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Taichi's techniques

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Taichi's techniques Empty Taichi's techniques

Post by Tarak Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:15 pm

Bloodline Jutsu:


Name: Bone cracking punch
Rank: d
Range: close
Jutsu Type: taijutsu
Elemental Affinity: none
clan: Ratecan
Description: a technique where the user focuses chakra into their arm in such a way as to make certain muscles tense up and then release all at once to increasing the speed and strength of the punch. This can easily crack a person's bones, when using the Taichi's bloodline ability, however, this has been known to break bones easily.
Weakness: If used to often it can actually cause the tendons and muscles to tear.


Name of Jutsu: Spatial Vortex Technique
Rank: C
Range of effect: close-medium
Type: ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: space/time
Clan: Ratecan
Description: A technique where the user activates the space/time techniques in their right eye. They make the Ratecan, one handed focusing seal, and use their index finger in the seal to pull down their right lower eyelid. As they do this the technique activates, and pulls anything in front of the user's eye into a spatial rift centered in the user’s eye. This can be used to protect against any projectile attack, elemental or otherwise.
Weakness: After using this, the user must wait 8 posts before using this technique again.

Name of Jutsu: Spatial Flux Technique
Rank: A
Range of effect: medium-long
Type: ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: space/time
Clan: Ratecan
Description: A technique where the user activates the space/time techniques in their right eye. They make the Ratecan, one handed focusing seal, and place their index finger against the side of their nose. this technique causes vision (user and otherwise) to well at the focus point of the users vision, this takes a couple seconds for the user to use, and actually pulls mass from another area into the users point of focus. Basically, if the user focuses on an opponent, they can pull mass into the opponent's body, though they must very accurately track the person's attempts to flee, a very hard thing to do, even for the most skilled users
weakness: this is a very hard technique to pull off, and after using it they must wait a time before using it again (12 posts)

Name of Jutsu: Spacial bridge
Rank E-S: A
Range: N/A
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Ratecan
Element Affinity: Time/space
Description: This is a technique where the user first does a string of hand seals that ends in a modified Ratecan focusing seal. This allows them to actually reach out and feel a destination of their choosing, then the user can make a 'bridge' through space, like warping the fabric of space and time literally giving them a much shorter distance to the destination. After doing this the user pulls themselves into one of the spacial rifts that usually centers at the eye, moving them into the bridge like a short tunnel through a big mountain. Then when they reappear from it light appears to well at the destination.
Weakness: This is not a technique one would use in battle, as it takes to long and would be pointless.

Name of Jutsu: False Existence Technique
Rank: B
Range of effect: user
Type: ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: space/time
Clan: Ratecan
Description: A technique where the user activates the space/time techniques in their right eye. They must make ten seals to use this technique, four of which are Ratecan specific. This allows the user to almost move outside of the flow of time, their movements seem preceded slightly by an aura, though they are actually farther ahead than that aura. Because of the user partially being out of sync with time, even the tracking abilities of the Sharingan can barley track it. This is very draining to the user. Also, the more they use this technique the more out of sync they become with time, some even seem to have the aura remain slightly even when the technique is not active, only when not active the aura trails their movements instead of preceding them.
Weakness: as the user uses this technique more their aging actually slows as they unsync. This would seem good, but wounds also take longer to heal as they happen not just at the exact moment you are wounded but before and after to.
Rank you can use it at: Chunin

Name of Jutsu: Time Slow
Rank: A
Range of effect: user
Type: ninjutsu
Elemental Affinity: space/time
Clan: Ratecan
Description: A technique where the user activates the space/time techniques in their right eye. The user makes the Ratecan focusing seal. after this time from the users prospectine seems to slow. In reality the user is actually slowing their progression through time, allowing them to do weeks worth of training in a day, though this technique does not slow the user's body from aging, thus if they use it too much, they could leave for training and after a week in real time be a year older.
Weakness: This is not usable in battle, as it takes to long to use. also, people rarely use this due to their aging not slowing.

Other techniques:

Name of jutsu: Raiton: Lightning aura
Rank E-S: C
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Raiton
Description: this is a technique where the user focuses a small amount of lightning chakra over themselves, it's not enough to damage them or their opponent if they come into contact, but instead the small discharges make them more resilient to gengutsu, and helps to channel incoming lightning jutsu and lessen the impact o earth techniques where it hardens the body or traps the user and attempts to immobilize them.
Weakness: As long as this is active there is a constant small drain on the user's chakra. Also this slightly numbs the user's skin.

Name of jutsu: Raiton: Recharge
Rank E-S: B
Range: close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Raiton
Description: this is a technique where the user first has lightning aura active, and then channels natural lightning to his person, as it connects with the aura it is reverted to chakra instead of doing damage, giving the user extra lightning chakra supplies.
Weakness: this is an extremely hard technique to pull off, as the user must focus fully on it and remain still lest they loose control and fry themselves.

Name of jutsu: Raiton: lightning blades
Rank E-S: C
Range: close-mid
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Raiton
Description: this is a technique where the user focuses lightning chakra to their arms and amplify the existing static charges. Then, swiping their arms through the air, release the chakra and electric charge into the air in front of them creating two 'blades' of electricity in the form of an X. if it hits it will cut in slightly and numb the contact area.
Weakness:the electricity dissipates quickly, meaning it cant be launched out far.

Name of jutsu: Raiton: lightning blade edge
Rank E-S: B
Range: close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Raiton
Description: This technique creates a blade of lightning that can be extended and contracted, though it can't actually change it's direction unless first channeled into a conductor, from which it can be reformed in a new direction. Wherever it connects it will cause burns and numbing, as well as paralysis. using an actual blade as a guide way can increase the distance the electric blade can go.
Weakness: it can't go very far, and cant change direction without a conductor.

Name of jutsu: Raiton Kaika
Rank E-S: S
Range: Close ~Far
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): N/A
Element Affinity: Raiton
Description: This is Raiton Kaika and allows for all control and creation of electricity. It can create and control lightning, and even be used to fry a person from inside with some thought control. At its lowest aspects it can make a static charge and at its highest aspect of control it can cause a lightning storm or even control and amplify the static charge in a person's body to lethal levels. Taichi learned this from Mizo and Kudara after being trained and seeing Kudara's lab.

Weakness: This technigue reguires a clear mind at all times and some chakra to do so the bigger the feat the more chakra it takes. Its also very weak against Futon Kaika.

Last edited by Tarak on Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:28 pm; edited 6 times in total


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Kenshi Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:40 pm

Where's da weaknessess?


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Guest Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:41 pm

Guess he was so used to posting on our site he didn't have


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Tarak Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:53 pm

there, sorry, I totally forgot about that part of it


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Kenshi Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:54 pm

It's alright. We try to be nice here.


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Tarak Wed Jan 21, 2009 7:49 pm

sooo, could I get this approved please?


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Jan 21, 2009 8:55 pm


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:17 pm


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Tarak Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:57 pm

BUMP, I really need these approved


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Fizz Tue Jun 23, 2009 11:35 pm

Meh, I'm not that partial to space-time jutsus, but these seem to check out. Enjoy your approval. Razz



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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Tarak Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:49 pm

Moved up

Last edited by Tarak on Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Taichi's techniques Empty Re: Taichi's techniques

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 29, 2009 4:17 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
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