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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:18 pm

A kid sat in his chair his head hanging back his silver hair covering up his right eye. He listened to the examiner but not really he knew the deal of the exams already. He placed his hand on the desk and looked down at the paper that was thrown in front of him. He looked down at all the questions just wondering how to go along this.

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fightning that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

While he did that many of the Students around him began working. Shiko being in the front row would have a hard time cheating his way through this test but he had his ways. He put his head againts the desk and thought. While he did so under the desk he placed his hands in a focusing seal. He activated his byakugan his hair covering the hideous veins bulging from his face he sighed as he closed his left eye bringing his head up.

He used his byakugan's vision to look behind him searching through the other students ansewers. This test was going to be easy as he found a kid speeding through the exams. Shiko picked up his pencil and began writing.

Ansewer #1:

The five basic elements are:

Fire (火, Hi),
Wind (風, Kaze),
Lightning (雷, Kaminari),
Earth (土, Tsuchi),
Water (水, Mizu).

The weakness/ strengths goes as follows:

The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than another.
Fire is strong against Wind, but weak against Water
Wind is strong against Lightning, but weak against Fire
Lightning is strong against Earth, but weak against Wind
Earth is strong against Water, but weak against Lightning
Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth

Explanation of above:

Basically this means that if an elemental jutsu is put against an elemental jutsu of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the stronger natured jutsu will prevail. However, a weaker natured jutsu can overpower a stronger natured jutsu if the weaker natured jutsu is of a higher level.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to use chakra and mold something such as existing water and or fire into a shape. Its also shown in the rasengan how Naruto created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity for well anything.

ooc: Yosh What the freik is shape manipulation i googled it and everything

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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Lee Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:07 pm

Klano sat in the very back, on the far left hand side. A scary looking man with a white bandage across his head, only revealing one huge eye, stood right next to Klano. He seemed to stare at Klano since he had sat down. Klano looked at his paper. No cheating here I suppose, thought Klano as he stared down at his paper. He had only an average intelligence, but he knew the answer to this question:

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplifed with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilizes a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

Klano began to write:

"In battle, Taijutsu is used to cause physical damage to an opponent through hand to hand combat. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of kunai, adding the slicing effect. The eight gates are known as the limits to a persons chakra, when you release certain gates, you our releasing your body's inner chakra. While the fifth gate is opened, the speed and power of that user will increase. The user's skin will turn red, and muscle tendons will tear."

This is all that Klano remembered of this subject, so he continued reading down the questions, Hmm, number 6 Klano thought.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Tarak Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:52 pm

Taichi Draq had entered this expecting really hard questions and no chance of cheating, but as he entered the room he looked around and immediately chose a seat on the right half of the room two thirds of the way back. He was a strategic thinker, and knew this would be the least likely place to look for cheaters, as most would either sit either in the back, or near the front trying to avoid suspicion, and being on the right actually would keep him out of the examinees gaze, as they would most likely look on the left side of the room, or their right, both being the left side of the room.

as Taichi received the test he glanced over it and thought, "Wow, this is gonna be easy." He then sighed and picked up his pencil, getting through the first three questions no problem, though when he got to the fourth and fifth questions he had most of it, but there were bits and pieces he couldn't remember. He thought for a minute and gave up, he had decided to help himself through 'borrowed movement' as he sometimes jokingly called it. He made his clans single handed focusing self under his desk in his sleeve, and used the dark lenses of his mask to hide the change of his eye, he then looked around for someone on the same problem that he could clearly see. He then picked up on the movements of their hand as they wrote and copied the movements with his own hand onto an extra piece of paper and pulled the information he needed from it to write his own answer.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are two of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza. Zabuza was defeated and killed by konoha nin, and ex-ANBU operative Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai, also of Konoha gakure.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, And the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the decendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

As he re-read through his answer he smirked slightly and played with the pencil in his hand, He like his answer and so he moved on.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:35 pm

Shiko wrote down his ansewers then thought for a moment He deactivated his byakugan resting for a moment as he thought about number 3. However he was to lazy to truely think so he just resorted to cheating yet again. He placed his head onto the table activating his byakugan. He found Taichi who was supposed to be a genious.

He slowly copied down taichi's ansewers. It had been 25 mins and they already had been doing alot. They had another 2 hours and 15 mins. Plenty of time to finish this baby.

ansewers wrote:
Ansewer #1:

The five basic elements are:

Fire (火, Hi),
Wind (風, Kaze),
Lightning (雷, Kaminari),
Earth (土, Tsuchi),
Water (水, Mizu).

