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Taichi's equipment

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Taichi's equipment Empty Taichi's equipment

Post by Tarak Mon Jan 19, 2009 7:38 pm

Name: Taichi's weighted trench coat

Description: Taichi always wears this coat nowadays, it has weights installed in the coat, and they are fairly well condensed. The fact that they are throughout the inside of the coat keeps then hidden and helps to protect him against attacks on the areas covered by the coat

Abilities: has seals with chakra stored in them that, when activated act as a chakra shield (also, the dense, armor-like plates protect from attacks, and when removed Taichi's speed increases)

Story: Taichi was given this and a number of other items from his father who makes these kinds of items, it also has the seals for storing chakra that the rest of his armor has, although he can’t access the chakra he stores in this, for the seals, when activated act as a chakra shield, but restricts movement. He also spends a lot of time training in this to increase his speed and agility as best as he can manage.

Name: Tarak's chest armor

Description: Tarak’s chest armor is black and has the appearance of the chest piece of a suit of armor, and a chakra absorber in the middle, but has a complex gear system layed throughout it, it uses this to connect the wrist blades and the boots stored chakra pools, allowing him to use the chakra for many purposes, it sets pieces stored in the chest piece that contain special tubes and seals to transfer the chakra, the gear system in it is used to deploy the system, and to retract it. It allows him to further increase his jumping and moving, but he has to be careful when using the system, if he leaves it connected and the chakra pools run dry it will quickly drain his chakra instead of adding to it

Abilities: only allows for a burst of strong chakra to flow through the user, allowing jutsu and taijutsu abilities to increase

Story: Tarak was given this and a number of other items from his father who makes these kinds of items, it also has much of his fathers and his own chakra sealed into it. He also spends a lot of time sealing as much chakra into this set of armor as he can manage.

Name: Taichi's scythe

Description: Taichi's scythe is black and has a black blade, and also has a complex gear system in the top where the blade connects, it uses this to allow turning of the blade, the scythe contains special seals to store chakra, this can give him better swing control of the scythe, and also faster recovery, it also allows him to use it like a lance but he has to be careful when using the stored chakra, if he uses it for to long and the chakra pools run dry it will quickly drain his chakra instead of optimizing it

Abilities: only allows for a burst of strong chakra to flow through the user, allowing jutsu and taijutsu abilities to increase

Story: Taichi was given this and a number of other items from his father who makes these kinds of items, it also has much of his fathers and his own chakra sealed into it. He also spends a lot of time sealing as much chakra into this set of armor as he can manage.

Name: Taichi's blades

Description: these are the blades the Taichi wears constantly, these were designed to support and protect Taichi, the back of the handle opens in it there are poison needle launchers laid in the handle, there’s also one in the hand guard, its thick so it can hold the needles and their launchers, this is activated by a trigger-like mechanism connected to the handle. (He has 8 total usually, four on his person and 4 sealed in 2 scrolls [2 per scroll])

Abilities: N/A

Story: Taichi was given this and a number of other items from his father who makes these kind of items, he tends to us these only if he needs to, as he's not as good with swords as he is with arm blades.

    Name: Taichi's gauntlets

    Description: Taichi's gauntlets are black, and covered in special seals.

    Abilities: only allows for a burst of strong chakra to flow through the user, allowing jutsu and taijutsu abilities to increase

    Story: Taichi was given this and a number of other items from his father who makes these kinds of items, it also has much of his fathers and his own chakra sealed into it. He also spends a lot of time sealing as much chakra into this set of armor as he can manage.

  • Name: Taichi's left gauntlet attachment

    Description: Taichi's gauntlet attachment is black, and has 2 retractable blades in it. The two blades are controlled by the same internal gears, so the blades can’t come out separately. It also contains one handle-less kunai (connected to the main part of it by thin cables) between each blade, it also has a gear system in it to retract the wire, and it can also disconnect the wire, allowing for many uses.

    Abilities: N/A

    Story: Taichi was given this and a number of other items from his father who makes these kinds of items, it also has much of his fathers and his own chakra sealed into it. He also spends a lot of time sealing as much chakra into this set of armor as he can manage.

