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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage) Empty Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

Post by Tarak Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:55 am

Name: Taichi Draq

Age: 27

Rank: Kazekage

Bloodline: Ratecan

Village: Suna

Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: He has pale skin, and black hair which grows spiked backwards and is now down to his mid back, with short bangs that grow down at the sides of his forehead. He always keeps the left side of his face covered with his clan headband, (keeping his village headband on his upper arm) because of his bloodline, and he has a specialized range finder inset into his left eye-socket through an experimental surgery (the doctors of which he killed shortly there after). He wears a hooded, ankle-length trench coat, and he always wears a special retractable wrist blade for when he fights. He also has a bone-carved mask grafted over his face.

Personality: Dislikes human nature, and feelings like love and remorse, as well as sympathy. He hates all that oppose him, and tends to deceive his enemies. He is also very power hungry. He has a tendency to attack people for no real reason other that pissing him off. He is extremely smart, and uses that talent to design weapons and such, but his problem is making them, as he usually can’t get his hands on materials, he also is really fast in combat, and seems to show some animal-like characteristics when fighting.

Early life:
Taichi Draq started his life in a small, secluded, militaristic village that calls itself Rateco, this village has been forgotten by most of the world as it tends not to fight unless provoked personally. Taichi was born into luxury, being the son of the leader of their small village he got most everything he wanted, and he spent the begging of his life very happy. One year, however, everything changed. The majority of the village's stronger nin, Taichi's father included, had left on an 'important mission'. This, however, was a falsity, and the secondary royal family made a new grab for power, killing Taichi's family. Taichi managed to get away, but just barely, and with his right cheek missing, literally being torn from his face by his own cousin.

Seeing what happened in his village tore Taichi up inside, leaving him mentally unstable. This was a seemingly common trait in his family as his father had MPD, or multiple personality syndrome. After getting away he knew he had to do something about the hole in his cheek, so he wore a special plate he paid to have surgically implanted into the hole to fill what was left when his cousin tore it out. He, however, kept thinking back to his uncle Kaku. Kaku had lost his eye, and had a special rangefinder implanted in place of his eye. This made Taichi think, could he do something similar here? Maybe even go as far as to rebuild and replace his visible face with something far more terrifying as to scare his enemies away before a fight ensued.

He searched out people that might be insane enough to try what Taichi was envisioning, and after a long time and many times of being called an 'insane freak'. finally found someone willing to do the unthinkable, he had the design for his late uncle's range finder, and tweaked it while working with a nearly insane doctor, until the design incorporated the eye of the user itself, allowing it to be able to do everything that his uncles was as well as use the density viewing of the eye itself. He also had a carved bone mask he wanted grafted to his face, and the doctor (maybe mad scientist is more appropriate) agreed to do that as well. Taichi had the procedures done and then when they were done he actually killed the doctor, he was still very mentally unstable if you couldn't tell.

Finding a new village:
As Taichi wandered he moved farther and farther away from the village until he heard rumors that his village had been decimated by it's own members. This was something that didn't seem to weird to Taichi, considering that some members had some very high-level techniques. These were techniques that if not properly used could pull the entire village into a place that nothing can return from. After hearing such rumors over and over again he decided to find a place to live, first thinking of Konoha. This was the village that accepted Taichi's father when he needed a place to stay, and as such Taichi gave this considerable consideration, but finally decided that staying where his father had once lived was too much for him. He wandered for some time before stumbling upon Taki, and there he decided to stay and attempt to become the strongest Nin the world would know.

He spent a good amount of time here, and he became friends with a few of the nin there, and was trained by the Kage of that village. he very much liked it there, and this would only add to his pain later on. He trained and trained, learning a few extremely useful techniques along the way. Soon the Kage put him up for the Chunin exams, and when they ended he was confident in his skills, and figured he would be promoted. He was.

Chunin arc:
Soon after the Chunin exams, and Taichi's promotion to Chunin, he attempted to return to the village only to find it Totally destroyed. Then, however, as he began to resume his estranged wandering past time, his secondary bloodline trait began to awaken. He knew if he didn't learn to control it he could destroy himself. He then immediately began to search for any trace of evidence that his sensei survived, and though his search through the rubble turned up nothing but someone who bore a striking resemblance to the man he was searching for, a young boy, one that was apparently the son of his sensei. Taichi decided to take him along with him, it was in his mind his duty to look after the child.

They then left the village and joined the stone before leaving to go to Taichi's destroyed village, the village whose ruler made himself and the men that wanted his blood gone cease to exist. There, as he searched he realized something wasn't right, someone else who knew the small village well had obviously searched it recently. Someone of his own clan had survived, that was his key, the way to not only control his secondary trait, but depending on who this person was, potentially master it. He searched for nearly six months, and finally found the person that had so long evaded him. He found the one he searched for, and it turned out to be his uncle Kakutsec.

Controlling the eye:
Kakutsec Had actually been trained by his and Tarak's father, and then later further trained by Tarak. He had since fully mastered their blood trait. he knew that Taichi needed to be trained, and immediately began his training, a treacherous and grueling training that would literally kill him. He trained and trained to master his main trait so he could simply control his main trait. Once this was done, which took six more months, he began training his secondary trait, and after an impossible 12 months he finally had completed the training his father had made and taught Kaku. He now could control his bloodline properly, and with practice he might just master it.

Taichi left, totally cutting him self off of the ninja world to continue his training in his... 'extra' traits of his bloodline. He still couldn't properly control it, and felt that it would be best for him to train until he mastered it. As such he trained for ten years, becoming the age of 27, before deciding to return. While he was gone, out west of the land of wind, he experienced alot of things he hadn't before, and also happened to run into the Kazekage. They traveled together, and became friends. As Taichi trained the Kazekage watched him and saw his strength and potential.