The weakness/ strengths goes as follows:

The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than another.
Fire is strong against Wind, but weak against Water
Wind is strong against Lightning, but weak against Fire
Lightning is strong against Earth, but weak against Wind
Earth is strong against Water, but weak against Lightning
Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth

Explanation of above:

Basically this means that if an elemental jutsu is put against an elemental jutsu of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the stronger natured jutsu will prevail. However, a weaker natured jutsu can overpower a stronger natured jutsu if the weaker natured jutsu is of a higher level.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to use chakra and mold something such as existing water and or fire into a shape. Its also shown in the rasengan how Naruto created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity for well anything.

Ansewer #2 : "In battle, Taijutsu is used to cause physical damage to an opponent through hand to hand combat. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of kunai, adding the slicing effect. The eight gates are known as the limits to a persons chakra, when you release certain gates, you our releasing your body's inner chakra. While the fifth gate is opened, the speed and power of that user will increase. The user's skin will turn red, and muscle tendons will tear."

Ansewer #3: The use of genjutsu is to tire out your opponent before any true physical combat is made. It can be used in a dreamlike state or even in reality making them walk in circles for hours on straight never getting anywhere.

To fight a uchiha i belive a basic trap affect would work best place 5 explosion notes down in a area with a single one in the center and cause themselves to weakens themselves while trying to get you. Then when there tired and weak spring the trap causing them to be blown away while in there.

The easiest way for a uchiha to cas a genjutsu without moving or using there eyes would be the technigue of
~Utakata - Ephemeral

Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes, a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

Ansewer #4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are two of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza. Zabuza was defeated and killed by konoha nin, and ex-ANBU operative Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai, also of Konohagakure.

Ansewer #5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, And the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the decendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

Shiko then after writing this down remebered the code he was supposed to relay to Klano. He then began to beat his pencil with a ~Thud Thud Tap Tap Thud Tap~ The code continued for sometime after that and when he was finished he placed his head down on the table. He deactivated his byakugan waiting for Taichi to finish.

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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Lee Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:45 pm

As Klano pondered the sixth question, he heard a series of pencil based noises. "There's the signal" Klano whispered under his breathThud thud, tap tap, thud, tap, tap tap.. Klano raced to copy down the answers he was receiving through Shiko.

Ansewer #1:

The five basic elements are:

Fire (火, Hi),
Wind (風, Kaze),
Lightning (雷, Kaminari),
Earth (土, Tsuchi),
Water (水, Mizu).

The weakness/ strengths goes as follows:

The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than another.
Fire is strong against Wind, but weak against Water
Wind is strong against Lightning, but weak against Fire
Lightning is strong against Earth, but weak against Wind
Earth is strong against Water, but weak against Lightning
Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth

Explanation of above:

Basically this means that if an elemental jutsu is put against an elemental jutsu of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the stronger natured jutsu will prevail. However, a weaker natured jutsu can overpower a stronger natured jutsu if the weaker natured jutsu is of a higher level.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to use chakra and mold something such as existing water and or fire into a shape. Its also shown in the rasengan how Naruto created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity for well anything.

Ansewer #2 : "In battle, Taijutsu is used to cause physical damage to an opponent through hand to hand combat. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of kunai, adding the slicing effect. The eight gates are known as the limits to a persons chakra, when you release certain gates, you our releasing your body's inner chakra. While the fifth gate is opened, the speed and power of that user will increase. The user's skin will turn red, and muscle tendons will tear."

Ansewer #3: The use of genjutsu is to tire out your opponent before any true physical combat is made. It can be used in a dreamlike state or even in reality making them walk in circles for hours on straight never getting anywhere.

To fight a uchiha i belive a basic trap affect would work best place 5 explosion notes down in a area with a single one in the center and cause themselves to weakens themselves while trying to get you. Then when there tired and weak spring the trap causing them to be blown away while in there.

The easiest way for a uchiha to cas a genjutsu without moving or using there eyes would be the technigue of
~Utakata - Ephemeral

Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes, a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

Ansewer #4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are two of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza. Zabuza was defeated and killed by konoha nin, and ex-ANBU operative Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai, also of Konohagakure.

Ansewer #5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, And the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the decendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

Answer #6.Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

The second to oldest village in the ninja world would be Sunagakure. Sandaime Kazekage was murdered by Sasori and made into one of his puppets.

Klano awaited the rest of the answers. He quickly glanced at the person watching him. It seemed as if he had not realized what had took place. Klano held his chin in his palm, anxiously awaiting the rest of the answers


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Tarak Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:11 pm

Taichi stretched slightly and sighed, this test was so boring. He was just about done, and figured it couldn't hurt to take a break. But then his eye caught his teammate, and he had an annoyed look on his face. 'So impatient,' Taichi thought, 'I suppose I may as well just finish and get it over with...' Taichi spun his pencil and got back to work. After reading the next questions he thought for a minute and began to write.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

If I was on an A ranked mission to assassinate someone and I was confronted by a missing nin I'd try my hardest to avoid and lose him so I could take care of that issue later on. After my mission was complete I'd return to the area and deal with him as I would a loose end, I'd tie it up. After 'tying up' the loose end I'd return to the village with a completed mission and a missing nin to boot. The reason I'd avoid him at first would be to make sure the mission was done quickly and efficiently as planned. The reason I'd go back for him later fas for the safety of information, it was, after all, an assassination mission, and him seeing me isn't good, so I'd finish the mission quickly and return to finish him quickly.