  • Name: Grand Shurikan Gauntlet
    Description: This is a gauntlet fitted to Taichi's right arm, and easily unlatches by latches on the side. It has plating that covers the forearm and the hand, and also has a couple other more interesting features.
    Abilities: This gauntlet has two seals on it; one is on an extruding circular piece, and the other on the wrist of the gauntlet. The first of the two is a strange one, and actually is made so that it always has one object in it, and will switch an object in as it brings one out. connected to the circular piece the seal is a sheath-like thing that houses a blade, this blade is normally folded back, meaning that the blade it self is symmetrical and split down the center, spinning around the center piece and locking together forward for use in combat. This also has metal plating in each side of the blade, so that the user can keep the metal plating connected, but the blade will return to the sheath, leaving a shield of sorts on the fore arm. when the seal is used to switch that out, it is replaced by a smaller version of what resembles a windmill shurikan, and the sheath is replaced by a wire feeder that feeds wire through the palm of the gauntlet and into a piece in the middle of the ring of the small windmill shurikan. This blade, unlike its counterpart, can be launched from the gauntlet then controlled via the wire (pull back and small course changes). Another part of this gauntlet is the seal on the wrist, usage of this will call forth the 'Grand Shurikan' as named by Taichi. It also has a hole on the palm of the armored glove that allows Taichi to use his bloodline in conjunction with it. (Side note: There is also a thin wire feeder above the seal that connects a wire to the center of the handle for returning it.)
    Story: once there was a great weapon designer and creator that lived in the mountains, and ore rich areas. He supposedly couldn't be found by anyone, though there were rumored sightings of him here and there, though none of them substantiated. Taichi decided one day to look for him, and set out from the sand village on a trip to attempt to find the man, he traveled a few days before reaching one of the rumored places and found no one matching the description he had received, so he moved on. At the second location however he got lucky, a man that perfectly fit the description happened to be leaving the area; Taichi stopped him and asked him if he was in fact the man Taichi was looking for. the man obviously said no, but Taichi tailed him, keeping himself out of sight, and followed the man to two other locations before he headed back to him mountain home, where Taichi confronted him again, this time the man admitted to being the weapon user, he didn't want his location let out so he arranged a deal with Taichi, he would create him a custom weapon if Taichi would keep is secret, so Taichi has kept the secret to this day.

    Name: Grand Shurikan
    Description: The 'Grand Shurikan' is a large shurikan made up of four parts: four separating blades, and a center piece. the four blades, size wise, go from about Taichi's wrist to just under his armpit, and have a handle to that they can be used in regular combat apart from the center piece. The center piece has a handle that can spin freely from the rest of the center piece. It has four bladed parts that are primarily used to actually help hold in the removable blades.
    Abilities: This is used in conjunction with the 'Grand Shurikan Gauntlet' and can only be used if first summoned from that piece of equipment. This was specifically designed for Taichi. In the case of this equipment he can disconnect the main blades. the places that the blades go into the centerpiece has two points that wires from the center piece can connect to, and a pull on the wire leading back to the user’s hand can unlock the pieces.
    Story: once there was a great weapon designer and creator that lived in the mountains, and ore rich areas. He supposedly couldn't be found by anyone, though there were rumored sightings of him here and there, though none of them substantiated. Taichi decided one day to look for him, and set out from the sand village on a trip to attempt to find the man, he traveled a few days before reaching one of the rumored places and found no one matching the description he had received, so he moved on. At the second location however he got lucky, a man that perfectly fit the description happened to be leaving the area; Taichi stopped him and asked him if he was in fact the man Taichi was looking for. the man obviously said no, but Taichi tailed him, keeping himself out of sight, and followed the man to two other locations before he headed back to him mountain home, where Taichi confronted him again, this time the man admitted to being the weapon user, he didn't want his location let out so he arranged a deal with Taichi, he would create him a custom weapon if Taichi would keep is secret, so Taichi has kept the secret to this day.

Name: Taichi's boots

Description: Taichi's boots are black, and have thin metal plating covering the outside of them; they contain a gear system in the sole and heel allowing for faster movement and stops, and higher and quicker jumps. They thus give him a significant boost in taijutsu, and in... erm... avoiding conflict if necessary. These are usually not resorted to by Taichi.

Abilities: only allows for a burst of strong chakra to flow through the user, allowing jutsu and taijutsu abilities to increase

Story: Taichi was given this and a number of other items from his father who makes these kinds of items, it also has much of his fathers and his own chakra sealed into it. He also spends a lot of time sealing as much chakra into this set of armor as he can manage.

Name: Taichi's range finder

Description: a range finder that replaces his left eye. It has three different settings, one for a zoom in regular color, one in night vision, and the final one for infrared. The design is kind of odd; it looks like a black eye with a golden iris that changes size when zooming, turns red with the heat vision setting and green with the night vision setting. It also has thin splines that cover much of the left side of his face, though this is covered by his mask. It also has an earpiece built into a spline that goes over his ear, which works with a small microphone that clicks into the mask he wears, and also with special listening devices.

Abilities: zoom, night vision, heat viewing, density viewing, and a radio all in one.

Story: During the time Taichi was wandering he was thinking about his late uncle’s right eye and how it had been replaced after being torn out. Well thinking about it he had an idea, what if he was to use the same concept but incorporate his left eye into the design? He might be able to get the benefits of the rangefinder AND keep the eye traits. He found a somewhat insane doctor, and they, with the help of a few doctors were able to design and make Taichi a range finder, and, at his request, grafted a mask to his face to cover the hole in his cheek and the metal that was now covering the right side of his face.

