narutah was so into this girl how much he cared about ehr he was neverike this ever till he met akuma
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:35 pm

Akuma tied the headband around her neck, and sat down. "Well, I guess I could have paid a bit more... a lot more attention to him." She looked away again. "I didn't notice how he was feeling, I guess I was just ignorant to see how he felt, or since he was younger I might have brushed him off as just a kid..." She sighed deeply and stared at the claws on her hand. "I was wrong...and look what it cost."
stone hearted shedemon
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:41 pm

"maybe its not your fault but im going to guess you didnt knowhe true strength he was a very sharp kid he even knewhte rasengan adn chidor also rasenshuiken but i master those justus to he always hade a harder time to master them but he kept trying anyway and when someone told him to stop he said i will neverbreak my promise to akuma adn i need to get stronger to do it adn kept going sometimes he would pass out of exuastion"roxas thoguht to himself waiting onthegirls response he could read her aura adn how sad she felt
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:49 pm

Akuma dropped her head to her knees and thought hard. Her tail curled around her legs as if shutting out the rest of the world. "How could I have let this happen?" She shook her head violently and pulled at her ears. "Why couldn't I have seen this comeing?" She was starting to growl now and digging her claws into her ears.
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:51 pm

roxas watched the girl adn realy hade nothing else from naruah to give her then roxas sadi "you couldnt have seen this coming if anything its my fault that narutah was killed"roxas saditehn thoguht about how itwas hisfault adn came on a reason
narutah lucahrio
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:57 pm

Akuma looked up at him still looking angry but her voice was nothing more than a harsh whisper. "How? How would it be you're fault? He never mentioned you to me..." She released her bloody ears and stood up, looking at Roxas her fangs showing from under her upper lip.
stone hearted shedemon
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:04 pm

"o could imagine why you see me adn narutah havent always been friends before narutah was done ith teh academy i was already geinin 1 year older then him i was teh procter of the clan before narutha adn got better weeaponsto protect it narutah use to hate me adni would look after him but the day he diead went like this he hade already recived the envatioin to fight adn he packed some stuff andwas walking outt eh door he then im leaving adn then i came in adn sadi where he said out with a smile adnleft but he droped his envitatioin onec i found it i couldt find him in time plus bandits attacked me so if i would have been more like a older relative to him he probaly wouldnt be dead"he sdai his tone chaning in to a one of sadness
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:12 pm

Akuma remained silent, afraid that if she said something it might be wrong. She clenched her fists and held back the millions of things she wanted to do at that moment but kept telling herself it wont do any good. Feeling defeated she let her hands open and slumped her shoulders, turning around she began to walk away. Ears drooped and tail hanging limply behind her. "If that is all...I'm going.."
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:18 pm

roxas realy wanted tobefriendswith this gril bbut hade nothing to say moombawas already sleep tehn bandits startedto coem out adn tehy circled around both of tehm roxas then said "what do you guyswant"the badnits then sida your money fork it over then there was a silence without warning teh badntis started to attack roxas waited adn charged a ball of aura
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:26 pm

Akuma heared Roxas and the other voices and immedietly turned back, running full speed and taking her war hammer off her back, oce she saw the bandits surrounding Roxas she took a big swing and knocked one guy into another, crushing his spine. "BACK OFF NOW!" She roared at the others while taking another swing at another guy.
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

Post by narutah lucahrio Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:34 pm

roxas thought to himself :note to self dontget akuma mad she will kill you: he thoguhtas he then snaped out of it and sot 3 aura sphere atethe bandits blasting them backwards threw trees before the trees fell on them adn smashed them after 15 minutes tehy were al gone narutha turned to akuma adn put his hands he behind his head and gave her a big smile and said "wow your strong akuma"with a impresed voice
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looking(akuma) Empty Re: looking(akuma)

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