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

If my Kage was to personally assign me an important S-rank mission to assassinate the leader of a small country, but my partner wanted to disregard the direct orders of the Kage, I'd first try to reason with him, explaining the need for stealth and why his plan would endanger us and the village more, If I couldn't reason with him I'd tell him if he goes through with his own plan I won't have his back, an if he still insists I would let him try, but make him aware he won't be welcome in the village, and will be treated as a traitor. If he still goes through with it it could give me the cover I need to finish the job, and on top of that, be telling him he will be treated as a traitor I then cover my village's liability hor his actions if he is caught. But I could not kill a teammate, though I doubt I'dd allow myself to be pt on a team with such a stubborn person as that.

He read over his final answers and smiled before looking over at his teammate, signaling he was done with the test, and now it was time for them all to finish.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:46 pm

Shilko waited about 5 mins then when he saw the smile he rolled his head yet again and performed a handsign under the desk activating his byakugan. He read Taichi's ansewers real fast and then wrote down his ansewers.

Ansewer #1:

The five basic elements are:

Fire (火, Hi),
Wind (風, Kaze),
Lightning (雷, Kaminari),
Earth (土, Tsuchi),
Water (水, Mizu).

The weakness/ strengths goes as follows:

The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than another.
Fire is strong against Wind, but weak against Water
Wind is strong against Lightning, but weak against Fire
Lightning is strong against Earth, but weak against Wind
Earth is strong against Water, but weak against Lightning
Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth

Explanation of above:

Basically this means that if an elemental jutsu is put against an elemental jutsu of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the stronger natured jutsu will prevail. However, a weaker natured jutsu can overpower a stronger natured jutsu if the weaker natured jutsu is of a higher level.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to use chakra and mold something such as existing water and or fire into a shape. Its also shown in the rasengan how Naruto created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity for well anything.

Ansewer #2 : "In battle, Taijutsu is used to cause physical damage to an opponent through hand to hand combat. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of kunai, adding the slicing effect. The eight gates are known as the limits to a persons chakra, when you release certain gates, you our releasing your body's inner chakra. While the fifth gate is opened, the speed and power of that user will increase. The user's skin will turn red, and muscle tendons will tear."

Ansewer #3: The use of genjutsu is to tire out your opponent before any true physical combat is made. It can be used in a dreamlike state or even in reality making them walk in circles for hours on straight never getting anywhere.

To fight a uchiha i belive a basic trap affect would work best place 5 explosion notes down in a area with a single one in the center and cause themselves to weakens themselves while trying to get you. Then when there tired and weak spring the trap causing them to be blown away while in there.

The easiest way for a uchiha to cas a genjutsu without moving or using there eyes would be the technigue of
~Utakata - Ephemeral

Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes, a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

Ansewer #4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage(not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are two of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza. Zabuza was defeated and killed by konoha nin, and ex-ANBU operative Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai, also of Konohagakure.

Ansewer #5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, And the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the decendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

Answer #6.Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

The second to oldest village in the ninja world would be Sunagakure. Sandaime Kazekage was murdered by Sasori and made into one of his puppets.

Ansewer #7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

If he was injured i I would personally carry him to the village and put him under a jutsu to mask his apperance removing his headband and such and hiding it in the forest far away. I would then take him to a doctor and have him healed while i finished the stealth mission then i could carry him back when i finished. Its my philosophy to never leave a man behind when not dead.

If he went crazy i would be forced to restrain him by tying him up and gaging him and throwing him into the forest and pick him up on my way out. Or I would use restraints of some sort or a drug to knock him out for the time needed.

You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

If I was on an A ranked mission to assassinate someone and I was confronted by a missing nin I'd try my hardest to avoid and lose him so I could take care of that issue later on. After my mission was complete I'd return to the area and deal with him as I would a loose end, I'd tie it up. After 'tying up' the loose end I'd return to the village with a completed mission and a missing nin to boot. The reason I'd avoid him at first would be to make sure the mission was done quickly and efficiently as planned. The reason I'd go back for him later fas for the safety of information, it was, after all, an assassination mission, and him seeing me isn't good, so I'd finish the mission quickly and return to finish him quickly.