Name: mask of the shinigami's servant

Description: this mask belonged to the demon that is sealed inside Taichi's father Tarak, this allows Taichi to see chakra auras around people, allowing him to spot people that are hiding. this also allows him to hide his own chakra presence, making it harder to detect him just through sensing chakra, although it only can reduce the sense-able chakra to that of a normal person (non-ninja) allowing him to easily hide in crowds. Its appearance is that of like a demonic skull. The mask has four separate plates, the larger part of his face including his nose forehead eyes and upper jaw are covered by one, his chin and lower jaw is covered by a second, and the back portion of each cheek (behind the joint of the jaw is covered by a small plate, the plates fit almost perfectly together when his mouth is closed, but the lower part moves with his lower jaw, and the plates are connected by a stretchy black fabric. the mask has sharp, perfectly aligned teeth, and at first glance it appears as if it has two layers of teeth, but after looking a little more closely you realize the second row of teeth are actually his own teeth, naturally sharp, and straight. The mask also has black designs focusing around the right eye. It also has seals covering the inside, and a black lens covers the eye-holes, though these actually can be pulled into the mask by pulling a tiny piece of the bone on the outer edge of the mask down, though the lenses must be out to see chakra auras.

Abilities: this mask allows the user to cloak his chakra to a certain extent, and view the presence of other's chakra.

Story: before Taichi left the village he decided to go down into the shrine that had contained the demon that was sealed into his father Tarak, and as he rummaged through the shrine he found a box with cryptic writing on it, and when he opened he saw that it contained a special half-mask. He decided to take it with him, when he left he put it on and discovered its abilities, it actually saved him from capture by the people killing his family, who wouldn’t allow any entry into the village or any exit from the village.

Name: highly explosive earrings

Description: a piece of equipment made by the tarakast clan, small black round earrings that are highly explosive, activated just like explosive tags, has five times the strength of an explosive tag. Many members carry a number of them in just the bead form as well as in their ears, worn in the ears to allow the proper chakra to easily be applied before use.

Abilities: high impact explosive (N/A)

Story: this is a common piece of rateco-nin equipment, and can easily be used as an effective explosive. These were first developed in an attempt to catch up with and surpass the mainland nin world, they were first extremely volatile, but over time the village was able to improve them to be completely harmless until activated by the nin using it. Taichi was given these and instructed on how to use them as part of his Rateco ninja acceptance, when he got his headband and first proper set of ninja gear. Since he has learned to make them.

Last edited by Tarak on Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:49 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Taichi's equipment Empty Re: Taichi's equipment

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:27 pm

Seen this shiznit before its all good. Approved

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Taichi's equipment Empty Re: Taichi's equipment

Post by Kenshi Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:09 am

Approved, but I need another approval from a mod, preferably Aki.


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Taichi's equipment Empty Re: Taichi's equipment

Post by Aki Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:15 pm

Mmmk... some questions before I approve or whatever.

Name: Tarak's chest armor
Name: Taichi's scythe
Name: Taichi's gauntlets
Name: Taichi's boots
Only one question about the abilities, is this throughout a whole battle, or only for a limited number of posts with a cool down?

Name: Taichi's left gauntlet attachment
Name: Grand Shurikan Gauntlet
Name: Taichi's range finder
What is the maximum range of these items?

Name: mask of the shinigami's servant
What is the maximum range? Also, if you were to glance at a particularly strong person, would there be any side affects? And, what if it were a particularly weak person?

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Taichi's equipment Empty Re: Taichi's equipment

Post by Tarak Tue Jun 23, 2009 2:53 pm

There is no set post limit, but I only use that when I absolutely need it as, though it can help me heal some wounds, after a while it starts to literally cook me. I'd never use them an entire battle, as I'd die. I don't even use them that often, and when I do it's usually just enough to strengthen one arm for a few posts, or to help when I'm running low on chakra, like if I believe the fight can end or I want to run away.

Okay, the range finder... well it's a range finger, it's meant to zoom in, like controllable binoculars, it's long range viewing. The mask, that's shorter range, as after a bit all the chakra just blends in, also slightly depends in the environment. The gauntlet attachment for the left arm, the kunai can go out a medium distance, like 20' or so, and the same for the right arm attachment's miniature windmill shuriken. and the grand shuriken, well that can go really as far as I can throw it, but I'll usually stop it at 25' or so before pulling it back.


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Taichi's equipment Empty Re: Taichi's equipment

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:13 pm

Trust me when i say this it comes from expirence with tarak that he knows when and when not to use these. He is very fair about this and is very very good to not abusing it. Really the only few times i've seen him use the cloak and stuff is when he was fighting me.

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Taichi's equipment Empty Re: Taichi's equipment

Post by Tarak Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:47 pm

ya, and even then it was practically a draw.


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Taichi's equipment Empty Re: Taichi's equipment

Post by Aki Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:56 pm

Mmk approved. And you don't have to start all of that... I know, I just couldn't help but wonder you know?

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Taichi's equipment Empty Re: Taichi's equipment

Post by Tarak Tue Jun 23, 2009 4:20 pm

I understand, thanks


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