A while later the Kazekage returned to Suna and Taichi continued his training, trying to master one last technique. This is a technique he would continue to work on for some time. He also practiced the other techniques, and practiced using them together. This was dangerous and draining training that put unnatural strain on his body and mind, though in the end it only strengthened him.

Return to a new world:
He returned to a different world, the village he first joined that had been destroyed just before he left was rebuilt it seemed, and the one he joined after was gone, erased. He decided to travel to Suna, it being the closest village to him and him knowing the kazekage, and request being added as a nin there. As he entered the village all eyes turned to him, his creepy mask, figure hooded, and creepier aura drawing more unwanted attention than he was ok with. At that point he looked frozen in his age, and physically was, at the age of 21. He went to the administration building and requested that he become a Sand Nin, already having Chunin level credentials, and what he believed was Jounin level skill. Shortly after entering the village he was called to action and then abruptly appointed as the Kazekage.

Taking on a new role:
As Taichi processed everything going on he recieved a note for the recently deceased Kazekage. The said this:
Taichi Draq, beloved Chuunin of Sunagakure, if you're reading this now, then I am dead. I have probably died in battle, at least, hopefully I have. Upon seeing you grow from a 17 year old to a 27 year old, I can trust you with this job. I watched you, and watched your skills harvest. Your equipment usage is extraordinary, and I can confidently say that you're stronger then me in that subject.

If you don't have enough battle items already, there are a few more on my desk. They were mine, and I'm passing them down to you. You will receive my chakra multiplying seal, as well as a summoning tag, that summons a one eyed monster which deals with genjutsu type moves. The blade, don't touch it. People have tried, it will burn your hands off. Please, keep it concealed in the Kazekage's office as a showcase. Something to remember me by.

I trust that you will not let me down holding this position. You are very strong, and I know you'll be able to bare the burden of leadership. Try to give the young of Sunagakure a good future. You can surely do a better job then me. Good luck.

~Sanosuke Raitaga

This was hard for Taichi to read, as he had become friends with this man and hadn't seen him in a while. He was then guided through the process to assume the position of Kage, and then he would go to retrieve the items that he had left for Taichi. This was not a happy time for him as he had imagined so many times, he had writhing feelings of sadness, anger, and resentment. He wanted this to be something small, and he wanted to figure out what had happened so he could get revenge. This, however, he knew was not the proper course of action at this time, the village needed to stabilize, and at least start to rebuild. He wished now that he had mastered the techniques his father had, then he could just wrap the village in a time field and reverse it to before the attack happened, but that was something he would never manage. In fact his father, he believed, died trying that to their smaller village. It was in the end frozen in time, the ninja that battled in it's schism ceased to exist, and holes here and there existed from the spacial techniques they did. He would have do this slowly, nearly painfully for him.

After all this was taken care of he began arranging a funeral ceremony for the late Kazekage. He wanted everyone there, so he took his time. Now Taichi was the Kazekage and he needed to stabilize the village, find out a few 'things', and solidify his position.

Specialty: Doujutsu, Taijutsu

Learned jutsus: Pretty much his space/time bloodline techniques are his 'signature' techniques. that and his taijutsu style

Elements: Raiton, Time/space (bloodline)

Weapons/items: All his equipment is out of the norm

Goals: Taichi wants to surpass what his father once was and the entire ninja world, all to prove his worth in the world to himself.

Last edited by Tarak on Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:11 pm; edited 7 times in total


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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage) Empty Re: Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:40 pm


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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage) Empty Re: Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

Post by Tarak Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:26 pm

Hist. continued-
Soon after the Chunin exams, and Taichi's promotion to Chunin, he attempted to return to his village only to find it destroyed. Then however, as he began to resume his estranged wandering past time, his secondary bloodline trait began to awaken. He knew if he didn't learn to control it he could destroy himself. He then immediately began to search for any trace of evidence that his sensei survived, and though his search through the rubble turned up nothing but someone who bore a striking resemblance to the man he was searching for, a young boy, one that was apparently the son of his sensei. Taichi decided to take him along with him, it was in his mind his duty to look after the child.

They then left the village and returned to Taichi's destroyed village, the village whose ruler made himself and the men that wanted his blood gone cease to exist. There, as he searched he realized something wasn't right, someone else who knew the small village well had obviously searched it recently. Someone of his own clan had survived, that was his key, the way to not only control his secondary trait, but depending on who this person was, potentially master it. He searched for nearly six months, and finally found the person that had so long evaded him. He found the one he searched for, and it turned out to be his uncle Kakutsec.

Kakutsec Had actually been trained by his and Tarak's father, and then later further trained by Tarak. He had since fully mastered their blood trait. he knew that Taichi needed to be trained, and immediately began his training, a treacherous and grueling training that would literally kill him. He trained and trained to master his main trait so he could simply control his main trait. Once this was done, which took six more months, he began training his secondary trait, and after an impossible 12 months he finally had completed the training his father had made and taught Kaku. He now could control his bloodline properly, and with practice he might just master it.


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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage) Empty Re: Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:33 pm


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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage) Empty Re: Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

Post by Tarak Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:38 am



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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage) Empty Re: Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

Post by Kenshi Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:08 am



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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage) Empty Re: Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

Post by Tarak Sat Jun 27, 2009 5:51 pm

needs re-approval as Kazekage


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Taichi Draq (updated for Kage) Empty Re: Taichi Draq (updated for Kage)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sun Jun 28, 2009 12:28 am

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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