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

If my Kage was to personally assign me an important S-rank mission to assassinate the leader of a small country, but my partner wanted to disregard the direct orders of the Kage, I'd first try to reason with him, explaining the need for stealth and why his plan would endanger us and the village more, If I couldn't reason with him I'd tell him if he goes through with his own plan I won't have his back, an if he still insists I would let him try, but make him aware he won't be welcome in the village, and will be treated as a traitor. If he still goes through with it it could give me the cover I need to finish the job, and on top of that, be telling him he will be treated as a traitor I then cover my village's liability hor his actions if he is caught. But I could not kill a teammate, though I doubt I'dd allow myself to be pt on a team with such a stubborn person as that.

Shiko then relaxed as he finished his test and then he got back to work he began to beat his pencil againts the desk ...Thud thud tap tap tap thud thud tap... Shiko then finished and turned his paper over and leaned back deactivating his byakugan.

He placed his head on the desk hoping for a nap when he heard multiple THUDS of a Kunais hitting desks. He moved his head up big eyed and he looked around seeing kunai placed in the desk's around him. He then heard the proctor say "Numbers 89,98,78, Out. Numbers 75, 25, 92 out. Numbers 55, 56, 52 Out."

Shiko sighed it wasnt his team and he didnt care anymore he layed his head down and drifted to sleep still attentive just resting his mind till the final guestion....

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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Tarak Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:56 pm

Taichi sighed hearing the taps and thuds, he knew that his team would pull through and pass, he just knew it. Sitting there he decided to look over his test while they waited for the final question, he wanted to make sure he didn't miss anything. As he looked it over he made a couple small changes and called it done, now it was just waiting, and he placed the test down on the desk. It read:

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs. Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

The five basic elements are:

Fire (火, Hi),
Wind (風, Kaze),
Lightning (雷, Kaminari),
Earth (土, Tsuchi),
Water (水, Mizu).

The weakness/strengths go as follows:

The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than another.
Fire is strong against Wind, but weak against Water
Wind is strong against Lightning, but weak against Fire
Lightning is strong against Earth, but weak against Wind
Earth is strong against Water, but weak against Lightning
Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth

Explanation of above:

Basically this means that if an elemental jutsu is put against an elemental jutsu of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the stronger natured jutsu will prevail. However, a weaker natured jutsu can overpower a stronger natured jutsu if the weaker natured jutsu is of a higher level.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to mold chakra, elemental or otherwise into another shape, such as in the rasengan, how Naruto created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity.

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplified with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilize a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

"In battle, Taijutsu is used to cause physical damage to an opponent through hand to hand combat. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of kunai, adding the slicing effect. The eight gates are known as the limits to a persons chakra, when you release certain gates, you our releasing your body's inner chakra. While the fifth gate is opened, the speed and power of that user will increase. The user's skin will turn red, and muscle tendons will tear."

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fighting that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

The use of genjutsu is to tire out your opponent before any true physical combat is made. It can be used in a dreamlike state or even in reality making them walk in circles for hours on straight never getting anywhere.

To fight an Uchiha I believe a basic trap affect would work best place 5 explosion notes down in an area with a single one in the center and cause them to weaken themselves while trying to get you. Then when there tired and weak spring the trap causing them to be blown away while there.

The easiest way for an Uchiha to cast a genjutsu without moving or using there eyes would be the technique of
~Utakata - Ephemeral

Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes; a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage (not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are two of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza. Zabuza was defeated and killed by konoha nin, and ex-ANBU operative, Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai, also of Konohagakure.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, and the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the descendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

The second to oldest village in the ninja world is Sunagakure. Their Sandaime Kazekage was murdered by Sasori and made into one of his human puppets, though it was suspected for a long time someone else had killed him.

7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

f he was injured I would personally carry him to the village and put him under a jutsu to mask his appearance removing his headband and such and hiding it in the forest far away. I would then take him to a doctor and have him healed while I finished the stealth mission then I could carry him back when I finished. It’s my philosophy to never leave a man behind when not dead.

If he went crazy I would be forced to restrain him by tying him up and gagging him and throwing him into the forest and pick him up on my way out. Or I would use restraints of some sort or a drug to knock him out for the time needed.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

If I was on an A ranked mission to assassinate someone and I was confronted by a missing nin I'd try my hardest to avoid and lose him so I could take care of that issue later on. After my mission was complete I'd return to the area and deal with him as I would a loose end, I'd tie it up. After 'tying up' the loose end I'd return to the village with a completed mission and a missing nin to boot. The reason I'd avoid him at first would be to make sure the mission was done quickly and efficiently as planned. The reason I'd go back for him later is for the safety of information, it was, after all, an assassination mission, and him seeing me isn't good, so I'd finish the mission quickly and return to finish him quickly.

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

If my Kage was to personally assign me an important S-rank mission to assassinate the leader of a small country, but my partner wanted to disregard the direct orders of the Kage, I'd first try to reason with him, explaining the need for stealth and why his plan would endanger us and the village more, If I couldn't reason with him I'd tell him if he goes through with his own plan I won't have his back, an if he still insists I would let him try, but make him aware he won't be welcome in the village, and will be treated as a traitor. If he still goes through with it, it could give me the cover I need to finish the job, and on top of that, be telling him he will be treated as a traitor I then cover my village's liability for his actions if he is caught. But I could not kill a teammate, though I doubt I’d allow myself to be pt on a team with such a stubborn person as that.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Lee Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:08 pm

Klano heard the tap's of the pencil, quickly glancing between himself and the examiner, who still kept an eye on Klano. He copied down the answers accordingly along with the thumps and taps of the pencil.

1. Name the five elements. Explain which element beats which. Name the element that you best use, and also explain how you would defeat an element that is not weak against yours. (Example: Lightning vs. Water, Lightning doesn't beat Water and Water doesn't beat Lightning) Explain "Shape Manipulation", and how it plays into recomposing elemental jutsu.

The five basic elements are:

Fire (火, Hi),
Wind (風, Kaze),
Lightning (雷, Kaminari),
Earth (土, Tsuchi),
Water (水, Mizu).

The weakness/strengths go as follows:

The five basic natures are all connected to each other in a circle, each being weaker than one and stronger than another.
Fire is strong against Wind, but weak against Water
Wind is strong against Lightning, but weak against Fire
Lightning is strong against Earth, but weak against Wind
Earth is strong against Water, but weak against Lightning
Water is strong against Fire, but weak against Earth

Explanation of above:

Basically this means that if an elemental jutsu is put against an elemental jutsu of the same level, but of a stronger nature, then the stronger natured jutsu will prevail. However, a weaker natured jutsu can overpower a stronger natured jutsu if the weaker natured jutsu is of a higher level.

Shape Manipulation is the ability to mold chakra, elemental or otherwise into another shape, such as in the rasengan, how Naruto created a ball of pure chakra with no affinity.

2. Explain the use of taijutsu in battle. Explain how taijutsu can be amplified with ninja tools. Explain why the 8 gates utilize a great amount of chakra, but isn't considered as ninjutsu. Explain the effects of the 5th gate.

"In battle, Taijutsu is used to cause physical damage to an opponent through hand to hand combat. Taijutsu can be amplified through the use of kunai, adding the slicing effect. The eight gates are known as the limits to a persons chakra, when you release certain gates, you our releasing your body's inner chakra. While the fifth gate is opened, the speed and power of that user will increase. The user's skin will turn red, and muscle tendons will tear."

3. Explain the use of genjutsu in battle. Explain how genjutsu can be used without directly harming your opponent. Explain how you would defeat a user with the Sharingan, and provide details as in how you would go about fighting that person without using ninjutsu or taijutsu. Also explain the easiest way for a Sharingan user to cast genjutsu without his eyes, or without moving.

The use of genjutsu is to tire out your opponent before any true physical combat is made. It can be used in a dreamlike state or even in reality making them walk in circles for hours on straight never getting anywhere.

To fight an Uchiha I believe a basic trap affect would work best place 5 explosion notes down in an area with a single one in the center and cause them to weaken themselves while trying to get you. Then when there tired and weak spring the trap causing them to be blown away while there.

The easiest way for an Uchiha to cast a genjutsu without moving or using there eyes would be the technique of
~Utakata - Ephemeral

Utakata is a Genjutsu technique utilized by Akatsuki member Uchiha Itachi. Itachi will start this technique by using only one finger on his right hand. His target does not have to look into his eyes; a glance at the hand itself will be enough. Once inside the illusion, he can control the visions the ninja sees. This illusion can also be used to play on the fears of the target, causing them to see and hear those who they care about degrade them.

4. What year was Kirigakure formed? Who is said to be its Kage (not the current one here)? Name two great people from Kirigakure, and also name what country defeat those two people.

The year that Kirigakure was formed is unknown at this time, and the kage of this village is said to be a man by the name of Madara. Some of the more noteworthy people from this country are two of the ex-seven mist swordsmen, Hoshigaki Kisame and Momochi Zabuza. Zabuza was defeated and killed by konoha nin, and ex-ANBU operative, Hatake Kakashi. Kisame on the other hand is still alive, but a copy controlled by him was defeated by Maito Gai, also of Konohagakure.

5. Name the oldest village in the ninja world. What two clans helped in their uprising? Name the most important person of those two clans.

The oldest Village in the ninja world is Konoha, and the two clans that were key in its uprising were the Senju clan, and the Uchiha clan. The most important person of the Uchiha is Madara Uchiha, the first person to develop the Mangekyou Sharingan, along with his brother. The most important member of the Senju clan currently is the descendant of the clan named Tsunade, in the history of the clan however Senju Hashirama is the most important member.

6. Name the second oldest village in the ninja world. What happened to their Sandaime Kazekage?

The second to oldest village in the ninja world is Sunagakure. Their Sandaime Kazekage was murdered by Sasori and made into one of his human puppets, though it was suspected for a long time someone else had killed him.

7. If you are on a mission to obtain information from a country and your partner becomes unable to maintain stealth, what would you do? Please explain.

f he was injured I would personally carry him to the village and put him under a jutsu to mask his appearance removing his headband and such and hiding it in the forest far away. I would then take him to a doctor and have him healed while I finished the stealth mission then I could carry him back when I finished. It’s my philosophy to never leave a man behind when not dead.

If he went crazy I would be forced to restrain him by tying him up and gagging him and throwing him into the forest and pick him up on my way out. Or I would use restraints of some sort or a drug to knock him out for the time needed.

8. You're on an A Ranked mission to assassinate one person. Saving your energy and getting there on time is essential to the mission. On the way there you are confronted by missing-nin. What do you do, disregard them or fight them?

If I was on an A ranked mission to assassinate someone and I was confronted by a missing nin I'd try my hardest to avoid and lose him so I could take care of that issue later on. After my mission was complete I'd return to the area and deal with him as I would a loose end, I'd tie it up. After 'tying up' the loose end I'd return to the village with a completed mission and a missing nin to boot. The reason I'd avoid him at first would be to make sure the mission was done quickly and efficiently as planned. The reason I'd go back for him later is for the safety of information, it was, after all, an assassination mission, and him seeing me isn't good, so I'd finish the mission quickly and return to finish him quickly.

9. Your Kage personally gives you an important S Rank mission. You and your team must assassinate the leader of a small country. The objective is to get there on time, maintain stealth, and kill the person from a distance. On the way your partner has an idea to kill the person quicker and get there earlier, but that will give up stealth. The Kage gave you specific orders. The partner tries to disregard stealth, and orders. Would you kill him to complete the mission? What would you do? Please explain in detail.

If my Kage was to personally assign me an important S-rank mission to assassinate the leader of a small country, but my partner wanted to disregard the direct orders of the Kage, I'd first try to reason with him, explaining the need for stealth and why his plan would endanger us and the village more, If I couldn't reason with him I'd tell him if he goes through with his own plan I won't have his back, an if he still insists I would let him try, but make him aware he won't be welcome in the village, and will be treated as a traitor. If he still goes through with it, it could give me the cover I need to finish the job, and on top of that, be telling him he will be treated as a traitor I then cover my village's liability for his actions if he is caught. But I could not kill a teammate, though I doubt I’d allow myself to be pt on a team with such a stubborn person as that.

Klano looked at the test, and turned it over, so noone else could copy him. Pencil still in hand, he jokingly tapped it a few times, attempting to code out the word's: "Thanks for the help guys." He then put his pencil down and tried to catch some sleep for the rest of the testing hours.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kenshi Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:47 pm

Yoshimo walked in the door checking on the genin that were taking the exams. It seemed as if though three of them were already done. The looks on their faces, and their papers turned over, and roaming eyes. They weren't trying to cheat, they were just done. He looked at them, they were all from Takigakure. Takigakure must have had some great cheaters or smart individuals. He looked over at them, and smiled.

"If you are done follow me into the next room. Give me your test, and if you make a word was you walk by to anyone else, I'll kill you myself. Keep your eyes on me."

Yoshimo waited for them to get up. He knew that most of them would be done early, and he didn't want to make them wait for the others. Also, by getting rid people that were done, they could cut down on the cheaters, and make it harder on everyone.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Tarak Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:03 pm

As the man walked over and spoke Taichi listened intently, nodding. Then as he began to move Taichi stood and slid the paper from his desk, folding it and handing it to him. As they left the room the front of Taichi's boot hit a tile that was popped up on the floor, he then almost fell over. However, he caught himself on a girl's desk, and as he pushed himself away. He muttered under his breath a small sorry, but he quickly rescinded it, as his eye caught the paper on the desk. It was word for word his answers, and then he gritted his teeth and looked, angered, at Shiko, through his glare letting him know that she had copied him. Action had to be taken, but they couldn't risk being kicked out of the exams.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:12 pm

Shiko nodded as the Raikage spoke he got up putting his paper in his pocket, but he was blocked by a very well large kid and had to go all the way around thats when he saw taichi's look. This made him angry and he already had a way to get rid of this offense. He walked down the girls aisle and directly in front of her desk he fell to the ground.

His hand hit the desk and grabbed the paper taking it with him. His body vibrated and he brought the paper to his mouth and coughed weezed and hacked the paper turning a very well sticky and dark red color. His body stopped and Shiko slowly got up placing the paper on the desk he read the name it read ~Kirin Ranmaru~ He smirked at the girl getting up his face turned a sickly pale to keep up the act. All the students eyes had been on him. He regained his composure placing his hands behind his back one hand the middle finger out towards the girl. He then grabbed his paper out and handed it to the raikage.

He then exited the room and looked at Taichi he gave him a smile and a thumbs up saying job well done.

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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kenshi Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:22 pm

Yoshimo watched the boy had an accident. Boy he must have been nervous, or trying to get back at someone. Either way, there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't catch the girl or the child cheating, so he would have to give the girl a new test. He got a new paper from the head desk, and made his way through the desks untill he got to her table. He gave her a new test and pen.

"Sorry, I guess you can take it again, I hope you remember your answers. Again, gomen."

Yoshimo walked the boy out of the room along with his friend. They were still waiting, and he was anxious to get to the 10th question.

Last edited by Yoshimo Izoto on Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Lee Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:46 pm

Klano Kangai had still been sound asleep on his desk while the examinor had told them to hand their test's in. He awoke to the sound of Shiko choking. He sat and watched, and then he saw his two teamates, Shiko and Taichi, leave with the Raikage. Damnit, I guess we're the first ones done, thought Klano as he folded up his test and got up from his desk quickly.

As he walked quickly to catch up with his teamates, he caught the glance of a very angry girl, then quickly turned away remembering not to look at the other genin. Klano met up with the Raikage outside of the door, and handed him the test. He bowed and then glanced over at Shiko, who looked a litle paler then usual.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kenshi Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:51 pm

Yoshimo looks at the genin in front of him and quickly sifts through their test. Since he was the one that created the test, he already knew the answers, and were able to quickly tell if they'd got them correct. He eyes the papers, reading that every single one of them were correct. It took him a little bit of time to read the free response, but they'd answered correctly. They were smart after all. Yoshimo looked up at his genin that were in the crowd. They were still working on their exams, but it was ok. He knew they pass.

Yoshimo stamped their papers and showed it to them.



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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Tarak Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:15 pm

Taichi nodded and placed a hand on Shiko's back, saying, "come on, lets go." Klano was close behind and following along as they approached the room. Taichi wasn't sure what to expect, but he was sure that it would be interesting. as the walked they didn't speak at all, just walked. As they finally arrived at the room Taichi opened the door and brought Shiko in, Klano right behind them.

Suddenly Taichi blurted something out: "So what's next? Hopefully something more exiting than THAT, eh?." He simply waited for what ever was going to happen.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kenshi Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:25 pm

A light swung back and forth in the dark musty room. There were three chairs, which each genin sat themselves in. The room echo'd from the creaking light above, and the darkness filled the vast room. For all they knew, the room could be endless in size, or it could be the smallest room in the building. None of them knew. The darkness shadowed the room, and that single light shone in front of them, creaking back and forth from some unknown distace above.

"Dakara maro saisoku za dai Chuunin....I'll put that to the test."

The light swung back, and all they could see was darkness. The suspense had to be killing them, and the voice was coming from everywhere, but no where at the same time. The light began its descent back down, and stopped, revealing Yoshimo to be right over them, in surprise. He watched them jump back in fear.

"Hehehe...some Chuunin you are. Here's the rules. I don't want any of you to move. I don't care what happens....I want to test your chi-muwa-ku...So if you break the rules, you'll see what will happen. You b*tches got it?"

Yoshimo had to piss them off, and get there blood flowing. Riling them up like this would force them to make rash decisions, and rash decisions were made by shinobi every day.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:34 pm

Shiko sat in the chair he had coughed up to much blood and now he was weak. When he heard the voice he activated his byakugan and found it just to be Raikgae-sama. He waited and continued to sit waiting he wouldnt move he was ready for just about anything even torture.

He had heard rumors of a 10th guestion that 8 shinobi had died from the previous year. He shook it off untill now calling those shinboi weak and worthless scum. Now he was faced with a unknown challnege and all the rumors and doubt came back to him.

The slaughtering of 2 genin teams by a single man because they supposidly moved. The pictures he saw were obviously fake but they seemed to be real now that his vision was clouded by fear. He waited and waited his heart beating. He kept swallowing and trying to fight off a blood attack.

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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Tarak Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:48 pm

Taichi sat there listening to the voice, he had been in situations similar to this in his past, and decided to just wait and see how it played out. The light was annoying him, and he debated standing up and stopping it's movement but remained seated. He then began to lose his focus to the darkness, it almost seeming to pull him in. Then the Raikage made a startling entrance, and Taichi almost jumped out of his seat. 'Sh*t... I wasn't ready for that...' Taichi though as he regained his composure, he had to remain stronger that the man in front of him, no matter what happened. He too had heard rumors, and figured that this was part of the test, and so he prepped himself for the worst.

As the man finished speaking Taichi muttered, "Understood, sir," and followed it with, "so what happens now?" He knew it wasn't his place to question, but if he could overcome the man mentally he could still come out of this tougher, however damaged.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kenshi Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:55 pm

Yoshimo didn't even give them time to speak. His movements went undetected and suddenly Shiko was gone from his seat. Without sound or direction, it was as if he'd vanished along with Yoshimo. It would probably be a while before anyone of them found out that he was gone, but Yoshimo would give that away soon. He held Shiko by the neck, his back pressed up against his chest. He had his arm around his neck tight, tight enough for him to not scream, and loose enough for him to breathe. Yoshimo held a kunai at his chest and began to slowly press down. He wouldn't bleed, but the Pain would be immense. He spoke, letting the horrible acoustics of the room make his position intracable.

"Will you follow the rules or will you save your friend? What will you do? You wish to be Chuunin don't you, will you be a Chuunin, or let your friend die? Just know that every minute you waist making a decision the more I press down my kunai on your friends chest..."

Yoshimo smiled as he drug Shiko around the room. His legs were kicking on the ground, but the acoustics of the room made it sound like they were all around. He would keep Shiko like this. Shiko could see his friends along with Yoshimo, but they couldn't see them.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Tarak Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:24 pm

Taichi's eyes widened as Shiko and Yoshimo disappeared. Taichi was worried now, he didn't like the situation one bit and hearing what Yoshimo said Taichi panicked, he immediately activated his doujutsu, immediately seeing the bones of the man and his teammate, he then grabbed the chair that he had been sitting in a broke off the leg before throwing it into the wall behind them and rushing forward. though he was being rash and ignoring the rules, he considered this boys life priority over becoming a Chunin, and as such he quickly realized that alone he had no chance, so he backed up into the light, and looked at Klano.

"We have to do whatever it takes to get him back... we have one goodshot, you ready?"

after receiving confirmation from Klano Taichi grabbed the chair and quickly slung it on the light in just such a way to reveal Yoshimo's position, and immediately rushed at him, swinging his fist at the kage's thought


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Lee Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:44 pm

"We have to do whatever it takes to get him back... we have one goodshot, you ready?"

After hearing this, Klano nodded his head, comfirming his readiness. Klano definetely thought of somebody's life to be over achieving a rank increase. He could see that Taichi was ready to attack. As he charged at the Raikage, Klano formed a few hand seal, feeling the presence of roots under the building. Klano wanted to make sure that Taichi could land this punch. Roots began to emerge from the ground, breaking through the wooden floor. They began to entangle around the Raikage's feet, hopefully ensuring the accuracy on the next hit.

Last edited by Lee on Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:03 am; edited 1 time in total


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:49 pm

Shiko was entangled his mouth was open and blood spurted from his mouth. He saw his teamates charge and saw the roots come up as he still had his byakugan activated. Shiko smirked as he brought his right leg up into the air and then shot it back aiming for yoshimo's most precious area of intrest.

Shiko knew that this would be enough of a dristraction for Klano's roots to catch him and let Taichi make a hit.

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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Kenshi Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:30 pm

Yoshimo stopped, and let the boy slump to the ground. He stuck his hands in his pockets and smiled, looking at the on coming genin. Even if they would have hit him, he would have been fine, nonetheless. Using his speed again, the small *patter* of his feet as his image vanished from its previous location, leaving the genin attacking open space. He turned around and walked out of the door, casting light into the room. He walked out, leaving the door open, but his voice could be heard.

"Rest up, and get ready for the fights. You've answered the 10th question correctly."


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

Post by Tarak Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:06 pm

As Taichi rushed forward many thoughts went through his head, but all of them focused on retrieving Shiko. He then suddenly saw the bones and body of Yoshimo blur to the side, and he stopped and turned only to see the door reappear as it opened. Taichi then head his voice, they had passed, at first Taichi was focused on that, celebrating in his head, but then Shiko's condition flashed back into Taichi's head, they needed to have him tended to. He immediately got Shiko up and tried to convince him to see a medical nin, and started heading towards medical help.

After resolving that Taichi would go back to his room and sleep till the next portion of the test, as it would only get harder from here

OOC: Yay for completion of part one! ... That was the easy part though so... ya.


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Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me)) Empty Re: Team Taki (Klano Kangai(lee) ,Taichi Draq (Tarak),Shiko Helix (me))

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